CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #12

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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No one has answered because maybe no one knows. What was his job?

The tanks he used and the area. Are those tanks in use? How often are they used? Does anyone go there?

They would have to be secured. I imagine with a gate with a code? Or how do they secure them?
I believe her cellphone was found behind a couch cushion which tells me you could be 100% correct. The night I left my ex husband he had started his abusive behavior and stating he was going to kill me. I was able to grab my cell phone (a black berry at the time) I pushed call call twice so my phone would call the last person I spoke to. I place my phone under my pillow, thank God it was my mom and she called 911. I was saved that night and never went back to my home. I left everything behind, minus my kids and their blankets.
So maybe you are right and pushed something on her phone and hid it, he very could have been telling her I'm going to kill you.
I hadn't considered that SW maybe hid her phone. I was thinking CW hid it from whoever might be coming over until he got the chance to really get the place ready. I sure hope she hit record and hid it herself.
I always wonder how murderers get away with it. In real life for me, I misplace something. I drop something and do not realize it, I put in a wrong number in a code or a password. Many other things such as “”WHERE ARE MY GLASSES!”

On your head.

I wonde if he dropped the sheet and forgot in his frenzy. His mind had to be going a nillion miles a minute
I am thinking maybe she was crashed on the couch... not wanting to be around CW. Then he surprises her around there later or maybe she just tossed it there to go to check on the kids and was attacked.
I hadn't considered that SW maybe hid her phone. I was thinking CW hid it from whoever might be coming over until he got the chance to really get the place ready. I sure hope she hit record and hid it herself.
Would think he would have put it in her purse IMO but I also feel he was going to put her vehicle with her purse and phone and other daily things she would have left with and ditched it all but NU messed up his plan JMO
FWIW, here's my theory on CW in the marriage...

All levels of narcs (both those with serious personality issues who are dangerous and those run-of-the-mill annoying types) LOVE attention and will often hookup on a regular basis (long term relationship, or marriage) with someone whom they can a) control, b) not get too much grief from, c) take care of their needs (cooking/cleaning/childcare/sex) and most importantly, d) feed their egos. These people they hook up with are often meek/dependent in relationships due to their own lack of self-worth, or illness or other life issues that leave them feeling "less than"...sometimes it's just naivety and the need to be a "good person" no matter what.

These hookups seriously stroke the narcs egos, as in SM posts that tell the world how great their narc spouse is, and, by being cute, fit and alluring (arm candy).

Often the narc carries on affairs, physical and emotional, with others, especially when the ego stroking at home tones down due to the passage of time, responsibilities (work, kids, etc.) and/or the spouse starts to see through them and begins to set his/her boundaries, or retreats to lick his/her emotional wounds.

I believe that some of these narcs begin to realize they're "tiring" of the current situation and start looking for a way out, not always an evil way out, but a way out. That's known as the "discard" phase. This is when they will begin to further cultivate whatever affairs they are having, and/or look for new sources who can supply them their needs (mostly ego needs).

Most of them have harems of sorts; other people they can flirt with and manipulate...and often they will use these harems (sometimes known as "flying monkeys" - think Wizard of Oz and the monkeys that kowtowed to the Wicked Witch) against their current spouse - this is referred to as "triangulation". It's a means of hurting the spouse to keep him/her line and under control and a way to "notify" him/her that she'd better kowtow and not make it fulfills a narcs nasty need to hurt others in order to lift him/herself up in their own eyes. Kind of an emotional "dupers delight".

I believe CW had probably been having affairs while in on-going relationships most of his adult life. I would bet that someone close to him (most likely family, as narcs don't have many close friends) knows some of his history and personality issues. I believe he reached the discard phase, in a big way, and is one of those narcs who is a psychopath.

It would be very enlightening to know how many jobs he's had, any firings (if so, reason for firing), any other lawbreaking behavior and at what age, and more of his family history. Would love to hear from past relationships also!

EDITED for clarification.
This is what I think too. I think he secretly wanted out for some time and the affair just made him figure out how to get out.
Of course it was rather stupid because the mate is always the first person they look at.
I'm too am sorry for your loss. Were the two of you close on SM?
Thank you. We were fairly close for a bit, then life just took over for us both. But we checked in here and there.
Please forgive me if these questions, thoughts or observations have already been made.

