Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #34

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Could I ask our new posters to please quote the post to which they are replying? You just click on the little blue "reply" on the right side of the post. Then, type your comment underneath it.

Otherwise when reading through the threads, it's hard to know to
what they are responding. I saw a lot of "I agree!" and other comments
but didn't know the reference.

I wish that there were a way to see more of the post stack and not just
the last post on the subject. It is cumbersome to go back and keep clicking and scrolling to find the whole conversation.

Also it's been hard for me to know what post of mine someone likes, what specific post has been deleted by what mod, and whether I"ve been banned. :rolleyes::cool:

Please let me know if you have learned something to update or correct on the Watts floorplan. I think it would be helpful to have an accurate
floorplan with the proper designations of the girls' bedrooms, SW's office, etc.

@Colorado303 is helping me with this task.

Thanks, everybody!
Could I ask our new posters to please quote the post to which they are replying? You just click on the little blue "reply" on the right side of the post. Then, type your comment underneath it.

Otherwise when reading through the threads, it's hard to know to
what they are responding. I saw a lot of "I agree!" and other comments
but didn't know the reference.

I wish that there were a way to see more of the post stack and not just
the last post on the subject. It is cumbersome to go back and keep clicking and scrolling to find the whole conversation.

Also it's been hard for me to know what post of mine someone likes, what specific post has been deleted by what mod, and whether I"ve been banned. :rolleyes::cool:

Please let me know if you have learned something to update or correct on the Watts floorplan. I think it would be helpful to have an accurate
floorplan with the proper designations of the girls' bedrooms, SW's office, etc.

@Colorado303 is helping me with this task.

Thanks, everybody!
But that doesn't necessarily mean they have to prove that SW did it. In the CA case, defense did NOT try to prove that GA molested CA or that Caylee died accidentally in the pool-they just had to plant those seeds. Likewise, defense doesn't have to prove that SW did it, just introduce enough reasonable doubt to make jurors believe that CW may NOT have done it.
You are correct. I think it's dangerous territory to blame SW because many people do not or will not believe that she killed her precious daughters.

That's why I believe that the Defense will claim that neither SW or CW were in their "right minds" due to Thrive, other supplements, or meds.

They will claim that besides Thrive, SW's Lupus or pregnancy hormones coupled with CW telling her he wanted a separation, made her act irrational. She snapped and killed the kids. That's what they'll say.

I did. Cited above.
I couldn’t find a similar one in Colorado - other states have different statutes (and standards for releasing vs withholding) so it’s apples to oranges...

JonBenet was Colorado, but in that case they didn’t have anyone arrested/charged - my understanding is once that line is crossed, things change...
Can I ask longtime posters, is it allowed to snip another poster's quote
for brevity if you just want to respond to a couple of their sentences?

Would we just type - "snipped by The Saint for brevity?"
Yes. As long as your edit doesn’t change the meaning of what is being said.
Defense doesn't have to prove that she did it, they only have to prove that he did not.
Hi mtnlites!

Good luck with that (Proving he didn't do it!) He's already confessed to two of the four deaths! He hid three bodies, forcing two of them, his daughters, through a small hole into a tank of oil! Innocent people don't do that! He confessed to hiding the bodies. He's lied repeatedly, and admitted that he's lied. He was in an affair, and has admitted to it! He gave interviews, bright eyed and bushy tail, well rested, and dressed in a spiffy new shirt! During the interviews he postured, preened, duped with delight, and spoke of his family in the past tense, while never using the word; love. Yeah, they can't prove he didn't do it because he's confessed to half of it and everything he's said and done works toward proving he's guilty of the other two murders!
That is very interesting. I live in Montana, moved to the East coast for several years, folks there are different. It was like wearing new shoes that never really fit well. I came back home, and it was like comfy boots.

People who live in the East, West coast, are more liberal, in general, and probably more open to more ideas or stories. Here, it is, "does that make sense?" Yep. Nope. Trial over.
But it only takes one juror to hang a trial. That juror could be an out-of-state transplant to CO.
Can I ask longtime posters, is it allowed to snip another poster's quote
for brevity if you just want to respond to a couple of their sentences?

Would we just type - "snipped by The Saint for brevity?"
I believe SBM or RSBM has been used for quite a while here...(snipped by me; respectfully snipped by me).
I don't think it was broken or disabled for the reason you stated. I do think the reference to CW's statement to LE that it wasn't working has significance, because of the fact that it is even mentioned in the affidavit. My thoughts are LE did check it and it was working.

So, it was either a delaying tactic by CW to have LE and NUA wait for him to get back to the house. And/or, CW didn't want to go back and forth through that door when he carried the bodies out because the keypad could have kept track of his movements and time-stamp his going through the inner garage door.
It’s possible there’s something in it they didn’t expect, or don’t fully understand and need to figure out...?

I think that's exceedingly unlikely. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Because as has been pointed out, the defense is going to get that report before it is available to the media. So blocking the media from having access won't help them with finding something the didn't expect or "need to figure out".

Now if they could block the defense from access, then that would be a possibility. They want more time to prep their case.

This is rather simple and not unusual. Prosecutors on high profile cases often seek to block release of autopsy reports.
I know she is not on trial. We were discussing how the defense might present their case. They would have to offer solid reasons why she could have done this.

JMO, this is where things get very murky here, because SW is a victim, and she's not been charged with any crime, but she is very much on trial.

I think CW is guilty of all charges and that is based on everything I've seen. I'm not about to help his defense team arrive at how they should present this case so they can win.
So, it was either a delaying tactic by CW to have LE and NUA wait for him to get back to the house. And/or, CW didn't want to go back and forth through that door when he carried the bodies out because the keypad could have kept track of his movements and time-stamp his going through the inner garage door.
The garage would have provided more concealment.

It’s easier to drag bodies undetected, from garage to car, than carrying them out the front door. It was simply practical.
One thing that I've been wanting to say is that I don't think CW would want to sell the house now, because he has 2 public defenders. I think that they are good lawyers.

If CW sold the house, would he have to split the profit with Shanann's family?

Even if CW only got half of home sale profit, it would push him into having to pay for an attorney, correct?
JMO, this is where things get very murky here, because SW is a victim, and she's not been charged with any crime, but she is very much on trial.

I think CW is guilty of all charges and that is based on everything I've seen. I'm not about to help his defense team arrive at how they should present this case so they can win.
I believe our conversations actually help the prosecution by bringing up possible scenarios that the defense might use. We are a
reflection of what a jury might believe when hearing evidence and theories of the murders.
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