CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #20

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Because he can still get up in front of the court and plead not guilty.

I hate that. Imo, if you confess, that should be it. No backing out, no trial. Straight to sentencing and then to prison. The perp has more rights in this country than the victim.

In my area phone calls to the police or 911 are recorded. So, if he called and told them he was involved or whatever he said, they would have this on a recording I am pretty sure. So how could he now plead not guilty if he tries to? jmo
@TreeClimbingGirl - you are a brave soul. I know that it goes on but most of it just want to stick our heads in the sand. Thank you for sharing. A lot to think about.
From what I am reading about the father, the guy sounds like he has some serious entitlement issues. A habitual traffic offender, domestic violence, bank fraud, etc. Sounds like he feels like the law just doesn't apply to him.

That kind of thinking can easily be picked up by the son.
Wow,,,I must live in a cave because I would not even know how to find a site like that!:jail:

I had no idea a "hidden internet" even existed until I started doing research for my is very tricky to access it, <modsnip>. <modsnip>. The names of the sites alone were enough to make me vomit.

I kind of wish I was still in the dark about all of it. I have lost a lot of faith in humanity :(
That's right!! I remember reading that he had a bunch of cats that no one seemed to care for. Hmmm, wonder why?? As a cat lover, I'm getting ready to rumble!!

That is so weird, because what I remember was that a neighbor's cats got out, and she said he seemed "nice" when she talked to him about HER missing cats. (weird how we all remember things differently!)
I'm sure this has all been said, but I am going to say it again.

I haven't been on the boards in several days. I have been following this case as well as Autumn Pasquale's and a couple others to see if anything progressive has occurred.

When I heard yesterday that an arrest had been made in connection to Jessica, I felt enormous relief. But then I saw how young this guy was and I started crying. I felt sick. His facial features remind me of my youngest brother, and my son resembles my youngest brother. It was a horrible thing to see.

His poor mother. She did the right thing. I am so proud of her. But God, to be that woman. I just want to give her a hug. What on earth happened to this boy? And he is just a boy. It's about the worst thing imaginable. A child killing a child, the same thing that happened to Autumn. The details are different but you add them up and it's still the end result. A child killed a child. Because he wanted to. Because he could.

Why is this happening? What is going on with our kids? I'm so afraid for mine. I'm afraid they will be killed by another child. I'm afraid they'll be the killer one day. It's the worst sort of terror.

And I'm angry. AS is a kid, but what he did was monstrous. And yet...he is allowed to keep his life. I'm also pretty sure he will also eventually be eligible for parole. All because he is a minor. This seems so very wrong to me. At the very least he should be in jail for the rest of his life. He should draw his final breath within the confines of a prison block. Allowing him parole, no matter how far from now, is a HORRIBLE, STUPID idea. Offenders like this can not be rehabilitated. This guy is smart and very damaged. He's dangerous. He will always be dangerous. Allowing him a second chance outside of prison will only allow him another chance to kill and do it "right" next time.

This entire situation has been like watching a horror film unfold.

Just when you think it cannot get any worse, it does.

And something tells me it's not done with getting worse.

I'm so sad for the Ridgeway family. They have the right to be angry and devastated. As does MS, the mother of Jessica's killer. Nobody wins in this situation. Nobody.


I heard about the deep web from the Magnotta case, but what you posted was way beyond anything I imagined. I'm stunned. I'm not computer savvy at all, but it amazes me that these people can't be tracked! Thank you for calling in the tip. Even though the FBI are aware of it's existence, they may not have seen what you saw due to the fact that they move around.

(I'm looking forward to buying your book! I like your writing style, and the subject matter is one that so many have experienced.)
Oh, and, smart phones are now allowed at my teen son's schools. My kids have limited or no access to the net on their phones, but their friends? Who knows. And I am pretty sure their cohorts are accessing and showing things I really would prefer my kids not see. But once it's in been seen, it can't be unseen.

Quite a few public high schools around here check out laptops to students at the beginning of the year.

Parents with younger kids who haven't experienced older teens in the tech savvy world are in for a rude awakening when it comes to how much you think you can control.

It's probably one of the toughest challenges facing parents to be honest. I worry about the internet far more than I worry about a random abduction off the street.
Regarding the *advertiser censored* addiction at age 15, I think that suggests a failure on behalf of the family to properly monitor what he was doing. It's quite likely that he accessed *advertiser censored* through the internet ... and it doesn't take much effort to have a look through computer history to see what's going on with the computer.

