Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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He was gonna wipe his hands and move on pretty as you please CW thought.

Once LE got a hold of him his big azz lie about S and the girls was to save face with his Dad, imo.

S tried to work with him but it was about like pretending a stuffed animal is a person.

Lol, my first thought: CW saying to the AP “when I grow up, I want to be a real boy!”

(MOO: Geppetto’s Pinocchio stood a better chance of growing up than cw)
I feel like we need to change the subject! :)

I found this article about SW while she was working at the rim shop. Hope it’s okay to post. She really seemed like a good person to me.
Very nice article - thanks for sharing.

I was involved with Make-a-Wish years ago (fundraising, not fulfillment) and it was a great experience. Nice to know SW was able to help somebody out.

Re BBM and JMO

Good question. That would be the normal thing to do wouldnt it?

Also many people are revived after suffocation or drowning and miraculously the first responders can sometimes bring them back to life. So if we are to believe his excuse it means he decided to not even try to get first responders over there to save his last child or the other child.

His excuse is similar in ways to the Lucas H. thread where the guilty girlfriend first claimed she just found him dead and so instead of calling 911 she has to go hide the body under a bridge. That excuse didnt work out for her and I doubt his similar excuse will work out for CW in this case. I guess he is claiming some sort of panic rather than just calling 911. In CW case he may claim he was afraid he would look guilty. LOL Well, yea because he is guilty IMO.

Another sort of similar excuse is going on in the Mollie T. murder case. Not quite the same but he is claiming he blacked out and after coming to he decides he has to hide the body. If he was in a rageful fight and lost control rage wise with MT because of something she said then he could have called 911 right after it happened and she may have been able to be saved by first responders. Also the evidence would be found to support his claim and maybe give him 20-30 years sentence instead of doing what he did which is hiding the body. So in that case it is similar to this case and the answer is he is totally lying about the whole thing.

You dont start hiding bodies unless you are guilty IMO.
I dont know of a single case where someone hid a body and they were not either totally responsible or partially responsible in the persons death.

Great analogy. EG and Lucas, as far as dumping and hiding him.
Very nice article - thanks for sharing.

I was involved with Make-a-Wish years ago (fundraising, not fulfillment) and it was a great experience. Nice to know SW was able to help somebody out.

SW seemed to be all about helping other people. She stated this in her video how important this was to her, and I believe her.
@Colorado303 indicated this as well.
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He didn't change his story between arrest and dad, as he didn't tell a story until after he spoke with his dad. His story changed from the initial missing person's porch story, but not between arrest and talk with dad, which is what was stated above. The "she killed the girls then I killed them" has been his story since his arrest, unless you have link to show otherwise? Because that link provided doesn't show a change in stories between arrest and his current story.
We still have the original article at the beginning of the thread which states he confessed to killing all three. Then we have the report of the "new" affidavit of his confession after talking to his father. To me this suggests that he did originally admit to killing all three, and may be a part of the information the defense says was leaked to the media. Maybe they were not able to use the confession because he had requested a lawyer, and made the statement before his lawyer was present. Jmo
You really are trying to put words in my mouth. When I spoke of a caretaker for the kids I meant she required someone who could be available apparently for days at a time to assume all parenting duties. The point being if that capability disappeared it would certainly have a serious impact on her freedom, freedom that was a requirement to keep the MLM train rolling.

I never implied any compassion or excuses for what he did nor did I say his actions were understandable. I am commenting on the deeds humans can do when they are in a panicked situation. History has shown us time and time again, people do stupid and unbelievable things when in a chaotic situation even when the potential punishment is minimal, much less allegations of murder.

Sure, he had an affair just like about 1/3 of those involved in all marriages, lets not pretend it is uncommon. That alone didn't mean someone had to 'disappear' or that exposure was going to be a life altering event. It happens countless times every day. Everything points to he had made the decision to leave and she was coming back into town after her extended vacation knowing that was on the table. So, my theory is he was trying to walk away and took the first opportunity when she came home which was the precipitating event of all that followed.
He tried, lamely.

He had 5 weeks to pack up, move out, and file for legal separation.

Or during that time he could have changed the locks, filed, and requested an emergency protective order and sole possession of the home.

He had a choice to be a somewhat decent human being in the abandonment of his wife and children. He could have had legal papers served to her in NC. It would have allowed her time to come to grips with the new changes thrust upon her by her lying cheater. It would have provided a cooling off period.

Yet, he didn’t. Adulting is hard for some people.

Are maintenance checks on the oil tanks scheduled annually?

They have to be checked frequently! I don't know if OSHA has a regulation or if their minerals office (generic term, here in Texas it is the Texas Railroad Commission that handles minerals) has a minimum of an annual check, but generally in my experience the tanks are checked often. If CW was a pumper and those were HIS tanks, so to speak, then putting the bodies in there would keep it secret because he would be the one to do the checks. MOO
When someone kindly shared a similar case with a similar excuse I keep thinking that LE is going to find out where he looked up that other case and got the idea from the other case. Maybe he used his relatives computer and that could be why there has not been SM evidence yet uncovered. Or he could have used the library computer to do his research.

