CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #63

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KK facilitated the murder of Kelsey and it is enraging to some of the posters on here, me included, that she is basically walking away and most likely won't spend a night in jail yet alone do any time prison.

I don't think anyone disagrees with you on this. Unfortunately, the only way to get her to testify against Patrick was the deal that was made. It's out of our hands. Personally, I think she belongs in jail right with him, and no one will ever convince me that she was so skeered of him that she drove down THREE times to attempt to kill Kelsey. She's a liar in many ways, but so far, what she has answered on the witness stand has been backed up by evidence.

Trust me, I'm not happy that she's a free woman this past year, nor am I happy that she could still be a free woman after her trial in December. Unfortunately, there's not a blessed thing that you, other posters here, and myself can do about it. I'm angry, too. Trust me. Very angry.

Two narcs were involved in Kelsey's murder. One was smart enough to ought the other. That's it in a nutshell, for me.
That's right. KK--if she truly feared PF--would have told the FBI about her "clues" yet she didn't.

I choose to believe reporters who I know were in the courtroom and heard EXACTLY what KK said. The jury also heard it. What the defense very successfully pointed out to the jury is that KK is lying when she claims she acted out of fear.


In the final analysis that won't matter, and here's why:

The jurors aren't being asked to be the Thought Police here.

It's not the jury's job to figure out what KK was thinking, or how she was feeling about PF and/or why she complied with PF's demands to come clean up his mess.

We don't live in a country where people are prosecuted for their thoughts or feelings.

It's actions that matter.
Specifically, PF's violent, vicious, brutal, murderous actions.

PF is the one on trial for murder.

KK gave a direct account of PF's words and actions and what he instructed her to do r/t helping him clean up and dispose of evidence after he murdered KB.

She also provided an eyewitness account of what she saw, both at KB's townhome and at the franch.

KK led LE to many, many, many critical pieces of evidence in this case.
Her account is being corroborated by the evidence DA May is presenting.
It is also being corroborated by other witnesses.

My main man William of Occam is flabbergasted that anyone could look at all the evidence presented and not recognize that every bit of evidence points to PF having murdered KB.

PF swung the bat.

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First of all, thank you for not adding the L to kk, (it's the little things! Ha! ). The only place she needs an "L" is on her forehead!

I don't see how she could ever prove she "didn't know it was going to happen"...

For one thing, they literally played,

"You do it! No you do it !!" over who would kill her. (do the" bashing away" that is, in reality they both caused her death imo)

How about her fear for her own life?

Why so scared kk? He's not really gonna kill anyone right? ("It was her or me").

She co-developed 'code words' to use when discussing with pf the murder he wasn't serious about committing?

She just happens to have Hazmat level cleaning gear on hand for this totally unexpected event.

She obviously knew, pf seriously thought she gave Kelsey poisoned coffee and was upset that she was still alive and well!

I cannot, for the life of me, see how she's getting around that particular stipulation.

Of course KK knew it was going to happen before it happened! But, without KK's testimony, the DA had no evidence of a crime scene and no murder weapon. So, of course KK has a motive to lie and embellish about those two essential elements.
Oh, no doubt the optics would be bad. But let’s face it, the optics really can’t get any worse for him than they already are. It’s not like a single one of those jurors is going to be sitting there thinking, G I’m really on the fence about whether this guy did this. If only I could hear from his mother. ..

Ha ha ha!!!
#5 really bothers me:

KK did not know the murder was going to happen

Bulls**t, she didn't. She just didn't know when. She knew enough to know what the "mess" to clean up was and came prepared with the proper supplies..
Yeah, I think everyone feels the same about that one.
The problem is, it's hard to prove whether she did or didn't know because she can just say she didn't think he would go through with it, or she thought he wasn't serious, or that he changed his mind, or whatever.

So I guess it's up to the jury to decide whether or not she is credible.
They seem to be focused on the evidence, though, and the details of the crime and how that matches up to what she told LE.

