CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #14

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There was a discussion about it on here a thread or two back. I am trying to find the link now for you or pray someone else knows exactly where it was. I know that at least I saw continuing searches as a sign that not everything was found, but I guess they could be looking for something else or more evidence?

So is the feeling now that her entire body was found? That is somewhat new to me and must have been buried under all the cross talk.

Police found a body. The body was not intact, but it was never reported that anything was missing.
Is it possible that LE has in their possession whatever was attached to the cross but hasn't released that information to help weed out tips? Say it was a part of a rosary or a necklace that broke, wouldn't it help them narrow down false leads if they kept that information confidential?
Do any locals know if there is a website(s) that may have archived pictures of past Westminster or Arvada city events?? I've looked at the City of Westminster website and I don't see anything like a photo gallery. I'm curious if there are pictures from past public events like carnivals, races, Oktoberfests, etc. etc. TIA :)
Intensive searches continued for several days after the "not intact" body was found.

Were those searches primarily confined to the area where her body was found? Could those searches have resulted in the discovery of the small carved jewelry piece?
This did occur during Hebrew holidays.
Don't all (body) parts have to be buried in Hebrew faith?

I think this I individual may be trying to make this about them, their past. Trying to link some religious significance to it. They think they are an integral part to a sacred plan.
They do not see themselves as we do.

totally agree. and so we can never figure out his plan.
BUT, one thing I know - this stuff means something to him. it is not random. not coincidence.
Do we know if he has light, medium or dark brown hair?
Is there an approximate weight?

The mother of the kids says he fit the description from the female attempted abduction.

copied this from carbuff's post a couple pages back

• Light skinned male
• 18-35 (or someone who’s appearance with a ball cap may look that age)
• Brown hair
• Medium build
• 5’06” to 5’08” (Height can vary above or below these approximations)
Do any locals know if there is a website(s) that may have archived pictures of past Westminster or Arvada city events?? I've looked at the City of Westminster website and I don't see anything like a photo gallery. I'm curious if there are pictures from past public events like carnivals, races, Oktoberfests, etc. etc. TIA :)

Possibly on Facebook. I know that Arvada's farmers market page had some pics posted from Oktoberfest and the harvest festival.
The police are not telling us and it appears will continue to not tell us how that cross was found, the exact circumstances of how or where it was found, and what else, if anything else, was found.

Trying to figure out the logistics and placement of that item at a crime scene is pretty futile because yes, anything is possible, but no one here knows or will know until that info eventually comes out.

Police aren't asking the public to figure out where the cross was found or how it was found or what it might mean or what the marks might mean. They are seeking assistance of anyone (i.e. a witness) who saw a light-skinned male, approximately 5'6 - 5'8 with brown hair who had, wore, or possessed such an item and/or knows of a local place of business in which such an item was sold in the Denver, CO area.
Which is exactly the reason I'd be afraid for my kids, if I were local and concerned that this freak was looking for something to help "select" his next victim. Paranoid? Maybe... but I've gotten way more cautious with all kinds of things such as what I post here and when, FB settings and posts, etc. since reading here.

I actually bought a remote tracking device for my DD today. If she were older, I'd have bought the gps tracking cell phone with panic button.
Do any locals know if there is a website(s) that may have archived pictures of past Westminster or Arvada city events?? I've looked at the City of Westminster website and I don't see anything like a photo gallery. I'm curious if there are pictures from past public events like carnivals, races, Oktoberfests, etc. etc. TIA :)

