Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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That same lawyer was saying the autopsies were a part of discovery the prosecution had to release to the defense sooner than later.

Everything the prosecution has must be released to the defense. The court can seal records, which means evidence cannot be released to the public. It is part of the court record, but not part of the public record. The state filed asking for an exception to Colorado law that considers autopsy results "public record" that can be requested by the media.
I wish I could have posted the picture of the cadaver they showed where Livor mortis occurred while the dead person remained face up for the entire 8 hours. It made it easy to understand. There were large red blotches of skin all over the back side of the body in the lowest places where the blood had gathered after death. But SW, BW, and CW were moved several times before they reached their final destinations. From their beds to CWs truck, to the oil field. If 8 hours had passed before they were moved to the truck the red blotch pattern would be in the position their bodies laid during those eight hours. If they were moved before those 8 hours were up, the blood patches would appear at the lowest points of their bodies for each position they were placed in - back, face up, side, feet first, whatever.

It's in this video clip on AB's fb for anyone who wants to see: Ashleigh Banfield
The affadavit states that CW confessed to flying "into a rage and ultimately strangling Shanann". I'm still very curious about the ultimately part, and what CW claims happened during the window of his "rage" and the time he "ultimately" strangled Shanann.

I'm wondering if he attempts to claim he tried CPR or other life saving measures on those poor babies if the autopsy would show proof, or lack thereof, of this. I also hope at some point we are able to see a transcript of his confession to murdering Shanann and Nico.

At some point we are going to get to see actual video of his statements.

It will be fascinating.
Everything the prosecution has must be released to the defense. The court can seal records, which means evidence cannot be released to the public. It is part of the court record, but not part of the public record. The state filed asking for an exception to Colorado law that considers autopsy results "public record" that can be requested by the media.

You would think an actual lawyer on AB would know this... dang. What a jip.
Yes. Maybe also FindMyPhone was used? NUA seemed to be a very resourceful person, she could have located that it was to be found in the house?

( I don't recall any detail on "it went straight to voicemail " as in time taken/number of rings etc to get to voicemail, but it might be found somewhere. )
Now I wonder if NUA was getting "straight to voicemail" when she was trying to get in contact with Shanann after missing the appointment. BTW, has there been any confirmation on how NUA knew Shanann missed the appointment?
I'm right there with you. For the life of me, I can't figure out where we're going with all this scrutiny of the victim, and I don't think the answers we want are going to be found on Facebook. Whether we approve or disapprove of their family dynamic, I see no wrongful conduct that caused CW to strangle his wife and children to death or anything which would mitigate his punishment. But, I'm neither a lawyer or a mental health professional. MOO
For me, I want to understand how a marriage/life that seemed so perfect, could have ended this way. If SW was lying to herself (and Facebook) by presenting a happy, loving, successful family life when inside she was really suffering, I feel so badly for her. Did she have no one to talk to truthfully? Her family and friends seemed to have loved her and yet knew very little about what she may have been going through. It’s such a tragedy and we all want to understand why this happened. I am not blaming SW for her murder, as there is no justification for that.
Maybe he had them all bagged in the bedroom, stepped into the bathroom to wash off or shower, and stepped on one of the bags, but not necessarily on the body within.
Morbid, it'd have to be a big bag for SW, I have to walk around the bag my Christmas tree goes in several times while adjusting it so it will zip. However it happened I glad to hear of yet one more piece of evidence :)

Eta, bags- bbq cover? what left the impression, dust footprint, or was it kind or thick and an actual indentation? Uggg, wonder if there bodily function things in there that kept the shape of his foot.
But is it going to be sealed... or delayed?

If it is a part of discovery and 'not sealed' can they disclose what they want? That is what the lawyer on AB was stating.
Still awaiting a decision from the Judge in regards to sealing. If its not sealed, then it can be released to anyone who requests it. Thats my understanding anyway.
'possible bare foot impressions' from the motion :)
ETA so possibly not a foot print?
The fact that they have asked for CW's inked footprints leads me to think that the examiner believes that the print shows enough ridge detail to warrant a comparison. But, it is interesting that they use the word "possible." MOO
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You would think an actual lawyer on AB would know this... dang. What a jip.

