CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #41 *ARREST*

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I really wonder why PF felt KB had to be dead. The only reason I can come up with is that he wanted himself and his mother to have sole custody and felt KB humiliated him. Nothing will make a narcissistic man angrier than humiliating them.

KK was desperately in love with him and he simply took advantage of that. A narcissistic man can never have enough attention or sex.

He lives with mama. I'm betting he has an enmeshed relationship with her. I think she's catered to her not and he could do no wrong.

People like this can be very possessory toward children. He probably felt the same way or similarly toward his child. She's a possession. She's his. And he's not going to allow some woman he doesn't care about to take his kid.

He wanted her all for himself.
If anyone is baffled on why KK attempted to follow PF's orders to kill KB, Google the Milgram Experiment. He studied if people would obey authority figures when ordered to deliver electric shocks and fatal shocks, to someone screaming in pain (it was fake).

"The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychologyexperiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a "learner." These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.[2]"
Milgram experiment - Wikipedia
The thing that always gets to me in crimes like this is the human detachment that it takes to commit a crime like this. The total lack of any regard for a human life is just so mind boggling to me. Can’t imagine what the B’s must be feeling about all the players in this case. Just disgusting! Moo

I recall someone from her circle expressing outrage at the "witnesses" who didn't step forward until it was too late.

Can you imagine? Having that desperate pain and knowing how easy it would've been for even one of those people of defective character to stop it and save the life of their loved one.

If anyone is baffled on why KK would attempt to even follow PF's orders to kill KB, google the Milgram Experiment. He studied if people would obey authority figures when ordered to hurt someone.

"The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychologyexperiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obeyan authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a "learner." These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.[2]"
Milgram experiment - Wikipedia

She was obsessed with him. Wanted him badly. IMO that was it. She wanted beautiful KB gone as badly as he did, I bet.
Personally, I don’t value the words of a liar, much less a killer.

KK’s account makes sense, and is backed up by evidence, only a portion of which we have heard.

He lied about the last time he saw her. He returned to her house (which was caught on tape), and Kelsey was never seen alive again.

His coverup exposed him, and will ultimately bury him.
Agreed, except for Kk’s account makes sense.
I really wonder why PF felt KB had to be dead. The only reason I can come up with is that he wanted (his mother) to have sole custody and felt KB humiliated him. Nothing will make a narcissistic man angrier than humiliating them.

KK was desperately in love with him and he took advantage of that. A narcissistic man can never have enough attention or sex.

Pretty much agree with this.
I recall someone from her circle expressing outrage at the "witnesses" who didn't step forward until it was too late.

Can you imagine? Having that desperate pain and knowing how easy it would've been for even one of those people of defective character to stop it and save the life of their loved one.


Her friends and acquaintances who knew about this, must have been drawn from the 9 Circles of Hell.

How else does one find that many people, who are unwilling to do the right thing?
Despite reading for a day and half, I am still one thread behind. I am so horrified and sick over what has been revealed. I apologize for speaking out of turn.

I am livid that KK has been given a sweet deal. However, I am recalling that Judges in the past, have thrown out plea deals because they are ridiculous given the evidence against the defendant. I am praying to God, please don't let KK get away with this. And may karma greet SF, MS and her former employers.

Don't feel badly. I'm way behind, too, and probably post ideas already discussed or debunked. However, this is where I am, now:

Unless I see solid proof that KK was in Idaho on Thanksgiving day, night, and early Friday, I'm not leaving out the possibility that she's the killer and previous discussions about killing Kelsey were initiated by KK. Oh, and it was HER bat. And, looking at the alleged timeline, when the hell did she sleep on her nearly 1800 mile round trip? Allegedly, she arrives early Saturday AM, goes and gets keys from PF, goes to Kelsey's and cleans up, heads out to the Nash ranch to retrieve the body, goes back to the ranchette for the burn (Saturday evening) and drives back to Idaho, arriving Sunday morning. Really? That's a fast turn around with much "accomplished" - all on no sleep. Hell, that would be a fast turn around if all she did was drive to Colorado, sleep and drive back but nooooo, she did a lot of local driving AND cleaned a murder scene with blood all over several rooms, ate, and attended a cremation. Maybe someone can do the math on all of the time required in her very busy trip.
Dear God! Why is she getting such a pass?

Because they did not know her level of involvement until they negotiated a plea. Just as she didn't know how much info they had.

They knew some of it but not the total extent.

IMO it looks like conspiracy to commit murder which appears to be a level 4 felony or 8-24 years.

