CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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Perhaps KB told PF a story about how she found some dogs running around and called the # on the tags and the owner was able to locate the dogs thanks to KB. (Or PF was there when the dog thing happened). Then PF told KK the story and said pretend you were the neighbor who lost the dogs (to build trust.) It's creepy how much thought and effort they put in to their lies. I think PF was thinking of several different ways he could get KK to kill KB, it was just a matter of having the right opportunity so he was constantly trying to pave the way for that outcome. MOO

Yeah, that's probably it, something like that. Ugh, so awful.
Oh, hell no.

To think, she witnessed PF burning Kelsey’s body, likely had some guilty knowledge, and still had the gall to file for custody.

Your son killed the mother of your grandchild, and you think you’re going to be allowed to raise her?!

Good luck with that.

Didn’t the sister of PF also file for custody.

SF was one determined woman. She wanted that baby.
Only he knows for sure. That being said, they tend to seek out unsuspecting, maybe a tad naive and giving women...empathetic, co-dependent types usually. I think they look for women who are not necessarily stupid, but willing to turn a blind eye to the immediate red them the benefit of the doubt. They tend to "test" you over time, to see what you're willing to put up with.

They want a mom, but generally, they hate their mom, and themselves. So, no matter what you do, how you do it, or why...they will end up hating you too, because, you chose to be with them.
Absolutely agree!

I said this about CW, and I'll say it about PF-- every strike of that bat at KB was also a strike at SF. MOO
It's not clear and I wondered the same thing. The affidavit says:

11. Between 1254-1317 hours also on November 22. 2018, Frazee is captured on surveillance footage at a Walmart in Woodland Park, Colorado with a baby carrier with a similar blanket as seen in the Safeway footage. Although [redact] cannot be clearly seen in the footage, it is likely she was in the baby carrier. Frazee told a Woodland Park Police Officer that he met with Berreth in an alleyway outside of her residence to exchange custody of the child. Investigators believe this exchange did indeed happen since Frazee appeared at Walmart with and this is the last known in person sighting of Berreth.

12. At approximately 1324 hours, also on November 22. 2018, an individual that matches the physical description of Frazee is captured on a neighbor's surveillance camera entering the front door of Berreth's residence. This photograph contradicts Frazee's timeline provided to investigators.

13. The same residential surveillance camera captured an individual that matches the physical description of Frazee at Berreth's residence at or about 1536hours. It is noted that around this time, Frazee's phone records indicated that he called his mother and Krystal Lee

To be at Thanksgiving at 2:30, he would have had to get out of KB's unseen by the camera, go to Thanksgiving for a few minutes and be back by 3:36. I don't know how far away the Thanksgiving celebration was from KB's.

Ding, Ding, Ding! And didn't KK say that PF told her how hard it was to eat Thanksgiving meal after Killing KB?

Edit: Note the times here.
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I noticed that he was very vague about that. He said that it was sometime after 2:30. But that could have been 10 at night. He wasn't any help in nailing the time frame down. In my opinion.
I have a feeling the call to Ma F was to tell her he was running a bit late but "hold dinner, I'm on my way with baby K." When he gets there he spins his tale about KB breaking up with him, again, that she's crazy, blah, blah, blah. Pathological liar he is.
I think the affidavit does a good job of backing up her story - IMO. The cell phone data in particular. It seems they have solid evidence that she was alive on 11/22 (video) and then she was not. and KK has an alibi so PF has to be the one to murder her. What I find appalling is the detail with which he told her of murdering KB and her recollection of those details (blood on oven mitts, bible, tinfoil covering rolls, baby toys, pillows curtains - and a tooth with a root - did she take pictures I wonder?). Almost like they enjoyed it? I just can't imagine the conversation they had while watching the burning. JMO

While all of the gory details provided by KK were riveting yesterday, much of it seems to be embellished by her for shock value and that's why the DA wanted the public to hear it. They want PF to plea. PF has to be seething from all of KK's incredible bs.

KB was tiny and one whack to the head with a wooden bat by a guy as large as PF would have knocked her to the floor. There was no chasing her all over the house going whack, whack getting blood everywhere from the back bedroom to the Bible, to the kitchen. Just because KK said there was blood on oven mitts, tin foil, baby toys, and she found a full tooth, doesn't mean any of it is true. It can't be proved because she threw it all away.

