Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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For those complaining about SW being discussed as anything less than a victim, I wish you would take it up with Tricia, although I think she has already made it clear.

It's discouraging to wade through pages and pages, admonishing posters for having an unpopular opinion.

Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #25

One of many messages from Tricia -

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for participating. This is certainly a lively discussion.

Please remember just because someone disagrees with you doesn't' mean it's against TOS. I know it is very difficult for many of you to believe Chris Watts story that his wife, Shanann killed their kids but it is his defense and members are allowed to believe that's how this crime went down. Please do not berate anyone for wanting to withhold judgment or believing in Chris Watts story. You can certainly debate but in a mature manner.

Carry on and thank you,


Also, welcome newbies! Please be sure to visit

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Hi everyone... I was a member a few years back and got busy with life. I've lurked on cases that I've followed but never posted so my profile was deleted. Anywho… I had to come back and post my thoughts on this case. MOO
Perhaps this has been put out there, maybe not, so here is my theory:

SW comes home early Monday morning, the house is quiet and she checks on the girls, everything is fine and she goes to bed thinking that CW is asleep. He is faking sleep and waits for her to fall asleep. Perhaps she takes sleep inducing medication which knocks her out. Then he suffocates her by putting something over her face or strangles her and she doesn't struggle because she's knocked out. He then goes in and does the same to the girls; he may have given them something to induce deep sleep too. It's a couple of hours after SW came home (4am-ish) when he finishes and needs to move the bodies downstairs to his truck. In a panic, he's trying to tie up all the loose ends but he needs to get rid of the bodies before the sun rises, so he leaves the house in disarray (bedding on the floor, etc). He had preplanned where he was going to take them and had the grave already dug for SW. He didn't go back home but went directly to work afterwards. He may have thought he'd have time to get home and cleanup the house, take out the trash, etc. before anyone suspected SW and the girls were missing.

He didn't count on N being on high alert based on what she knew from SW. *Thanx N!
Yes IMO there were drugs involved. And if there were that would definitely prove premeditation.

IIRCC he didn't say the word "separation" at all in his porch interviews. NUA said that when she alerted him that SW wasn't responding to calls or texts, CW told her that he & SW had discussed separation. NUA then told CW that that wasn't her concern at the moment & that issue was between CW & SW”.

Yes, not in the porch interviews, but he did tell LE. The Arrest Warrant states:

“Chris said he woke up around 5:00 AM and began talking to Shanann about marital separation and informed her he wanted to initiate the separation”.

After making that announcement he got out of bed, got dressed and had his truck idling on the driveway 15 minutes later. And pigs may fly.

BBM On the porch interview he said: "we had an emotional conversation. Let's leave it at that".

MOO: a bit curt and void of emotions, considering the circumstances. If my family is missing and the last events were an "emotional conversation" I would be crying; replaying that conversation over and over, feeling crushed by the thought that our last interaction was snarky/unpleasant/hurtful; but that just me, you can disagree until judgment day.

So LE telling SW's family that CW confessed to killing them all was a false headline? So who lied? LE or SW's brother? Because surely it wasn't CW who lied.

I don't know that anyone lied, per se, just sounds like a reporter heard "confession" and ran with it? I don't know. I just know we only heard "confessed to killing all" in headlines, but if you can find the actual source for it, then cool--but it's not what the court documents stated.
He could have just walked out the door.


Other points :
just because his name was on the mortgage doesn’t mean she wasnt equally entitled to ownership. Community property is property acquired during the marriage, regardless of titling.

And, How could we possibly know what a judge would decide?

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Were they married when they bought the house?
Question about the backing up of his truck that was captured by the neighbor's security camera. Did that camera also have images of him placing the bags in his truck? Bill Carson posted a week or so ago that he discovered the camera was a next door neighbor's camera, not one across the street from the Watts' house. So I wonder if the camera was perhaps located near the neighbor's front door, aimed across the neighbor's front porch onto their own driveway and then also extending into the Watts' driveway, so if he backed up the truck up TO the big garage door, but not INTO the garage, the camera would have picked up exactly what he was loading into it. Compared to if a) he had backed the truck up completely or partially into the garage or b) if said camera was across the street it may be difficult to see what he was loading as the truck would block most of the view. I would think that it would show him struggling with one of the bags (SW) because of weight and size. But maybe this is a moot point as he's already confessed to placing them in the truck.

