Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #34

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Thanks! So there IS side garage door that had the keypad that CW was claiming to be broken.

The inner garage door does have a talking keypad because we saw it in the Xmas Eve video. So, Chris is saying that this inner keypad lock was always configured to be "unlocked."

Pretty sure the keypad is for the overhead doors, not a side door. At least that is what I understood from reading the above.
Yes, as long as his confession wasn’t the product of coercion.

IIRC, didn’t CW voluntarily go to the police station? Miranda isn’t required unless you have a custodial interrogation. This means an interrogation where a reasonable person (CW) would not feel like they could just walk out and end the interrogation.

If CW wasn’t in custody, Miranda might not even be an issue.

That is so interesting, and I never knew it before! But this goes with what I saw on the television show a few weeks back and they said that the person was under Miranda even though they were not told .

Now you have made me understand what they were saying! Thank you so much as I never knew that before.
Could I ask our new posters to please quote the post to which they are replying? You just click on the little blue "reply" on the right side of the post. Then, type your comment underneath it.

Otherwise when reading through the threads, it's hard to know to
what they are responding. I saw a lot of "I agree!" and other comments
but didn't know the reference.

I wish that there were a way to see more of the post stack and not just
the last post on the subject. It is cumbersome to go back and keep clicking and scrolling to find the whole conversation.

Also it's been hard for me to know what post of mine someone likes, what specific post has been deleted by what mod, and whether I"ve been banned. :rolleyes::cool:

Please let me know if you have learned something to update or correct on the Watts floorplan. I think it would be helpful to have an accurate
floorplan with the proper designations of the girls' bedrooms, SW's office, etc.

@Colorado303 is helping me with this task.

Thanks, everybody!

Keep in mind that if you have any posters on ignore you will not see those posts, even when they are quoted. So it may look like people are talking to themselves at times or it may be unclear who they are replying to. You can always check to see if there are hidden posts by logging out or selecting "show ignored content" down at the bottom. But of course that might defeat the purpose of using the ignore button ;)
I don't know how others feel, but aside from the whole senseless, horrible murder, there are little things make me teary-eyed like Bella wanting to have long hair.

I always had long hair but wanted to be a blonde. My mother bought me a bright pink swimcap with 2 fake blonde ponytails sticking out of the sides. This reminds me of how SW tried to make Bella feel better
about her short hair by using the barrettes.

In a video shot SW's office, she holds up a snapshot of when she (SW) was CeCe's age and they look identical. Same hairstyle and hair color.

It just shows that both CW and SW had thin hair when young but that
at least SW's grew thicker after her toddler years. The girls' thin hair wasn't due to any illness or what they were eating. It was heredity and they'd have thicker hair in a few years.
In some cases when the autopsy report is released it's the full autopsy notes. Everything from the skin over the whole body, the bones, the condition and weight of each organ...everything.

The full autopsy report would normally also include any clothing, bags, or blankets found with the deceased.

The autopsy would also cite (and please excuse this) if either of the girls were dismembered -- this was brought up here earlier re the size of the opening into the tanks. I have no idea if the gas/oil might possibly cause it. But if dismemberment did occur, I assume the ME would know how it occurred by looking at the wounds. If so, IMO, that would add aggravation to the murder of the girl(s). Another nail in his DP sentence IMO. That is, if the State of Colorado allows the jury or the Court to weigh aggravating or mitigating circumstances. (Again, please excuse my wording -- there is no way to make it less awful.)
Keep in mind that if you have any posters on ignore you will not see those posts, even when they are quoted. So it may look like people are talking to themselves at times or it may be unclear who they are replying to. You can always check to see if there are hidden posts by logging out or selecting "show ignored content" down at the bottom. But of course that might defeat the purpose of using the ignore button ;)
I thought the ignored posters' windows came up just not their text.
Very well-said.

I just wish we could just hear the truth of what happened,
even if it's only "his truth" like him saying "I was tired of the whole family life thing. It was a drag and I wanted to be free and screw around
and not answer to anyone. I wanted to spend my money on other things."

I guess that we will hear his version at the trial but it will be blaming Thrive and SW.

The Hare Psychopathy Checklist with 20 Most Common Traits of a Psychopath

This is very interesting, and if we had more information about CW, it would not surprise me that he fits into this diagnosis.

1. Irresponsible, issues with money.
2. Sexual promiscuity, as evidenced by his numerous affairs.

If we had a complete investigation of his childhood, career, history, I bet we would see how completely he fits into this diagnosis. And there are probably some people who knew CW, and are not surprised at all that he killed his family.

We know he has had several jobs, I would guess that he was fired at least 3 or 4 times in his career.