So glad you wrote that because I, too, zeroed in on that. I didn't comment as I wasn't sure how it meant but since you addressed it, I will, as well.

Couldn't agree more. We impact the world with right thoughts and actions in our lives ("Go and sin no more") but that doesn't mean we shouldn't avoid trouble or think we can change evil. If we are presented with a random situation where we can directly stop it, we must, but nobody can "change" Satanic (figure of speech). If we think of the reality of this realm as being weighed by scales, we want to add to the "good" side by being good and surrounding ourselves with like minded people. We can't do anything about the individuals weighing down the other side of the scale. That's their problem/decision/path/karma/whatever. Love changes us, not them. If we get tangled up in their s**t, we can be tainted, damaged or annihilated by it.

My sig refers to two European girls who thought being nice was enough and that all people are basically the same . They went camping in Morocco where they both got their throats cut, with one nearly decapitated. The world is a dangerous place with a lot of bad people and nothing is going to change that.
Well said! I can't say or hear, the word "ouch" anymore, without thinking of Louisa and feeling devistated.

There is a pervasive myth that love can fight evil. but evil has weapons that love can't even conceive of. Best to steer clear!
For the person who asked for the link to the testimony by KB's co-worker stating that she was suspicious of the person who brought her coffee. I got this from the Media thread.

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
Viehman says she told coworkers about a strange person bringing her coffee, referencing Krystal Kenney. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:08 AM - 18 Oct 2019
And when that didn't kill her, she went with a pipe next, right? I just bet KKL was disappointed that the easy way didn't pan out because Kelsey was smart enough to dump it down the drain.
#5 really bothers me:

KK did not know the murder was going to happen

Bulls**t, she didn't. She just didn't know when. She knew enough to know what the "mess" to clean up was and came prepared with the proper supplies..

I’m with you on this! Although, I think she knew exactly when. She testified that she spoke to PF on 11/21 and spoke with him about her Thanksgiving plans, she said he didn’t mention his. I call BS. She knew exactly when, where, what and how IMO!
The only significance I see to the number 7 isn’t points to her plea agreement.

7 is the number of layers KK will pass through on her way to hell.

See #7

No one is happy that she’s getting off that light.

As far as we know, she didn’t “facilitate” the murder, but she did allow it to happen.

One of the requirements of the deal, was that she had no knowledge that the murder was about to happen, and didn’t assist him with it.

If this couldn’t be corroborated, the deal was off.

Glad you said it, too.

I don't know of too many people on here that are happy that she's been free all of this time, and could still be free after her trial in December.

Unfortunately, our outrage on WS, social media, talk with family or friends over coffee changes nothing. In order to put one narc in jail, the other narc had to turn on him.

Unless Krystal's family is all lying, she was there for Thanksgiving in Idaho. Patrick was seen going in and out of Kelsey's condo 11 times- no need for him to be doing that on Thanksgiving day, especially since he was allegedly supposed to be attending horses elsewhere!

We know Krystal attempted to kill Kelsey three times- she even admitted it, although I believe she's lying when she said she didn't poison the coffee. You also don't need prescription drugs to poison people. Kelsey no doubt dumped the coffee. Might explain why Kelsey was happy to have her gun back- imagine having some loo loo nut come to your door with your favorite coffee and tell and out and out lie about saving her dog or something. Then making a play date- really now! Giving her a number to a burner phone- sheesh, these two thought of everything, didn't they? Except for the pings.......those damn pings!

In the final analysis that won't matter, and here's why:

The jurors aren't being asked to be the Thought Police here.

It's not the jury's job to figure out what KK was thinking, or how she was feeling about PF and what PF had done.
We don't live in a country where people are prosecuted for their thoughts or feelings.
It's actions that matter.

Specifically, PF's violent, vicious, brutal, murderous actions.

PF is the one on trial for murder.

KK gave a direct account of PF's words and actions and what he directed her to do r/t helping him clean up and dispose of evidence after he murdered KB.

