CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #16

DNA Solves
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The veil has been ripped, and we are seeing the reality that is always there, but often hidden. Life is just not safe - anywhere! Cave men, women, and children were threatened by mastodons. We are threatened by sick souls who hate anything and everything - especially if it smells of good and innocence. Serial killers, sex offenders, twisted co-workers/spouses, politicians, corrupt organizations, and E. coli 0157 in our hamburgers are threats on a daily basis. On the positive side of things, I can still buy my food at Publix (or King Soopers) instead of hunting it down. For everyone who is local in the area, be safe and be vigilant. That is something we all have to do everywhere - every day. This case is going to be solved. I guarantee it. LE has DNA, they have garbage bags, they have "places" that were comfortable enough for the perp to leave the book bag and the remains. They have people who will help them figure it out. Hopefully, they read here and get ideas when they hit road blocks. In summary, life is dangerous, and it always has been. You can't let the mastodons, or the evil-doers win... we HAVE to get out and LIVE!!! From being a Websleuths member for a long time, I can honestly say that I live 'bigger' and 'fuller', and I don't let the little things bother me anymore. I am also VERY aware of approaching mastodons and politicians. :crazy:

*standing ovation*
What concerns me is the copycat/ diversion tactics here. We all know there is an underground (Internet) community that feeds into these type of perp. I am concerned that if they came out and said it was hair DNA then the actual perp may not shave his head but a hundred other creeps would.
This is my interpretation so IMO MOO, etc etc.

They don't want the killer to know HOW he is leaving DNA so that he can't cover his tracks in the future. The forensic techniques may be sophisticated enough that they are virtually unknown by most laypeople.

I kind of take it to mean the same..but that whatever he is doing and how he does it is leaving DNA..they dont want to help him out with figuring out how to not leave DNA..thats my take on it.
That's an interesting thought. It could be that he was in Iraq or Afghanistan and that's where he got his practice. They keep saying they don't think this was his first time, but there aren't many unsolved cases that seem to fit him other than the attempted abductions.

It would be cool if LE could tie the cross into a specific unit. I bet they hand out a lot of crosses in the military. moo
Respectfully, I don't think LE has ever said that, unless I missed a FB post. I'm pretty sure it's strictly rumor/forum spec.

It has been said, but maybe not recently. I can't remember when, though, it may have been one of the ex-profilers who was saying it. I know he had said he thought the guy was "experienced". I may have misunderstood, I've read so much about the case these past couple weeks.
Wow, there were a lot of posts for me to get caught up with.

Regarding the receipts, I was glad for the poster who provided a link to an article stating that LE determined the receipts were not related to Jessica's case. With the wind that whips through there, and a landfill not so far away, I imagine LE is checking out all kinds of unrelated stuff. JMO

I am worried now that Jessica's perp is connected via DNA to the incident with the female jogger in May. I assume that he is not an RSO, since I assume all RSO's have their DNA entered into a DNA database. I wonder if this guy has been at it for a while, building his "skill" until he was able to successfully abduct Jessica.

Someone upthread mentioned a possible connection to an attempted assault on a young boy. I'd like to see a MSM link to that, I think I overlooked it in my attempt to play catch-up.

IF (and that's a big IF) this perp is involved in attempted assaults on a young boy and a 22 year old woman, and the successful abduction/murder of Jessica, then this could be someone who is more interested in the abduction/murder than in sexual gratification. IMO. Some posters have likened this perp to BTK. I pray that isn't the case, because he struck many times before he was eventually caught. I don't want Jessica's killer to have any more victims.
From Westminster PD via FB:

"We can also say that there were receipts collected during the investigation. We can say that they were NOT found at Patridge Park and are not related to the Jessica Ridgeway investigation. Investigators were at King Soopers, however they were following up on several other tips."
I've wondered, like you, thinker, what kind of schedule would allow someone this apparent freedom in the timing of attacks... He could be just an independent worker or a self-employed person -- house painter, realtor, handyman, electrical or HVAC expert, plumber, attorney, student, builder, outside salesman, staying home with sick parent, etc., etc. There are a lot of jobs that allow this type of freedom. Who knoze? :twocents:

Could just have a day off or called in sick, as well.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Respectfully, I don't think LE has ever said that, unless I missed a FB post. I'm pretty sure it's strictly rumor/forum spec.

I agree, I believe this was stated by a former FBI agent and not anyone currently involved in the investigation of Jessica's murder.
ok, what does this mean?
"Westminster Police Department spokesman Trevor Materasso said the investigative team was concerned that further details about the nature of the connection between the Ridgeway case and the May 2012 attack has the potential to influence the perpetrator's future actions."

the connection is DNA, right? so what about the nature of the DNA would influence future actions?
I wonder if there's evidence of chemicals being used in Jessica's abduction. I believe the victim in the May attack had chemical burns. What if they found the same type of burns on Jessica's remains?
From Westminster PD via FB:

"We can also say that there were receipts collected during the investigation. We can say that they were NOT found at Patridge Park and are not related to the Jessica Ridgeway investigation. Investigators were at King Soopers, however they were following up on several other tips."

