CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #58

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I've wondered if Kelsey was considering moving back home. I think she realized that her and PF were never going to get married and his family obviously hated her. :(

maybe not because as you may recall, she bought cut flowers for the F family the day she was killed; seems that she was imagining going to Thanksgiving dinner. Also helped PF with is cattle the evening before.... and bought and dropped off medicine from Walmart for him.
Here are my notes for the week.

PF Trial
Week 1, Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

October 28, 2019 - Monday
  • Jury selection set to begin at 8:30 a.m., is expected to last for much of this week with opening statements expected either Friday or Nov. 4.
  • Court officials say 125 potential jurors are expected to arrive this morning, out of 1,750 total summons. To put that into context, the population of Teller County is 24,646.
  • Twelve people will be picked for the jury, in addition to four alternate jurors.
  • The court clerk issued 1,750 summonses to people living in Teller County for this case. About 125 were expected to appear today. And of that total, 85 appeared in court today for questioning as part of the jury selection process.
  • So far, slightly more than 30 people have been dismissed. It will be a long process for attorneys on both sides to whittle the overall number down to 12 jurors and 4 alternates. Jury selection is expected to continue to Friday, with opening statements slated for Friday afternoon.
  • 125 people are expected to report each morning until the jury is seated.
  • 16 jurors are expected to be selected by Friday.
  • PF was in court today for jury selection. Dressed in a green button-up and tan slacks, a contrast from his inmate jumpsuit and bullet proof vest. He looked on and repeatedly took notes during the morning's proceedings.
  • Judge Sells addressed the national attention the PF case has gotten to potential jurors. He asked them to put opinions aside, listen to evidence and make a decision.
  • Judge Scott Sells believes the trial will last three weeks and hopes to wrap it up by November 22. It could extend into the week of Thanksgiving.
  • Potential jurors were given a witness list and asked to mark who they knew. Given Teller County’s size, many of the jurors knew at least one witness.

October 29, 2019 - Tuesday
  • Today, about 100 new potential jurors came through. A few dozen dismissed already this AM, the rest will answer questions from attorneys this afternoon.
  • Judge said the normal staff is 9 people + 2 judges. Court brought in help from other counties around the state to help manage those 1750 potential jurors this week.
  • Handling all of these would-be jurors has required the Teller County Courthouse to call in reinforcements. Some of these volunteers had a relatively short drive from neighboring El Paso County, but others came all the way from Adams County — a roughly 2.5 hour drive through sometimes windy mountain roads in wintry conditions.
  • The three prosecutors — including Fourth Judicial District Attorney Dan May — are seated directly in front of Judge Scott Sells. A clerk seated in front of the judge is tasked with writing what was said during the proceedings verbatim, which could amount to up to 90,000 words a day.
  • PF has not visibly shown emotions during this part of the proceeding, though he has intently watched all of the questioning.
  • All of the people who have been asked to return to final selection have been told to return to the courthouse by 8:15 a.m. on Friday, with a hope 12 jurors and four alternates can be seated that day.
  • The court plans to call back 90 jurors on Friday. Thirty five people were told to return on Monday, and jury selection is scheduled for until Thursday.
October 30, 2019 -Wednesday
  • The trial of a Florissant man charged in the murder of his fiancé is expected to begin Friday.
  • A group of 91 people was chosen to participate in group voir dire. Voir dire is the process of questioning jurors from a larger pool to seat a jury.
  • No hearings are scheduled for Thursday. Friday morning, the court plans to begin group jury selection and anticipate that being complete to begin the trial Friday afternoon.
  • Each side would get an hour for an opening statements. Courtroom discussions show the state plans to call KB’s mom and CB, Kelsey's mother and brother respectively, to the witness stand Friday, according to NBC News.
  • People v. Frazee: Individual jury selection is complete. Group jury selection begins Friday morning. Opening statements anticipated Friday afternoon.

