Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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These are some random thoughts and questions about this travesty.

· From the pictures/videos of the truck, it appears to be an extended cab. For whatever reason, I kept thinking it was a four-door model with standard doors with handles. IMO, the back seat is nothing more than a jump seat with very little room. I think it would have been difficult to get SW in the back seat along with the two little girls. What are your thoughts?

· Since scenarios are plentiful on WS, I keep wondering why CW did not clean up? Minimally, IMO, he should have put her keys, purse, shoes and luggage away. Additionally, why did he not put the sheets in the washer rather than the trash can? These actions would have taken less than half an hour and would fit any of the timeline scenarios. Using the washer would have been logical and, IMO, would have posed few additional questions.

· Trinket78 confirmed that CW did go to NASCAR Tech. As NASCAR is so closely aligned to North Carolina, a lot of young NC men dream of this opportunity. I wonder why he did not pursue a career with NASCAR. Where did he work or what did he do in NC?

· Several threads ago, someone posted that SW’s team was working to get her to the $200K VIP level.

- Does anyone know if that occurred?
- Where would her earnings be deposited?
- Would CW have access to her funds?
- Also, since Le-Vel is MLM company, will SW continue to receive commissions OR does Le-Vel close her level?
- What happened to the automobile(s) from the Le-Vel Auto Club?​

· Please excuse this query. Will the life insurance on SW and girls be paid out immediately OR will the insurance company be allowed to hold the funds awaiting adjudication of CW (assuming he was the beneficiary, IMO)?

· Crude oil and body contamination – Much has been written about the state of these sweet angels after being in crude oil. How would an ME remove the crude oil? And would that removal process obliterate any DNA left by the murderer?

This case has been so sad for me to follow for many reasons. I was born and raised in North Carolina and I lived in Colorado for many years. And I have a grandchild the age of the littlest girl. How could this happen? – I keep asking over and over.

Thank you for your indulgence.
As for the Life Insurance Policy, I don't see how CW would have any say at all since he is the one who killed his wife. I'm not sure if we know the details or even have verification that one exists. Are you sure there was one? Does anybody know? At any rate, I'm pretty sure it would not be paid out immediately. It depends on whose name is listed as the beneficiary.
That’s why I said “context is everything.” We don’t know what was normal for them. We don’t know Shanann’s intent, if it bothered C.W., or what actually went on behind closed doors. I find it fascinating that you can make a determination that this was “emotional abuse” and “not an act of love.”

Using one’s own reference point is fine, but to make a statement of fact based on that, is another thing entirely.
We know CW said he wanted to separate and they had an emotional conversation. Publicly humiliating a spouse or child is a form of emotional abuse and often does escalate to domestic violence. JMO
Emotional abuse in intimate relationships: The role of gender and age
That’s why I said “context is everything.” We don’t know what was normal for them. We don’t know Shanann’s intent, if it bothered C.W., or what actually went on behind closed doors. I find it fascinating that you can make a determination that this was “emotional abuse” and “not an act of love.”

Using one’s own reference point is fine, but to make a statement of fact based on that, is another thing entirely.

Newbie here - first post.

I think good natured ribbing is fine. It's fun as long as the other person is on board with it. But in the videos it seemed like she was picking on him and he was just being passive and taking it. Not to mention putting it on the internet. It seemed kind of mean.

I've been on the receiving end of that and being a somewhat passive female I take it but inside I'm angry. That's just me though, my experience and MOO.

I also don't go around killing people so hey, everybody's different.
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I agree. Context is everything and we just don’t have that here.

Plenty of spouses rib their significant other in public. I mentioned it before, but my grandmother does the same thing to my grandfather, but it is on a complete other level from what we see in these videos. It’s extreme, but playful.

What we see here is incredibly mild by comparison, and we simply don’t see a clear example of SW “emasculating” C.W.

Nagging, being bossy, maybe. But so what?

I really think the comments, bossy, ribbing, etc., would be viewed differently if the gender roles were reversed. JMO
Rolling your eyes at your spouse or saying something sarcastic like "Um thanks for all your help honey" in public is not emotional abuse nor does it mean you don't respect or love your spouse. People are human and not perfect. They can get irritated at their loved ones, even in public sometimes. It's not like we saw or anyone saw them ever having a knock down drag out fight in public everyday. That would be different. I would honestly say the same if I saw CW say those same things to SW on the video. We didn't live with them. We saw a few videos. My only criticism is just too much SM in general. SW, along with most of the world, should put down their phones IMO. I think it's sad that so many people live through their cell phones these days.
We form our opinions based on our own personal experiences. My husband has never "ribbed" me in public nor have I done so to him in public. That's emotional abuse and not an act of love, imo. If SW was doing this on camera, I can't imagine what went on when the camera was turned off. I'm sure not surprised if either SW or CW wanted divorce. JMO
I completely agree.
Another possibility is that NU did not have a key to the house, so she just simply tried to open the front door, but the door wouldn't open fully because of the inside latch.

CW could have unlocked the front door but forgot to undo the latch (before he left to dump the bodies). He staged the scene poorly, I guess lol.
That is a great point pocketaccent. Maybe it was meant to be open to go with the storyline but CW didn't realize SW latched it from inside or CW forgot to unlatch it.
We form our opinions based on our own personal experiences. My husband has never "ribbed" me in public nor have I done so to him in public. That's emotional abuse and not an act of love, imo. If SW was doing this on camera, I can't imagine what went on when the camera was turned off. I'm sure not surprised if either SW or CW wanted divorce. JMO

Actually, if you go back and watch the video, it was CW who was "emotionally abusing" SW
Thank you. It’s been hard losing her and some of the post-crime character dissection afterward has almost been worse. i can honestly say in the time that I knew her I NEVER ONCE heard Shanann judge another person, speculate on anyone’s character or criticize others behind their back. She was all about encouraging people to be their best, and she was a positive energy in many lives imcluding mine. It warmed my heart to see how genuinely happy she was when one of her friends accomplished something. Job success, weight loss, relationship victories, adult graduations, new babies — she rooted for it all and celebrated when it happened.

