Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #21

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Good question.
IMO a lot of men like bossy women. My entire family is made of bossy women and I always hated the way they spoke to their spouses, including my mom. I made a point to never talk to men the way the women in my family do. And here I am, never married. Not even close. But I know my current bf appreciates me not being overbearing and bossy. And honestly, my previous bfs didn't like that I WASN'T bossy! They thought I didn't care about them. Men learn from their moms, and a lot of them probably have bossy moms too!
IMO, not acting as loving towards the kids was distancing himself from them because he had his evil plan to murder them and dump their little bodies in crude oil.
To me, it seemed like he was starting to compartmentalize. It was only on the porch when the reporter asked him his children's names that he started to get a bit emotional.
Playing catch thoughts on various discussions:

1) SW's heavy presence on SM - this is not unusual and many people do this, and from all ages. SM is a great way to keep long distance family "in the loop." Her only mistake was making so much of her content public, rather than for friends only, which if she were still alive, would not a nonissue because no one would be looking at her posts except her friends and family. But now she has thousands of people criticizing her for her parenting skills and how she says, "amazing" too much or that she shouldn't have her phone on the table at a restaurant, or see how she talks to CW? she obviously is capable of punishing him, etc etc (not so much in this group, but FB groups are horrendous).

2) The theory that CW accidentally killed one of the girls --- I can't wrap my mind around that one. No sane person would do this. Accidents happen all the time. Parents have accidentally killed their children (i.e. backing out of the driveway and don't see the child behind the vehicle, or stepped away to answer the phone while kiddo is in the bath, etc). NO SANE PERSON would see the accident and then say, "well gee, oops. Guess I need to kill the other kids and then pretend they're missing." No. Sane people are horrified, screaming for help, calling 911, grief-stricken and pleading with God. JMO

3) I can accept that SW may have been overbearing, demanding, maybe even controlling and CW was more subdued. Maybe she didn't really respect him anymore so the snide remarks or disinterest came easily. That type of personality doth not a killer make. I just can't see her murdering her children, who appeared to be her world, to spite a husband she doesn't really like. If anything, that type of personality, upon finding out about CW infidelity, may be capable of taking HIS life because of the betrayal and humiliation. JMO
Does anyone know if Chris actually said to Shanann, "This has to stop?"
I remember reading that phrase but it could have been a scenario in someone's post. I took it to mean, that CW felt overwhelmed by the time, money
and travel associated w/ SW's job and he didn't want to be Mr. Mom. I just am not sure CW really said it.
IIRC CW said that phrase during one of the interviews, I do not believe it was said to SW
I'm not uncomfortable at all! CW repeatedly lied to LE and he lied repeatedly in every one of his media interviews. What was that all about? It was about trying to avoid facing consequences.

After being confronted with evidence by LE of SW's shallow grave and the bed sheet from their home that was discovered at the very place he went to after he left the house that morning, CW states he'll tell the truth after he talks to his Dad.

He then comes back and says the truth is SW strangled the girls and he went into a rage and strangled SW. Which is an attempt to avoid facing consequences for three first degree murder charges, with deliberation, which could land him on death row or with multiple life sentences.


But that just fits what we have seen from the videos does it not? That he is not a very strong guy, and on top of that, most people who commit crimes like this just lie their teeth off.

It's expected he would lie. Moo. What percentage of people that do this actually fess up?

And on top perhaps we have Cindy, Lee, and George situation? Denial and protection from those that loved her most, that are just ripped to shreds protecting their loved one.

My heart goes out to his family as this must be just tearing them and ripping them apart. In denial and supporting all the way to the end of the hallway. Just like it did with the Anthony's. Hopefully the sibling can move on as Lee Anthony did. I hope they are all in counseling.
Playing catch thoughts on various discussions:

1) SW's heavy presence on SM - this is not unusual and many people do this, and from all ages. SM is a great way to keep long distance family "in the loop." Her only mistake was making so much of her content public, rather than for friends only, which if she were still alive, would not a nonissue because no one would be looking at her posts except her friends and family. But now she has thousands of people criticizing her for her parenting skills and how she says, "amazing" too much or that she shouldn't have her phone on the table at a restaurant, or see how she talks to CW? she obviously is capable of punishing him, etc etc (not so much in this group, but FB groups are horrendous).

