CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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I’m still fixated on the missing bullet from MS’s gun she left in her car when kk borrowed it for her trip.

Maybe pf knew kelsey’s gun was empty and they used that bullet from ms’s.

Starting to confuse myself. Lol
Would LE not have checked MG's gun for residue since a bullet was allegedly missing? As well, they recovered KB's gun from KK's "friend", right?
None of it makes sense but I did notice this tweet yesterday:

Lance Benzel‏ @lancebenzel
Kenney claimed she did all this out of fear of #PatrickFrazee. Worried that he had people watching her, like he claimed he had people watching #KelseyBerreth. @csgazette

BBM. He had people watching her? What the what is that about? It sounds like something a paranoid schizophrenic would claim in a bad movie. Or the mole in a 1930's gangster film. Who is PF that he "had people watching" her? o_O
I don't believe for one second she was afraid of him. IMO.
i have not read through the thread since about 10pm last night but i'd like to know if a transcript of what was said in court is to become available? this was my first "court hearing via twitter" and while it was better than nothing, and i did enjoy the energy of it all, it still came off as sorta hearsay in a way. especially when the fellow sam [cant remember last name] reported 11/23 [instead of 9/22] in a tweet and took a couple hours to correct himself. he lost about 15 cred points with me on that one. so, i'd like to read somewhat exactly what was said in court instead of a impression through a twitterhead. will a transcript be released? thanks.
This is such a tragic case. Y’all do and have done amazing work on this. The details that came out yesterday were beyond disturbing to say the very least. In all of the information I read, not just here but elsewhere, it was mentioned that PF was estranged from his brother. I did go back and read what’s always posted (at the beginning of each thread) but couldn’t find out when that estrangement happened. Anyway, I’ve posted on WS before under a different handle (couldn’t get it back I guess when I tried to login in) but haven’t posted much since Casey Anthony/Jodi Arias cases! Hi! Thanks you guys for such a great site and wonderful victims forum as always.
I'm replying to my own post just to clarify my statement here:
PF has always been the Monster we knew from day 1.
Now KK has been revealed to be as equally Monster-ish. IMO
My laser focus on PF as the bad guy and only one responsible is now conflicted by KK's level of participation.

I don't think PF is ANY less guilty or less responsible by any means, I just don't want the general public to feel doubts about him in their blind rage at KK's actions.

Hope this isn't one of those "clear as mud" moments. :oops::)

I look at it this way: He's a sociopath and psychopath killer. This is the kind of thing they do. We write him off with a "thank God he's locked up". There's no gray area with him. She, OTOH, left some room (for some - not I!) for doubt as to what she is. She had the opportunity to stop all of this. Somehow that makes her even more contemptible. Now we know more - that she actually stalked Kelsey to kill her. Being the "other woman", also adds another element to her detestablity. And, she's been given a sweet deal when she deserves 20 years. We can loathe her and be righteously pissed off about this but that doesn't lessen the fact we know PF is basically, Satan. Really, they both are and M isn't far behind because she did the PR campaign.
Yes, 2016. Prior to or early in 2016 PF seems to have had 2 LDR's. Sometime during that year 1 LDR moves to him to be closer, and is pregnant within 3 mo. The second LDR starts a divorce and continues to hook-up with the intent of a "relationship".

PF's worlds are about to blow up.
I'll remove the YT its anyone thinks it's insensitive.
I often find myself having to dial back a comment because my gallows humor is not “sensitive”. People need to understand that humor is a coping mechanism when facing tragedy and horror. Your humor does not offend me at all and I, for one, appreciate it.
No, there's no proof, it's just postulating based on KK's friend's statements about a round in the chamber and bullet missing from the gun in the car she lent to KK.
I'm taking the DA's lead on the MG gun story here for a couple of reasons. There was no mention of this during testimony at preliminary, and we just learned of it today. Nonissue.

I think it was probably more a coincidence KK happened to borrow that car with gun inside. Also, a gun in your vehicle in Idaho is nothing abnormal. If MG let KK borrow her vehicle without removing her weapon, I wonder how many other times she's lent her vehicle out, and her weapon fired without her realizing it.

Also, MG is another person that KK confided in with the the PF solicitation story and she also remained silent. It's possible she wants to take the focus off herself here. I don't think MG's gun involved in this case. MOO
I’m still fixated on the missing bullet from MS’s gun she left in her car when kk borrowed it for her trip.

Maybe pf knew kelsey’s gun was empty and they used that bullet from ms’s.

Starting to confuse myself. Lol

A couple of people have referred to it as MS's gun. MS was last month.

This was MG,'s gun, a coworker/ nurse whose car she borrowed, and was introduced to us just today.

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This is such a tragic case. Y’all do and have done amazing work on this. The details that came out yesterday were beyond disturbing to say the very least. In all of the information I read, not just here but elsewhere, it was mentioned that PF was estranged from his brother. I did go back and read what’s always posted (at the beginning of each thread) but couldn’t find out when that estrangement happened. Anyway, I’ve posted on WS before under a different handle (couldn’t get it back I guess when I tried to login in) but haven’t posted much since Casey Anthony/Jodi Arias cases! Hi! Thanks you guys for such a great site and wonderful victims forum as always.

