Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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Yes me too! I don’t doubt he could have a male AP, but why TB?! He’s just so extreme & over the top. He’s involved w/ Younique, which makes me question why CW would want to get involved with another person into MLMs. There’s some hot af gay men out there, CW could have done way better than TB for sure.

The main detail which really made me question that guy is the Sephora trip. I just don't buy that CW was like, yes let's take a trip to a bright, loud, public place, where I could run into people I know, so I can buy my boyfriend skin care products. That part just does not ring true to me. I imagined the interactions they had were not in public nor of the casual shopping variety. IMO
TB is not on my radar at all and I don’t care one way or another if an AP or AP’s is a man, woman or both. An affair is an affair and it doesn’t matter to me what the AP sex is or what the AP identifies as. MOO
Same. CW's a cheater, a liar and a deceitful person regardless of how many affairs/hook-ups he had and with whom.

We need Joe Kenda on this case! MOO
In my best Joe Kenda voice, "Well my, my my!" :p I don't think we need him though. The state has plenty.
TB is not on my radar at all and I don’t care one way or another if an AP or AP’s is a man, woman or both. An affair is an affair and it doesn’t matter to me what the AP sex is or what the AP identifies as. MOO

I don't recall anyone insinuating that they had an issue with AP being a man...
The main detail which really made me question that guy is the Sephora trip. I just don't buy that CW was like, yes let's take a trip to a bright, loud, public place, where I could run into people I know, so I can buy my boyfriend skin care products. That part just does not ring true to me. I imagined the interactions they had were not in public nor of the casual shopping variety. IMO
But he has done so much that is inexplicable. He apparently took his female AP to that chicken place. He could have been seen there too.
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I don't get why you are limiting his changes of story to between his arrest to after consultation with Dad. Re what he told NUA, the people he stayed with, and what he told the millions of people who watched his lies on the media appearances, those are the points his lies begin, from what we know. Point is, that we didn't learn of his latest story blaming his wife until after he talked to his Dad. We simply don't know how many reiterations there were in his story until he publicly (affidavit) blamed his wife. Right after talking to Dad. (affidavit)
I'm not limiting anything. Someone stated something as fact, I asked for something to back up the statement. The statement was not backed up. Period. I'm not arguing about this-- I'm not the one making assertions about it in the first place!
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I was just reading over that post on FB and Shanann was concerned about a bag of pistachios her MIL had in the house and that she gave the non-allergic child ice cream with tree nuts when she was sitting right next to her. SW was mad because her MIL said the 3 yr old needed to learn she can't always get what she wants. So she didn't give the allergic child the ice cream--just the non-allergic child.

It's been some time since I'd read the post and it made me remember it's when I really started liking her. It was an awesome thread of GTH posts.

I assume you are talking about her Facebook, not the other Facebook threads which are put up after somebody is deceased. If it is hers, can you please put up a link since you just saw it as that is within terms of service here to do. If not, and it's on Facebook elsewhere, I don't think we're allowed to talk about it or refer to it if we can't link to it.?
He was gonna wipe his hands and move on pretty as you please CW thought.

Once LE got a hold of him his big azz lie about S and the girls was to save face with his Dad, imo.

S tried to work with him but it was about like pretending a stuffed animal is a person.
I assume you are talking about her Facebook, not the other Facebook threads which are put up after somebody is deceased. If it is hers, can you please put up a link since you just saw it as that is within terms of service here to do. If not, and it's on Facebook elsewhere, I don't think we're allowed to talk about it or refer to it if we can't link to it.?

I don't think we are allowed to link it, but it's been talked about extensively.

Oh geeze, this is awful. I hope he went to jail.