Do you think you can find the person who wears that particular cross?
They did do some more searches. I don't know if anything was found-they didn't announce that. And just to clarify, I was following the Kayla Chadwick case, and IMHO the bf has something to do with her disappearance. The last thing I read about her made it sound like LE thought she may have relocated. Which is BS, but I never heard anyone connect her disappearance with Jessica's murder. Not that this means anything, I'm not obsessed with her case like I am this one lol I really think Kim Remmel may be a victim of this guy, though. Kim was known to hang out at White Ranch OPEN SPACE Park, which is really close to where they found Jess. And Amy Ahonen's vehicle was found only about 17 miles west of Pattridge Park.
I saw a picture of a culvert in some posted by the media, and it looked like the culvert was completely untouched. There were no flags in it, and there was dirt that looked undisturbed. I don't think Jess was ever in it. Again, it was reported by the media that he went under the fence and I have no reason to doubt this. I am going to believe their sources on this.
ok, about the tree near where Jessica was found, and my line of thinking with the religion. Catholics have something called the Jesse Tree. I also am thinking abt the Tree of Life ([ame=""]Tree of life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]).

but, here ya go -
"A shoot will sprout from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit" (Isaiah 11:1)."
Has someone figured out the location of the middle of the triangle?

Not sure, but I will try and work on it today but probably wont get to it until later tonight I have a bunch of housework today, I shouldnt even be on right now ! lol.....

his triangle is not isosceles. It is, as another poster pointed out, the exact dimensions of the triangle that forms one leg of a pentagram/pentacle.
the center of this triangle is smack in the middle of Colorado Hills open space.
He may be at the pinnacle or center of the whole pentagram/pentacle. we don't know if it's inverted or not, tho.

using my own rationale, Alpha Ct could be the pinnacle of the pentagram. but that would mean he lives right there.

but I don't know of the pinnacle is more powerful. could be he's in the middle of it.

a_rod_777 had several good posts, images related to this.

Can't link because I'm on my phone.... *_*

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Quoting meself...

a_rod_777's images regarding the triangulation of the crime scenes were deleted. Do the mods save these in a folder and if so, can it be posted now? I've sent a message to a_rod_777 asking them to come back and post them again since we can discuss the topic.

We owe a big thanks to Reannan post #975 she had saved a_rod_777's pentacle image. I am simply linking to her image. Thanks Reannan,for having the foresight to save the image.

This is a reply to all the posters i have quoted above. Since the mod's are OK with a_rod_777's original reply....I will post my unedited screen shot of a_rod_ 777's post saved from my iPad message pad. I hope this helps. The links to his images in this post do not work. But,at least it is his orginal post it's fact i have all of his post saved if you want me to repost any. If this is not useful..I would request the mod's to delete. MOO
Originally Posted by a_rod_777*
Hello all. I am new here and I have not had time to read through all the posts regarding Jessica so if this is redundant I apologize.

i have read some posts by Zola who seemed to be on the same line of thought I am. I have also noted that Zola lives in Westminster CO as do I therefore we share alot of the same knowledge of the surrounding area.

The place where Jessica was found is surrounded by urban legends as some have pointed out. I have personally been to that very sight when I was in my younger years. We would take girls there and try and scare them... juvenile no doubt but thats what young teens do. The old structure next to where Jessica's body was found had recently been used in satanic rituals as there was old animal bones arranged in patterns, red candles and pentagrams spray painted on the walls. There were also heavy rumours about satanic activity about the place. Granted this was 15-20 years ago but it sounds like not much has changed.

Zola made mention in a thread regarding the search for Jessica (before she was found) about the placement of certain clues. It has occured to many of us that whoever did this WANTED the backpack and the body to be found as can be deduced by the way they were discarded. This is also classic ritualistic behavior. Whoever did this also had a working knowledge of the area and the urban legens and may have even practiced satanic rituals at the site. With this in mind I noticed that the spot where Jessica was kidnapped, the place where her backpack was found and the place where her body was found form a triangle. Occult practitioners often create symbols on large pieces of land using landmarks. Think of the way Washington DC is laid out. If you are unaware of the occult properties in the streets of Washington DC a quick internet search will yield results. With this knowledge in mind I took the map of Arvada and marked out the 3 points of interest in this case (backpack, body and abduction point). To my surprise the triangle was too perfect to be coincedence or at least the odds of this occuring by accident are pretty slim in my opinion. The reason being has to do with the ratio PHI and this triangle is in perfect PHI proportion... it is the leg of a pentagram. The pentagram is the perfect representation of the concept of PHI, a mathmatical ratio found in nature in everything from the way plants grow leaves to the arms of our galaxy. Freemasons who worship the "Great Architect Of The Universe" or "GAOTU" claim that this "Architect" utilizes the ratio PHI to create the reality we live in and that is why we find it on the micro as well as the macro level. Satanic/Pagan/Wiccan beliefs are VERy similar. They claim this knowledge to originate in Ancient Summeria, one of if not thee oldest civilization known to man but that is another story. This is why the Pentacle is so important to cults and secret societies, because it represents this ratio.