Other points :
just because his name was on the mortgage doesn’t mean she wasnt equally entitled to ownership. Community property is property acquired during the marriage, regardless of titling.

And, How could we possibly know what a judge would decide?

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Were they married when they bought the house?[/QUOTE]
Yes. Married 2010. Home purchased 2013.
Hi everyone... I was a member a few years back and got busy with life. I've lurked on cases that I've followed but never posted so my profile was deleted. Anywho… I had to come back and post my thoughts on this case. MOO
Perhaps this has been put out there, maybe not, so here is my theory:

SW comes home early Monday morning, the house is quiet and she checks on the girls, everything is fine and she goes to bed thinking that CW is asleep. He is faking sleep and waits for her to fall asleep. Perhaps she takes sleep inducing medication which knocks her out. Then he suffocates her by putting something over her face or strangles her and she doesn't struggle because she's knocked out. He then goes in and does the same to the girls; he may have given them something to induce deep sleep too. It's a couple of hours after SW came home (4am-ish) when he finishes and needs to move the bodies downstairs to his truck. In a panic, he's trying to tie up all the loose ends but he needs to get rid of the bodies before the sun rises, so he leaves the house in disarray (bedding on the floor, etc). He had preplanned where he was going to take them and had the grave already dug for SW. He didn't go back home but went directly to work afterwards. He may have thought he'd have time to get home and cleanup the house, take out the trash, etc. before anyone suspected SW and the girls were missing.

He didn't count on N being on high alert based on what she knew from SW. *Thanx N!
I think
So why not call the police and have them go in?
They would need a warrant unless CW willingly let LE in to look around but he would have said they were sleeping. But after everything that happened that would have been added to the equation.
I don't think we're supposed to be discussing the incident with the mother in law and the pistachios since the posts were in a private facebook group. Maybe I'm wrong, but I could swear the mods said something about this several threads ago.

But now, people are saying it was actually posted on SW's FB too. I wonder if that is correct?
1. How much would a more reasonably priced home cost in that area of Colorado? One in a decent neighborhood?
2. What happened to the business she owned? Was it sold? Did she still get money from it? The car rim business.
Is it still considered rumor if there are posts in which SW said this happened, herself?
Several threads ago, this topic was considered sleuthing family (Grandmother/MIL) who's a victim, and posts deleted for violation of TOS -- rightfully so. I don't know what's changed and why this rumor and violation dominates the discussion today. MOO
I know on one of SW’s posts with the girls at dr she talked about CWs insurance covering it. So at least once he had that job I think they were covered thru him most likely. I’m not sure about the bankruptcy debt and how that was accumulated though.
According to one article, they had $ 70, 000 worth of dept but that did not include the house. I think that is current, though. Might want to check the article. If the house was listed at 400,000 and assuming they still owed a large amount on it, thats an enormous amount of dept. CW would have no choice but to sell the house, and that's what he was planning to do. Imo
Don't most couples put the house on the market after one leaves and split the profits if any?
Some for sure. To be honest I don't know the laws and housing market in that area in CO, but the market seems to be a hot or at least upcoming one. They both may have not been able to afford another house on their own or rent, even after the sale of their current house. And because of the children/custody they may have needed to both stay in that area.
Are people just nuts? A lady on one of the other forums is arguing that CW isnt even guilty of killing SW even though he confessed. She says that it could be a false confession, and therefore he is technically innocent until they prove that his confession is for real. I want to ask her in what scenario he would confess to the killing, and be able to lead them to the bodies, but yet not be guilty. But I don't think a conversation with her would end well.
Some people have lost their freaking minds, moo.
Several threads ago, this topic was considered sleuthing family (Grandmother/MIL) who's a victim, and posts deleted for violation of TOS -- rightfully so. I don't know what's changed and why this rumor and violation dominates the discussion today. MOO
True but there have been many more rumours than this.
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