1. CW did not have wedding ring or Lupus bracelet on during interviews! I wonder if he had them on during the birthday party that Sunday. Perhaps an attendee could search their photos to determine this. It would be very telling IMO.

2. Thoughts on CW telling SW that he wanted a separation:

· SW discusses a possible separation while in NC during July-first week of August with salon staff.

· SW confides that she thinks CW is cheating.

· CW joins SW and girls in NC during last week of vacay.

· Did SW discuss separation with CW while in NC? Could family or friends confirm?

· Long flight home 8/7 – Did they discuss separation or just act like loving family?

3. SW and friend NA go to AZ for business trip on 8/9 or 8/10.

4. Did SW discuss with CW that he needed to move out upon her return?

5. Will ME release any findings before next court date 11/19 ?

6. After her death, her business friends/partners were trying to up her quota.

· Was the campaign successful for the $200K quota?

· Will her commission/payment go to a joint account that CW can use? (I hope not.)

7. Will SW’s assets such as bank accounts, pay, home equity, etc., be frozen?

8. Does anyone know if SW had a will? If CW is the beneficiary, can he claim any benefits since he murdered her?

9. I apologize for this question as it is morbid. Would the ME take any DNA from unborn child that could be used to determine parents? I ask this because some posters have tried to imply that SW may have been cheating.

10. Will CW have access to the funeral mass live stream?

Thank you.
I'm still confused about a couple of things:

1. As of 8/20, COD was still either unknown or not made public. Are any of the autopsy reports in yet? I only read that LE "suspected" strangulation for the girls based on CW's account, hence the request for DNA by the defense which was denied. But I never read once that they speculated the same COD for SW. Are we sure that she was strangled?

2. I thought I read that CW had originally confessed to all 3, prompting statements from the SW family. Then later changed his story. Am I correct?
I'm still torn between these theories:

1. She came home, they fought, she killed the girls, he killed her and then freaked.
2. She killed the girls as part of a murder-suicide, but he stopped her and killed her and then freaked.
3. He killed them all, and was planning to kill himself and then backed out.

Your third theory is the only one that might make any sense. But I really doubt that was the case because he chose such slow and painful method of killing which wouldn't leave a bloody mess behind. He also made sure the neighbors didn't hear any screaming. If he planned to kill himself afterward, he probably would have used a gun and done it all quickly.

There has never been a case where the husband killed his wife because she murdered their children and then hid all of the bodies afterward. There are plenty of cases where the wife and/or children have disappeared and the husband was never charged because the bodies were never found. CW must have been unable to get SW into the oil tank and he ran out of time to stage the scene at their home because her friend stopped by.
I'm still confused about a couple of things:

1. As of 8/20, COD was still either unknown or not made public. Are any of the autopsy reports in yet? I only read that LE "suspected" strangulation for the girls based on CW's account, hence the request for DNA by the defense which was denied. But I never read once that they speculated the same COD for SW. Are we sure that she was strangled?

2. I thought I read that CW had originally confessed to all 3, prompting statements from the SW family. Then later changed his story. Am I correct?

1- right, he claimed she strangled them then HE strangled SW... killing her and unborn child.
2- no, I don't think so. Denied everything until no out, spoke with his dad, then comes up with his far-fetched story.
CW could have bought himself some time if he would have texted NUA from SW's phone saying that she was feeling a little better but was going to stay home to get some rest and take the day off.

I think CW had no idea that SW was going to see NUA that day because they never talked. I think SW went right to bed and CW strangled her from behind. MOO.

The only reason why I don't think this can be the case is, SW would have checked on the girls, as they slept. I know when I come home and my kids are asleep, I have never, not ever, not once, gone right to bed and not checked them, as in went into their rooms, looked at them asleep and THEN gone to bed..

That said, maybe not every one does was late, she was tired and she was pregnant. But, I just still can't see her not looking in their rooms and they were gone or deceased then CW strangled her as she was confused from the sight of no girls in bed, or deceased girls in bed..(sorry for the TMI) its all so grim and unfathomable..
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