Back to the map...*

In this image I have, marked with a red dot the three points where the body was found (bottom left dot), where the backpack was found (top left dot) and where the abduction took place (right dot). See the triangle?

That's when I noticed it was too perfect. It looked like the leg of a pentagram which led me to overlaying the pentagram on top of the map and lo and behold it matched perfectly to the leg of the pentagram or "pentacle" as it is called by occultists.

It is my proposition that this was no accident and this crime may have been perpetrated by a cult of some type and the murderer may not have acted alone. This may very well be tied to the 2012 solar alignment and or the upcoming Halloween holiday known as Samhain to Witches. This day marks when the darkness officially takes over the light (nights become longer than day). It is also my proposal that the perpetrator(s) were very familiar with the area and are using landmarks, violent acts and clues to draw out symbols over the land in a ritualistic fashion, which is why the backpack was found standing on this corner as if purposely set there for someone to find WITH Jessica's water bottle and name. Further more the rest of the points of the pentacle may hold clues to the perpetrator(s) and there ritual and possibly even a spot of a future attack. Maybe even on Halloween night.*

I have laid out one more diagram which utilizes more of the PHI ratio. You will see the pentagram contained in this diagram but also other geometric shapes that not only correspond with the PHI ratio but also create other occult symbols such as the pentagon and the golden egg among others.
It is also interesting to note that the triangel in the middle of the pentagram, just above the spot where Jessica was abducted (right red dot) encompasses the Rocky Mountain Airport.

This is all I have for now as I do not have the time to study this case in depth but I believe this to be too coincedental to be ignored. After reading Zola's posts I realized I wasn't the only one thinking along these lines and I was inspired to post. Perhaps this information can help prevent a future attack or lead to the killer(s). Again I am sorry for not readinig all the posts on this site before posting, there is just too many to sift through so I hope I am not being too redundant. I felt time was of the essence and I wanted to get this info out so people can work on it further.

Thoughts? Does anybody think this to be important enough to forward to Westminster Police?
This perp seems to be taunting, game playing, and clever(at least in his own mind).
Probably unlikely but the cross could be something he picked up at a garage sale and placed at the scene to throw the investigators off.

Do you think you can find the person who wears that particular cross?

That would probably be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But I'm curious to look through a variety of city event pictures. We never know what we may find :p
thanks for saving and re-posting this!

This is a reply to all the posters i have quoted above. Since the mod's are OK with a_rod_777's original reply....I will post my unedited screen shot of a_rod_ 777's post saved from my iPad message pad. I hope this helps. I do not know if the links still work to his maps. But,at least it is his orginal post it's fact i have all of his post saved if you want me to repost any. If this is not useful..I would request the mod's to delete. MOO
Originally Posted by a_rod_777*
Hello all. I am new here and I have not had time to read through all the posts regarding Jessica so if this is redundant I apologize.

i have read some posts by Zola who seemed to be on the same line of thought I am. I have also noted that Zola lives in Westminster CO as do I therefore we share alot of the same knowledge of the surrounding area.