Plus, not providing exculpatory evidence to the defense would be a violation of the defendant's Constitutional rights under the Brady rule (that requires the state to turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defense). The state would not risk having their whole case thrown out over Brady violations by playing games with the defense.
Once again... did they ask to delay or seal.
I thought the point was to get more interviews done.
That doesn't mean seal to public.

I'm really starting to consider that possibility.

Considering it was a) getting late, b) the girls would be asleep, and c) CW had to get up early the next day for work, I believe SW would have reached out to notify CW as soon as possible of the cancellation and delay.

In the meantime, CW may have been completely unaware of the cancelled flight, fully expecting SW’s original flight to already be in the air at the time.

If that is true, it's interesting to consider that he would have been completely caught off guard when SW texted or called him to say her flight was cancelled, knowing the girls were already dead.

Purely speculation, as we do not know if this was the case, but interesting to consider nonetheless.


It would be very risky to kill the kids before she arrives home but definitely possible. I'm leaning toward this as well. I have to wonder if Chris was tracking the flight or the weather in the areas around AZ. That could be telling
Plus, not providing exculpatory evidence to the defense would be a violation of the defendant's Constitutional rights under the Brady rule (that requires the state to turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defense). The state would not risk having their whole case thrown out over Brady violations by playing games with the defense.

But they were not playing games... they 'said' they hadn't interviewed or completed some investigatory process so didn't want to release. Yet?
Nothing in the lives of most family annihilators showed they had resentment or animosity toward their kids.

For many of the ones who don't kill themselves, it appears they are more concerned with not appearing "imperfect" to their loved ones, by divorcing or having a new woman while leaving their wife, or breaking up their family, and doing that to their kids, than they are concerned with the lives of their children.

These people really just aren't normal. They're not like you or me. No matter how much they may seem like it. They're just not.

Their terror at having the mask slip is far greater than their love for anyone.

Also to expand on the idea of someone who might not think of divorce as an option due to the need to be "perfect" to loved ones, I think it's clear that SW had no problem stepping away from a marriage. She had been through a divorce once before. We just don't know have that example for CW, and so we don't really know if he believed within himself that he could do the same.
Plus, not providing exculpatory evidence to the defense would be a violation of the defendant's Constitutional rights under the Brady rule (that requires the state to turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defense). The state would not risk having their whole case thrown out over Brady violations by playing games with the defense.

Sorry, double post.
Is it impossible for a bare footprint to be transferred from a rubber\plastic bath mat to a heavy bag that might be placed on it?
Plus, not providing exculpatory evidence to the defense would be a violation of the defendant's Constitutional rights under the Brady rule (that requires the state to turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defense). The state would not risk having their whole case thrown out over Brady violations by playing games with the defense.

Dang... a triple post. Y'all quit clogging up the site. Haha
delete - answered much better in another post
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Prints are left by the oil/sweat in your skin transferring the ridges on your hands and feet.

A bare foot impression is a foot print. A "print" is just name for the impression left by the friction ridges on your fingers, hands, feet.
I was referring to the 'possible' stated in the motion. is it possible that it is not a footprint?
Now I wonder if NUA was getting "straight to voicemail" when she was trying to get in contact with Shanann after missing the appointment. BTW, has there been any confirmation on how NUA knew Shanann missed the appointment?

I've only seen speculation about how NUA knew, nothing concrete. Not sure if this has been brought up, but what I'm wondering is where were the girls going to be while Shanann went to her appointment? Would she have taken them with her? Perhaps NAU was going to watch the girls while SW was at the OB? She might have even offered to meet them there and keep the girls occupied in the waiting room while SW had her ultrasound. That could explain how she knew SW missed her appointment. Pure speculation and JMO.
Everything the prosecution has must be released to the defense. The court can seal records, which means evidence cannot be released to the public. It is part of the court record, but not part of the public record. The state filed asking for an exception to Colorado law that considers autopsy results "public record" that can be requested by the media.
ahhh, brilliant! Thank you for the explanation x
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