CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #8

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I am on Firefox, had issues with pages loading all night, finally downloaded and it totally fixed the issue!
Think it may be a 1997 Toyota Corolla. I'm not an expert, but these look close.

I must tell you all and this is weird. My daughter lives basicallright off of Wadsworth and they had a ballon release at American Furniture?today at 2pm. I thinkthere was also some kind of command center also because she saidthere has been all kinds of like RV's set up.
Anyway is was pouring rain (weird for Colorado) and she could see from her little balcony all the people walking op Wadsworth with purple and green balloons all huddled under umbrellas.
The baloons were released and she could see them all flying up through the sky and all of a sudden all these birds came out of know where and they were flying around the baloons.
The baloons blew away and the birds disappeared.
Then the sun came out. Tell me that does not mean something.

Wow! God is awesome!
I've missed some information even though I've tried to keep up.When did LE say that this killer was organized?
The reason I ask is that would mean the killer would be less likely to leave behind evidence....I think.
Also can't figure out why the killer would have had to go under the fence to leave the body as it could just as easily been tossed over the fence.


I think that depends on how far from the fence Jessica's remains were found, how strong the perpetrator is and how much her remains weighed.

Also, I think there's a chance that he was hoping that a teenager would find the remains rather than an adult, so he may have wanted to leave it just far enough off the road not to be seen by an driver but in the likely path of someone going up to the buildings higher up on the hillside.
ITA there needs to be a national standard for a tier system in the SO registry. IMO, peeing in public is just uncouth but hardly a sex crime. And statutory rape where the girl is 17 and the boy 19 and the sex is consensual should be categorized apart from baby rapers.

It just muddies up the waters and makes IDing the dangerous offenders that much harder.

It also hurts those who were stupid but not violent or likely to commit a crime.

I haven't done anything like the above but believe me, in my misspent youth I did plenty of stupid things. Fortunately stupidity usually isn't considered anything more than a social crime.

No one should have to be regarded as dangerous for doing something stupid but not violent.
Just as an FYI....I did the add-on to Firefox and that has resolved my WS access issues that I experienced off and on today.
I'm going to see if I can get this posted before I freeze up here and get 6 pages behind again. Steve Jobs final vendetta seems to be working well!

I really think people have been giving this guy too much credit when it comes to intelligence; he strikes me as being one of those people who has more guts than brains. I thought he had removed parts to get rid of any evidence (DNA), and left her where he did so the teens that hang out there would get blamed. After reading a comment by someone here (I can't remember who, sorry), I'm wondering if part of the "removal" was based more on pride - he didn't want
everybody to know that he wasn't capable of actual rape.

I know this discussion ended a while back, but I also wanted to comment on Elizabeth and Lyric. I'd be surprised if it did end up being the same person in both cases, but I could believe it. In addition to the similarity in looks and ages and the purse/backpack, there are some similarities in the disappearances themselves. In both cases, the girls were taken in broad daylight with no witnesses of anything; in addition, some of the belongings were found in fairly public places, but in the one spot that nobody could see what was happening. The last similarity I see is that in both cases, it appears that whoever did it knew the area well. I guess you could also include the similarities between Lyric and Jessica too - both lived with their mother and grandmother, neither lived with a father, both were within a few months of their 11th birthday and both were watched by their grandmother while their mother was at work. Unfortunately, I don't think any of those things is important to their cases, and I'm guessing that the other similarities are also just coincidence.
Re: whats being called the attempted abduction in Golden? I was taking things with a grain of salt at first as I read along (catching up on dozens of pages from this evening). But when I heard/read that there was no license plate on the vehicle...that changed things for me. What are the chances of an innocent pizza driver or the like driving around with no plate addressing little kids for any reason?
of course, thats assuming the no plate thing is true. If it is...I think they may have their "candyman".
It is hard for me to believe that he thought removing her head and hands would prevent or seriously delay identification of her remains. It was pretty obvious, immediately, that this was poor little Jessica. Did he really think that LE would be stumped by that?

As macabre and sad is it to type this, I think it would be more likely because poor, brave little JR was a fighter, and may have bitten and scratched and fought her assailant, and her fingernails and teeth could have his DNA - rather than for delaying identification.
stealth-- please re-size your picture smaller... its affecting the whole page. thanks.
I think you're right. It would go along with a hatred/enjoyment of seeing "kids" hurt.

Really? I am not seeing this at all, i.e. wanting a child to find the body. I am just not seeing a whole lot of deep thought put into where Jessica was found, personally. I see it as a person who had to get back to his neighborhood, had to have an alibi, couldn't drive his car too far, something like that. Maybe even an impulse, he went on that road, no cars, lights or people in sight and just went for it.
Jeeze, what's up with WS tonight? Anyone else having trouble with the page freezing up?
I've been following the unfolding of these terrible events from Australia with disbelief. What a beautiful girl we see in Jessica's photos - she looks such a happy little soul in all of them. My heart goes out to her family and friends who are feeling this loss so personally.

The person responsible for this is really beneath our contempt. All I can say is that I hope their fate is sealed very soon - which is the main reason I am following here on WS.
Almost everyone has been having problems with Websleuths loading (or not loading) all day long. Salem has acknowledged that the Admins are aware of it and presumably are working to solve the problem. Some people have found that a Motley Fool Ad has been their problem so they found an and that solved their problem, they think. While I have on other occasions experienced a similar problem here, it has not affected me today.
Jeeze, what's up with WS tonight? Anyone else having trouble with the page freezing up?

I got so frustrated I finally broke down and installed Firefox. It has Plus for free. The banner ads from The Motley Fool kept hanging up for me (others too) & I read they are working on it.

Sorry for the O/T.
Yeah it was the stupid motley ad that prevented me from reloading for awhile, but got my !
I use firefox downloaded , but still having intermittent problems. Hopefully can get the issue fixed tonight.
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