Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #21

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I can see where folks are coming from in analyzing the behavior and interactions of SW and CW. Of course, nothing in any of these videos makes the answer murder. But he does seem like the quiet guy that just took whatever she threw at him. It does come off to me like she ruled that roost and whatever she wanted she got and he maybe didn't have much of a say. But he was a grown man and people will only do to you what you let them. He could've said something to SW and maybe he did. We can only speculate. He was the one that was stepping out on SW (while she was pregnant I might add) and he was the one that lied over and over and he was the one that admittedly murdered his wife knowing it would also kill the child growing inside her and he's the one LE is charging with ALL of the murders. Soooo, I don't really know where I was going with this. Rambling.

Thing is, we don't know the dynamics when there was no video taping going on.
Watching the trend in these posts alone I’m a lot less convinced he’ll be convicted of the girl’s murders than I was in the beginning. Unless there’s compelling forensic evidence (time of death differences, proof of premeditation like google searches, etc). there’s enough reasonable doubt drummed up just by our conversations and sleuthing to sway some jurors. Imagine what a defense attorney with access to evidence and full time staff could do. What’s max sentence for murder in the second and tampering with bodies?
So I'm watching through all her videos and maybe we over analyzing everything. :(
I just watched one where she is promoting Café from thrive and she's not very kind to CW.
CW is holding CeCe the entire time and he is in the back behind SW. SW tells him here make your own.
Then she moves the camera over to Bella and says here your cuter than dad.
CW tries to join in on the conversation as SW states it's cold in CO, Fire, Café and cookies. CW states and lots of snow. She literally never acknowledges him or interacts with him. Like I said totally over analyzing everything. Well I am anyway MOO

Maybe she was mad at him. Maybe they had just had a fight earlier?
He was verbally abused from the beginning. I remember meeting them and she told anyone who would listen she couldn’t believe she went on a date with him because of the way he was dressed. He looked like a “skater boy”... she almost didn’t continue the date because of that. All this was said in front of him. He had new clothes shortly after.
So how did he take it? Sounds like good natured ribbing to me.
First impressions? We all have them. I could tell you a dozen stories like that, some even involved things said to me or about me. Clothes. Income. Too tall. Some with animus. Some with humor. None led to violence.
People would call me abusive then because I tease my husband non stop about being bald and fat. It's all in fun. He's always teasing me about my gray hair which I blame on him and he blames his hair loss on me.
MerryB wrote (I hit Quote and it didn't work, so am pasting the text in quotes that I'm referring to here):
Esophageal thing (can’t recall proper name)-B
Periodic Fever Syndrome-both
Adenoid/ENT issues-both"

I believe the esophageal illness was described as the acronym "EOE."

I just looked up EOE, Celiac and Periodic Fever Syndrome. EOE might be genetic - one site refers to recent research on the subject. PFS sounds like it can be genetic. Celiac Disease is hard to diagnose (one becomes gluten intolerant and symptoms mimic other illnesses so often can remain undiagnosed for at least the first 6-10 yrs of a child's life) so in addition to avoiding nuts for CeCe, maybe Bella had to avoid certain wheat-based foods as well that contain gluten. I'm amazed they were diagnosed with those at such young ages (minus the Celiac for CeCe) as often doctors, even with adults, send you home time and time again with a diagnosis of "Oh, it's viral" or "Oh, you ate something that didn't agree with you" and so on. But maybe with SWs history of various illnesses, they went right to bloodwork and extensive testing.

It makes me wonder as it has been said she was in doctor's offices very frequently for awhile (was that still the case?) - why have a third child who most likely might only be prone to illnesses such as these as well? More stress on the parents, more money spent on office visits, and such. Just wondering if that came into play on their last horrific night. The asthma, nut allergy and adenoid issue seem common to me. Then you start factoring in all of these other conditions...
Is this a taste of what the trial is going to be like, if there is one? How poor CW was (verbally) abused by Shanann?

I’m going to politely excuse myself because I see this conversation going downhill with me and I do want others to be able to communicate with you without my derailment here and a trip to band camp. I do appreciate you taking the time to join us and state your opinions. I’m going to do more than just scroll and roll. I’m going to scroll and roll OUT because I can not stand to listen to this. Respectfully, peace out.


Everything is jmo.

It's ok. It gives the prosecutors an idea of what the defense will try to pull.
In regards to SW possibly having killed the girls, what's everyone's thoughts on why she would have done that? Is it because he may have told her he wanted a divorce/loved someone else so she went to the girls and killed them to punish him because she knew how much he loved them? Like maybe he told her, then he went downstairs and she was thinking "Well I'll show him" ? And what was her plan afterwards? Blame the murders on CW? Kill herself and/or CW?