Someone break this down for me. During the investigation, not related to the investigation?
Hi everyone, I am yet another guest/follower of the threads who finally decided to join and actually respond to the conversation instead of engaging myself, which doesn't do much good. Please apply all of the standard newbie cautions to me: I've tried to read all of the posts on all of Jessica's threads but I'm sure I've missed one (or 10), I probably can't navigate WS very well right now w/all of the features, etc. etc. I'll get there... eventually.

There's so much speculation put out that's understandably all taken on a life of its own, but really what WPD has put out has been limited and I've been playing devil's advocate with myself going back and forth in my theories about this predator. Was the cross left intentionally or was it left accidentally? Was Jessica known on some level as an acquaintance or was this a total stranger abduction? With today's link to the previous attack at Letner Lake (and others?) and LE statements that a predator is in the community, sounds like it's not a transient. Certainly someone with ties to the immediate area. Maybe someone who splits his time between the Westminster area and another Colorado or out of state location? Especially if he's young and perhaps not established with a full time, serious job and/or a family. Maybe he has family (parents?) who live near where Jessica lives and they were out of town that weekend and used their house that weekend, then returned to wherever he lives the rest of the time.

I will say this: I have no training in anything that qualifies me to give a verified opinion on anything. Please take everything I ever say from hereon out to be prefaced with "IMO"... The one thing I'm confident in is that this subhuman is pure evil. I doubt this is drug induced or a result of serious mental illness (last time I checked the DSM IV evil wasn't an official diagnosis), I think this is just a sick derranged cruel being. Everytime I try to apply some logic to the situation and come up with a theory, I become baffled... there's just no reasoning to this level of ugly. With that said....

I watched some of Jessica's memorial. Several times I had to step away as it was too much. I was, however, trying to imagine what local LE and the FBI were doing there as I'm sure they had an extremely well orchestrated operation set up to catch every little detail. I went back and watched the end of the memorial again a couple of days ago and reviewed something that caught my attention towards the end of the memorial when the pastor was speaking; it was just his language and I could be completely out of left field but he said "I want to give you a few very specific details so I'd ask you not to leave quite yet. In a moment Pastor is going to close with a prayer, the family is going to leave first, we'd ask you to respect their time alone.
[He talks about unity of community, church, Jessica's impact, JR fund, family's plans to establish fund for underpriveledg children, etc]
As you leave tonight, you'll have an opporunity to if you did not do this on your way in, stop and fill out a 3x5 card.... put a verse, a thought, a wish, a poem.. whatever you want to write that would be encouraging and uplifting to this family.... just take a moment to stop and do that and I promise you they will get every one and I know they will get great joy in reading every single one."
Introduces Pastor George Morrison.

Okay, this is so minor and probably insignificant. But my only certain conclusion is that this killer is so cruel and brazen and derranged that I feel strongly that he is the type who likely would show up to a memorial or a search party or fundraising event. I'd guess probably not ever by himself as an 18-30 year old male fitting the profile released by LE would stick out if he were alone, but maybe he shows up with unsuspecting family or friends or whoever else to blend in. My thought on the comment by the pastor was this -- I've been to my share of memorials, weddings, and events where there are guest books. Usually they are guest books. Not so many 3x5 cards, just loose cards. I'm wondering if they were just standard index cards like what you'd buy at Staples or something or were they decorative made special for the memorial like postcards with a picture of Jessica on one side and on the other side a place for guests to write messages. This is such a far fetched idea. But I'm sure there were UC agents all over the place and monitoring and with the hope that this man showed up, dared to write the family a message, left his touch DNA on the 3x5 card, and potentially there was close monitoring of who was doing what with each card... and also perhaps an ability to match handwriting samples, if that becomes helpful at some point? The pastor's phrasing of the instruction for everyone to please wait and fill out a card to the family seemed like something LE might specifically tell him to say; I don't know, this is the kind of wild theory I've been thinking to myself and is why I had to join so I don't keep thinking it!

I'm done now. I promise to never post this lengthy of a post again. Probably. Maybe.
Praying for Jessica's loved ones and the community!
Someone break this down for me. During the investigation, not related to the investigation?

I would translate that as, "we found these receipts during the investigation, checked them out, and found out they weren't related."
I wonder if there's evidence of chemicals being used in Jessica's abduction. I believe the victim in the May attack had chemical burns. What if they found the same type of burns on Jessica's remains?

I think a military person would have more access to chemicals than the average person.

Sorry, I'm on a military bent for the moment. :seeya:
Someone break this down for me. During the investigation, not related to the investigation?

Not sure I understand the question--they probably collected lots of stuff "during" the investigation that turned out not to be related to it.

Never, ever (when in response to a question from a fellow sleuther) say:
"That answer is sooo easy to find if you would look...
here's a link to help you out."
That just might be considered snarky:slap: seems I am losing count of how many cases may be related to Jessica's. The main one that is definitely linked is the jogger incident from May of this year at Ketner Park.

Then there was another jogger...
a little boy....
and maybe this recent white car attempt?

Am I missing any?
Several new posts on FB from WPD 3 I think... Can't link from my iPhone and battery going dead- time for bed, but it's just getting interesting! UGH!!
I think a military person would have more access to chemicals than the average person.

Sorry, I'm on a military bent for the moment. :seeya:

Its all this talk tonight about foreign policy. :silenced:
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