Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #21

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It's probably a generational thing, it seems younger generations discuss all manner of things openly online. Look where it got Kim Kardashian..

I've found baby boomers to be just as guilty of oversharing on social media..... it's all a matter of personality. If my grandmother would've been given social media, the drama that would've ensued would have put most anything you've ever seen to shame. lol
Lots of people vent in groups or on their social media. I'm "so what?" about it.

That’s your choice. I’m suggesting that perhaps her handling of this situation may have bothered CW or affected his relationship with his family. He likely had to choose sides. He might not have felt “so what” about it, and this happened a month before the murders. I’m not suggesting this was a motive, but IMO goes toward a building discord that ultimately had a tragic end.
Well according to this book one of our questions has been answered, if not previously. Cadaver dogs: Bark to alert their handlers. They were cadaver dogs

Apologies if I am not remembering correctly, but wasn't that established fairly early on?
Does anyone know if Chris actually said to Shanann, "This has to stop?"
I remember reading that phrase but it could have been a scenario in someone's post. I took it to mean, that CW felt overwhelmed by the time, money
and travel associated w/ SW's job and he didn't want to be Mr. Mom. I just am not sure CW really said it.
I've found baby boomers to be just as guilty of oversharing on social media..... it's all a matter of personality. If my grandmother would've been given social media, the drama that would've ensued would have put most anything you've ever seen to shame. lol
I agree. I don’t think it’s so much a generational thing as it is a technological one. A lot of people put personal stuff out there, and always have. But with the proliferation of the internet, and social media, it’s just taken on a new form.
I only know of one person who has Celiac in real life. She has to keep all of her food in a separate cupboard from the rest of the family,

Knives, toaster and don’t remember what else are separate.

I have no idea if this is the way it is for everyone.
From what I know of friends with a child who has Celiac disease is the whole house has to be gluten free to prevent cross-contamination. But this could be because it would be easier than managing 2 separate pantries...easier if the rest can live without gluten foods. I'm curious to know if they did have a gluten free kitchen. Also, Celiac disease is not easy to diagnose.
Hi all , I have so much to catch up on !! I'm from Australia and last night watched a local documentary on some of our home grown murders . Both stories focused on male killing female whether it be husband killing wife or husband killing affair partner.( These were the cases on the documentary last night. I know murder goes both ways) They had an expert in trying these cases and he said that a defence will often use the PROVOCATION defence, which implies that the victim drove them to do it ( she said I was bad in bed etc etc). The defence then makes the victim the guilty partner by exposing all their flaws and faults and turning it all on them . After all the dead can not speak. The expert also said that they kill in order to wipe the slate clean and begin again.
After reading only a bit on here and private FB groups , it scares me to read some of the comments and analysis of SW's videos. I, as a mum , could easily relate to a lot of what was happening in those videos. I wouldn't have posted them in a public forum but that's me. Yes they went on too long but they were a way of sharing with family in NC and also promoting her business. I believe she deeplyloved the girls and CW but was aware things weren't going well as the number of her videos being posted had dramatically declined in the last 8 weeks or so . Maybe the effort of being so upbeat and positive was taking its toll.
I have been very interested to read all the different opinions and ideas .Many of you could probably solve this terrible evil crime.When I watch the videos with the little girls, I find myself smiling because just for a few seconds I see them as beautiful innocent children just being kids. Then the horror of the reality hits and I'm in disbelief again.
There is no defence ever conceivable for what CW has done to his beautiful family.
I have to agree. I know when I first got married, I wanted the perfect romance and life forever. I was so goofy, I used to buy beautiful home type magazines because I liked the cover thinking if I could make my house look like that, or set my table like that, we’d be so happy. My life isn’t perfect, but I post happy occasions with my family on fb because it’s harmless and fun. Sometimes we really do cool things and it’s fun to share. I’m not bragging, just having fun and telling my friends about it. My friends post cool things they do, too. I enjoy seeing pictures of their vacations, family celebrations, and evenings out. Whenever we make something super delicious, we post pictures of that, too. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I think we’re being way too critical of SW. Some of her stuff may seem a little forced, but some of those videos of Bella and CeCe are adorable. Those kids seem very happy and well cared for, and they almost always exude love and confidence when they’re not crying, but kids cry, that’s the nature of the beast, and maybe SW thought her friends would understand. I’m sure she had no idea the whole world would be scrutinizing her fb page. I’m sure she would have been much more selective had she known.
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Sheryl and Gitana hit it out of the park on the talk radio program.

Thanks! It was my first time and I was a bit nervous!!! But it is such an interesting case and so much to touch on that you get over that pretty quick! Levi and Sheryl are super knowledgeable so it was an honor. Hope I did all right.

Now I gotta go run my insane dog -new two year old rescue Shepard. Aggressive. Not leash trained. And she's learning super fast with the help of conditioning with treats every time a jogger or barking dog comes by but folks, my body is breaking down running her every day with no break and I am overwhelmed with the task of training and helping this sweet fur baby. (Not my choice to get her but definitely my responsibility now, as that often happens!). Wish me luck, ya'll.
I agree - the trial is going to be so hard for friends and family. Just when you think things can't get any worse for them. SO SAD!!
I’m just holding out hope that it doesn’t get that far. There’s a chance atleast, that there will be a plea, especially if the DA goes for the death penalty.
This actually is not true. Not your fault at all—there’s been a lot of misinformation out there. I feel like “Nut Gate” is like the game of Telephone. I’ve seen many unverified different versions out there, and got confused myself. In truth, there were no pistachios in a bowl. The ice cream did not have 3 kinds of nuts on it; in fact, there were no nuts on it at all, but it had been packaged in a facility that also processed tree nuts. CeCe reportedly had a tree nut allergy.
There were no nuts in the icecream. It was packaged in a tree nut factory.
Apologies if I am not remembering correctly, but wasn't that established fairly early on?
I do remember it being discussed, but do not recall it being confirmed. Just something that jumped out at me while reading the excerpt.
Does anyone know if Chris actually said to Shanann, "This has to stop?"
I remember reading that phrase but it could have been a scenario in someone's post. I took it to mean, that CW felt overwhelmed by the time, money
and travel associated w/ SW's job and he didn't want to be Mr. Mom. I just am not sure CW really said it.
He said it in his interview
I thought it was odd to announce as well. I don't put my stuff out there like that, but I have friends that do and that's ok too, it's just not me. Different strokes for different folks.
If my DIL criticizes me on social media over something petty, it won't help our relationship because it is passive aggressive behavior. She also wouldn't still be my DIL because passive/agg
Well according to this book one of our questions has been answered, if not previously. Cadaver dogs: Bark to alert their handlers. They were cadaver dogs
Or the dogs barked when they encountered Dieter. JMO
I really like one of the ending points that Sheryl McCollum made on the program tonight.

That CW was still trying to call the shots when he said "I'll tell the truth after I talk to my dad". And also pointing out that he asked for his dad, not for his mom, because it's likely his dad is the one who's been bailing him out all of his life.

It was nice to hear someone else, especially someone like Sheryl, articulate some of the thoughts I've sorta kept to myself on this case.

Edit: Got my merds wixed up. :)
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