I'm sure you're all aware I believe CW killed them all but I'm honestly not being snarky asking this, I really do want to hear people's thoughts about it. I'm having a very hard time making that leap but I'm willing to hear the reasons others believe it could have happened that way. I haven't seen a lot of theories on this other than some believe its possible he's telling the truth.
I have also wonder about that.
I know someone who seems to make things up about her children's illnesses. She is always in the hospital with them. However, the doctors always find something to be wrong so maybe they are just sickly. However, she has told me that her bf/children's father has indicated to her that he thinks she makes it u
He was verbally abused from the beginning. I remember meeting them and she told anyone who would listen she couldn’t believe she went on a date with him because of the way he was dressed. He looked like a “skater boy”... she almost didn’t continue the date because of that. All this was said in front of him. He had new clothes shortly after.

This could also be referenced in the "he has no game" comment. Perhaps his infidelity bruised her ego and angered her.
Watching the trend in these posts alone I’m a lot less convinced he’ll be convicted of the girl’s murders than I was in the beginning. Unless there’s compelling forensic evidence (time of death differences, proof of premeditation like google searches, etc). there’s enough reasonable doubt drummed up just by our conversations and sleuthing to sway some jurors. Imagine what a defense attorney with access to evidence and full time staff could do. What’s max sentence for murder in the second and tampering with bodies?
But no one knows what evidence the prosecution has.
@Trinket78 You said when you initially heard they were missing you thought what did she do to them? And, also went on to say you thought she would have left as a punishment of sorts to C.W. Do you think her long trip to NC was some sort of punishment/separation from marital stress or totally unrelated?
I think it was totally unrelated
Domestic violence often goes unreported to LE. It can include being abused emotionally. Emotional abuse can also be covert.


JMO. SW had nothing to gain by killing her daughters. In order to believe CW's story, JMO, one must allow themselves to buy into a mindset that existed years ago. That mindset is that women are desperate and emotional creatures who cannot survive without a man. To me, CW's "story" is akin to a saying that originated in a 1697 English play and was in rather frequent use until a few years ago:

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

The general interpretation of this saying is that a woman who is rejected by a man is inclined to become vicious when seeking revenge.



Respectfully snipped by me, for space and emphasis

Emotional abuse can be covert, yes! I wonder how much goes unreported by men who are abused in relationships, as that can be difficult for men to admit to as they often think it makes them appear "weak."

I strongly disagree that one must buy into an outdated mindset in order to consider his story as truth. Do women not commit violence for a variety of reasons? I feel like saying it "has to be because women are viewed as emotional creatures" is really discounting women. Women can be abusive. Women murder. Women can be vicious. That has nothing to do with an outdated mindset.

I continue to wonder if perhaps he threatened to fight for custody, perhaps in a goading manner, like, "I have a real job, the courts will side with me and you'll have to fight to even see them!"

(Note: I am not saying Thrive isn't a "real" job, I'm wondering if perhaps he said something to that effect and perhaps threatened to take the children from her).

Women have killed their children to avoid them being with their fathers. Someone posted an example upthread.
Im just catching up and have only seen the two I mentioned, plus the one of her alone. I will search for them. I did find it interesting that she said she was the dominant one in the relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if she were controlling and had a hard time when things went other ways than she had planned. I'm also wondering if the husband had feelings of inadequacy, or was insecure and this was reinforced by her treatment of him. Not that this is in any way an excuse for his actions. If he was really having an affair, this would be a good explanation. Maybe he had had enough. Maybe he "snapped" at some point and killed all three. Or maybe she killed the children. It's so hard to say at this point. But what you mentioned at the beginning of your post is interesting. In the ones I saw, she does seem to not even be aware of her child's feelings. In the Christmas video she says they are grouchy, after they obviously are scared and most likely confused, not to mention getting a water bottle for one of her gifts. She doesn't acknowledge that they have a very good reason to be upset, after a scary looking Santa comes to the door and all the while they have no choice other than to sit on his lap and be filmed the whole time. It seems to me she is discounting their feelings, but she doesn't realize what she is doing.
Thank you for responding. One of the photos on her FB shows the two girls having a photo taken by what looks like a mall santa. They are sat on his knee and both are crying with their hands stretched out in the direction of the camera indicating they want to taken away. On one of the comments she laughs with a bhahahha I love it. I suppose my point is that she must realise they are scared of "Father Xmas" so why continually make them do this. It doesn't make sense to me as a parent.
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