She would never have dreamt of questioning someone’s life, motivation and character the way hers is being picked apart by total strangers. And she’s not even here to defend herself. It’s the main reason I decided to go through the effort to be a VI. Everything she valued is being questioned and she deserves to have somebody try to keep baseless rumors at bat. It’s what she would have done in a heartbeat for a friend if she were here.

@Colorado303 I want to take this opportunity to remind you that Shanann didn’t do anything wrong to deserve what happened to her and her girls. I’m so sorry for your loss.
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IIRC VI stated that he was the one seeking separation. He had asked her more than once.
The idea that dumping your children in a crude oil tank could ever be considered preserving them to keep them close to his heart is frankly offensive to their memory and ridiculous. What's next, throw them in a pig pen so he could eat the bacon they became? He HID them to avoid detection.
I agree with you. I thought I remembered that he put them in separate tanks. I would think, in my opinion, that
Days after letting police inside his home so they could help find his missing family, he told investigators “he would tell the truth.” He first asked to speak with his father then admitted to killing Shannan. He told police that he killed her after witnessing her strangling one of the girls on a baby monitor and that other child had already been killed by Shanann.

Inside the confession of Christopher Watts
in my opinion the delay in “telling the truth” gave him time to craft a story. I don’t believe him personally.
I know the bedding was off the bed and/or on the floor, but I wonder if he had washed it already. Too many unknowns. But there had to be something on those sheets. Or, he just didn’t want any sheets from the bed that had touched his dead family.
I'm running behind, so what I say below could already have been mentioned...
Often when someone is strangled, their bladder and/or bowels relax and urine and/or feces can be expelled. That may have happened or perhaps CW was afraid of LE finding a trace of anything (his affair partner, perhaps), so he removed them -- if they were soiled he would have to get rid of them or wash them. Just another thought...
I'm running behind, so what I say below could already have been mentioned...
Often when someone is strangled, their bladder and/or bowels relax and urine and/or feces can be expelled. That may have happened or perhaps CW was afraid of LE finding a trace of anything (his affair partner, perhaps), so he removed them -- if they were soiled he would have to get rid of them or wash them. Just another thought...
If the girls were killed in their beds then would evidence of such been in their beds as well? Nothing was mentioned in affidavit about the girls bedding and whether foul play was evident in their linens. Would that imply they were all killed in their parents bed?
One thing I saw posted and not sure if it’s been discussed is that CW liked a post on Twitter between 10:12pm and midnight. This makes me think he couldn’t have killed kids before Shanann got home unless he’s really cold blooded and can go about his day like that. It really makes me now think it all happened after SW got home. Though I do guess he went about his day the next day with no worry, so who knows now.

It was me who commented about that back in thread 2, 3 or 4? I thought I had taken a screen shot but it turns out I didn’t. I think I narrowed down the time because someone posted something at 10:12 and at the time I looked at his twitter it showed he “liked” it at midnight. (I don’t recall the exact time but if that’s what my post said, it’s correct because I had just looked at his account.) I’m not sure it means anything to me about the timing of the killings either way. I’m willing to wait for more info at this point because all of the theories are really just guessing based on the same info we had when I stopped posting in thread 6 and it’s been mostly off the rails, IMO.

That said, my best friend had a theory the day we talked about SW being missing that I initially disregarded but am willing to reconsider. This was before we found out they were all murdered. My best friend was in a marriage where I was concerned he would kill her during many periods of time over 23 years. Right off the bat, she said, mark my word, they’re all dead and that Chris was fuming over being left with the kids over the weekend and the flight delay gave him several more hours to work himself into a frenzy. She thinks his rage reached a point of no return and she also knew he had a girlfriend immediately. I was pretty sure about the girlfriend too and was sadly sure they were all dead at his hands but couldn’t wrap my head around something like a weekend away & a late flight causing a family massacre. Now that I’ve had a month of not finding any other explanation that clicks in my head, I’ve gone back to considering she’s right.
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We form our opinions based on our own personal experiences. My husband has never "ribbed" me in public nor have I done so to him in public. That's emotional abuse and not an act of love, imo. If SW was doing this on camera, I can't imagine what went on when the camera was turned off. I'm sure not surprised if either SW or CW wanted divorce. JMO
Just wanted to add my 2cents, and that's about all it's worth. Myself personally would never tease or rib someone I wasn't fond of. In fact if I couldn't stand you we'd never have an interaction. Nasty or otherwise. I don't say jokingly mean things to people I don't like. But for me it's the culture I'm in, 97% men and from what I've seen in 30yrs it's how they bond.
We can all look at the videos, and we will likely reach different conclusions. All we can do is form an opinion on what things “appear to be” and not necessarily “what they are.”

Videos provide a snapshot, and don’t necessarily reflect reality. We can’t possibly know what is going on in the minds of the participants.

Let’s say Shanann was in fact bossy and belittling. Does that alone provide a motive? provide a justification? Indicate that C.W. is telling the truth?

I don’t think so.
We know CW said he wanted to separate and they had an emotional conversation. Publicly humiliating a spouse or child is a form of emotional abuse and often does escalate to domestic violence. JMO
Emotional abuse in intimate relationships: The role of gender and age
We know cw SAID he said he wanted to separate, and SAID they had an emotional conversation. From where do we know those are facts? Has some data just been released that proves he told her he wanted to separate, and not vice versa for example?
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