Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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But, the children were murdered, likely by their dad. To me that is what's horrifying. I would think most body disposals by the murderer are not dignified. It's all very disturbing, but the murder trumps the manner of disposal, IMO, as far as horror goes.
I think the significance of the disposals is the deceptive, sneaky way he went about trying to ensure that he would not be found out. He likely planned to finish before dark, then begin working out the next step. If SW's friend had not ruined his plan, those little bodies might still be soaking in oil. JMO
It also depends on your definition of verbal abuse and I think its pretty subjective. My husband may jokingly call me a dumbass or clumsy when I do something silly, but to ME that's not verbal abuse. To some, it might be. MOO MOO
Verbal abuse is something hurtful that is intended to humiliate. The perception of the party on the receiving end is all that matters. JMO
Verbal abuse is something hurtful that is intended to humiliate. The perception of the party on the receiving end is all that matters. JMO
True. But is absolutely impossible to tell from some Facebook videos, what CW’s perception was.

And even then, it’s irrelevant, as “she was mean to me” isn’t a justification for mass murder.
Ok, so as we all know, the 5th Amendment (also applicable to the states via the due process clause of the 14th Amendment) protects us from self-incrimination. However, the US Supreme Court has limited this to testimonial evidence. The motion filed by the State is for Non-Testimonial evidence. CW is arguing that the Court should ignore established US Supreme Court precedent and rule that non-testimonial evidence is covered under the protections afforded by the 5th/14th amendments.

If non-testimonial evidence is covered under the the 5th/14th amendment, then CW would be able to take the fifth and would not be required to provide the requested DNA, palm prints, fingerprints and pictures.

CW is asking that the Court defer to the Colorado constitution because it affords greater rights than the US constitution.
Thank you for making that clearer! If you know... typically is this a successful strategy to overrule SC precedent? Sorry if I'm getting too much in the weeds here. Do you think this is a plausible strategy? Thank you again.
I just hope CW is torturing himself with guilt and was the new squeeze worth it, or were Sw's mean remarks worth it, was any of it worth it? Welcome to Hell CW.

I don't think CW will ever not be locked up for his remaining years. Whether it is the big house or a psychiatric hospital. He will always be caged to live with the nightmare that he created and the lives that he destroyed.
Sorry to hear that, but as the saying goes 'Misery loves company'

I think that saying actually means that miserable people don't like happy people, but prefer to ensure everyone is also miserable so their misery has company, so to speak. Idk, I'm not trying to put too fine a point on it, lol, I just think it means the opposite of wanting company to be cheered, and more like the emotion "misery" prefers to hang out with "misery."

Oh goodness I'm not a teacher anymore sorry.

I think gitana1 was saying she didn't want to bum anyone out and you're saying company might help?

So off topic I'm sorry lol!
Verbal abuse is something hurtful that is intended to humiliate. The perception of the party on the receiving end is all that matters. JMO
Respectfully, while everyone's feelings certainly do matter, I think that reasonable people along with the guidance of experts judge what is verbal abuse. Many, many people here do not see evidence of verbal abuse in the FB posts. Many people engage in ribbing behavior in their loving relationships. I think the fact that so many of us do not believe this constituted verbal abuse (not to say it never existed in this relationship - we can't know) should be taken into account that it might not be a smoking gun here. That said, people find offense and fly off the handle at so many things that otherwise reasonable people wouldn't - so yes, it can go to motive, but I still do not see the significance here personally. If controlling, ribbing, or even exasperated throwaway unkind comments often resulted in murder, I'm afraid there wouldn't be many people left. I for sure would not be here! Marriage in most cases, and please correct me if I am wrong, has moments like these. And wonderful, lovely moments - which were also very well present on the FB videos. Almost no one is fair all the time. And not everyone loves the joking around at someone's expense, but if you watch the videos, SM does something I also do - which is pokes fun at herself at her own expense as well. It is a very common trait for those of us who joke around like that with loved ones, IMO.
Verbal abuse is something hurtful that is intended to humiliate. The perception of the party on the receiving end is all that matters. JMO

I agree. If someone is feeling verbally abuse the proper thing is to voice your discomfort. I don't know in what context/environment is the abused party you are referencing to. If it's happening at work, report a complaint to HR. If it's a friend, then unfriend them; if it's your partner then end the relationship within normal, decent and legal fashion. JMO
It also depends on your definition of verbal abuse and I think its pretty subjective. My husband may jokingly call me a dumbass or clumsy when I do something silly, but to ME that's not verbal abuse. To some, it might be. MOO MOO

Yeah. I would be laughed out of court if I tried to get a restraining order citing "abuse" based on what people have posted here from her SM.

I'm wondering if it's just a matter of not really knowing? For example, I have clients all. the. time. tell me they are being or have been "harassed" or verbally abused by an ex. Most of the time it is not even close.