Welcome to Websleuths!


Image courtesy of Smiley Shack.
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What do you all make of KK bringing coffee to thank KB for wrangling her loose dogs? That makes no sense to me. Wouldn't KB know that she had never helped her with any dogs? I wonder if KB told her she's got the wrong house? So strange.
Perhaps KB told PF a story about how she found some dogs running around and called the # on the tags and the owner was able to locate the dogs thanks to KB. (Or PF was there when the dog thing happened). Then PF told KK the story and said pretend you were the neighbor who lost the dogs (to build trust.) It's creepy how much thought and effort they put in to their lies. I think PF was thinking of several different ways he could get KK to kill KB, it was just a matter of having the right opportunity so he was constantly trying to pave the way for that outcome. MOO
I wonder where Patrick came up with the idea to use Krystal to help get rid of Kelsey.

I've speculated that he knew some secret about her that she didn't want to get out.

We see that she went along with him to do this, tried on three occasions, but didn't go through with them. I still think she did poison the coffee and was upset that Kelsey didn't die then. I think she panicked, because after telling Patrick that she knew exactly what to put in the coffee to kill Kelsey, and it appears Kelsey didn't drink it, she made the flimsy excuse that she just couldn't do it. To which he said something along the lines of "next time". Because there was no evidence of this coffee being poisoned, she knew she could get away with a lie saying she didn't poison it after all, as there was no evidence of it.

Amazingly, she drives again from Idaho to kill Kelsey with a steel rod, couldn't do it, drops it back off at Ma's ranch, and drives back to Idaho.

Then she drives a third time with a baseball bat, doesn't go through with it, drives back to Idaho.

I think she was hoping the first chance worked- less mess to clean up, no blood. Yes, she is a nurse and is used to seeing blood, but it's quite different seeing a patient's blood from testing, surgery or an accident, versus the blood from a murder either you committed or your boyfriend. For most people, even being in the medical profession, that would make you sick to your stomach, knowing that another human being suffered at someone else's hands- especially your boyfriend!

Then on Thanksgiving, she gets a call to come and clean up his mess. And she does it! Drives all the way back from Idaho to do this. Just how did this woman get so much time off from work to do all of this driving to Colorado to attempt murder? I mean, didn't co-workers, family, friends, notice any change in her- jumpy, upset, scared, irritated, or did they assume she was going through peri-menopause or menopause? Especially after Thanksgiving- when she came back from cleaning up, she didn't act any different? She went and partied in LV afterwards?

This certainly doesn't sound like a woman groomed to me. She either wanted PF bad enough to do whatever it took to get him, or he had some secret he held over her head, and she helped to silence him. She did this for selfish reasons, in my opinion.
I believe it may be as simple as PF contacting KK's ex-husband with dirt that might give him a leg up on custody of their own children. According to the affidavit, their divorce wasn't final until August 2018. MOO
A couple of people have referred to it as MS's gun. MS was last month.

This was MG,'s gun, a coworker/ nurse whose car she borrowed, and was introduced to us just yesterday.


That’s certainly some friend.

I wouldn’t let anyone borrow my vehicle for a quickie 1600 mile drive. And I keep my tags current, and would make sure to remove my gun from the car.
Does anyone remember what time KB, PF and Baby K were seen on the neighbor’s surveillance camera?

I know it was tweeted but it’s hard to look through them on my phone.

I’m wondering because I thought that we kinda figured KB was home from the supermarket a little after 12:30 noon.

I thought PF said he was there around that time to get the baby.

But the arrest warrant places him on video at Walmart between 12:54-1:17. He’s said to have a baby carrier similar to the one KB had at the supermarket, including the blanket.

Then the warrant says someone matching PF’s description enters KB’s front door at 1:24pm.

The time stamps showing him leave Walmart At 1:17 and get to Kelsey’s about 7 minutes later, meaning it takes somewhere around 7 minutes to get to go to or from Walmart.

If KB left the market at 12:27, even if she got home at 12;30 I think that timeline is a little tight. He would’ve had basically 17 minutes to kill KB and clean up/change clothes before heading off to Walmart.

The reason I’m wondering about what time all 3 (KB PF and Baby K) were seen on video, is because I’m wondering if he had time to kill KB and be presentable to show up at Walmart less than 20 minutes later or so.

Not that it makes much difference I guess if he killed her at 12:30 or 1:30. I’m just wondering if he was out and about in public right after the murder. Or did he actually go to Walmart and buy candles, or maybe a large black tote, then come back and kill KB?

If so, why would he take Baby K to Walmart and then bring her back to the house and inside to kill KB?

I was thinking that the video of all 3 was taken prior to Walmart because why would KB still have the flowers in her hands if PF and Baby K went to Walmart and came back nearly an hour later.

I’m wondering if he killed KB more around 1:30, which would give him more time before he had to turn up for Thanksgiving.

I’m not sure my post is anything but idle curiosity, but I’m wondering if he killed her later than suspected. Or was he that quick and then was able to pull himself together enough to go out shopping in public having just committed a cold blooded murder.
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