CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #20

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As a 17-year-old, Sigg can be tried and, if convicted, punished as an adult in the case. But, after U.S. Supreme Court rulings in other cases, he would not be eligible for the death penalty or a mandatory life term without parole.

Read more: DA: DNA of Austin Sigg, suspect in Jessica Ridgeway murder, ties him to case - The Denver Post
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"I knew he had a sword collection in his room or a knife collection or whatever. But it was his man cave. A lot of people collect stuff," Danni said.

A more recent encounter with Sigg left a very different impression on Danni.

Danni says she ran into Sigg twice on a trail near Standley Lake, and he stared at her in a way that made her extremely uncomfortable.

She says, both times, Sigg was with two friends.

"It just really freaked me out," Danni said. "When I saw them I just felt automatically like they were up to no good. It hit me. I almost fell over seeing his picture. It brought me back to seeing him here and it just being so close."

Just a question:

In some of the cases we are following that may be connected, there are 2 or more perps. One to drive, one or more to grab the victim, possibly?
I am not sure. Nancy Grace said he was connected to pulling the boy over the fence case, but the person she was talking to said he was only connected to the case at ketner lake.

Also the dumpster was across the street at another house, it was a construction dumpster. (Got that from Nancy Grace's show last night.)

The only "official" connection is the 2012 Memorial Day attempted abduction. That is also reflected in the booking charges.

But yes, it is clear they are trying to see if there are any connections to any other cases and still asking for any tips about any other attempted abductions, etc.
Ty for this link. Imagine poor little JR's mother seeing/hearing those words!! By now she probably feels as though he's cutting her into pieces, too.

I see by that article that he drove past JR and then returned to grab her. That tactic is starting to sound familiar.

I would still love to know exactly where she was when he grabbed her. Has that been stated any where?

I too would like to know exactly where Jessica was when he grabbed her. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet though.
I feel horrible for the little brother. Who knows what his own situation is and how he is managing to grow up (hopefully differently than his brother), but what a traumatic SHOCK to have this happen in one's family. Sheesh!


From what I am hearing/reading and I do not know for sure and I am not bashing the bio Dad,

But big brother may have been a Father figure to little bro.

Who knows he could have been completely different toward the younger brother and treated just like a normal big brother would have.
They just said on the news that even with him being tried as an adult, the maximum he can receive is 40 years. That is not enough! That is not justice! :banghead:

The more I hear and read about this all, the sicker I feel.

Supreme Court: No more life without parole for Juveniles 25, 2012 – The Supreme Court says it's unconstitutional to sentence juveniles to life in prison without parole for murder. ... The 5-4 decision is in line with others the court has made, including ruling out the death penalty for juveniles and ...
'From the outside looking in, I would say that North America in general is bad at providing safety for its children, and Colorado in particular has a very poor track record.

There are a lot of societal contributors but the undercurrent of acceptance and glorification of violence in your society is a major one.'

Thank you Sapphiresteel for this in the last thread. It is in my belief very closely tied to societal problems and individualism. The US is seemingly a look into the future of where the world is headed and it's really not that other places are better or safer, but rather just not there yet. I've seen vast differences in Germany over the last 10 years but I still chose it for my little daughter over the US. The lack of caring for one's fellow man and respect for human life is all but non-existent in some places and it's sad.

There is no 'justice' for Jessica. She lost her life at the hands of a sick monster and justice would only mean she is back with us. And that will never happen. Death penalty or not, she isn't coming back. My heart aches for both families. It's such a senseless tragedy. Just remember this guy isn't the only one out there.

I think we got it because of the frontier mentality and being so proud of being a colony who fiercely fought off our colonial chains and created an experimental society via the Constitution, etc (yes, individualism!). Add to that the huge amount of space and true 'wild' here at the time, colonialist ideals, and enormous numbers of slaves and immigrants in-country, and we are just a strange mix, still sorting ourselves out. No doubt about that!

Who knew the Wild West was going to set the societal norm for the globe by -- what -- 2020 or so?

At least the world can be thankful those stubborn and even more ruthless Afghani clans didn't invent Coke ;) It really could be worse. :(
I too would like to know exactly where Jessica was when he grabbed her. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet though.

Since the judge has sealed all the documents, when will the public be able to know all of this? So far it looks like a lot of leaks and speculation. I don't agree with any of this. I think there should be cameras in the courtroom, and that the public should be privy to all of the information that the police have once charges are filed. It's frustrating being kept in the dark and not knowing what is going on.
I would be shocked if Jessica was dismembered in that open space. That would be one heck of a chance for this guy to take getting caught in the act. It makes more sense- if he indeed did this because of his curiosity in seeing someone cut up- for him to want to take his time, meaning he took her to his house and likely dismembered her in the bathtub.

And we got rain last night and snow today, so searching open space is going to be a PITA. I hope if it was open space, they got their answers yesterday
Regarding the cross and Warehouse: 180 :

Thank you for that link! I've had an uneasy feeling all along that the perp may not have been working alone. AS's ex girlfriend relates (in the above-linked story):

Danni says she ran into Sigg twice on a trail near Standley Lake, and he stared at her in a way that made her extremely uncomfortable.

