CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #18

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From the videos I've seen, CW has a very flat affect. I think that may be where the idea that he may be on the spectrum is coming from. It's possible. He always seems to be behaving/responding the way he thinks he is supposed to. Then again, FB and IG videos are only a snippet of real life. Maybe he was just uncomfortable in front of a camera.

I would agree with the "no game" statement though. He is not charming at all. Definitely not the type of person people are drawn to. He's just kind of there.

This is actually where I do have expertise, and I do not believe C.W. is autistic or anywhere on the spectrum. I won’t lay out all the reasons why for fear of straying O/T, but I feel confident in this assessment.

If you watch other videos of him in a more “natural” setting, playing with the children, walking through downtown Denver with his parents, etc. he does not have a flat affect.

I think what you may be picking up on in the TV interview is his attempt at suppressing emotion. (This emotion appears to me to be nervousness, fear—I’m not referring to regret or sadness). There are many tell-tale signs of nervousness, self-soothing, and suppressing feelings and/or words in that video, and one of them is his affect, which is controlled in an attempt to appear innocent.

But LE has that taped (I assume) confession. Won’t they play that in court?

Assuming the confession isn't thrown out, the prosecution will call the interrogating officer and will probably try to play the videotape of the confession. But then the police will also describe all the ways that CW's story is implausible. CW's attorney's could cross examine the LE officers and try to get them to acknowledge that CW's version is possible. So technically CW's attorney's don't have to call CW to testify about that in order to get that theory in front of the jury.

But from a practical standpoint, I think if CW wants to use that story as his defense, then the most powerful way to tell that story is for him to testify about it and tell the jury in his own words.

The jury will be instructed that if he chooses not to testify, that they can't use that fact against him. But neither will they give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to his outlandish story if he's too chicken to tell the story himself.

Why would SW not tell the truth on SM in reference to her personal posts? I think SW was "too open a book" to a fault actually.

MerryB can speak for herself, but I think she would say that SW worked hard to portray her life in the best possible light, so that portrayal would reflect positively on the product she was selling.
This is actually where I do have expertise, and I do not believe C.W. is autistic or anywhere on the spectrum. I won’t lay out all the reasons why for fear of straying O/T, but I feel confident in this assessment.

If you watch other videos of him in a more “natural” setting, playing with the children, walking through downtown Denver with his parents, etc. he does not have a flat affect.

I think what you may be picking up on in the TV interview is his attempt at suppressing emotion. (This emotion appears to me to be nervousness, fear—I’m not referring to regret or sadness). There are many tell-tale signs of nervousness, self-soothing, and suppressing feelings and/or words in that video, and one of them is his affect, which is controlled in an attempt to appear innocent.

Exactly. That interview was manipulative and arrogant, in that he thought he could charm the media, and us, into believing that story. I’ve mentioned it before but that strange, ill timed smile, exemplifies this. This was about him, not emotion for her and the kids. The crossed arms seemed to be a pacifying gesture.
I'm sure he still thinks the jury will buy his "SW strangling" story. The guy is delusional, sloppy and not as smart as he thinks he is. I wonder if his energy has taken a turn for the worse now that he is not using Thrive patches????
I wonder if he'll put weight back on? Not that it's important but it might mean he's given up or..... has a plan, lose the well buff metro-sexual look and gain sympathy from the jury.

He's always plotting imo, right from the start, persistently pursuing SW and years later sitting back, thinking, thinking dangerous thoughts. Wolf in sheep's clothing does seem to fit him to a T.
Much as I hate to think the girls could see him, I think he strangled them because if he smothered them he would have said he saw SW smothering them, not strangle them.

I still cannot wrap my head around all of this. I cannot imagine a man strangling two of his innocent children. I just cannot.

I can't even imagine anyone smothering two children. You do it to 1, and then you walk over and do it to the other? For the love of -od! If you snap and strangle one, it takes time to then go over and do it to the other one.

In addition to either strangling his wife.

Is there are any other case this happened with? I have never heard such a thing in my life.
MerryB can speak for herself, but I think she would say that SW worked hard to portray her life in the best possible light, so that portrayal would reflect positively on the product she was selling.
I get that Bill about her portraying an image in favor of the brand but in reference to personal posts about her children and her personal life, I don't see SW being duplicitous.
Thanks for the clarification.
What I can say is based on SW public Facebook page:
SW and CW went on a Thrive business trip to San Diego from June 22 ~ June 26th, 2018.
It appears SW and CW landed back in CO June 26th, 2018 and 12 hours later CW and SW flew with their daughters to NC.
SW was still posting photos of CW and herself together as a couple on June 24th and June 25th, 2018.
By all accounts, the photos SW posted of CW and herself during that business trip and the subsequent travel to NC they looked relaxed and happy.
Not sure what happened after that point in time.

