CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #50 *ARREST*

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nwmouse, remember how stunned we were at what came out during the hearing?
Who would have thought of any of it?
Imagine what else they have if Mama is ever "encouraged" to talk!

Yep, there are more nasty surprises on the way, imho.

Its kind of like the Chris Watts murders. We surmised we had all the worst pieces to the puzzle when he pled guilty, but in his latest interview even more grotesque details have come out. Things that most couldn't even imagine.

I think during the PF trial (if he doesn't plead guilty and the case goes to trial) even more horrible details will emerge.

I hope he pleads guilty, to spare KB's family and friends the horror of a trial, but I think PF is the kind of sadistic brute to take his chances and go ahead with a trial even though I'm 99% sure he's going to get LWOP.

Who knows what surprises Ma Frazee has up her sleeve???:eek::eek::eek:
I do not think the jury will understand KB not having Thanksgiving dinner with anyone and PF and SF not concerned about that. The defense may have some sort of explanation, but if PF does not testify, the defense does not even have a main witness to put forth their side of the case, and they will be left trying to shred parts of the prosecution's witnesses' testimony. It will not be any affirmative defense.
The burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the defense. I have no idea what their defense will be but it likely will include tearing KK to shreds.

PF is deserving of the “dumbest criminal of the year” award.

This guy was so stupid, that he kept KB’s phone with him for two days after he last claimed to have seen her.

Apparently he doesn’t know how to use Google.

What you are describing doesn’t happen with people exhibiting this pattern of behavior (complete ignorance and stupidity).

These people don’t cast reasonable doubt in one another. They incriminate one another.

Even if these were two criminal geniuses, they couldn’t pull off a conspiracy like that.

That’s a bad movie, not real life.

If the jury doesn’t believe KK, fine.

Explain the lie about when he last saw her (corroborated by surveillance footage and cell phone data).

Explain the fact that his phone was texting and calling KB for two days after she was dead.

Explain the phone call to KK after PF left KB’s house, a phone call that jibes with her account of him telling her “you have a mess to clean up.”

Explain how KK had KB’s phone.

Explain the lies to Doss, law enforcement, and CB.

Explain the physical evidence at the barn, to include those cadaver dog hits.

Explain the blood evidence in KB’s home.

Explain the evidence of a fire at PF’s ranchette.

Explain the forensic evidence (we don’t know the full extent of this yet).

We’ve been privy to so little, but somehow, it’s a lot.

The defense already has its hands full, and we’re just getting started.

Do I have your permission to repost this in the future as a copy/ paste?

Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake, so you'll have to pardon me as I'm struggling to follow the logic here:

Are you suggesting that KB, a responsible, hardworking, conscientious, loving mother and daughter, has voluntarily disappeared herself, leaving her beloved infant daughter, home, vehicles, personal belongings, etc. behind without letting anyone in her family know?

And that furthermore, in order to help her pull off her disappearance, KB enlisted the services of KK, her fiancé's side piece, who obligingly assisted KB in her vanishing act by taking KB's cellphone to throw LE off of KB's scent as she made her getaway to her new life in parts unknown?

I honestly don't think there's a sober person on the planet who would buy that scenario if they were sitting on the jury and the defense tried to sell them that bill of goods.

Frankly, it sounds like the type of defense that PF would craft for himself.


Your logic is very logical.

There's a Darwin Award for people who take themselves out of the human gene pool in the most ridiculous ways.

I think a category for a Darwin Defense Award may come out of this case.
And its first recipient will be the gormless twit Patrick Frazee. He defies all logic and I imagine he speaks in grunts...

That doesn’t change the rest of the evidence.

This case isn’t just KK.

Whack that mole, all the rest pop up.

KK as a mole....interesting analogy. I think that's a first on this thread.
It's kind of refreshing, I mean, she's been likened to so many other critters and beasts, might as well throw mole in the mix, too. At least they don't weigh a ton.