This isn't the first case I've heard of where a murderer was obsessed with *advertiser censored* prior to committing a bizarre murder.

Are there any other online usernames that he went by?
Has there been a connection made to the 2010 attempted abduction?

I am not sure. Nancy Grace said he was connected to pulling the boy over the fence case, but the person she was talking to said he was only connected to the case at ketner lake.

Also the dumpster was across the street at another house, it was a construction dumpster. (Got that from Nancy Grace's show last night.)
From what I am reading about the father, the guy sounds like he has some serious entitlement issues. A habitual traffic offender, domestic violence, bank fraud, etc. Sounds like he feels like the law just doesn't apply to him.

That kind of thinking can easily be picked up by the son.

Another reason I was speculating that the dad might be a sociopath.

As for the son, one friend was quoted as saying he always had a huge ego.
From what I am reading about the father, the guy sounds like he has some serious entitlement issues. A habitual traffic offender, domestic violence, bank fraud, etc. Sounds like he feels like the law just doesn't apply to him.

That kind of thinking can easily be picked up by the son.

And/or passed on genetically.
DA: DNA of Austin Sigg, suspect in Jessica Ridgeway murder, found on backpack

Prosecutors said Thursday their case is bolstered by the teen's confession and by the fact his DNA matches material found on Jessica's backpack.

There was high security in the courtroom, with 14 law enforcement officers guarding the suspect. Sigg's younger brother collapsed against his mother in tears as his heavily shackled brother was led into a courtroom.

WHY was his little brother in the courtroom? That's just appalling to

I feel horrible for the little brother. Who knows what his own situation is and how he is managing to grow up (hopefully differently than his brother), but what a traumatic SHOCK to have this happen in one's family. Sheesh!

I'm no where near caught up with this thread, but the thought occured to me, with this kids obsession with death and decomp why take the fork in the road towards murder as opposed to something along the lines of an internship or job at the body farm?

Regarding the cross and Warehouse: 180 :

She says they first met at Warehouse: 180 in Arvada, which is a gathering place for Christian teens.

It may help explain the small wooden cross Westminster police call a vital clue.

"We went to church together. It wouldn't surprise me if he wore a cross. He always wore a necklace similar to the one in his mug shot," D said.

D says they never went to the same school and drifted apart two years ago, after they broke up.

She can't remember any warning signs, but says Sigg did have a collection of weapons.

"I knew he had a sword collection in his room or a knife collection or whatever. But it was his man cave. A lot of people collect stuff," said.

A more recent encounter with Sigg left a very different impression on D.
Source: Suspect Told Police Jessica’s Murder Brought Him No Joy

October 25, 2012,

Excerpt: "According to a source, when Sigg confessed to kidnapping and killing the little girl, he told police he didn’t receive the joy from it that he thought he would, so he went further."

Ty for this link. Imagine poor little JR's mother seeing/hearing those words!! By now she probably feels as though he's cutting her into pieces, too.

I see by that article that he drove past JR and then returned to grab her. That tactic is starting to sound familiar.

I would still love to know exactly where she was when he grabbed her. Has that been stated any where?
Are there any other online usernames that he went by?

Austin Reed Sigg's mentor; theodore bundy speaks about *advertiser censored* even before the onset of the internet...

[ame=""]Serial-Killer Ted Bundy&#39;s Dire Warnings About *advertiser censored* - YouTube[/ame]
Serial-Killer Ted Bundy's Dire Warnings About *advertiser censored*
They just said on the news that even with him being tried as an adult, the maximum he can receive is 40 years. That is not enough! That is not justice! :banghead:

The more I hear and read about this all, the sicker I feel.
Austin Reed Sigg's mentor; theodore bundy speaks about *advertiser censored* even before the onset of the internet...

Serial-Killer Ted Bundy's Dire Warnings About *advertiser censored* - YouTube
Serial-Killer Ted Bundy's Dire Warnings About *advertiser censored*

Pfffft, he was stalling for time. Bundy thought if he told Dobson what he wanted to hear, he could get his followers to protest and delay his execution. He tried several stalling tactics, including confessing to more murders and divulging locations of bodies, before they finally gave him the chair. I heard he was shaking like a leaf and the guards had to hold him during that last, fateful walk :floorlaugh:
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