And his defense, blaming SW for the entire situation, also fits the profile.
I believe our conversations actually help the prosecution by bringing up possible scenarios that the defense might use. We are a
reflection of what a jury might believe when hearing evidence and theories of the murders.

I agree, but in this case, I'm pretty sure the prosecution has enough evidence to overcome whatever the defense might try to do. I've already seen enough evidence, just from what is available to us to come to my own conclusion that this man is 100% guilty of all charges. JMO.

As far as coming up with ideas that might help CW's defense arrive at a strategy that could help CW avoid justice - I can't do it.
Keep in mind that if you have any posters on ignore you will not see those posts, even when they are quoted. So it may look like people are talking to themselves at times or it may be unclear who they are replying to. You can always check to see if there are hidden posts by logging out or selecting "show ignored content" down at the bottom. But of course that might defeat the purpose of using the ignore button ;)

That would drive me nuts! I'm glad I haven't had to put anyone on ignore....scroll and roll :D
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Thanks! So there IS side garage door that had the keypad that CW was claiming to be broken.

The inner garage door does have a talking keypad because we saw it in the Xmas Eve video. So, Chris is saying that this inner keypad lock was always configured to be "unlocked."

No, I think that there is a keypad in the outside of the garage that can be used to open the garage door itself. All garages I have ever had have this anyway.

This is the keypad that I believe CW lied to LE on the phone about when they asked for the code so that he could delay their entry.

I think then, he must have used his remote in his car to gain entry, since everything was locked and the garage was the only way in.

There is an inside door from the garage to the house from my understanding which was as you said always unlocked I think.

The garage keypad would not have shown his comings and goings because there is generally a button on the inside of garages used to open and close the garage door rather than a keypad.
Yep, opening/closing statements, (which we know, and the jury will be told, cannot be considered evidence) can say/imply just so much. CW is the only one who can say what "really happened" that night -- he's the only living witness. But I think a good prosecutor could mop the floor with him. That's gonna be a real tough call for the defense. Or maybe not so tough... :rolleyes:
This is why I'm hesitant to believe this trial will turn into a circus like JAs or CAs. Both trials presented young, vulnerable women, some bought it.

CW is a young, buff man and his defense will struggle, imo, convincing the jury that he had no choice or was compelled to strangle SW to death!

CW's own account isn't logical, how did he KNOW Bella was dead? (the monitor??!!) Why couldn't he save CeCe's life? (overpower SW, resuscitate CeCe and ring 911) Why couldn't he save Niko's life? (restrain SW until LE arrived, again call 911)

None of his actions are of a loving, caring father and his videos represent a man pleased that his family will not be returning. JMO
The Hare Psychopathy Checklist with 20 Most Common Traits of a Psychopath

This is very interesting, and if we had more information about CW, it would not surprise me that he fits into this diagnosis.

1. Irresponsible, issues with money.
2. Sexual promiscuity, as evidenced by his numerous affairs.

If we had a complete investigation of his childhood, career, history, I bet we would see how completely he fits into this diagnosis. And there are probably some people who knew CW, and are not surprised at all that he killed his family.

We know he has had several jobs, I would guess that he was fired at least 3 or 4 times in his career.

And his defense, blaming SW for the entire situation, also fits the profile.
1. 2015 bankruptcies there were student loans ( hers) chiropractic bills (not aware if he went to one but SW I believe did perhaps for her illnesses) and Norstrams , other felt stores and credit card debt.Frederick Couple Faced Economic Pressure, Had Filed Bankruptcy
2. We know of one active affair I am not sure any have been confirmed besides that. The one person on AB had his call dropped during interview and never returned.imo that’s suspicious
3. Was it said he left to work in oil fields in Colorado ? I have never heard any mention of him being fired @Colorado303 @isalybra or @Trinket78 do you know if he was fired from multiple jobs ?
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This is why I'm hesitant to believe this trial will turn into a circus like JAs or CAs. Both trials presented young, vulnerable women, some bought it.

CW is a young, buff man and his defense will struggle, imo, convincing the jury that he had no choice or was compelled to strangle SW to death!

CW's own account isn't logical, how did he KNOW Bella was dead? (the monitor??!!) Why couldn't he save CeCe's life? (overpower SW, resuscitate CeCe and ring 911) Why couldn't he save Niko's life? (restrain SW until LE arrived, again call 911)

None of his actions are of a loving, caring father and his videos represent a man pleased that his family will not be returning. JMO

I do not take violent crime cases but even if I did, I would have a hard time standing up there and making such a ridiculous argument. And I mean I defended mortgage bankers during the financial crisis, I have no problem with unpopular clients. But your defense has to make sense. Making up the least plausible story you can think of and then expecting your lawyers to make it fit the facts is a big ask.
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