October 31, 2019 - Thursday

  • No hearings scheduled

November 1, 2019 - Friday
  • The 90 potential jurors called Friday came from many walks of life: nurses, retirees, contractors, a mortician, a pilot, a school bus driver. They dressed in heels and work boots, suits and sweatshirts, and packed the old, wood-paneled courtroom, decorated with the same ornate radiators and wooden chairs as it had when it was built in 1904.
  • PF listened carefully and consulted with his attorneys as they decided whom to kick. He’s dressed in a blue striped Western-style shirt with pearl buttons, open at collar with T-shirt showing. Definitely a “cowboy at the wedding” vibe.
  • PF’s mother and sister plus a few friends are in the courtroom.
  • A jury was sworn in on Friday afternoon, for the PF’s trial at the Teller County Courthouse in Cripple Creek.
  • 16 people were seated — 12 jurors and four alternates. Of the 12 jurors, seven are women and five are men. Of the alternates, two are men and two are women.
  • Opening statements will begin at 2 p.m.
  • Opening statements in PF’s trial: "It looks good from the outside. It looks like it's all there. But when you really start hearing the evidence and hearing the facts, you are going to realize deep foundational issues with this case," the defense told the jury.
  • After the District Attorney restated the case, the defense denied PF had anything to do with KB’s murder, comparing the case to a house lacking proper foundation.
  • Waiting for the first witness in the PF trial after an hour of openings. Defense says KK killed KB somewhere besides in her condo. Prosecution says cellphone trail and Lee's testimony proves PF killed her and KK only helped.
  • Prosecutor Jennifer Viehman started strong by outlining a complicated relationship between PF and KB, who never lived together despite having a child together and living in the same county. She claims PF consistently manipulated those around him by painting a picture of KB being a bad mom, alcoholic, and abusive to their infant daughter [Baby K].
  • Prosecutors focuses their opening statement on PF’s manipulative behavior, especially toward KK. “This face, this man, is a murderer.” Jennifer Viehman took a big swing out of the gates with emotion, using surveillance stills to show PF around KB’s home, contradicting his story to police.
  • As part of opening statements, Viehman showed photos of the blood spots left behind by KK. They are there, but as the defense points out, they are small. Other photos show clear streaks or wipe marks on the couch & TV in KB’s home.
  • State points out between 11/25-12/4, PF called KK 46 times. He never tried KB.
  • What they did not tell you is that KK did not go to police voluntarily. They had to track her down,” defense attorney Ashley Porter says. She pointed out KK’s lies to the FBI when she denies even knowing KB. Porter cites the second time the FBI meets KK at her home she has hired an attorney. “Before she says anything about this case, she cuts a deal, where she could spend zero days in jail,” Porter says.
  • Attorneys for PF argue he has no motive, no body has been recovered, and investigators have not recovered an alleged murder weapon. However, KK has admitted to bringing a full body protective suit, bleach, cleaning supplies, and borrowing her friend’s car to drive to Woodland Park to clean up the bloody scene at the townhome. Porter points out that despite the horrific scene KK describes, there are only tiny spots of blood found by investigators.
  • Defense countered in saying the entire story told by the prosecution is polished & edited. Ashley Porter compared it to house shopping online. It may look nice from afar, but it has foundational issues. She points to KK as the biggest issue.
  • CB breaks down on the stand as she describes the last time she spoke with KB. PF met her eyes with no emotion when she pointed him out in court. Jury listens intently, takes notes.
  • Cell phone records prove PF was alone during killing, and KK was in Idaho, prosecutor says. PF took KB’s phone and tried to make it seem like she fled Colorado.
  • State called CB to the stand as the first witness, which was emotional for her.
  • Soft-spoken and matter of fact, CB choked up just once – describing text message she sent to PF on day authorities say daughter was killed. “I said something along the lines of ‘Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you’re feeling better.' “He said, 'Happy thanksgiving to you, too,'” CB said, swallowing hard and dabbing at eyes with a tissue.
  • CB told jury how she went to investigate KB’s Woodland Park condo after days went by w/o answer from her.
  • Cinnamon rolls were uncovered on table, "hard as rocks," CB said. Also left out was bread KB bought for Thanksgiving dessert dip. Her luggage was still there. “When the sun was shining it looked like everything had been wiped.”
  • CB describes her daughter's relationship with the F family as never being good, with the family viewing KB as a "hooker" because she would arrive at the family property late at night due to her work hours.
  • According KB’s mother, the relationship worsened after KB told the family about her pregnancy in the summer of 2017. She explained how her daughter was thrown out of the house and forced to move in with a coworker. Fast forward a year later when PF and KB’s daughter had just turned one year old, and CB describes her daughter visiting a clinic in California to help address mineral deficiency. Soon after, KB started working less to spend more time with her child. KB and PF continued to live separately.
  • KB’s mom was on the stand for about an hour and will return on Monday.
Apparently, and they threw her out of the house. So this finally explains why she wasn’t living with PF.

