Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #21

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Respectfully, killing the mother of his baby IS killing one of his kids.

That kid’s name was Nico as you know.

As for Bella and CeCe, yes he has not admitted to killing them.

Just Shanann and Nico. That’s all.

I don't want to get into people needing to defend Trinket (with all due respect). I would like to think we would give her/him the benefit of the doubt in her taking the time to respond to us. I think it's pretty clear that Trinket was responding to the children put in the vats of oil- the post responded to- and not implying that Nico wasn't his child.

Remember there IS always another side.
I'm glad your here Trinket78 and we are all going to respect your insight but I do want to add WE DON'T KNOW CW, we have never meet him so I hope you understand our distaste towards him. Even if he didn't kill those precious girls he DID put them in Crude Oil. He DIDN'T try and revive them or call 911. So from our prospective we have a very hard time with CW.
I have watched almost all videos and I personally don't like how SW treats CW. JMO However none of that justifies what he did to SW and the girls and Nico after their deaths. ALL JMO
Thank You for being here with us.
It is alleged that the MIL left nuts out within reach of the child who was allergic to nuts because she did not believe that the child was allergic. Not her call IMO.

IIRC it was a Drumstick ice cream cone that Bella was allowed to eat around CeCe at MeMe’s house.
SW posted about it on SM & was livid. There is a picture she took of CeCe in her car seat looking out the window at PaPa as she was about to drive away after the incident.
My question is: CeCe was allergic to tree nuts according to SW. Peanuts are legumes. So what was the anger about?
That could be true. It could also be that some friends "leave" because you're always sick or there are things you can't physically do anymore or that you may have to change plans at the last minute because you're suddenly in a flare. I've seen this happen to one of my daughters. She has RA and some of her friends stopped calling/texting/inviting her to do things because of the reasons I stated above. So that does happen. Sometimes people just don't want to deal with your illness or be put out in any way because of it so they move on.
I've backed away from some perfectly nice relatives because all they talk about is their aches and pains, which don't seem much worse than my own aches and pains which I try not to bore people with.
Hey everyone. It’s been very hard catching up. I’m not here to cause grief or stir the pot. Both families have been through something completely unimaginable. I’m doing my best answering the questions I feel safe answering. I just want people to see this case isn’t black and white. There’s so many more questions to be answered. There are some facts out there but the rest of the story has yet to be told.
She kind of reminds me of 'me.' I don't get visibly upset when my precious 3 yr old grand baby whines and cries. I love her with all my heart. But when she is crying and upset, it is usually because the cat won't eat dry dog food from her hand, or because I won't let her climb up on the bookshelf to get something her parents stashed to keep her from breaking it. So I just tend to give her a blank stare and try to change the subject.

If she falls and is hurt or she misses her mom and dad, then I respond compassionately. But if she is mad because the cat keeps running and hiding from her, not so much.

I really don't understand all the negativity and sharp criticism of her mothering skills. I see nothing that tells me she brutally strangled her babies that night.

I completely agree. The only thing I could see was a mother who was trying to help her little girls become strong, and to discourage certain behaviors that would cause them problems with others as they grew older.
About the pro-bars- SW actually gave them to both her kids without knowing if there were nuts in them or not. She herself stated that on the fb comments (30wks ago) in reply to someone asking if there were nuts. That makes no sense to me why she would do that knowing her child is supposedly deathly allergic.
(As far as my feedback on the videos, I personally have no desire to analyze FB videos, nor give my opinion on them (just sayin lol), but you guys carry on, I do see the relevance of their analysis, particularly considering CW’s defense strategy. Just me personally I’m not a fan of posting long videos of my kids doing wveeerything, crying on the internet, etc, short snippets of happy highlights are fine with maybe a little bit of whatever here and there but that’s just me. People put way too much out there, JMO. Please don’t throw tomatoes at me.)

I’ve really got nothing to add I don’t think that I haven’t already said.

And now I’m going to go enjoy this beautiful Colorado day, as the girls should be doing today.
when my 2 kids were little, I was a SAHM. I also babysat my best friends little boy so I had 3 kids under the age of 5, every single day.

I used to say 'the kids are driving me nuts' multiple times a day and they were. I used to just look at them blankly if one or 2 were crying or upset, as feeding into it just amplifies something that can often get sorted out between them. If one of them climbed on the sink, got stuck and then whined, I would have stood and let them be uncomfortable for a moment too. That's how they learn.

If someone videoed it, and played it here, I am sure many would then say I was cold hearted mom, and such. But hey, my son asks me to babysit his precious baby girl quite often. So I guess I wasn't that hateful or cold hearted in his mind.
Oh goody! I’ve read elsewhere that he left the kids with the sitter and was at a casino in Grand Lake with a woman.

I grew up in Colorado. Still have family near Fredrick Colo. The distance to Grand Lake from Fredrick Colo is a least
over 2 hours drive. Plus add in the fact, driving back thru the mountains in the dark will make it a slower drive. He would have been gone for hours on Sat.
I was raised in a religion which doesn't believe in cremation. So, to members of that faith, burning your loved one can be viewed as sinful and offensive and incredibly distasteful.

His dumping them in the oil vats does not automatically equal his guilt of murdering all of them, nor does it make him automatically never having been a loving father. I get that it's hideous and distasteful, however, it really isn't an unarguable "be all end all" fact in proving he's the killer of all of them.

It could have been symbolic burial in a place where he knew where they'd be, they'd be "protected" from elements and animals. If he was so worried about animals giving away the location, perhaps he wouldn't have left Shannan in a shallow grave. I don't know, but I don't claim to know exactly what that means. Only Chris Watts knows exactly what he was thinking when he disposed of his children in that manner and location.
There are plenty of rumors about what he was doing that night. Not sure if I can say what they were.
I wonder if, when Shan'nan found out about the night out, and the babysitter that contributed to (IMO) the fight when she got home. SW's trip was how many nights? 3? And he couldn't stay with the kids that many nights without going out on the town? Or was it 2?
I don't want to get into people needing to defend Trinket (with all due respect). I would like to think we would give her/him the benefit of the doubt in her taking the time to respond to us. I think it's pretty clear that Trinket was responding to the children put in the vats of oil- the post responded to- and not implying that Nico wasn't his child.


Indeed. You are absolutely correct and thank you! I apologize!!! Was just trying to say that he did already admit to killing one kid, essentially.

( sorry @trinket78 )
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