I honestly think he found that other case to come up with this planned defense. Or maybe he talked with an attorney beforehand and maybe they knew of the past case and happened to mention it to him to give him the idea.

Im hoping LE will bring forth SM evidence that shows where he got the idea for the defense strategy.

Hi Hatfield :)

He so obviously knows what he did was wrong and illegal, otherwise he would not have felt the need to lie to LE and cover it up!

As I’ve mentioned before, I think he doesn’t want to be labeled a baby killer in prison (even though technically he did kill his baby when he killed Shanann).

His story is so ridiculous and most people know this. I don’t think anyone on a jury is going to believe this garbage, especially when they see evidence of his affair and actions. Even the local reporters can barely cover the case without showing the disbelief on their faces and making comments.

ETA: Maybe he can’t come to grips with this himself, that HE did this. So he’s convinced himself someone else did it? Is this possible? Could he really think this? Nah, I doubt it, but thoughts? Psychologists, could someone actually convince themselves that someone else did it? I dont believe this to be the case, I think he knows he did it, but just wondering...could he be so traumatized by his own actions in a PTSD type way that he is denial and created another scenario in his own head which he really believes?
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I think CW and SW were so mismatched. I think CW was an introvert, an underachiever, and a bit socially inept. Whereas, SW was very outgoing, an overachiever, and could easily adapt to any social situation. Their initial attraction was because they were such opposites. However, over time, these differences led to resentment. IMO that resentment led to an underlying hatred between both of them. In addition, if CW was attracted to men and followed through with those urges, I believe he could have been experiencing a great deal of self-loathing. The self-loathing could have resulted in him having multiple affairs with both women and men. I’m not making excuses for CW. I’m just trying to understand the “why” behind this senseless, heinous crime. I don't think him talking to his Dad has any relevance other than wanting to tell his Dad first before everyone else found out.
Why? Because this crime is so out of the ordinary something unheard of happened behind those closed doors. By all accounts this was the normal financially over extended young middle class family. There were no long criminal histories, past histories of violence or a long list of people labeling one as a 'psycho'. Just normal people that we have a unique insight into because of a heavy SM presence.
Those factors are what led me to look at the 'what if his story does have some truth'. I know it won't be received well on here but so be it.

Snipped by me, I hope people will go back and read your post in its entirety - THAT SAID, I was on the fence for a long time, too, but what made me think he absolutely was the only killer was that (to me, moo) if she had done it, he'd call the police right away, because clearly he didn't love her SO MUCH that he couldn't stand for her to be revealed as the killer of the girls.

Even if he loved her, he'd call the police and offer up a mitigating circumstance, such as "she had a mental breakdown due to the stress of my separation request." Also, and not saying that SW was responsible for her murder at all, but their financial idiocy in the marriage, IMOO, would make him decide to kill them all in order to get out from under that burden. I think something in the days preceding the murders triggered him and brought a slow boil to a huge explosion. Just MOO, I respect your scenario and thoughts as well.

I hope no one was offended by my thoughts.
He had 5 weeks to pack up, move out, and file for legal separation.

Or during that time he could have changed the locks, filed, and requested an emergency protective order and sole possession of the home.

I would fully expect him to stay in the marital home, one he solely held the mortgage on, until his wife returned. Nothing abnormal about that. There is also no such thing as a 'legal separation' in Colorado.

For the rest, changing the locks on marital property is pointless as each have property rights until the divorce is filed and no judge would have entertained an emergency protective order claim from either party at that point, there was no legal standing.
I would fully expect him to stay in the marital home, one he solely held the mortgage on, until his wife returned. Nothing abnormal about that. There is also no such thing as a 'legal separation' in Colorado.

For the rest, changing the locks on marital property is pointless as each have property rights until the divorce is filed and no judge would have entertained an emergency protective order claim from either party at that point, there was no legal standing.
He could have just walked out the door.
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We still have the original article at the beginning of the thread which states he confessed to killing all three. Then we have the report of the "new" affidavit of his confession after talking to his father. To me this suggests that he did originally admit to killing all three, and may be a part of the information the defense says was leaked to the media. Maybe they were not able to use the confession because he had requested a lawyer, and made the statement before his lawyer was present. Jmo
Sorry to reply to my own post, but I just wanted to add that there is also an article from Denver 7, that states that two local LE informed the reporter that Chris Watts had confessed to killing his wife and two children. The other article states that family members made the same statement. This was Wednesday night, so this was his original story. The following day he was charged with the murders. This must be the information the defense is claiming was leaked to the media. They may have jumped the gun a little, but in my opinion they were telling the truth. The fact that he apparently changed his story is what originally made me think he was guilty. First he admits it, then the next day it's a whole different story? I just don't see how people can believe that. Jmo
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