But they knew she wasn't there when KB was likely murdered. They had enough to charge her with tampering (from my perusal of the timeline) but not enough for accessory, conspiracy, or for homicide charges against PF, until she talked.

But she only talked because they agreed to charge her with tampering and not something more serious.
KK said PF told her to hit KB in the back of the head so there wouldn’t be much blood. Why was there so much blood?

Head wound splits are gushers if you hit in the right place. I raised boys who were good at hitting their heads one thing or another. They can scare the hell out of you. MOO
KK said PF told her to hit KB in the back of the head so there wouldn’t be much blood. Why was there so much blood?
First off, that’s flawed logic in the first place, any head injury with a bat, will produce copious amounts of blood.

The crime scene had copious amounts of blood, because he bashed her head in with a baseball bat.

That’s what happens.
It’s supported by evidence though.

What part of her account, pertaining to the crime itself, doesn’t make sense?
All she’s said she could have done herself. I’m curious as I respect your opinion, what evidence you think is compelling against him?
First off, that’s flawed logic in the first place, any head injury with a bat, will produce copious amounts of blood.

The crime scene had copious amounts of blood, because he bashed her head in with a baseball bat.

That’s what happens.
It was a hypothetical question. He planned little blood yet there was blood everywhere.
Does a person willing to commit murder, for a reason, think through the possible outcomes, and whether the worst case scenario is somehow better? If PF does nothing, he has to endure a future with at worst, shared custody of his daughter, and perhaps an ongoing turmoil filled relationship with his daughter's mother.

In his mind, it's the best case scenario that appeals the most, and apparently is the one with greatest chance of success. He kills KB, covers it up completely, and is never held accountable. He gets full custody, and maybe/maybe not, continues his relationship with KK.

He completely discounts the worse case outcome of his plan, which is that he spends the remainder of his life in prison, and has ZERO relationship with his daughter, which perhaps appears to have been the reason he wanted to do the crime in the first place.

Kind of like a hail mary pass, that you don't need to throw. If it's caught, you win the game you were already winning, but by a bigger margin. If it's not, you go to jail for the rest of your life, and never see your daughter again.
KK didn't come forward, ever. The FBI went to her. She knew they knew. Then she talked.

And lied her *advertiser censored* off and STILL got a sweet deal.

That female prosecutor wit the long gray hair - ugh. I can hardly stand listening to her. She is completely snowed by KK. Listen carefully to her. Not good.
agreed. if KK was concerned about baby K's welfare with an "unfit" mother (KB), why would she kill the baby's mother instead of calling CPS/DSHS?

The baby was in the next room when KB was killed. She heard it all. How is that not child abuse? KK has no moral compass or common sense.

Poor KB, and poor baby K, who heard her mother being killed and who will forever have thanksgiving nightmares.

I just don't understand and it makes me utterly ill. I hope she loses custody of her kids.
One thing I’m curious about is that PF and KK were involved since 2016 according to the affidavit and her ex. Yet, in 2016 he also goes online to meet someone else. So he was not happy with just KK. Wonder when she REALLY found out about KB? And I wonder if KB was one of several girls he met online? I wonder if there are others that he was seeing in 2016? I’ve also wondered if he had a reputation with the local girls, hence him preferring women that were not in CO? Just thinking out loud.

Wow! I hadn't even thought they might have discussed killing each other's partners.

This would certainly explain PF having a hold over KK.

Even having a chat about ways to kill CL would be a problem for her, but imagine if he has recently had near-accidents.

knowing all the pieces we see now I suspect KK and PF do go waaaaaaay back.
the whole first love blah blah blah for them both.

KK broke PKs heart running off and marrying different cowboy.
life got boring being a wife mother nurse and the rodeo queen started investing herself heavily in her true stuff ??( Trudie help us out here lol)
she and PFs worlds collide once more and their shared love of all things country and western hit it off with a rekindled affair.2016-17
this time PF, still smarting from loosing her plays the field on the side and chases women online and by sheer bad luck KB enters the fray.
shes pretty, smart and ambitious. why not??
he likes her well enough to encourage her to come closer but then she does, he knocks her up accidently and boom.... locked into a relationship he is only half into.
KK learns of the other woman and the baby on the way and again removes herself from his life.
but this time things are different......her marriage does not survive the affair and suddenly KK is AVAILABLE and can not forget her first love no matter what a *advertiser censored* he is.
neither can he.
early 2018 the affair begins again and this time its for keeps.
in it together up to their eyeballs.

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