CO CO - Kayleah Wilson, 12, Greeley, 28 March 2010 - #2

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videotape that shows 12-year-old Kayleah Wilson walking by the mall Sunday afternoon shows the girl made it that far in her reported walk to a birthday party that afternoon, an FBI agent announced Monday.

FBI special agent-in-charge James Davis said authorities have located surveillance video that shows Kayleah outside the Greeley Mall, apparently en route to the birthday party, which was in the 1900 block of 30th Street. She appeared to be all right at that time, walking alone. The FBI did not say exactly where outside the mall she was walking, nor where she was supposed to meet a friend.
From The Tribune: (

A videotape that shows 12-year-old Kayleah Wilson walking by the mall Sunday afternoon shows the girl made it that far in her reported walk to a birthday party that afternoon, an FBI agent announced Monday.

Also Monday, Greeley Police Chief Jerry Garner spoke as if he thinks Kayleah might still be alive when he made a plea to the girl to come home.

“We want you to get back safe,” Garner said. “You're not in trouble. You're the person we're trying to help.” He said he wanted to make sure Kayleah is not hiding out, afraid to return now that the case has turned into a national media event with so many officers and agents involved.

I wonder if they do know she's out there somewhere....but I agree with debirlfan...they need to still find her quickly so that something doesn't happen to her while she's out there. God knows who she could be with or what could be going on....
Wow, they have her outside of the mall yet, the dogs didn't have a scent of her outside of her home? I guess I put to much faith in the dogs. I was leaning towards something happening closer to her home, guess not. IMO
videotape that shows 12-year-old Kayleah Wilson walking by the mall Sunday afternoon shows the girl made it that far in her reported walk to a birthday party that afternoon, an FBI agent announced Monday.

FBI special agent-in-charge James Davis said authorities have located surveillance video that shows Kayleah outside the Greeley Mall, apparently en route to the birthday party, which was in the 1900 block of 30th Street. She appeared to be all right at that time, walking alone. The FBI did not say exactly where outside the mall she was walking, nor where she was supposed to meet a friend.

Thanks for that; the previous reports made it sound as if she were seen inside the mall.
From The Tribune: (

A videotape that shows 12-year-old Kayleah Wilson walking by the mall Sunday afternoon shows the girl made it that far in her reported walk to a birthday party that afternoon, an FBI agent announced Monday.

Also Monday, Greeley Police Chief Jerry Garner spoke as if he thinks Kayleah might still be alive when he made a plea to the girl to come home.

“We want you to get back safe,” Garner said. “You're not in trouble. You're the person we're trying to help.” He said he wanted to make sure Kayleah is not hiding out, afraid to return now that the case has turned into a national media event with so many officers and agents involved.

I wonder if they do know she's out there somewhere....but I agree with debirlfan...they need to still find her quickly so that something doesn't happen to her while she's out there. God knows who she could be with or what could be going on....

Sounds to me as if the FBI and LE want people in other states to be on the lookout for Kayleah alive, and people in the town of Greeley to look for a dead body. moo

If she was seen around the mall and was going to cut through it as a shortcut to the party, something happened that changed her mind. Doesn't seem likely to me that Kayleah would plan an escape with an unknown person, and walk to the mall to be seen on video. IMO she wouldn't be seen around the mall at all - she would have met this unknown somewhere else. moo

This is going on day 10 of her missing - how long do you thing it would take a 12yo with no money, no clothes, no cell to hitch to let's say - California?

ETA: I say 'unknown' person because so far, noone has been reported missing in the area - if some known person took Kayleah, my guess is he, along with his car, would be missed. moo
Sounds to me as if the FBI and LE want people in other states to be on the lookout for Kayleah alive, and people in the town of Greeley to look for a dead body. moo

If she was seen around the mall and was going to cut through it as a shortcut to the party, something happened that changed her mind. Doesn't seem likely to me that Kayleah would plan an escape with an unknown person, and walk to the mall to be seen on video. IMO she wouldn't be seen around the mall at all - she would have met this unknown somewhere else. moo

This is going on day 10 of her missing - how long do you thing it would take a 12yo with no money, no clothes, no cell to hitch to let's say - California?

I think it would be unlikely that she would be hitching a ride to somewhere, but not out of the question. Unfortunately, I think there are people who are willing to "help" a kid out in these circumstances, but the kid has to "give something" in return. Again, I don't want to think about what could be going on if she did run could be as dangerous to her as being taken.

As for being seen on surveillance, I don't know that a 12 year old would think about that -- they might be more likely to think they'd blend into a crowd, and think a central meeting place was a good idea.
I think it would be unlikely that she would be hitching a ride to somewhere, but not out of the question. Unfortunately, I think there are people who are willing to "help" a kid out in these circumstances, but the kid has to "give something" in return. Again, I don't want to think about what could be going on if she did run could be as dangerous to her as being taken.

As for being seen on surveillance, I don't know that a 12 year old would think about that -- they might be more likely to think they'd blend into a crowd, and think a central meeting place was a good idea.

A 12yo might not think of being seen on video - but what about the person she was meeting? (assuming she was meeting someone). I can't imagine someone planning to escape with a 12yo and meet at a place where there is video of any kind.

For the record - I don't believe Kayleah to be alive.
I definitely think that IF she had planned to run away (to California, for instance) that she's hitching rides to get there. There really is no other way that a 12 year old, with no money and probably no identification (seeing as how she doesn't have a drivers license, obviously) can make their way across the country.