The place where Jessica was found is surrounded by urban legends as some have pointed out. I have personally been to that very sight when I was in my younger years. We would take girls there and try and scare them... juvenile no doubt but thats what young teens do. The old structure next to where Jessica's body was found had recently been used in satanic rituals as there was old animal bones arranged in patterns, red candles and pentagrams spray painted on the walls. There were also heavy rumours about satanic activity about the place. Granted this was 15-20 years ago but it sounds like not much has changed.

Zola made mention in a thread regarding the search for Jessica (before she was found) about the placement of certain clues. It has occured to many of us that whoever did this WANTED the backpack and the body to be found as can be deduced by the way they were discarded. This is also classic ritualistic behavior. Whoever did this also had a working knowledge of the area and the urban legens and may have even practiced satanic rituals at the site. With this in mind I noticed that the spot where Jessica was kidnapped, the place where her backpack was found and the place where her body was found form a triangle. Occult practitioners often create symbols on large pieces of land using landmarks. Think of the way Washington DC is laid out. If you are unaware of the occult properties in the streets of Washington DC a quick internet search will yield results. With this knowledge in mind I took the map of Arvada and marked out the 3 points of interest in this case (backpack, body and abduction point). To my surprise the triangle was too perfect to be coincedence or at least the odds of this occuring by accident are pretty slim in my opinion. The reason being has to do with the ratio PHI and this triangle is in perfect PHI proportion... it is the leg of a pentagram. The pentagram is the perfect representation of the concept of PHI, a mathmatical ratio found in nature in everything from the way plants grow leaves to the arms of our galaxy. Freemasons who worship the "Great Architect Of The Universe" or "GAOTU" claim that this "Architect" utilizes the ratio PHI to create the reality we live in and that is why we find it on the micro as well as the macro level. Satanic/Pagan/Wiccan beliefs are VERy similar. They claim this knowledge to originate in Ancient Summeria, one of if not thee oldest civilization known to man but that is another story. This is why the Pentacle is so important to cults and secret societies, because it represents this ratio.

Back to the map...*

In this image I have, marked with a red dot the three points where the body was found (bottom left dot), where the backpack was found (top left dot) and where the abduction took place (right dot). See the triangle?

That's when I noticed it was too perfect. It looked like the leg of a pentagram which led me to overlaying the pentagram on top of the map and lo and behold it matched perfectly to the leg of the pentagram or "pentacle" as it is called by occultists.

It is my proposition that this was no accident and this crime may have been perpetrated by a cult of some type and the murderer may not have acted alone. This may very well be tied to the 2012 solar alignment and or the upcoming Halloween holiday known as Samhain to Witches. This day marks when the darkness officially takes over the light (nights become longer than day). It is also my proposal that the perpetrator(s) were very familiar with the area and are using landmarks, violent acts and clues to draw out symbols over the land in a ritualistic fashion, which is why the backpack was found standing on this corner as if purposely set there for someone to find WITH Jessica's water bottle and name. Further more the rest of the points of the pentacle may hold clues to the perpetrator(s) and there ritual and possibly even a spot of a future attack. Maybe even on Halloween night.*

I have laid out one more diagram which utilizes more of the PHI ratio. You will see the pentagram contained in this diagram but also other geometric shapes that not only correspond with the PHI ratio but also create other occult symbols such as the pentagon and the golden egg among others.
It is also interesting to note that the triangel in the middle of the pentagram, just above the spot where Jessica was abducted (right red dot) encompasses the Rocky Mountain Airport.

This is all I have for now as I do not have the time to study this case in depth but I believe this to be too coincedental to be ignored. After reading Zola's posts I realized I wasn't the only one thinking along these lines and I was inspired to post. Perhaps this information can help prevent a future attack or lead to the killer(s). Again I am sorry for not readinig all the posts on this site before posting, there is just too many to sift through so I hope I am not being too redundant. I felt time was of the essence and I wanted to get this info out so people can work on it further.

Thoughts? Does anybody think this to be important enough to forward to Westminster Police?
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