CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #50 *ARREST*

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Yeah, and what a dumb dummy for PF to say HE'D had enough... um, she's missing, so I think it makes you look a little bit less threatening/guilty if you say SHE'D had enough(?)

I actually think this was his attempt at reverse psychology. (‘If I say she dumped me, I’ll look like I have a motive. So I’ll say I dumped her.’)
I actually think this was his attempt at reverse psychology. (‘If I say she dumped me, I’ll look like I have a motive. So I’ll say I dumped her.’)
"Projection" behavior IMO, very common in narcissists!
Whatever they have done to you, they will say you did to them, and vice versa.
What a narcissist tells you about any situation- reverse it and there is where the truth lies!

Apropos "threat" to KKL:

We are still believing, PF never went for a visit at KKL's in ID. The eager nurse had to drive to CO, when she wanted to meet him or had one of the several strictly orders as a "contract killer" (drugs/rod/bat).
How did she think, PF would make her little girl disappear from a playground in ID? Telepathy?

lmao. i have thought the same.

i think she thought he was powerful, connected and the Godson of the Godmother, head of a fictitious group called the Cripple Creek Mafia. (all in humor and supposition).

she apparently thought they were more powerful than LE who she should have gone to with any threat against her daughter, AND against KB or anyone.

if she was indeed worried about this then why was she away from home and away from her daughter? i mean she failed at her murder attempts and should fear his anger and what he would do....

she makes no sense and she lies.

saw an interesting show last night about women who want someone dead and try to do it themselves and why they can't when it comes down to it (and it is not of concern for the victim but for their own arse and more) but can help incite it, manipulate it and do all of the rest including be present, clean up, come up with the cover-up, the disposal methods and more. in that case, the woman was judged as harshly. as they should be. not saying all of that happened here but it was truly food for thought...
Yes, he could easily be that stupid, but IMHO, he burned the tote on his property on Nov. 24, which was also pretty stupid. PF reminds me of Scott Peterson, who told LE where he went "fishing" (without a fishing pole) and dumped his beautiful wife Laci's body. It's uncanny how similar these cases are. I find it fascinating.

Yep, quite often there is also another woman involved. At least AF did the right thing, here we have a freak like KK.

SP was convicted but I did worry during the trial. The clincher was that the bodies showed up where SP had admitted to going.... imo.
Yep, quite often there is also another woman involved. At least AF did the right thing, here we have a freak like KK.

SP was convicted but I did worry during the trial. The clincher was that the bodies showed up where SP had admitted to going.... imo.
Yes, and it's a 90-minute drive from the Peterson's former home in Modesto to SF Bay. Distance will also clinch this case, but in a different way. KB's phone pinging in Idaho and KB's cars in her driveway don't work together as believable clues.
I would doubt that much more evidence will be released until a probable trial. Any results from the dump search will probably not be revealed unless leaked. As far as I know, the blood results from the mop and bleach bottle were still being processed. The consumptive test material dispute hasn't been decided, etc. The nurse said the tote had metal handles. Those were probably not destroyed by the fire and may be of primary interest in the dump search. Fortunately most of the evidence has been revealed. And the source of the blood stained teeth might be earth shattering.
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Yes, and it's a 90-minute drive from the Peterson's former home in Modesto to SF Bay. Distance will also clinch this case, but in a different way. KB's phone pinging in Idaho and KB's cars in her driveway don't work together as believable clues.

Agree that those things are big after the murder in this case. There is quite a bit.

AF also was a big part of the SP case but the bodies with that, wow. We have a witness in both cases, the other woman, but there is a big difference in the two. AF was not part of the murder scheme and in fact was wired to help. She was a very credible witness.

We do not have the same thing here, at least with that respect.

ETA: Changed SF to SP
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I think the reason KK didn't report the solicitations is because deep down she wanted Kelsey dead. I think she was flattered that PF would go to such length so he could be free to be with her. She was fooled about that. He wanted to use her for the dirty work. Two insane people. A normal person would have made sure Kelsey knew he was threatening her life and made sure KB knew that even he she had to tell her, herself. At least, she would have tried to stop it. Jmo
I think the reason KK didn't report the solicitations is because deep down she wanted Kelsey dead. I think she was flattered that PF would go to such length so he could be free to be with her. She was fooled about that. He wanted to use her for the dirty work. Two insane people. A normal person would have made sure Kelsey knew he was threatening her life and made sure KB knew that even he she had to tell her, herself. At least, she would have tried to stop it. Jmo

I agree. She wanted her dead and she would never have stopped it because she wanted it--just her chances and opportunities showed that already and it would never have changed--it would have continued until she was dead, which is exactly what happened. If she was so scared of PF to tell anyone like LE well then you would not be blabbing to your friends who blab to their boss, etc., etc., etc. She tried to do it herself.

I also agree that with her insecurity, she needed PF to show her he would do that for her. They are both head cases and that is putting it nicely. And each had their own sick reasons for the fact they both wanted her dead.

ITA MOO is that is why he solicited her originally. JMO he was not planning on being directly involved, but then...
Agree. She was 'so skurred' of PF, yet it was PF who was backed in a corner,and wound up doing the deed himself.
I still think there were others deeply involved.
Wonder about the Deposit,and withdrawl Transaction he made. Was the withdrawl money for paying someone off?
I agree. She wanted her dead and she would never have stopped it because she wanted it--just her chances and opportunities showed that already and it would never have changed--it would have continued until she was dead, which is exactly what happened. If she was so scared of PF to tell anyone like LE well then you would not be blabbing to your friends who blab to their boss, etc., etc., etc. She tried to do it herself.