KK's story about the Starbucks makes absolutely no sense and sounds more like behavior of a stalker obsessed with KB. She knocks on KB's door and starts babbling about lost dogs and play dates and wants us to believe KB actually accepted the coffee. It isn't remotely believable. Not for a minute do I believe PF came up with an idea of a blindfold "game" with scented candles. That sounds like something from a soap opera script.

KK only admitted to being at the crime scene because she knew they might find her DNA there. But I think she totally fabricated the reason she was there.

And who is the male the DNA belongs to? Not PF. And where is the 8th bullet from Megan's gun?

Or the brother, after PF was arrested realized he is subhuman and did this...

I am guessing many in the immediate F family knew something was amiss with the youngest...this just solidified their thoughts. I hope they were all horrified at what was revealed yesterday, but I have my doubts about mom F.
I can't stop thinking about the fire and the statement by KK that she only saw "a lump" in the fire. Is it possible PF disposed of KB's body elsewhere before KK arrived then only burned the tote because it was evidence? Could he have only told KK that KB was in there? The fire would have to be extremely hot or burn for days to reduce the body to ashes. And the smell would be horrible. Not only would SF notice this, the neighbors should have noticed the smoke or the smell. Also, didn't some of our locals tell us there was a ban on burning in Colorado due to the history of wildfires? Would the neighbors really not say anything if they saw black smoke or smelled fire at night?

I guess it's wishful thinking on my part that KB's body may still be out there somewhere and recoverable for her family to have a proper funeral. :(

Sorry to jump in feet and head first like I always do but according to yesterday’s information KLK or KKL (I’m so tempted to do naughty stuff with her and PF’s initials) she claims to have gone to KB’s house posing as a neighbor with coffee (that wasn’t laced with anything) and I know we don’t know all her parents know or have told the CBI/LE but it seems to me that a new “neighbor” that’s comes over with coffee would be something you’d mention to your parents. I’m not saying it’s not impossible, it just when I moved recently with my husband my next door neighbor came over with homemade pastries and I mentioned it to my mom in our next phone call. Sorry I’m caught up to speed on most of the actual facts (wouldn’t want to waste the time of the awesome work you’ve all done) just wondered if that could be corroborated? Also, I have no dog in this hunt other than to see justice for KB her baby and family I just have questions that may not even be covered at trial or at the very least right now. Do any of y’all live around there? It’s pretty country from what I’ve been told.
THIS is what keeps bothering me about the T-Day dinner at SF
I’ve always felt their Thanksgiving dinner was always more of a “all hands on deck” planning session on how to save PF’s azz and dispose of all the evidence than an actual family dinner. If I’m offbase....then let’s see the family photos from the holiday.
He may have been abusive towards her, but she might not have seen it that way. She was out late the night before helping him with cattle. She also ran and got him medicine. She may have been planning to have Thanksgiving dinner with him. And she apparently let him blindfold her to play a candle scent guessing game.

That doesn’t seem to me like she feared him.
I disagree. She was always walking on eggshells with him. PF's mask slipped a longtime ago.

Participating in the stupid candle game was KB just keeping the peace. What she really wanted/needed was a nap after doing him favors all night, with her baby daughter in tow.

Does anyone remember what time KB, PF and Baby K were seen on the neighbor’s surveillance camera?

I know it was tweeted but it’s hard to look through them on my phone.

I’m wondering because I thought that we kinda figured KB was home from the supermarket a little after 12:30 noon.

I thought PF said he was there around that time to get the baby.

But the arrest warrant places him on video at Walmart between 12:54-1:17. He’s said to have a baby carrier similar to the one KB had at the supermarket, including the blanket.

Then the warrant says someone matching PF’s description enters KB’s front door at 1:24pm.

The time stamps showing him leave Walmart At 1:17 and get to Kelsey’s about 7 minutes later, meaning it takes somewhere around 7 minutes to get to go to or from Walmart.

If KB left the market at 12:27, even if she got home at 12;30 I think that timeline is a little tight. He would’ve had basically 17 minutes to kill KB and clean up/change clothes before heading off to Walmart.