Didn’t SW father stay with the girls while SW and C.W. went to San Diego?
I thought SW father flew with SW and girls back to N.C.
Are you certain CW was in N.C. the first week?
I wonder if SW shared their financial problems with anyone in her immediate family. I've also wondered if anyone in her family ever noticed CW to be 'off' somehow or if they just had a ? in their minds about something he did or said.

MSM has stated that family members were aware of marital problems between the couple & frequent arguments about finances.

I don’t know what they thought of C.W.
This is actually where I do have expertise, and I do not believe C.W. is autistic or anywhere on the spectrum. I won’t lay out all the reasons why for fear of straying O/T, but I feel confident in this assessment.

If you watch other videos of him in a more “natural” setting, playing with the children, walking through downtown Denver with his parents, etc. he does not have a flat affect.

I think what you may be picking up on in the TV interview is his attempt at suppressing emotion. (This emotion appears to me to be nervousness, fear—I’m not referring to regret or sadness). There are many tell-tale signs of nervousness, self-soothing, and suppressing feelings and/or words in that video, and one of them is his affect, which is controlled in an attempt to appear innocent.


I agree - I don't have expertise, but my nephew is autistic and I don't see CW being autistic.
I still cannot wrap my head around all of this. I cannot imagine a man strangling two of his innocent children. I just cannot.

I can't even imagine anyone smothering two children. You do it to 1, and then you walk over and do it to the other? For the love of -od! If you snap and strangle one, it takes time to then go over and do it to the other one.

In addition to either strangling his wife.

Is there are any other case this happened with? I have never heard such a thing in my life.
Yes. There are many, many, examples of this. The methods vary, but this exact type of thing has happened countless times. John List used a gun. Bradford Bishop used a hammer. Robert Fisher slashed his family’s throats with a knife. Chris Coleman strangled his wife and child.
MerryB can speak for herself, but I think she would say that SW worked hard to portray her life in the best possible light, so that portrayal would reflect positively on the product she was selling.


And there have been several claims made on SM that I know to be false from sleuthing, which I can’t say here. ;)
I still cannot wrap my head around all of this. I cannot imagine a man strangling two of his innocent children. I just cannot.

I can't even imagine anyone smothering two children. You do it to 1, and then you walk over and do it to the other? For the love of -od! If you snap and strangle one, it takes time to then go over and do it to the other one.

In addition to either strangling his wife.

Is there are any other case this happened with? I have never heard such a thing in my life.
Yes there are other equally unimaginable cases.
I still cannot wrap my head around all of this. I cannot imagine a man strangling two of his innocent children. I just cannot.

I can't even imagine anyone smothering two children. You do it to 1, and then you walk over and do it to the other? For the love of -od! If you snap and strangle one, it takes time to then go over and do it to the other one.

In addition to either strangling his wife.

Is there are any other case this happened with? I have never heard such a thing in my life.

Right?! I said the same thing many posts ago, Dixie. It’s horrific enough to do it once (let’s imagine SW was done in a fit of rage), but to consciously then go to your innocent child’s room, do that, and then do it again?? It’s unconcionable!

If it is a statement likely to "heighten public condemnation of the accused" then it seems like it would.

Good find and connecting to the rule. Here I was going for the lurid affair stories. But this is a likely candidate.

(f) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused unless such comments are permitted under Rule 3.6(b) or 3.6(c), and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making under Rule 3.6 or this Rule.
Didn’t SW father stay with the girls while SW and C.W. went to San Diego?
I thought SW father flew with SW and girls back to N.C.
Are you certain CW was in N.C. the first week?
Yes SW father stayed with the girls while SW and CW were in San Diego.
Something is not making sense to me though and I think you could be right.
On Sunday July 1st, 2018 @ 9:24 am SW posted a picture on facebook of SW, CW and the girls at the airport with luggage.
On Sunday July 1st, 2018 @ 5:04 pm SW posted a picture of her white lexus and said CW deep cleaned her vehicle for her. So how could he be in two places at one time because SW flew to NC and her lexus was back home in CO.
Maybe CW took them to the airport and SW posted it a couple of days later on SM. We know SW landed in CO June 26th, 2018 and said she was leaving for NC 12 hours later.
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