I also agree that with her insecurity, she needed PF to show her he would do that for her. They are both head cases and that is putting it nicely. And each had their own sick reasons for the fact they both wanted her dead.


I agree. She was being used by him. He would have dropped her once it was done. His obsession was getting complete custody of the baby, which Kelsey was never going to allow.
In his sick mind the only way was for her to be dead. And what horrific hate and rage he felt to kill her the way he did.
lmao. i have thought the same.

i think she thought he was powerful, connected and the Godson of the Godmother, head of a fictitious group called the Cripple Creek Mafia. (all in humor and supposition).

she apparently thought they were more powerful than LE who she should have gone to with any threat against her daughter, AND against KB or anyone.

if she was indeed worried about this then why was she away from home and away from her daughter? i mean she failed at her murder attempts and should fear his anger and what he would do....

she makes no sense and she lies.

saw an interesting show last night about women who want someone dead and try to do it themselves and why they can't when it comes down to it (and it is not of concern for the victim but for their own arse and more) but can help incite it, manipulate it and do all of the rest including be present, clean up, come up with the cover-up, the disposal methods and more. in that case, the woman was judged as harshly. as they should be. not saying all of that happened here but it was truly food for thought...
Spot on.
That's the only thing I can think of too. He was checking to see if the baby was seen on camera to see if he could tell LE that he actually picked the baby up at 1:30, or making sure the time he told them he picked her matched the evidence they had. Imo

I am wondering if PF and RS were there at the bank to see if the camera did show the passenger side of his truck to prove that KB was not with him, just the baby carrier. I think they thought that would exclude him as a suspect. It may not be about the baby at all, and is why they made the comment about the missing woman. All jmo.
I agree. She was being used by him. He would have dropped her once it was done. His obsession was getting complete custody of the baby, which Kelsey was never going to allow.
In his sick mind the only way was for her to be dead. And what horrific hate and rage he felt to kill her the way he did.

I think too he would have dumped her but then again I think he may have strung her along as he did probably all along and used her for some more dirty work or to shovel some s***. Only when needed of course... Or that she would go back with waiting by the phone for him to call the next time he needed something--only these days you don't have to wait, you drive down and stalk while taking a phone, or you go to where you figure you may encounter your true psycho love.... my opinion anyhow, no one has to agree with it, lol. and then the next time she saw him with another woman, here we go again with both of them... or the next time he was done with the next one...

i do not doubt for one minute she trashed KB to him either. that is one thing that is often not thought of and it is very, very common by jealous insecure types. his townspeople probably did it in the same way, but in their backwards way, not necessarily with ill intent. she ain't exactly the little farm woman now son is she, a pilot? a townhome?? she a bought a townhome?? in wp?? what is wrong with ma's house?? and florissant/cripple creek? she a city girl then? she too good for it? looks a bit too petite there to handle them there chores...

not saying what he did is not on him, nor what she did is on him, they made their own choices, repeatedly in fact--just saying that i think plenty of this type of thing and trash talking of KB went on on both sides... again for their individual reasons. KB did not have a chance. they both wanted her gone. no one will tell me KK did not fuel that with PF or ever convince me. i know she did not sit there and say to him, oh sweetie, you/we cannot do that to her, she is the mother of your child. not once.

thank goodness at least 1/2 of the duo is in jail. it may somewhat debilitate the feeding frenzy of each other and the crazy that probably results when together...

all just my opinion.
Yeah, and what a dumb dummy for PF to say HE'D had enough... um, she's missing, so I think it makes you look a little bit less threatening/guilty if you say SHE'D had enough(?)

Yah and ActuallyIIRC he even says both: first he says she wanted to go her own way. Then later in the conversation he starts setting up that she was unstable, unreliable etc and that he had enough. Truly not a very rational story
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I am wondering if PF and RS were there at the bank to see if the camera did show the passenger side of his truck to prove that KB was not with him, just the baby carrier. I think they thought that would exclude him as a suspect. It may not be about the baby at all, and is why they made the comment about the missing woman. All jmo.
Another poster suggested they wanted to see if the tote could be seen in the back of the truck, as they drove past the ATM machine, so I guess there are a few possibilities. Imo
Another poster suggested they wanted to see if the tote could be seen in the back of the truck, as they drove past the ATM machine, so I guess there are a few possibilities. Imo
Maybe they wanted to see if there was another adult with him. That could be seen on camera. Wanting to see if Baby K could be seen was just a really stupid ruse.
I actually think this was his attempt at reverse psychology. (‘If I say she dumped me, I’ll look like I have a motive. So I’ll say I dumped her.’)

Y'know, it appears that a lot of the asinine actions we see in this case are a direct result of PF "overthinking" things.

Of course, it goes without saying, so I'll go ahead and say it:
PF overthinking things is a total oxymoron.

In PF's case, the mere act of trying to match his socks poses an insoluble riddle.
Fortunately, his wardrobe selection is pretty much locked in for the rest of his life, which will greatly simplify his daily decision-making tree.

The only decision that remains for him now is whether he wants to be on the top or the bottom.

Bunk, I mean.
Sorry, I should have made myself clear.

Of course, his roomie may have other ideas.
They'll probably have to wrestle for it. Or something.

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