CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #1

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I watched this all afternoon and was praying that child would be saved. So many people gave their time, and no telling how much money was spent on this search. I now think it was a publicity stunt, and I think the family should have to pay for the expenses. After seeing them on LKL I am even more convinced they planned this. I wish they wouldn't get any more publicity from this, but I think they will be on all the shows tomorrow. They are a weird bunch and shouldn't be rewarded for this.
Dad refused to ask Falcon why he said "we did this for the show"..he was appalled by the Q! wth!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]These kids have to be exhausted and all this attention must be confusing. It sure sends the wrong message to me. The parents keep saying this was traumatic but here they are on TV being interviewed. If I had doubt about the parents before, this interview[/FONT] pretty much tells me their priorities are out of whack. Trying to teach a value lesson from this experience while lined up in a row for the camera is absurd.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]No one can make you be on TV. If the media came calling, they could have said they wanted to have time to talk with their children about the day -- family time, not media time. [/FONT]

I agree, 100%. Even if the parents had nothing to do with the stunt, their behaviour (such as putting the kids on the shows, especially right away) is exactly why this happened.

IMO, these kids should never be on TV for this as they see it as a reward. "Hey, everyone is looking at me, because I am SUPER COOL!"

Why not tell Larry King, "sorry, maybe tomorrow, but tonight we need some calm time to think about all this"? I am sure the shows would have been as interested tomorrow.

This is insane.
I was flipping channels and saw wolf blitzer subbing for larry king (who i rarely watch) and he was interviewing the balloon boy and family.

They asked the kid why he didn't come out of hiding when his parents yelled for him. The kid said "We did it for the show."

The mom softly said, "" The dad sat there a second and then said something random. It looked a little iffy. And why would the kid say that?

Anderson Cooper came on after the LKL show and I kept watching b/c they were talking about whether it was a hoax and how defensive the father became. And FWIW, Anderson said that on his website ( that most of the bloggers were saying that they didn't believe them.
Dad refused to ask Falcon why he said "we did this for the show"..he was appalled by the Q! wth!

Yes, exactly.

Dad kind of fell apart at that point though, imo. He didn't pull it back together either-- I think their stunt is unraveling at the seams.
I know right? I could have maybe taken the kid's response differently had it not been for the odd reaction of the father. He was like, "Ut"

And someone was just on estimating the cost of that whole thing at $28,000. yikes.

the taxpayers better not be footing the bill for this crazy family's irresponsibility
I will take one of each, I had to leave for awhile to make dinner and all I could think of was that poor child lying dead after falling out of that balloon. was thrilled to learn that he has been found safe, Told hubby If that was my child he would not sit for a week!! Hubby says back to me, I would have been hauling him off to the orphanage!!! LOL Give HIM a good scare like mommy and daddy was scared!! :woohoo:

I will take one of each too...It was a long day!
I am just so thankful no emergency response people were hurt in this whole escapade. That would have just made this whole thing so much more aggravating.

Or someone else. A classmate of mine in elementary school had a sister in college who was hit and killed by a firetruck that was responding to a prank call.

And yes, I agree, we will see, lol. I was so stressed out over this all day, I feel like I've been kicked in the gut!

Yep, me too. I had tons of work to do this afternoon and instead spent a few hours following this story, with my own 6-yr-old son sitting right beside me. It kinda hit home here. And then the ending? Even my son was blown away by that.
[ame=""]YouTube - Balloon Boy's Father To CNN: "I'm Appalled At You!"[/ame]
If this incident wasn't perfectly planned by the father I will eat my laptop! Isn't it odd that when Falcon descended from the attic his Daddy was standing right there in the garage talking on his cell I wonder who he was talking to??? Wouldn't have been Falcon, now would it???
I hope LE has scoured that attic, examined the box Falcon was supposedly sleeping in, and looked specifically for a cell or land line phone in the attic.
Daddy's first words when Falcon descended the attic "It's a miracle!"---- Why not "He's here, Falcon is here! -----Oh this is just so hinkey it makes me want to scream!
I really hope it wasn't some kind of a stunt.

I think the Dad was confused by what the kid said too, and was worried that everyone would think it was a hoax. The mother and father seemed really shaken up in the first interview I saw with them right after the boy was found. It had to have been a very long stressful day for everyone. I can't even imagine it.
They are so busted, the nerves got to them so bad one of them passed gas lmao!
It is not that the child said that they did it "for the show"... listen to his whole reply because he totally pins it on the parents: well you guys said that we um did this for the show
Watch the dad heave a sigh... a kind of "oh crap, we're busted" sigh.


OMG you're kidding! I totally missed that; Wow, great catch. Oh man, that makes it even worse.

You gotta wonder, did the parents not explain to the kid that, "Hey look, we don't tell that part?" bwahaha. OK it's not funny. Really, it's quite infuriating. I hope any penny they make off this stunt goes for re-payment for the search.

When I first heard the story I thought thank God for the happy ending and I didn't think much more about it. But then when I saw the family umm-ing and dodging Wolf's questions on LKL, it suddenly got really interesting. And Wolf, btw must not have fully heard the kid b/c he didn't really follow it up very vigorously. It was Anderson Cooper and others who persued it aggressively and wouldn't let it drop. On top of the kid letting the cat out of the bag, the whole interview seemed weird to me; It had a fake, contrived vibe about it even before the kid blabbed.

Maybe I'm a doof, but question: how else could Falcon's comment be construed? "We did it for the show" or worse yet, "Well you guys said that we um did this for the show..." How can that be in reference to "Wife Swap" or any other of their wacky endeavors or whatever? I don't get it; it doesn't even make sense unless I'm missing something.

They are so busted, the nerves got to them so bad one of them passed gas lmao!

Lmao!!!! I thought someone passed gas, too, but I think it was the little boy making the sound with his mouth. Or then again, maybe it was dad... crapping a brick from getting outed on live tv. LoL
He was asked why he didn't come down when they were calling him. "You guys said that we did this for the show."
Holy crap I just watched Lexiintoronto's clip on page 27 of this thread and Dad didn't even let the kid answer the question on why he said "We did it for the show." To quote the infamous Nancy Grace, "Rut Roh." :)

The father: "We believed 100 percent that he was on board." Yeah, isn't that the over-the-top percent thing that OJ said? ("I'm 100% not guilty.")

Then the dad scrambled and uh... uh.. and tried to cover with that pathetic "save" about the candy at the grocery story which didnt' have jack squat to do with anything. Then genius mom added that, "We searched any place... in small drawers." Yes Mom; the child put himself in a drawer and closed it on himself. Now that right there would be news-worthy. (OK, I'm an a$$) :) Im just super steamed. I mean, the very idea....

Oh man... then the dad said, "We thought if we did this show we wouldn't have to be bothered with any more shows." Oh puh-leeze; They'll be on a media blitz.... or rather I bet they had planned on being on a media blitz; Now since Falcon spilled the beans, maybe not. Then the father tried to cover for his not giving the child a chance to answer by pretending to be all indignant and "appalled." Oh puh-leeze again.


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