I called them “Norma and Norman.” I was clearly way too kind. This is pretty stunning.

I want Sheila on that stand.

Same here. I feel like she had to know what PF was planning. I’ve always wondered if she participated. I also wonder if they ruled out anyone in regards to the unknown female DNA...
I've been all over the place this year with my thoughts about what brought on Frazee's final rage.

Kelsey stating that she was taking the baby and leaving town made the most sense.

When we remember from past cases that a controlling man is most likely to strike when he learns he's about to lose control, it makes perfect sense.
It's a fact that a woman, who is with an abusive man, is in grave danger in most cases just as she tries to leave him. Although Kelsey was not leaving him that day, I do wonder if she had brought it up several months before she was murdered, to which he then started plotting her death.

He had just given her gun back, what, the day before Thanksgiving? Kelsey told her mother that on the phone, that she was relieved to have it back and that she felt safer.

I think she knew nothing was going to come out of their relationship and she probably just wanted to move on. I just find it so ironic how this turned into a custody battle in the end.
The good thing about following a trial is we finally get to see most of the whole picture and the picture its painting is not a good one.

Im getting views of a parent who wanted to be sure to keep a hand close by to help with the farmette, and to do so, would take steps to undermine any relationship PF would ever have.

I cant help but think that if his ex-girlfriend had stayed with PF that we would still be right here, but talking about her death instead of KB's.
I won't be surprised to learn that the hooker story was made up from whole cloth by Frazee.

We'll probably learn from several witnesses that he told that story, the drug one and how she had mental health issues over and over as he laid the ground work for her committing suicide.

Since he messed up that narrative with his rage, somebody please tell me how on earth the defense could ever make a case that KK, on her own, wanted Kelsey murdered and carried it out?

I'm still believing a plea deal will come. As the attorneys watch the faces of these jurors who, by Wednesday will have their mouths frozen in perfect circles from saying, "WHAT?!", they'll be begging for a little meeting out in the tent to negotiate Second Degree.
It's a fact that a woman, who is with an abusive man, is in grave danger in most cases just as she tries to leave him. Although Kelsey was not leaving him that day, I do wonder if she had brought it up several months before she was murdered, to which he then started plotting her death.

He had just given her gun back, what, the day before Thanksgiving? Kelsey told her mother that on the phone, that she was relieved to have it back and that she felt safer.

I think she knew nothing was going to come out of their relationship and she probably just wanted to move on. I just find it so ironic how this turned into a custody battle in the end.

It makes sense to me that she would say, "At the end of the year the baby and I are out of here. I'll be seeing my attorney to work out child support and visitation."

Maybe we'll hear testimony from an attorney with whom she discussed this.
maybe not because as you may recall, she bought cut flowers for the F family the day she was killed; seems that she was imagining going to Thanksgiving dinner. Also helped PF with is cattle the evening before.... and bought and dropped off medicine from Walmart for him.
I'll try to look for it, but maybe someone else can find it, there is a tweet that says she was making this dip to take out to the ranch for the Thanksgiving dinner that same tweet says the cinnamon rolls were for baby K because she liked them with honey on them.
Well, it's good to let the jury mull this testimony over throughout the weekend.