No, he didn’t. The tape of him on all fours peeking into that hole for 30 minutes, standing up to stretch his back and then getting back down to peek some more was given to the DA by my attorney and they did nothing. I don’t know if it was because he was “The Good Doctor” or money was offered. Something was wrong about that. And just to daughter went in that bathroom fully dressed and stayed fully dressed. I told her to just run the bath water. That must’ve made him nuts! Crawling on the floor for 30 minutes for nothing.
I'm not limiting anything. Sometime stated something as fact, I asked for something to back up the statement. The statement was not backed up. Period. I'm not arguing about this-- I'm not the one making assertions about it in the first place!
You quoted me as saying:
NuttMegg said:
We don't know at all what he told LE between his voluntary media interviews and when he had the meeting with his dad and presented the latest story.
We still don't. We know some of the lies he told his friends, NUA, the cop at the house, all the media interviews, etc, then the next thing we hear is the story about it all being her fault.

If you are saying his story didn't change, well it did. Or was he just joking around when he said they could have left by the back yard contruction road, etc (many etcs) No, they couldn't have, they were already dead and desecrated.
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I appreciate your post outlining your theory of what happened and why, I don't agree, of course.

I take issue with describing CW as a caretaker, he was their father not some hapless friend SW coerced into babysitting their children.

The lies and body disposals were from a panicked man'

I don't understand the compassion for him and excuses for what he did, he was a panicked man so he does what comes naturally? Discard his children in oil tanks and lie through his teeth?! If his story were true, he would have called 911 and try to save at least one life.

The public and the law come down hard on hit and run drivers but somehow here, CW's actions are understandable? The dead bodies he discarded were his own children and his wife!

CW was having an affair with a co-worker, he was living a double life and he was the one losing control, imo. Exposure was inevitable, he had two women to juggle, not an easy feat. One had to go, he chose SW and sadly, his children too!

And how do we know he didn't love the luxuries just as much as SW, or even more?!

Why didn't CW walk away, he didn't need permission from SW.

CW is an enigma at this stage but imo, everything will become much clearer when it comes to trial.

You really are trying to put words in my mouth. When I spoke of a caretaker for the kids I meant she required someone who could be available apparently for days at a time to assume all parenting duties. The point being if that capability disappeared it would certainly have a serious impact on her freedom, freedom that was a requirement to keep the MLM train rolling.

I never implied any compassion or excuses for what he did nor did I say his actions were understandable. I am commenting on the deeds humans can do when they are in a panicked situation. History has shown us time and time again, people do stupid and unbelievable things when in a chaotic situation even when the potential punishment is minimal, much less allegations of murder.

Sure, he had an affair just like about 1/3 of those involved in all marriages, lets not pretend it is uncommon. That alone didn't mean someone had to 'disappear' or that exposure was going to be a life altering event. It happens countless times every day. Everything points to he had made the decision to leave and she was coming back into town after her extended vacation knowing that was on the table. So, my theory is he was trying to walk away and took the first opportunity when she came home which was the precipitating event of all that followed.

Maybe because he did want the separation. In fact, he wanted to erase SW from his life. His kids too. And that's what he tried to do.

I don't believe, however, that SW was as happy in the marriage as she presented herself to be.
Yes, maybe it's that old concept of, " if I can't have them no one else will," or maybe he just wanted to get rid of the source of his pain. And, I agree, the marriage could not be as happy as it appeared . That's a problem I have with " The Secret", or at least the theory of looking at everything in a positive way. Only speaking of everything in a positive light, and it will be true. It can prevent people from facing their problems head on. How do you fix something that doesn't exist? That mountain of dept had to be overwhelming. Why such an expensive house and cars? Way beyond their means. 70,000 in dept in addition to the house! They may have been 270,000 in dept or more. Imagine that looming over your head. The only way to out would be to sell the house, they may have gotten 200,000 or even 100,000 yo help get a fresh start. Maybe CW had reached that decision since he kept talking about selling the house after she was dead. Jmo
I'm not limiting anything. Sometime stated something as fact, I asked for something to back up the statement. The statement was not backed up. Period. I'm not arguing about this-- I'm not the one making assertions about it in the first place!
I provided the best link I could find that stated CW came up with the story about SW killing the girls AFTER he asked to speak to his father.
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