Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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It makes far more sense to me that if someone did ask for a separation, it was Shanann.

I don’t buy his story for a minute, so if was him who wanted a separation or divorce, the killings don’t make sense to me.

I think that she may have asked, and he said no. Violently.
I go back and forth on this one. It makes more sense to me that Shanann asked for the separation and he flipped out, but I think it was NA who said something like, "She wanted to make her marriage work." Still, if she did come home and find an earring in her bed or some other evidence that he had been cheating, she could have told him she wanted to separate after that.

When I think about why he would have claimed to be the one who wanted the separation, I can only wonder if he told AP that they were already separated (while SW and the girls were in NC) and that he just had the girls for the weekend (while SW went to AZ). When she returned, the jig was up. How was he going to explain that to the AP?

I don't think CW's lies were limited to his wife. I think he was lying to both of them and that's why we have so much trouble making sense of it all.
O/T thought... it's hard isn't it? I know the answers to some things, but not far as I can tell, I can't be verified because my entire relationship with SW was online or phone.
Have you tried to get VI status? Unless there’s a policy that you need to know them face to face I would think an online/phone relationship would be easier to verify than one like mine, where I mostly just saw her in person.
Or from NU.
LE might only have known that it was some woman where CW worked. IE from either family or NU. And maybe they went to the office and ppl knew. Hard to hide those things, especially if he was a field hand who showed up at the office (where I assume she worked, which might not be true at all) when he didn't really need to.
Bill, will LE release the coroner's report before trial or is it kept under wraps until then?

Not an expert opinion---I think they will keep it under wraps until trial, and they may not even release all of it to the public then. In Colorado, you can keep an autopsy sealed if you can show that it is in the best interest of the public* to do so.

(* Some similar standard like that. You can find the specific language from google.)
Well if he put his hands around her neck and began squeezing as she lay in bed asleep, I don't think she'd have the chance to scream. Or if he just came at her suddenly.

But this has me thinking. And re-thinking certain, possible scenarios. He took the bedding off the master bedroom bed, right? Which suggests she may have been in it when he strangled her, because why else remove the pillow cases and the sheets and try to hide them? He seemed concerned about getting rid of any possible evidence that he murdered his wife.

Unless that is where he killed the girls, who may have been sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed? But otherwise, that removal of the bedding, coupled with no neighbor hearing screaming suggests she may have come home, checked on the babies and then gone to bed before he killed everyone. So it's possible he did kill them second.

I posted the same thing a couple of pages back. I actually thought this from the beginning but someone corrected me that we don't know if SW was in the fitted sheet for sure. I thought she was found with the fitted sheet which led me to wonder if she had been in bed when she was killed, then he removed the top bedding and just wrapped her in the fitted sheet she was laying on.
Not an expert opinion---I think they will keep it under wraps until trial, and they may not even release all of it to the public then. In Colorado, you can keep an autopsy sealed if you can show that it is in the best interest of the public* to do so.

(* Some similar standard like that. You can find the specific language from google.)
Thanks Bill. Hopefully the full report will be released to the public during or after trial. It will be interesting to see if there was Benadryl or cold meds in the girls' blood that may have been used to put them to sleep before he did what he did.
Those who have somewhat negative things to say about the victim (and however you slice it, SW is a victim of murder) paint picture of a "bossy" woman and a good ol' boy man having at least one affair and mostly doing what his wife told him to do, until supposedly asking for an affair. SO here is a scenario I can buy (all IMO): SW is not having it, and if CW goes through with separating, she promises to make his life hell. So this weak, cowardly man who feels controlled and henpecked decides he will finally show her. He kills his children, seeing them as part of her, she will withhold them anyway, and lies in ambush for her. It's pre-meditated but not well thought out. All MOO.

I relate to this theory, as a woman scorned myself.

“SW is not having it, and if CW goes through with separating, she promises to make his life hell.“
How creepy to go to work everyday knowing the bodies of your family is decomposing so close. Was he fired before or after he was arrested?
I recall was on that Wednesday, but not clear on the timeline. IIRC, he wasn't arrested until just before midnight, so I'm thinking they did it earlier in the day. imo
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