They have a clear idea of the Frazee home, with Kelsey being present.:(:(:(
An entire weekend, to let this sink in.
Nothing about this Frazee family, will change their views now.
Smart, great beginning.
Pf, SFs are squirming, as all is now clear: Kelsey was not wanted.
Just got in and read the recap tweets.....

Holy Hellz balls, I knew the defense didn't have any other 'defense' than to say KKDI, but to go as far to suggest that Kelsey didn't die in the condo seems pretty bold. I guess they're suggesting it happened at Nash Ranch or the Frazee Farm??? IDK

Sounds like Kelsey was even more alone and being mistreated by the whole FNF clan than we suspected. I think the 'crazy' in the entire Frazee family pole is strong.

Momma Bear (CB) came on as we thought and did Kelsey proud just like I knew she would. She loves her daughter and her precious grandbaby. Blessings to them during all of this.

DA May can subpoena Ma F to the stand can't he? Even if she decides to plead the 5th, I want to see her on that stand. :mad:

From one worry wort to another - I understand completely. I'll be holding my breath until I hear that "guilty" verdict.

Me too. Juries can be strange animals. You never know who is really hiding behind their initial interviews.One or two may have hidden agendas or biases. One or two might be unable to connect the dots or may be dumber than a box of rocks. Or worse yet, one might be a manipulative control freak, and take the reins. Plenty of reasons for those of us wanting Justice for Kelsey, to feel concerned and apprehensive at this time. :oops:
I was there today.

I'll update later.

Think most of the important stuff the media got out already.

On a funny note.
Was there someone live tweeting or something? Towards the end a cop got up and was walking around with a note that said "are you blogging?" Asking a bunch of people.

....and I was asked.

I wanted to respond: yes telepathicly. Seeing as I maybe had my phone out 5 mins out of the 3 hours.

Sells is worried about people being disruptive.... When that was the most disruptive part of the day.
They have a clear idea of the Frazee home, with Kelsey being present.:(:(:(
An entire weekend, to let this sink in.
Nothing about this Frazee family, will change their views now.
Smart, great beginning.
Pf, SFs are squirming, as all is now clear: Kelsey was not wanted.
General public WILL NOT take kindly the hooker name calling.
Posted: 1:01 PM, Nov 01, 2019 Updated: 8:22 PM, Nov 01, 2019
Patrick Frazee murder trial: Opening statements

In October 2017, they had a child named [Baby k]. They were still living apart. Between the new baby, commuting to Pueblo for work and a new home, she was exhausted and it was "just not working well for her," Viehman said.

Meanwhile, Frazee was "poisoning" almost everybody he knew against Berreth, Viehman said. He was telling people — including Kenney — that Berreth was a bad mom, an alcoholic and abusive to the baby. He told people Berreth abandoned the baby and left the child with him, Viehman said.


At the end of the prosecution's opening statement, Viehman said the jury will understand why Frazee is guilty of murder by the end of the trial.

"We’re going to ask you to hold him accountable for all he did," she said.


Stephanie (Butzer) Rose on Twitter
In addition, the prosecutors brought Cheryl Berreth, Kelsey’s mother, to the stand as their first witness this afternoon.
That will be added to the article shortly. I’m currently fighting car sickness and going through those notes, so hold tight.
7:26 PM - 1 Nov 2019
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Ma F. "threw KB out of the house" when she was PREGNANT?!?

There isn't a pejorative in the entire English language strong enough to describe her.

But, I'm sure going to give it a shot.


Mother F is the source of the beast known as PF. Thanksgiving Dinner conversation between mother and son could have been no more than “how did it go.” A brood of Vipers does not sufficiently describe this family cult. I can’t wait to put that witch on the stand. Might add son2 to the list as well.
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