They believe arguments, snarkiness, yelling, being rude o disrespectful, or demanding info, is abuse or harassment.

Here's are some anecdotes to tell the difference, when it comes to what I can successfully argue is or is not abuse in court:

Yelling, in the heat of a fight and break up, "I hate you! Do you know that? You're evil! You're a terrible person and I wish you had NEVER been born!!! Get the hell out of my life! You are an awful wife and a horrible mother! I can't believe I married you!"

Not abuse. Not harassment.

Telling a spouse, not even having to yell, "You're a c word. You're a b word. You effing b word. You're a *advertiser censored*. You disgust me. No man will ever love you. I hope you die. Maybe I will be lucky."

That's verbal abuse.

Texting or emailing a lengthy email to your ex telling him all the things he should have done and did not with the kids that day?:

"She came home dirty with a soiled diaper. You gave her soda and she can;t have that. You are being neglectful with her diet. You need to tell me the next time you leave her with a babysitter and I need the name, number and address of the sitter. And the next time you pick a sitter without consulting me I'm taking you to court for contempt. What is the name of the sitter?"

Not harassment. Not abuse.

Sending that very same message 15 times a within an hour or so? It's now harassment. Add a couple of curse words or threats of harm? It becomes abuse.

In public, joking that your husband lost a game and is thus the "L Word." Stating he's not helpful. He's some kind of "genius", sarcastically. Complaining about how you have to do it all or he gets things wrong all the time.

Good for a marriage? Probably not if the spouse isn't playing a long and feels offended. But, not abuse. Not close.

Telling him with anger on repeated occasions, that he is a loser, constantly telling him and others that he is stupid and worthless and a bad father or husband?

That's emotional abuse.
Verbal abuse is something hurtful that is intended to humiliate. The perception of the party on the receiving end is all that matters. JMO
Perhaps.... but in this case 3 murdered children and a strangled pregnant wife buried in oil and dirt are all that matter. And SM posts that show a loving, caring, attentive, concerned, go getter, ambitious, inspiring mama and wife and friend, do not justify strangulation, deception, preening and smiling for news cameras showing off a shirt, lying, and not calling 911 and saving your babies if one believes his to me, unbelievable narrative.

Moo Moo Moo
Yeah. I would be laughed out of court if I tried to get a restraining order citing "abuse" based on what people have posted here from her SM.

I'm wondering if it's just a matter of not really knowing? For example, I have clients all. the. time. tell me they are being or have been "harassed" or verbally abused by an ex. Most of the time it is not even close.

They believe arguments, snarkiness, yelling, being rude o disrespectful, or demanding info, is abuse or harassment.

Here's are some anecdotes to tell the difference, when it comes to what I can successfully argue is or is not abuse in court:

Yelling, in the heat of a fight and break up, "I hate you! Do you know that? You're evil! You're a terrible person and I wish you had NEVER been born!!! Get the hell out of my life! You are an awful wife and a horrible mother! I can't believe I married you!"

Not abuse. Not harassment.

Telling a spouse, not even having to yell, "You're a c word. You're a b word. You effing b word. You're a *advertiser censored*. You disgust me. No man will ever love you. I hope you die. Maybe I will be lucky."

That's verbal abuse.

Texting or emailing a lengthy email to your ex telling him all the things he should have done and did not with the kids that day?:

"She came home dirty with a soiled diaper. You gave her soda and she can;t have that. You are being neglectful with her diet. You need to tell me the next time you leave her with a babysitter and I need the name, number and address of the sitter. And the next time you pick a sitter without consulting me I'm taking you to court for contempt. What is the name of the sitter?"

Not harassment. Not abuse.

Sending that very same message 15 times a within an hour or so? It's now harassment. Add a couple of curse words or threats of harm? It becomes abuse.

In public, joking that your husband lost a game and is thus the "L Word." Stating he's not helpful. He's some kind of "genius", sarcastically. Complaining about how you have to do it all or he gets things wrong all the time.

Good for a marriage? Probably not if the spouse isn't playing a long and feels offended. But, not abuse. Not close.

Telling him with anger on repeated occasions, that he is a loser, constantly telling him and others that he is stupid and worthless and a bad father or husband?

That's emotional abuse.
I think that saying actually means that miserable people don't like happy people, but prefer to ensure everyone is also miserable so their misery has company, so to speak. Idk, I'm not trying to put too fine a point on it, lol, I just think it means the opposite of wanting company to be cheered, and more like the emotion "misery" prefers to hang out with "misery."

Oh goodness I'm not a teacher anymore sorry.

I think gitana1 was saying she didn't want to bum anyone out and you're saying company might help?

So off topic I'm sorry lol!
I interpret the proverb to mean that misery is easier to bear when you're not the only one miserable. I see a lot of FB posts with unhappy memes, relationship woes etc. all the time. Rather than spread the love it can seem more like spread the misery, and if you're an empath it can be quite effective!
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