Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #25

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Yes, this is what is commonly done but we have nothing to go on that supports the theory in an organized fashion that supports CW's story. If someone could do that it would be very helpful.

Yes, and perhaps also explain how we make a logical transition from SW killing the kids to CW removing the deceased bodies from the house, hiding them, lying to LE and in his media interviews.
Haaaa, I wish. Atleast then this theory that SW did it, would be based on something legitimate.

I can’t help but think that what the affidavit is telling us with the huge gap in coverage is that there was a fight, as in yelling and screaming; the kind that so very much upsets little children. But a lot of shouting mean things. And pacing back and forth following each other around to make one more argument. I can’t say snapped but at some point he lashed out in a fatal way. I think “ultimately” follows that part of the story.
yes, lotsa people are allergic to animals but when that allergy could trigger asthma attacks in a child, responsible parents re-home the pet. It's just common sense. JMO
I guess it depends on how severe the allergy is. What were the allergic reactions these children had? I had not even heard any mention of this, only the treenut allergies.
yes, lotsa people are allergic to animals but when that allergy could trigger asthma attacks in a child, responsible parents re-home the pet. It's just common sense. JMO

No way! We just kept the pets and my son out of each other's faces, wiped down the pets with baby wipes a lot, I kept his room spotless and changed sheets DAILY, we had freestanding air filtering machines, he took his meds, all was okay!
I can’t help but think that what the affidavit is telling us with the huge gap in coverage is that there was a fight, as in yelling and screaming; the kind that so very much upsets little children. But a lot of shouting mean things. And pacing back and forth following each other around to make one more argument. I can’t say snapped but at some point he lashed out in a fatal way. I think “ultimately” follows that part of the story.
That’s absolutely plausible and logical. It is my personal opinion that a fight precipitated these murders.
I can’t help but think that what the affidavit is telling us with the huge gap in coverage is that there was a fight, as in yelling and screaming; the kind that so very much upsets little children. But a lot of shouting mean things. And pacing back and forth following each other around to make one more argument. I can’t say snapped but at some point he lashed out in a fatal way. I think “ultimately” follows that part of the story.

Yes am mindful of what nikynoo or was it Amandaa? said re brevity of affa and the use of the word " ultimately strangled" as if there was an omission.
Always good to learn something new, hadn't considered that previously
IMO, it's because that and other things make SW appear to be flaky.

IMO, she was flaky. Flaky, social climber, flighty, putting on the dog, financially foolish, thoughtless to the kids in some videos. MOO and not meant harshly, she was young and had been ill. I cringe at my foolish past and thank goodness it was long ago before SM. I'm almost to cry from embarrassment thinking of some of my youthful nonsense uncomfortably similar to hers.

But all of that does NOT add up to me that she would kill her kids even if faced with the tumbling down of her embellished world if CW wanted out. I could see her jumping on him with both feet, but not going after the kids.

So while I think she was flawed as we all are (I am SO flaky), I do not think any of the known facts about her or the unflattering opinions of her indicate that she'd flip out ON THE KIDS. Therefore, HE did it. MY TWO CENTS. And now I'm running off for awhile in fear!

Thanks for the answer, I had no idea people who see chiropractors are considered flaky.
I'll be sure to warn my friends. :rolleyes:
Respectfully, the affadavit uses "ultimately" after CW claims he found the children strangled, so they would not have been a part of what the "ultimately" was.

I am very curious though to know what blanks so to speak will be filled in during that time he claims happens before he says he strangled her. The "ultimately" part.
I don't know. I am very awestruck with this entire summary by gitana, but, for example, not all bullet points are true evidence to me. For example the first.

Edit: Rephrasing - For me this evidence doesn't 100% tell me that CW murdered all three. Unfortunately.

Another edit: No, I just cannot really describe what I mean. I do think he is guilty. Especially after reading this summary again. But I do think there is something we don't know about. Why? I don't know.

Gosh, I am even not sure why I seem to defend CW, never in a million years would I have thought doing this when I joined this thread. But I am just not a person that believes things easily. This case isn't clear-cut at all. IMO.

I'm with you on this statement. For me this evidence doesn't 100% tell me that CW murdered all three. And I don't think this case is clear-cut either. JMO
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That’s absolutely plausible and logical. It is my personal opinion that a fight precipitated these murders.

The thing that sent me off on the " no-fight" scenario , in the early days of the threads was the lack of LE evidence of that (in the affad) and LE waiting til 7 am the next day to do the official missing launch but I understand now that could have taken me down the wrong path.
Respectfully speaking, everyone has the right to post their opinion on this thread and it doesn't need to be posted in the way that you are asking. JMO
No, of course not. We are just asking if someone could break it down but in an organized way to help others understand. I would be happy with anything anyone could come up with. It doesn't have to be long or in any particular format. Just something that makes sense.
I'm totally confused on the relevance of her taking the kids to a chiropractor. Can someone help me understand why it keeps coming up? TIA. :confused:

I’m at a loss on this too. Why the innuendo? Particularly directed toward her on this. Did C.W. not have any agency? If he didn’t support this scope of care shame on him for not being a man, adult, parent, and spouse and putting a stop to it. (If he did support it then all the comments equally fall on his head.)

Statement of the obvious: He had time to cheat and he did. That right there shows poor character. Unhappy? He alone is responsible for his state of happiness.

More opinions...

He said he wanted to separate. Okay, but CW did not need her permission. Seriously, what exactly was stopping HIM from filing?

He married her knowing that she was outgoing. As far as I know she didn’t make him marry. She did not make him impregnate her. She did not make him cheat. She did not make him unhappy. She did not make him do/not do anything.

Edit: fixed divorce to separate.
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Thanks for the answer, I had no idea people who see chiropractors are considered flaky.
I'll be sure to warn my friends. :rolleyes:

Hun, I'm not saying that's what I thought was flaky. But some do think chiros are for flakes (also they feel that about acupuncture often). You go right ahead and get those bones crunched! Ow! You're brave!
Oh, I see. Thank you for enlightening me. Isn't it pretty strange that she would be able to get away with posting this "abuse" all over her social media for years and no one close to her said anything about it until after she was murdered and unable to speak for herself? MOO.

We don't know if someone close to her said anything about it or not. JMO
The thing that sent me off on the " no-fight" scenario , in the early days of the threads was the lack of LE evidence of that in the affad and LE waiting til 7 am the next day to do the official missing launch but it could have taken me down the wrong path
You could really make a case either way. If you believe this was premeditated, there are things that support this view. The same goes with a spur of the moment rage killing. There’s just not a lot to work with by way of evidence.
Why would a chicken be processed in a factory that processes nuts. And how would SW know that?

Food in the us has allergy warning labels. Restaurants have pamphlets and signs and notes on the menus. When one's child has an allergy, people generally either find out or err on not serving a food which could contain an allergen.
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