CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #41 *ARREST*

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Yah idk but he did burn it on his own property, right outside the front door apparently. According to the drone footage of the dig site. Moo
Right, but he disposed of the remains elsewhere. Apparently all they found were melted balls of plastic and accelerant. Imo
Still thinking KK was there Thanksgiving and actually went thru with it the third time. I know her family said she was there but bloods thicker than water, well sometimes. It is the Wild West and , well I don't carry a gun. I get uneasy right away.
She left an amazing digital trail to show she wasn’t there. That’s crazy huh.
Does KKL remain free? Imo she is almost as guilty as PF. I do think she wanted KB dead. she just couldn't get up the gumption yet to do the deed herself, but she would have eventually imo. She knew KB was going to be murdered somehow. She cleaned the crime scene herself and helped burn evidence! She took KB's phone to Idaho and sent misleading texts and burned KB's phone.
She needs to be held accountable. She is an accomplice and I suspect encouraged her murder. I don't think we know all of her participation. She's had an attorney from the get go and even with that she still looks guilty as heck! imo
I do not think WPPD is incompetent. I think they made the best of a horrific set of players. In order to search, other than an obvious walk through, looking for signs of an obvious struggle, robbery, or pools of blood, they had to have a PROBABLE CAUSE WARRANT.

After the walk through there were no obvious signs. The Barreth’s have no authority to have the police search their daughter’s home. The PROBABLE CAUSE didn’t exist until KK started talking. Had KB’s body, a weapon, anything tied to KB’s home been found they could have gotten the warrant. Had it been searched without a warrant all evidence would have been thrown out of court.

We should be thankful LEO followed the proper procedures. We should be thankful the Barreth’s searched for the tiniest of clues to find KB. It is harder to be thankful to KK...but I hold out hope that the judge will use his discretion to enhance her sentence.

I think looking at the early press conferences, you not only see CB’s pain, but also the heartbreak of LE. Do not discount how much they care. Sometimes in order to stop the suffering you have to do things you do not want to do. I hope the B family was involved in some of these heartbreaking decisions.

If the condo was owned by an LLC controlled by the family, they could authorize a search, I would think.
I'm sure she covered her arse real well with the help of the R's coming forward.... I still feel KB was shot also. Just a hunch. They recovered KBs gun so it wasn't hers. There is more I'm sure PF will pull a rabbit to try to thro her lies

i guess we could figure the route from PFs home thru salt lake and it was 4:13 am in a remote area of Utah/ Idaho border. Line 40

I too thought she was shot. Perhaps drugged first, and then shot, all staged as a suicide. Then something went terribly wrong, that caused PF to panic and move her body. But they have KK’s version of events, and that version is awful enough to compel a jury. So there’s that.
ok just read the affidavit for arrest...I'm super far behind, but of course yet another person knew what was going to happen and
just sad
I have to get to bed,,,thanks very much to everyone here. Unlike the people around KB, you all always help out. I feel so badly for her...just surrounded by evil.

And btw..I think the PF KK conversation was something like...PF: well you could have me except for KB. KK: well too bad she's not de@d. PF: well if you really want me prove it.

cuz really why else would that evil dumb bee-atch be driving 800 miles to hang out around KB's house, knock on her door for goodness sake with a coffee???!!! She was too cowardly to actually go through with it, but she WAS THERE!..Because she wanted KB dead.
So gross. I hope she somehow fries for it. How can anyone say, "oh she's a really good person"
There is a study out there related to killing someone...and war or being a soldier. If you can see their face/eyes you humanize them, if not, it's much easier to pretend they aren't human. Still wondering about the psychology on the sweater and candles if it's indeed true, hopefully someone qualified can explain because it seems really weird.
It may just be that he was too much of a coward to look her in the eyes while he killed her.
Maybe he used the element of surprise because he didn't want her to become panicked and have to deal with a struggle or a confrontation. By keeping her calm and blindfolding her he made sure she was completely defenseless. She never had a chance. Imo
Isn't the house technically SF's as she owns it, and PF is "just living with her?" I'd interpret it as wanting her to verify when PF returned to the ranchette for TG dinner, especially because his brother only admitted to "after 2:30." JMO.
Timeline wise, his cell and KB's pinged up at Nash Ranch area in the evening and timing the drive from KB's house when he had possession of her phone and likely her remains, he could not have gotten home earlier than 5:30-6pm after hiding the tote with her in it. SeanF gave a vague time. It's not a lie but we don't know what he called to tell Mommy and SF. The cell activity also suggests that he went there the next morning again, and then again in the afternoon with KK. SMH MOO
I kinda victim blamed KK at first and got deleted but that was just when I accused her of only in theory agreeing to drive the phone home to imply KB left on her own.. it once occurred to me maybe this knuckle head baby daddy woo’d KK and said here’s a romantic Christmas gift (KB’s phone) don’t open until Christmas - clearly he’s equally as deranged just not that quick witted. Now I’m finally caught up and I’m in utter SHOCK! Who could do this? His part and hers and his mothers and her co-worker and the opportunist lawyer couple.. how can people like this even exist? How is this story not the plot of a season of American Horror Story? It honestly bruises my faith in goodness.
I just don't understand and it makes me utterly ill. I hope she loses custody of her kids.
Does KKL remain free? Imo she is almost as guilty as PF. I do think she wanted KB dead. she just couldn't get up the gumption yet to do the deed herself, but she would have eventually imo. She knew KB was going to be murdered somehow. She cleaned the crime scene herself and helped burn evidence! She took KB's phone to Idaho and sent misleading texts and burned KB's phone.
She needs to be held accountable. She is an accomplice and I suspect encouraged her murder. I don't think we know all of her participation. She's had an attorney from the get go and even with that she still looks guilty as heck! imo

