Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #24

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Awhile back, someone had asked to be convinced of the evidence that supports CW's story that his wife killed the two children. I haven't seen anyone do that yet, but would still be interested to hear some theories. Or read, rather.
My theory is just a theory which will be either proved or disproved by the forensic evidence gleaned from the autopsy, DNA and prints. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion.
and why did she need this type of surgery? injury sustained in strangulation can cause the need for this type of treatment, along with myriad other causes.

IIRC she was in a car accident around 2010 and managed for many years with chiropractic treatment, but eventually opted to have the surgery in 2017.
Please feel free to PM me. setting boundaries can be dangerous. when you first discover what is happening it can be risky bc you think your partner will cooperate and care enough to change, or respect your boundaries. letting them know what you know can be very risky. couples counseling can be even more dangerous. attempted strangling is one of the highest risk factors for being murdered by a spouse. I would say you are in a relatively dangerous position. Can you get a protection order? do you have kids? do you have personal protection? alarm system/taser/mace - whatever your state allows. do you have pets? does he still have a key? joint account? have you contacted your local DV shelter? do you have an emergency plan? Did he take all his stuff?

I would recommend you appease him if confronted. Don't promise him anything but get out of the situation with the least amount of confrontation possible. If you need to give the impression that reconciliation is possible, do it in the last committed way possible - or at least let him think you might consider it. Try not to be alone in public is possible - nowhere he can accost you.

read this book now while he's not in your home but don't share any of it with him. Why Does He Do That? Quotes by Lundy Bancroft

I have debated on whether or not I should post here but this post shook me to my core. This is my life, right now. I told my husband (together almost 12 years) to leave three weeks ago because of this case. He left, but he hasn't stopped the verbal and emotional abuse.

For a long time I had no idea what was happening to me. I couldn't figure out what I was doing to cause this hatred of his. I didn't know it was abuse. He was so adept at making me feel weak and wrong and I believed it. Sometimes I still wonder if I somehow contributed to his outbursts. No one else saw what was happening, these scars can be invisible. He could be screaming and calling me every name in the book but when his friend showed up, he changed into this charming, happy go lucky person. I kept trying to change myself, trying to make him understand or realize that I was a good person, a good wife. When I started to "see" what was happening, I tried to set boundaries. I tried to defend myself and when I did, he told me I was the abusive one. Looking in from the outside, one might have said that I was the crazy one. I was only trying to take my life back. I was told two weeks ago that I do have PTSD from his abuse, one can only take so much before they crack. For 11 years, he was never physical with me but he was emotionally and verbally abusive. When I tried to set my boundaries earlier this year, his abuse escalated and he turned to physical violence. In July he tried to strangle me. I honestly don't know why he didn't kill me that night. I was too scared to leave, I still thought it was my fault. He threatened me because I tried to leave about a week after this tragedy happened. I knew I had to do something. I contacted a shelter and I am getting help. I am not looking for sympathy here, just giving perspective from some one living with abuse right now.

My point is that NO ONE knows what is really going on. In fact, he has friends and family that are telling me that it is just a rough patch and I need to work it out with him. His sister in law is telling people that there is no way he is a "psychopath" and that I am the one with problems. When I finally broke down and told my mom, she was in disbelief. She said there were no signs and she had no idea. No one did.

We really don't know what was going on behind closed doors, no matter how close we think we are. No amount of pictures or videos will tell us what was happening when no one else was around.
It makes it more sensational thus they get many more hits which represents $$$$$. JMO

I just did a little peeking on the reporter who stated this information came from “several high ranking sources”. It seems she’s no sleazy tabloid reporter and has quite a resume behind her:

“While in Missouri, Kovaleski covered the 2008 Presidential campaign and interviewed Democratic candidate Barack Obama as he traveled through the state. While in North Carolina, she notably won a RTDNAC Award for an investigation that exposed a loophole in state law that allowed out-of-state sex offenders to move to North Carolina without having to register in the state....”

Jennifer Kovaleski

—I personally doubt she made this up, moo. This story is too big for her to screw things up, imo. And especially misquote Law Enforcement. And she not only said one source, but “several sources”. I’ll take her word for this one, jmo. She has a reputation to protect, etc.

Which reminds me of another question I have, it sure if it’s been answered.

As @Colorado303 VI stated, Shanann had a key.

So why did she not go into the house? Just wondering, it seems she called LE and CW first, right? But did not enter the house herself? Am I right about this or do I have a brain fart? Tia.

I'm pretty sure you mean NUA had a key...yes, and she opened the door, but the latch was in place, so it only opened a few inches.
My theory is just a theory which will be either proved or disproved by the forensic evidence gleaned from the autopsy, DNA and prints. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion.
Ha I was just about to say that, then saw your post!
I imagine some people will be surprised at what forensics will bring to the case. While some physical evidence lasts far longer than you might imagine, the timeline didn't end up working in CW's favor.
There must be a good reason the prosecution is requesting a cheek swab, finger prints and hand measurements... and a good reason the defense is trying to prevent it. Imo
I just did a little peeking on the reporter who stated this information came from “several high ranking sources”. It seems she’s no sleazy tabloid reporter and has quite a resume behind her:

“While in Missouri, Kovaleski covered the 2008 Presidential campaign and interviewed Democratic candidate Barack Obama as he traveled through the state. While in North Carolina, she notably won a RTDNAC Award for an investigation that exposed a loophole in state law that allowed out-of-state sex offenders to move to North Carolina without having to register in the state....”

Jennifer Kovaleski

—I personally doubt she made this up, moo. This story is too big for her to screw things up, imo. And especially misquote Law Enforcement. And she not only said one source, but “several sources”. I’ll take her word for this one, jmo. She has a reputation to protect, etc.
I don't care where she got it, I don't automatically believe an unnamed source. Especially when it is sensationalism. The story wouldn't have the following it does if CW had left the girls in empty containers. JMO
There must be a good reason the prosecution is requesting a cheek swab, finger prints and hand measurements... and a good reason the defense is trying to prevent it. Imo
Are they trying to prevent it or is that just standard protocol? Kind of asking the question to myself so I don't expect you to know!
Ramón Salcido killed his daughters, mother in-law and sisters—in-law and then went back to kill his wife. Though, he might be considered a spree killer because he also killed co-workers.
Is that the case where one of the little girls actually was found in a field alive? And is still alive today?
I don't care where she got it, I don't automatically believe an unnamed source. Especially when it is sensationalism. The story wouldn't have the following it does if CW had left the girls in empty containers. JMO

I’m sure we would all be here whether the tanks were empty or not.

I think people would still find it horrific.

I doubt she made this up for sensationalism but that’s my opinion and we can agree to disagree on that. Like I said, I don’t usually put value into “unnamed sources”, but I will take her word on this one.

I of course over the years have seen msm get maaany things wrong in the past. I doubt this is the case here though, moo.

—-not sure if Miss K, who appears to be a reputable media source, would appreciate you accusing her of sensationalism.
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