Have we heard approximately what time she left the mall, and if she was alone? Mall's have security cameras everywhere..especially in the parking lots and by entrances and exits. It should be easy for LE to get that information, in my opinion.
A 12yo might not think of being seen on video - but what about the person she was meeting? (assuming she was meeting someone). I can't imagine someone planning to escape with a 12yo and meet at a place where there is video of any kind.

For the record - I don't believe Kayleah to be alive.

Good point about the person she was meeting....I had not even thought of that. Especially because someone helping a minor run away would be in enormous trouble and would not want to be recognized.
My first initial thought too was that she probably wouldn't even be thinking about being seen on a camera. (My daughter wouldn't even think of that.) And IF she was distraught about her family - her ONLY thoughts would be to get away! Not little details.

As much as I don't want to think this way - it really doesn't look or sound like a 'runaway' situation. More like a 'Brittany Drexel 'disappearing off the face of the earth' situation.

What if she was walking past the mall and a group of people in a car (hanging around the mall) got out and grabbed her... All it would take would be a split second if coordinated well.

I wish LE would tell the public the details about the sighting at the mall (as in, where) and tell details from the friend she was supposed to meet. Still too many holes to put a real scenario together.

Hopefully we can find out more today!
I definitely think that IF she had planned to run away (to California, for instance) that she's hitching rides to get there. There really is no other way that a 12 year old, with no money and probably no identification (seeing as how she doesn't have a drivers license, obviously) can make their way across the country.

Have we heard approximately what time she left the mall, and if she was alone? Mall's have security cameras everywhere..especially in the parking lots and by entrances and exits. It should be easy for LE to get that information, in my opinion.

From what I understand, all surveillance shows her as being alone. Could she have planned to meet someone and they didn't show up? It's a possiblity...and then she simply took off on her own? Not having a cell phone, it's not like someone could have gotten a hold of her.
my thoughts so far (I agree with Mark Klaas) that this is a "recovery"... I think something happened to Kayleah unfortunately.

IIRC the friend's house was behind the mall, so perhaps she cut thru the mall with intention of heading to the friend's house and was intercepted on the way. I don't see her being a runaway but of course that is just moo and of course I hope that I am wrong.

My son is almost exactly the same age as Kayleah and I know this age group pretty well. This is the age group that one minute wants to be 'grown up' and the next can be playing with legos or barbies. The age group where going from point A to point B they could be easily distracted especially by someone intent on preying on them. Concrete thinking with some lingering 'magical thinking' also marks this age group. In other words, they can be walking somewhere but be 'pretending' they are on a 'quest or adventure' at the same time.

I really want to know if there are cameras at all the entrances and exits of this mall. If she was spotted on camera outside the mall, and also seen by witnesses inside of the mall, do they have video of her LEAVING the mall? For some reason I think she met up with trouble somewhere inside the mall or when she exited it.

I am very glad to hear that the reward jump started the tips coming in on her case and thanks to the local info posted on how deserted this mall is.
just more questions to locals on the mall:

which side of the mall is the back side/side where deliveries are made? If the friend is described as living "behind" the mall would this be on the side where deliveries come in? Reason I am asking is if she were to cut through the mall to the friend's house, would this be a possible scenario?

is there parking all the way around the mall or does the public park more in the front? is there employee parking in the back????


eta: I wonder if all mall employees have been questioned and their schedules verified???
Good point about the person she was meeting....I had not even thought of that. Especially because someone helping a minor run away would be in enormous trouble and would not want to be recognized.

At the very least - kidnapping and obstruction.

Guess I'm trying to figure out why the FBI and LE are confounding the situation by suggesting she may have left willingly? Is it a tactic to put the perp on guard.

Now that we know Kayleah was seen on video around the mall and that cutting through the mall is a short cut to the party, I believe something happened right there - maybe she was being stalked or was approached in the parking lot or on her way to the entrance. :eek:

My heart goes out to all those who love Kayleah and care for her - this has to be an agonizing wait for all!
I don't know for sure, but there are the anchor stores and safety issues would make it seem necessary to have several exits. After a while the malls just become a blur in my mind and I rarely go to them anyway. Here's a map, though, and I'm guessing the answer is yes, until the real locals show up and I'd gladly beg their pardon. It looks like two or more exits on 30th street, which is the street of the party address.

Nurse, I'm pulling this forward from last night - we were discussing her using the mall as a short cut to the party.
Keep in mind that we don't actually KNOW that she didn't have any money. Just because mom wasn't aware she had any, that doesn't mean she didn't. It never pays to assume. If she was planning to take off, she could have been stashing away part of her allowance or lunch money. Instead of being at the library, she could have been babysitting or doing some other odd job. She could even have been lifting cash out of her mother's wallet a little at a time so it wasn't noticed.
Keep in mind that we don't actually KNOW that she didn't have any money. Just because mom wasn't aware she had any, that doesn't mean she didn't. It never pays to assume. If she was planning to take off, she could have been stashing away part of her allowance or lunch money. Instead of being at the library, she could have been babysitting or doing some other odd job. She could even have been lifting cash out of her mother's wallet a little at a time so it wasn't noticed., we would never do that as kids. :angel:

OT....I remember do that as a kid. My mom would never notice.
Isn't there supposed to be another PC this morning/afternoon??
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