CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #32 *ARREST*

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251 E Lake Ave. 251's parking area is a dead end. KB's unit is the one to the right. See the fence and wall? KB's unit is significantly higher in elevation, and KB's parking area is also a dead end.


KB used both of her spaces. PF would park behind her vehicles horizontally when picking up and dropping off Baby K per the neighbor. If PF parked that way, there would be a tree to his left, so he would have to back out the way he came in.

This brief park-n-go routine is about control? If PF parked two blocks away and carried Baby K to his truck, someone would call it child abuse. Funny, no one suggests KB might have parked one of her cars somewhere else so that she would have a visitor space available - that's what we do for visitors or repairmen, move one vehicle up around the corner, walk back, so they can park on our driveway.
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Consider that came from the Rs who heard it from M who heard it from KKL who claimed PF said it. Could have screwed up or or complete BS from KKL. Someone, probably Trudie, at one point suggested that KKL may have made up the solicitation story, telling it to M, because KKL was planning to do it herself.

It's hard to suss out what the truth is with the limited info we have. I'd just say that anyone capable of murder (maybe both PF & KKL) is also going to be a coniving liar.
Ha! That’s an excellent point. That’s one hell of a game of “telephone” being played there.

You’re talking about third or fourth hand information, all coming from the mouths of dubious people.

I’m not sure I consider that reliable.
I think Gardener and I are about the only ones going down this private plane theory road. In my case it's based upon the distance that KKL had to travel - if she she only had the holiday (long) weekend to travel to Colorado. Everything is a big IF. We don't know if she had vacation time that took her to Colorado earlier than Thanksgiving. The more time she had, the more possible it is that she drove. In something like a three day period it becomes less likely. That is a LONG drive.

I don't know if this true and someone else may, but I'm under the impression that there are a lot of private pilots out west. A friend who'd lived in Colorado told me that decades ago but who knows if she was right. If it is (more "ifs"), it increases the likelihood that PF and/or KKL have such an acquaintance. The thing is, if that's part of how things went down, then the private pilot would have to have been privy or a party to the murder. A pilot who wasn't and just flew KKL, would be a huge risk to the plan once they heard about this case because they would undoubtedly come forward. I would imagine that LE knows if, when and how KKL traveled to CO, by now. If I were an investigator and how she traveled was in question, I'd have checked all of the private flights between the Twin Falls area and as far as Colorado Springs. My fear in a scenario like this - a complicit, third party, private pilot - is that the body could be dumped over a remote area, from the plane. Sounds wild and more like something in a drug cartel type of case but it's a possibility in terms of theories.

The other thing I was thinking, regarding that landfill, was that maybe it's possible that a third party took the body to the Colorado Springs area, or wherever feeds into that landfill, in order to dump it. I'm certainly not going to implicate anyone as that possible third party but ya'll can use your imaginations.
It would be easy enough to check flight plan filings on the dates/areas involved. I'm not so sure about a complicit pilot though. Anything is possible...but the more folks involved, the more likely someone is going to talk. I think most people feel driving is a more private means of travel. We all know that with receipt trails, surveillance cameras,ets..that just isnt the truth..but it feels like the truth.
Kelsey Berreth search may extend to landfill near Fountain
When bodies end up in landfills, law enforcement experts say it takes large amounts of resources to find them.

Temperatures in landfills are often cooler than on the surface, which slows the rate of decomposition, said Melissa Connor, director of the Forensic Investigation Research Station at Colorado Mesa University. More important than heat is time.

Even with the cold weather, the nearly two months that have passed since Berreth’s disappearance does not bode well for the chances of finding her, Connor said.

“The faster you get in and do the search the more likely you are to find the target,” she said.

When Detective Sgt. Barry Hartkopp of the Boulder Police Department heard the news that the Berreth investigators might search a landfill, his first thought was wanting to help.