Yep, there are more nasty surprises on the way, imho.

Its kind of like the Chris Watts murders. We surmised we had all the worst pieces to the puzzle when he pled guilty, but in his latest interview even more grotesque details have come out. Things that most couldn't even imagine.

I think during the PF trial (if he doesn't plead guilty and the case goes to trial) even more horrible details will emerge.

I hope he pleads guilty, to spare KB's family and friends the horror of a trial, but I think PF is the kind of sadistic brute to take his chances and go ahead with a trial even though I'm 99% sure he's going to get LWOP.

Who knows what surprises Ma Frazee has up her sleeve???:eek::eek::eek:
Yes, and I'm thinkin' there will be a ranchette on the market cheap in a couple of years.
KK as a mole....interesting analogy. I think that's a first on this thread.
It's kind of refreshing, I mean, she's been likened to so many other critters and beasts, might as well throw mole in the mix, too. At least they don't weigh a ton.

Moles are cute little critters - especially the star-nosed ones.
And they aerate the soil and help plants to grow, and they eat slugs.
More useful, imho. :oops:

The moles m:pight resemble that remark!

The prosecution can't prove what day KB was killed and in a case without a body or a murder weapon it will allow the defense to point the finger at KK no matter where her phone may have been.

I wish I shared your confidence the DA has plenty of incriminating evidence already to convict PF on a charge of premeditated first degree murder. I think they are spending three months combing through a landfill because they don't have it.


I just want you to know how much I appreciate your posts.

The more you post, and express your opinions and what the defense might do, the more I am confirming and solidifying my opinion that this is a case that will be a guilty case!
Your logic is very logical.

There's a Darwin Award for people who take themselves out of the human gene pool in the most ridiculous ways.

I think a category for a Darwin Defense Award may come out of this case.
And its first recipient will be the gormless twit Patrick Frazee. He defies all logic and I imagine he speaks in grunts...

I'm so glad I didn't miss International Night on Websleuths....first GK with the French and now you, msmouse, with the very British "gormless twit"!

I shall add my Southern USA bit to the mix: Hi, Y'all from Memphis!
I'm so glad I didn't miss International Night on Websleuths....first GK with the French and now you, msmouse, with the very British "gormless twit"!

I shall add my Southern USA bit to the mix: Hi, Y'all from Memphis!
Ehh, I'm just a Surf Efrican expat who grew up long ago in the old commonwealth days :)
These days I've adopted the US and prefer saying "Y'all" with an odd drawl!!
Sorry about your poor experience, but you make such a valid point.

PF phone pings south of Florissant tower 11/24 6:19PM. By the time PF and KK (whose phone is not pinging?), arrive to the F ranchette and get this fire going, it is no earlier than 7:00PM.

We are to believe that after this 3-4 burn per KK, a fire that wasn't long enough or hot enough to eliminate a body, smelling of bloody cleanup, 2-day old corpse, now a plastics-gas-oil-cadaver fire... they ran out for pizza at the only place pizza is available at 10-11PM in Florissant.

Then adding pizza smell to all of the above, no later than 11:00PM KK jumps in MG's car with KB's gun that still smells of dead body after being in the tote for two days, and drives nonstop to get to Cisco, Utah by 4:11AM so KB's phone can ping.

KK has been constantly awake doing something, often something smelly, without a shower, for 34 hours at this point in her story (6:30PM 11/23 to 4:11AM 11/25), and she has a long way to drive to make the pings in SLC and Idaho on time.

KK is not telling the truth. That's my opinion. MOO IMO JMO
Not only was she awake from the time she (allegedly) left Idaho at 6:30 p.m., tack on another 8hrs. during the day of 11/23, unless she slept all day prior to swapping cars with MG. I've wondered about her stamina for some time. It's utterly unrealistic, IMHO.

I must agree. Something stinks in "Denmark" and it ain't the cheese!
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