KK led LE to many, many, many critical pieces of evidence in this case.
Her account is being corroborated by the evidence DA May is presenting.
It is also being corroborated by other witnesses.

My main man William of Occam is flabbergasted that anyone could look at all the evidence presented and not recognize that every bit of evidence points to PF having murdered KB.

PF swung the bat.

You know what? Everybody knows that! To me, pf needed a woman's support for everything he's ever done, and this is no exception.

You can excuse her all you want. As can the law. But I won't.
Do we know for certain there aren't other charges that may still be coming? Like maybe in Idaho? I'm thinking about the friend she gave the gun to. He was in possession of a stolen firearm belonging to a murdered woman. Sorry, if I'm off base here as I'm not familiar with gun laws. Just curious.
I'm hoping federal charges will be coming for her lies to the FBI, transporting a weapon across state lines and for her fraudulent use of KB's cell phone which served to delay a criminal investigation into a murder. I think a jury will have no problem concluding KK was a co-conspirator to the murder.

The Berreths can also add her to their wrongful death lawsuit.

You know what? Everybody knows that! To me, pf needed a woman's support for everything he's ever done, and this is no exception.

You can excuse her all you want. As can the law. But I won't.

How is that post in any way “excusing KK?”

She was responding to a post that said that KK’s lies about her feelings and thoughts are relevant.

They are not. What is relevant, are the details that she provided that are material to the case.
Well said! I can't say or hear, the word "ouch" anymore, without thinking of Louisa and feeling devistated.

There is a pervasive myth that love can fight evil. but evil has weapons that love can't even conceive of. Best to steer clear!

That's an interesting debate, actually.
I totally see your point and agree with it, largely.

I would say that if you substitute the word, "Good," for "Love," though, then I do think that not only can "Good" fight "Evil," but "Good" has a moral imperative to fight "Evil" whenever and wherever the two encounter one another.

Good absolutely can prevail over Evil. Look at World Wars I and II.
The Good Guys won both of those battles.

On the personal front, though, I think you're absolutely right:
Good, decent people should never, ever entertain the belief that they can "change" a bad seed. It doesn't work that way.

Living among lambs doesn't "rub off" on wolves.
They don't start frolicking innocently within the fold.
The wolves just devour the lambs.
It's what predators do.

Good can't change Evil.
But it can fight it.
And it can win.

That's why my mantra throughout this whole case has been:

"Go Dan, Go!
You go get this evil monster."

I'm hoping federal charges will be coming for her lies to the FBI, transporting a weapon across state lines and for her fraudulent use of KB's cell phone which served to delay a criminal investigation into a murder. I think a jury will have no problem concluding KK was a co-conspirator to the murder.

The Berreths can also add her to their wrongful death lawsuit.

I agree with you on all of this. I don't know if that will happen, but it would be nice to see her get some form of punishment for all that she has done.

Krystal is no hero here, she did not come forward on her own. She did not do the right thing. She did not care about the Berreth family, their worry, concern, and anguish. She didn't give one whiff about that baby, throwing out her toys. Instead, she hired a lawyer, only agreed to "tell the truth" when a deal that she could live with was made. She was busted first, and the only way to bust Patrick, was if she told all on his part.

So far, though, everything she has said on the stand has been so far backed up with evidence, and I have no doubt there will be more evidence coming in the next two weeks. So, she told some truths, for sure.

I don't buy her being scared of Patrick. They're two peas in a pod. Had no evidence came up of these two being involved, she'd be happily traveling to Colorado meeting her cowboy on the weekends again.
Totally. I've always thought *what was the point in delivering an un-poisoned coffee?* Just to make yourself look stupid?
Oh no kidding. Driving down with her aunt, was it to pick up a trailer or something? I mean, please, who the hell drives all that way, just to bring the woman you want dead, her favorite coffee? I think Patrick probably was pretty irritated that she didn't succeed those three times- I think he wanted to pin it on Krystal, unknowns to her. She was looking for a happily ever after, while he was looking at getting rid of two women in one shot, while he went free to find another victim to knock around.
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