Hartkopp helped lead a team from Boulder that spent a month combing an Arkansas landfill for the parts of the dismembered body of Ashley Mead, a Boulder woman who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in February 2017.
I believe the R’s did not lie. I believe they repeated what was told to them.
I’m going to assume M repeated & perhaps sensationalized things she relayed to the R’s. Why? Because, imo, only, the friendship between KK/M seems very immature/childish. Like twelve year olds giggling in the dark about boys. Except in this case, the boy is a man.
We all interpret things differently. We’ve had dif life experiences, read people differently, etc., that’s cool.
It’s MOO that what propegated this and the ultimate motive is woman + cowboy + woman = murder.
Three in a relationship causes strange things to happen.
Everyone can have their suspicions. The financial or custody motive are both way down my list. He enjoyed ample time with his baby. I’m sure he traveled frequently for his job & rodeos. Therefore, I think the sharing custody
arrangement worked well for him. Financially, he had nothing to gain, imo. If he murdered KB so baby K could draw SS, that makes no sense to me. After he satisfied the monthly needs of baby K, there’s be nothing left. Any assets KB had would more than likely go to baby K. He would not have access to them. Her bro, mom or court appointed trustee would probably be assigned to oversee a trust established for her. Since KB has her condo in a family trust, her life insurance, imo, is payable to the same trust. So, how would he gain? Per custody, if he planned to date, down the road, that wouldn’t gonna go so well if he’s strapped with a toddler.
Again, jmo, I’m entitled. Just as some believe KK is a vital witness in some type of a “protective” program, or P is a dumb, destitute cowboy. (I do think KK needs protection, from the law) Maybe it’s diifficult for non-equine folk to understand the earning capacity of a farrier/blacksmith, idk.
Many rumors end up not being rumors. Only unverified, at the time. (Darn). People talk, not all want to reveal their identity. Therefore, we can only wait.
@Trudie I agree with most of your posts. I had to search back to find this one I quoted. ITA that the info the R's related via BFF/M via KK is immature, girlish, and I would add conniving and soap opera or reality show fabrications. It's all self-serving for KK and BFF/M.

Early on when KB was missing, I had wondered if PF's and the F family behaviors were about protecting SF. I thought maybe there was a major rift between SF and KB. Once we found out about KK, of course that changed the dynamic of the case. PF may have known that KK resented and hated KB, and PF may have been protecting KK, wondering if she had done something to KB. When PF became the focus of LE, he shut down entirely.

IDK what involvement any player had. I have wondered if it is PF who is in protective custody as a ruse to ferret out KK and others. Nothing would surprise me including charges dropped against PF and charges laid against KK and unknown persons associated with her.

Per the R interviews, BFF/M said that KK told her that PF solicited her to murder KB way back in October. No innocent declining solicitee with two firing brain cells would speak about this, unless they want to end up dead, too. Either you join, or go to LE, or you shut up forever. If the victim dies, you go to LE. Add in the other nonsense put forth - eg, PF may have killed before, PF says little girls go missing from playgrounds, etc. - and it looks to me like KK was laying the groundwork to setup PF for a murder commited by KK plus maybe others. LE figured out the connection between PF and KK quickly, SW's prepped and served 12/15-12/17 in Idaho. What if LE used KK's statements, backed up by BFF/M, to arrest PF, but LE knew these fantasy statements didn't smell right? LE arrests PF in a big show, KK thinks she is in the clear, but is very much on the radar.

Something about this case has always just rubbed me wrong, like it is not so simple as PF wanted KB murdered. If PF did do what he is charged with, he deserves 3 LWOP sentences: 1. for murdering KB, 2. for not recognizing KB is the finest woman he would ever find, and 3. for choosing babbling KK as an accomplice - is it possible anyone could be that stupid, KK has been screwing over PF since October at least by just running her mouth. KK is not who you choose to solicit.
Are there archives or screen shots of what she said? Did her posts indicate trouble between them?

You know, there was someone who knows PF who claimed they had broken up a year ago, while CB's comments made their relationship sound as though they were still as a couple and there was her aunt's remark which was deleted. I wonder if PF may have told people he knew, who didn't really know Kelsey, that they had broken up when they hadn't. Like maybe PF was seen around with other women or KKL and someone asked him about Kelsey and he just lied like, "oh, we broke up last year but share parenting and are still friends" etc. That would easy to pull off with people who only knew of Kelsey or saw her rarely, with them not living together, her working full time and them not being seen much together. PF may have led a compartmentalized life, which is not uncommon for cheaters. She may not have even known he lived a double life - bachelor within his circles, and "fiance" to her, 15 miles away.


I made a mistake. The Bible verses, affirmations and decorating ideas, and recipes are from KB's Pinterest page not Instagram.

KB has a pin category called "Quotes." That is where you'll find Bible verses and affirmations. She did add her own thoughts but I haven't read through those. I doubt she mentioned anything personal about what was going on with PF.

That includes my previous posts to @Dave F. about the girlie drinks.

I agree about PF's possible compartmentalization.

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The distance between woodland park & hansen is 770 miles roughly 11 hour drive.