She says, both times, Sigg was with two friends.

"It just really freaked me out," Danni said. "When I saw them I just felt automatically like they were up to no good.
It hit me. I almost fell over seeing his picture. It brought me back to seeing him here and it just being so close."
As a 17-year-old, Sigg can be tried and, if convicted, punished as an adult in the case. But, after U.S. Supreme Court rulings in other cases, he would not be eligible for the death penalty or a mandatory life term without parole.

Read more: DA: DNA of Austin Sigg, suspect in Jessica Ridgeway murder, ties him to case - The Denver Post
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I'm not all that familiar with the laws in Colorado but I think that may be why they chose to charge him with multiple counts, instead of something like aggravated murder, capital murder,or whatever the equivalent charge is there. Usually there is a charge that encompasses all associated crimes in a case like this-see the Whitney Heichel case, where the perp is charged with agg. murder even though he also committed sexual assault, robbery, and other felonies in the course of her murder. But sentencing guidelines are usually restricted to LWOP or DP. That would not be an option in this case. Darn SCOTUS. :banghead:

I hope Sigg is convicted of every charge they can stick to him If he jaywalked while dumping her body, charge him with that. Charge him with littering, desecration of a corpse, anything and everything and sentence him to the max for each charge, then have the sentences run concurrently.

This pyschopath needs to not see the light of day again. EVER.
Source: Suspect Told Police Jessica’s Murder Brought Him No Joy

October 25, 2012,

Excerpt: "According to a source, when Sigg confessed to kidnapping and killing the little girl, he told police he didn’t receive the joy from it that he thought he would, so he went further."

For all the questions to him about "WHY".....I think we have our answer.

This selfish, sick, perverted person just simply wanted to get "joy" out of it.

These type of people give no value to human life, and have no remorse. It is important that we realize there are people out there like this. It took me a long time to really believe people can be this way, but the reality is they do exist.

Supreme Court: No more life without parole for Juveniles 25, 2012 – The Supreme Court says it's unconstitutional to sentence juveniles to life in prison without parole for murder. ... The 5-4 decision is in line with others the court has made, including ruling out the death penalty for juveniles and ...

That article also says, "Monday's decision left open the possibility that judges could sentence juveniles to life without parole in individual cases of murder, but said state laws cannot automatically impose such a sentence."
As a 17-year-old, Sigg can be tried and, if convicted, punished as an adult in the case. But, after U.S. Supreme Court rulings in other cases, he would not be eligible for the death penalty or a mandatory life term without parole.

Wow... I'm very sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, IMHO, death is the only thing that makes the public 100% safe from a perv like AS. Ted Bundy's name came up earlier on this thread... he had managed to escape at least twice!!!
Unless he's kept in solitary confinement, I think his days will be numbered.
( For the record, I'm a fence sitter on capital punishment)
I *knew* there would be an arrest. I just knew it.

Poor Jessica... But she can't be harmed again. I don't believe in heaven and hell. But I do believe we are in this existence for a reason. We are meant to experience, love, grow and become more that what we are. We are meant for more than the distractions that face us everyday- the superficial traffic headache, the just-right latte... We are meant to transcend all that. These are simple, basic truths that can be applied to any belief system.
I think if one chooses to succumb to their inner demons, as Jessica's killer did, they destroy what soul they had. There is no repenting. There is no repair. He has destroyed himself. And there will be nothing to keep him intact when he passes on. People often wonder how someone could do what they did and still go about life- showering, sleeping, talking to people. I think they can do it because they are already gone. There is nothing left of what they were. They are a shell.

Jessica will be cared for by the grace of the universe. But there is nothing left for her killer. And that justice will take care of itself.
Sorry. Don't mean to go on or come off as preachy. I respect that other people have their own beliefs and ideas. I just wanted to express myself and thoughts. Thank you all for allowing that.
For all the questions to him about "WHY".....I think we have our answer.

This selfish, sick, perverted person just simply wanted to get "joy" out of it.

These type of people give no value to human life, and have no remorse. It is important that we realize there are people out there like this. It took me a long time to really believe people can be this way, but the reality is they do exist.

One example of that is the case I talked about in a previous post where the teenage murderer attacked a little boy riding a bicycle on a bike path. He said that he did it because he:

wanted to feel what it was like to kill someone

There are many more cases of this amongst juvenile muderers.
For all the questions to him about "WHY".....I think we have our answer.

This selfish, sick, perverted person just simply wanted to get "joy" out of it.

These type of people give no value to human life, and have no remorse. It is important that we realize there are people out there like this. It took me a long time to really believe people can be this way, but the reality is they do exist.

I know this was meant as a general response, but I'd like to clarify my "why" was rhetorical. The question I asked is as such because it is unanswerable. Why are there people like this? Why do they exist? What is the purpose? Concerning biology and experiences that mold their characters I understand, but on a grander, cosmic scheme I cannot comprehend why evil and sickness such as this exist.
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