2) The theory that CW accidentally killed one of the girls --- I can't wrap my mind around that one. No sane person would do this. Accidents happen all the time. Parents have accidentally killed their children (i.e. backing out of the driveway and don't see the child behind the vehicle, or stepped away to answer the phone while kiddo is in the bath, etc). NO SANE PERSON would see the accident and then say, "well gee, oops. Guess I need to kill the other kids and then pretend they're missing." No. Sane people are horrified, screaming for help, calling 911, grief-stricken and pleading with God. JMO

3) I can accept that SW may have been overbearing, demanding, maybe even controlling and CW was more subdued. Maybe she didn't really respect him anymore so the snide remarks or disinterest came easily. That type of personality doth not a killer make. I just can't see her murdering her children, who appeared to be her world, to spite a husband she doesn't really like. If anything, that type of personality, upon finding out about CW infidelity, may be capable of taking HIS life because of the betrayal and humiliation. JMO
Absolutely agree. Great thoughts.
Am beginning to think that these two, CW & SW, were probably grating on each others nerves for a long time. SW appears to be the dynamic one, a bit brash about it, addicted to SM and basking in the limelight, maybe an attention seeker (medical issues, travel, Thrive, SM, etc.) and CW a brooding mate who didn't want to make overt waves, but chose to instead seek his emotional revenge via an affair(s).

In any relationship that ends badly, neither party is perfect, even if the victim.

But, one of this doomed team is a murderer of the worst kind (infanticide). So, regardless of what SW did or didn't do, posted, maybe exaggerated...whatever...he is the one who took the evil coward's way out. And no one I know, no one, would have neglected to call 911 if their child was being strangled. He's deranged to think that story will fly.
Most of us are just trying to figure out what happened and we're looking for any clues that could have contributed to the deteriorating relationship. I don't think it's meant to be victim blaming.
Yes,Tippy Lynn. It is the ultimate murder mystery --- why??! Why would someone slaughter their whole family and blame it on their wife?
My understanding is yes, there's gluten intolerance or sensitivity and then there's Celiac disease.
Yes, this. There is Celiac disease, Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and they share many of the same symptoms and dietary restrictions. It is possible for one person to have 2 of the diseases.
And then there are people who do not tolerate some foods and have no symptoms or flare ups if they avoid that food.
I dunno about y'all but I get the feeling CW's mom was also the "head of the household", and it would make sense then that her and SW would butt heads. We also tend to gravitate towards partners that are like our parents. My dad is laid back and pretty apathetic about things, much like my husband is.
Could you explain this please I would so appreciate it ?

This is a Rule 16 (discovery) Motion. The State is asking for CW’s DNA (buccal swabs), fingerprints, and pictures of his right and left hands. This will be used to compare to the evidence collected and that is in the process of being analyzed by the CBI. The Motion was just filed today.
Folks, c'mon... you must know people with low self-esteem, perhaps never having dated at all or much, who are just thrilled to finally be in the crosshairs of someone attractive and seemingly out of reach? Her early ribbing out his wardrobe and such was probably miniscule in his eyes compared to finally being in a relationship. Just guessing. I do not know either party. But look at women who stay in physically abusive relationships, ones that could potentially kill them at any time - "Oh, he didn't mean it... I know he loves me. He said he was sorry. And look at the house I have! And the school my children get to go to!" And so on. I'm guessing CW may have not thought much of her comments like that early on... but maybe after time, and after he began to be more sure of himself, they got old. IMO. MOO. Did I just type "MOO"? LOL. Love the new internet acronyms.

Edit: Thought that would show on the thread!
If my DIL criticizes me on social media over something petty, it won't help our relationship because it is passive aggressive behavior. She also wouldn't still be my DIL because passive/agg

Or the dogs barked when they encountered Dieter. JMO
The Author goes into detail of other cases where cadaver dogs "talk" to alert their handlers of a hit. Hit being the scent of death. He seems to be confirming that yes, they do make noise as opposed to a silent type of sign. Wouldn't make sense to have the family dog around distracting the cadaver dogs.
But that just fits what we have seen from the videos does it not? That he is not a very strong guy, and on top of that, most people who commit crimes like this just lie their teeth off.

It's expected he would lie. Moo. What percentage of people that do this actually fess up?

And on top perhaps we have Cindy, Lee, and George situation? Denial and protection from those that loved her most, that are just ripped to shreds protecting their loved one.

My heart goes out to his family as this must be just tearing them and ripping them apart. In denial and supporting all the way to the end of the hallway. Just like it did with the Anthony's. Hopefully the sibling can move on as Lee Anthony did. I hope they are all in counseling.
The family who think they know them best, so often turn out to have NO clue what they were really like.
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