3 days ago I drove 352 miles to deliver parts, then drove back, 704 miles total, only stopped for gas. Took roughly 11 hours.

I’m almost twice kk age. It’s not as tough/hard to do.

Dang gas tanks only allow for about 500 miles before empty.
Ok... we can’t change the past but we can maybe open up others to crazy situations, based on our personal experiences...
I don’t want to say too much in this case, but i can honestly say, I see controlling behaviors by PF..., but others and a particularly a new partner would not think 2x about. If it’s a one off, I’m not saying it defines that person, but if there are many, and when combined, compromise who you are as a person, there is a problem...
Just a couple of thoughts. I’ve said before that I don’t think KK was coerced or threatened into helping. That still how I feel.

As mentioned, she had plenty of opportunity to turn PF, or even just not go to Colorado. Calling police and reporting that PF was trying to threaten her into committing a murder would’ve gotten the attention of all kinds of LE.

Even if nothing could’ve been proven about the solicitation, LE would’ve contacted PF I believe. In that case, I believe either KB would’ve heard about that or would’ve been directly contacted by LE and informed. She would still be alive.

I also think about the 3 solicitation ms. If they were all to KK, that tells me that PF had no one else willing to kill with or for him, or even someone he could trust to cover it up.

As I said before, IMO that someone participating in this whole thing had to have had something to gain. None that f PF’s other acquaintances had anything to gain from helping him.

I really think if KK had refused to participate- not even gone to the cops, but just refused to drive to WP - PF might not have gone through with killing KB at all.

Now, I still put more blame on PF than KK because it seems he came up with the idea in the first place. However, I certainly leave open the idea that PF and KK decided together that KB needed to be gone.
KB was baking cinnamon scrolls and asking her mum for a recipe.
she wasn't ready to leave anything imo.
she was working really hard to create a warm family day for her baby k and Patrick :(
I was thinking about the time before Thanksgiving re leaving. Whatever she planned on Thanksgiving, she certainly wouldn't have left this day.
As long as I don't know, whether KB dropped of their baby at PF's farm or PF came to WP to pick up their baby at KB, I can't imagine, how the day would have unfolded - despite cinnamon rolls. :)
Small point, but the seller of 269 E. Lake lived in it before KB bought it, and moved out of state. The condo at 209 E. Lake is a rental, last advertised for $1075 per month. Its the only one in the complex that was ever rented, that I could find.
Is 209 a condo? Thought it was the A frame.
KB would not. But what if she were threatened?
It used to be drug runners flew cocaine in small planes from south america to miami to rural southern states.

The biggest drug epidemic is opioids-- OxyContin, Fentanyl,

Crystal meth manufacture, selling, and use is rampant in rural communities and all over, really.

imo moo

This biggest drug epidemic WAS opioids, several years ago. The media and the DEA have not caught up with the times. Opioids used to be prescribed willy nilly, back when so-called "pain pill clinics" were popular. Since federal regulation has put stricter prescribing rules on opioids and the majority of those clinics have closed (while actual pain management centers which use a variety of pain management methods continue to stay open), opioids have become harder and hard to get. The current epidemic is homemade Fentanyl-laced heroin, meth, and old-fashioned heroin. In most places, it is now easier and much cheaper to buy heroin off the streets than it is to buy opioids. It used to be that small towns and rural communities were seeing opioid abuse and never saw heroin. That has flipped. Heroin is everywhere now.
I've been away for several days. Tell me what is happening? Has KK been arrested? Anyone else? What is this about another dump search?
251 E Lake Ave. 251's parking area is a dead end. KB's unit is the one to the right. See the fence and wall? KB's unit is significantly higher in elevation, and KB's parking area is also a dead end.


KB used both of her spaces. PF would park behind her vehicles horizontally when picking up and dropping off Baby K per the neighbor. If PF parked that way, there would be a tree to his left, so he would have to back out the way he came in.

This brief park-n-go routine is about control? If PF parked two blocks away and carried Baby K to his truck, someone would call it child abuse. Funny, no one suggests KB might have parked one of her cars somewhere else so that she would have a visitor space available - that's what we do for visitors or repairmen, move one vehicle up around the corner, walk back, so they can park on our driveway.
Some people walk all day on their jobs. A big strong guy can walk very easily. Wait. He didn't need to. He parked behind her. I see it as a non-issue unless you would have health issues, or problems parking your car. Because I can't parallel park, on some of those streets with street-only parking I walk more than most. It was on my bucket list, but it remains unfulfilled.
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