The reason I’m wondering about what time all 3 (KB PF and Baby K) were seen on video, is because I’m wondering if he had time to kill KB and be presentable to show up at Walmart less than 20 minutes later or so.

Not that it makes much difference I guess if he killed her at 12:30 or 1:30. I’m just wondering if he was out and about in public right after the murder. Or did he actually go to Walmart and buy candles, or maybe a large black tote, then come back and kill KB?

If so, why would he take Baby K to Walmart and then bring her back to the house and inside to kill KB?

I was thinking that the video of all 3 was taken prior to Walmart because why would KB still have the flowers in her hands if PF and Baby K went to Walmart and came back nearly an hour later.

I’m wondering if he killed KB more around 1:30, which would give him more time before he had to turn up for Thanksgiving.

I’m not sure my post is anything but idle curiosity, but I’m wondering if he killed her later than suspected. Or was he that quick and then was able to pull himself together enough to go out shopping in public having just committed a cold blooded murder.
I think the murder was between 3:37 and 4:45? - he was seen on the neighbor's camera around that time and then he called SF and KK around the second time - I will find those exact times in the Affidavit but I tend to believe it was during that hour or so. JMO
ETA 13:24 and 15:36 in Warrant.
THIS is what keeps bothering me about the T-Day dinner at SF
Agree- I think most of us are bothered by this, too. Also, was it just the brother and mother there for Thanksgiving? No other family members- other siblings (we know PF has a sister for sure!), their spouses, nieces and nephews? I only want to know because maybe you can keep one or two family member's silent, but not all of them will follow that family code- especially when it comes to murder.
Maybe she’ll get KK’s (if she’s really pregnant). Any news on that front btw?

No news locally of the kind, no. But I've read posts today here from people who believe that PF "had something on KK", in order to make her jump to all of his commands, take all those trips, try to kill KB all of those times.. and then own "her mess", and I tend to lean that way.

If there were anything that PF was holding over KK, it could be that she's with child (or a previous child they share). Maybe she didn't want the Ex to learn of either/or since she was residing with her Ex still... smh

*sigh* my mind's still a horrified pretzel from yesterday's info dump, but yeah, anything is possible as we all learned yesterday. It wouldn't surprise me since she admitted to a very current relationship with PF. No wonder The BFF did not want to comment on that. All just my sad opinion.

eta I'll vomit if I find that to be true. Just sayin.
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I don’t know how he got the bat into the house, or how he was able to convince Kelsey to play along with this game, but I’m strongly leaning towards it being true.

There isn’t any reason for him to lie about this to KK, and she did state that she saw a sweater that was contorted in a way that it could have been a blindfold.

He beat an innocent woman to death, there’s no way to make that look any better.

If he bought candles at that Walmart, then I’ll be sold.
I wonder if that will come out - we know KB bought dip and flowers at Safeway that day. (Affidavit)
I can't stop thinking about the fire and the statement by KK that she only saw "a lump" in the fire. Is it possible PF disposed of KB's body elsewhere before KK arrived then only burned the tote because it was evidence? Could he have only told KK that KB was in there? The fire would have to be extremely hot or burn for days to reduce the body to ashes. And the smell would be horrible. Not only would SF notice this, the neighbors should have noticed the smoke or the smell. Also, didn't some of our locals tell us there was a ban on burning in Colorado due to the history of wildfires? Would the neighbors really not say anything if they saw black smoke or smelled fire at night?

I guess it's wishful thinking on my part that KB's body may still be out there somewhere and recoverable for her family to have a proper funeral. :(

I absolutely believe that Kelsey’s body was in that tote when it was burned.

KK retrieved it with PF, and was present when he started the fire.

She remained for “several hours,” but apparently wasn’t there when he finished what he was doing, and ultimately disposed of her remains.

There aren’t a lot of houses nearby, and I’m sure that even if someone smelled something, they weren’t the type of people to report it to law enforcement.

In following other cases where human bodies are burned in this way, the process takes many hours, but not days.

An accelerant helps, and all indications are that he used gasoline.

I buy this, and don’t anticipate her remains will ever be located, unless they found something at the fire location iteself.
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