I believe KK wanted KB dead because she was desperately in love with PF and didn't enjoy KB as competition. I think that PF tricked her into believing he loved her and she was so far gone, would do anything for PF, and tried following PF's orders to please him but did not want to kill KB herself.

IMO, KK pathetically wanted PF to still love her without actually murdering KB and tried to satisfy him with 3 attempts by driving to the house.

I can't understand why nurse KK would go out of her way to drive hundreds of miles, on three separate occasions under PF's orders to kill KB but people do crazy things "for love". Perhaps, on a delusional level, KK believed if she made these attempts to drive to KB's residence but not kill her, PF would be pleased enough (not angry) and not ask her again.
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Meghan is MG - co worker of KK

I believe the following had knowledge that PF solicited KB to murder KB:

R's (lawyer & his wife)

Possibly had knowledge of solicitation - speculation only:

Idaho Gun broker (KK gave him KB's gun to get rid of it),
KK Aunt(s) - Aunt K was with KK in Las Vegas when she was questioned by CBI , and unnamed Aunt took KK to Boise to seek a lawyer just before making deal with DA.

KK likes to talk! She could not remain silent.

What a fat mouth. Thank you, I didn't know about the gun broker..yet another layer. And the Aunt...well hmm. smh!
Yes. He was clearly contacting Kelsey to arrange the pickup of the baby.

He picked her up, and took her to Walmart.

The part that he didn’t tell police, is that he returned to the house with the baby, right after leaving Walmart.

We obviously don’t know if Kelsey was expecting him to return or not, but the surveillance footage from a neighbor’s house, showed that he did.

He must have put the baby in the playpen, then gone about the killing.

I think that 3:36 surveillance image, is him leaving.
Maybe he went to Walmart to buy a truck tote or a baseball bat. Or maybe some baby supplies since he knew lil K would be staying with him going forward.
OMG or maybe a candle.
dirtbag. what a terrible person.
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I do not think WPPD is incompetent. I think they made the best of a horrific set of players. In order to search, other than an obvious walk through, looking for signs of an obvious struggle, robbery, or pools of blood, they had to have a PROBABLE CAUSE WARRANT.

After the walk through there were no obvious signs. The Barreth’s have no authority to have the police search their daughter’s home. The PROBABLE CAUSE didn’t exist until KK started talking. Had KB’s body, a weapon, anything tied to KB’s home been found they could have gotten the warrant. Had it been searched without a warrant all evidence would have been thrown out of court.

We should be thankful LEO followed the proper procedures. We should be thankful the Barreth’s searched for the tiniest of clues to find KB. It is harder to be thankful to KK...but I hold out hope that the judge will use his discretion to enhance her sentence.

I think looking at the early press conferences, you not only see CB’s pain, but also the heartbreak of LE. Do not discount how much they care. Sometimes in order to stop the suffering you have to do things you do not want to do. I hope the B family was involved in some of these heartbreaking decisions.
I was very clear in my post that I hope that I am proven wrong.

I think that blood splatter on the television, high window, harwood floor seams, are very telling and elementary things to be missed. These things would have warranted the "probable cause" warrant.

I get up in AM, have some coffee, take my kids to school, go to work, make dinner, activities, spend time with my family. Never had a burner phone, never drove that far at the drop of a hat, never got involved in a murder or cleaning one up.

Driving the 800 miles may seem like it would be difficult, but it's not so bad when you are looking forward to several hours of cleaning up blood splatter at a crime scene, followed by a cheeseburger, tater tots and a milkshake from Sonic. Seriously, who wouldn't go through that effort for some of those wonderful tots?
We haven’t heard PF’s version yet. This is all just her story. A planned story. I need to hear his version. I’m in the none of this makes sense mode right now and convinced her story is false.

Personally, I don’t value the words of a liar, much less a killer.

KK’s account makes sense, and is backed up by evidence, only a portion of which we have heard.

He lied about the last time he saw her. He returned to her house (which was caught on tape), and Kelsey was never seen alive again.

His coverup exposed him, and will ultimately bury him.
I really wonder why PF felt KB had to be dead. The only reason I can come up with is that he wanted (his mother) to have sole custody and felt KB humiliated him. Nothing will make a narcissistic man angrier than humiliating them.

KK was desperately in love with him and he took advantage of that. A narcissistic man can never have enough attention or sex.
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