Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #38

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Around 3 mins in Shanann says: "I'm definitely the dominant one in the relationship"

I hope you don't mind me jumping off your post to say something. I think there's a big difference between a dominant partner and a domineering partner. Maybe there's some confusion going on here as some posters might be using 'dominant' when they're really describing what I'd think is more 'domineering'.

I do think Shanann comes across as a bit more dominant in the videos, but I wouldn't say CW comes across as wholly submissive or that Shanann comes across as particularly domineering.

Some people prefer a partner who's a bit more dominant in attitude than they are, it can work well as an attraction of opposites and they can complement each other. Some people prefer to be with someone who'll decide to take care of paying bills or deciding which restaurant to eat out at instead of someone who's always asking them to make the decisions. But Shanann seemed aware and respecting of his likes and dislikes, she doesn't seem to be like a bulldozer personality.
JMO, this guy seemed like an opportunist who came up with a story for fame and a few bucks on the back of a tragedy. I don’t think he ever knew him.

The only way I’d believe even 1% of it is with court docs or a LE affidavit. Again JMO.
Do people like this (friends/acquaintances etc) get paid for their media interviews?
Just asking, but whatever happened with this guy? Is he truthful or just one that wanted to add himself to the terrible happenings? It is very hard to wait until the trial (if there will be a trial).
I haven't heard anything from him that completely convinces me that he knows anything more about CW than we do. Still, it's hard to believe he would put himself out there like that if at least some of it wasn't true. I think he said that police contacted him after seeing his profile on the meetme app on Chris' phone. I know we've seen people who have inserted themselves into cases but I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I hope you don't mind me jumping off your post to say something. I think there's a big difference between a dominant partner and a domineering partner. Maybe there's some confusion going on here as some posters might be using 'dominant' when they're really describing what I'd think is more 'domineering'.

I do think Shanann comes across as a bit more dominant in the videos, but I wouldn't say CW comes across as wholly submissive or that Shanann comes across as particularly domineering.

Some people prefer a partner who's a bit more dominant in attitude than they are, it can work well as an attraction of opposites and they can complement each other. Some people prefer to be with someone who'll decide to take care of paying bills or deciding which restaurant to eat out at instead of someone who's always asking them to make the decisions. But Shanann seemed aware and respecting of his likes and dislikes, she doesn't seem to be like a bulldozer personality.
I agree, and the word "assertive" describes SW, I don't see any domineering behavior in her SM posts. She's assertive in a positive way. IMO MOO.
By all means if you can find me a quote where someone has said "dominating witch" then I will revise my response to the original post.
Oh boy. No one actually used these particular words that I am aware of. It was used in reference to the idea and the insinuation that her being a certain way suggests that she is abusive, or mean and horrible. That's all.
I do too; mainly because people are using the reasoning that the friends may be called as witnesses at trial. Soooooo, do we not think that some of Shanann's friends are going to be witnesses at trial? Because NUA, JL and the Thayer's have given interviews...
Really good point, @PommyMommy
NUA's son was with her, too. At least he was with her when she went to first check on SW. It's not clear to me if her son remained with her through the day.
That’s good having another witness, but at the same time, although I don’t know how old he is, it will be a sad memory for him. NUA will no doubt be a key witness for the prosecution being that she spent the last two days with SW and was the last one who saw her alive.
The shadier outlets, tabloids, a celeb/news gossip site that can’t be referenced on here due to TOS, etc will say flat out on their site they offer cash for stories. It makes it hard to believe.
Yikes, I didn't even know about that! Thanks for the info. I guess that attracts some scavengers who want to make a quick $ and get 1 minute of fame.:mad: SMH. MOO.
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I hope you don't mind me jumping off your post to say something. I think there's a big difference between a dominant partner and a domineering partner. Maybe there's some confusion going on here as some posters might be using 'dominant' when they're really describing what I'd think is more 'domineering'.

I do think Shanann comes across as a bit more dominant in the videos, but I wouldn't say CW comes across as wholly submissive or that Shanann comes across as particularly domineering.

Some people prefer a partner who's a bit more dominant in attitude than they are, it can work well as an attraction of opposites and they can complement each other. Some people prefer to be with someone who'll decide to take care of paying bills or deciding which restaurant to eat out at instead of someone who's always asking them to make the decisions. But Shanann seemed aware and respecting of his likes and dislikes, she doesn't seem to be like a bulldozer personality.

Yes, yes, yes. Thank you for articulating this so well! This is so true and the difference between dominant and domineering is such an important distinction.
I hope you don't mind me jumping off your post to say something. I think there's a big difference between a dominant partner and a domineering partner. Maybe there's some confusion going on here as some posters might be using 'dominant' when they're really describing what I'd think is more 'domineering'.

I do think Shanann comes across as a bit more dominant in the videos, but I wouldn't say CW comes across as wholly submissive or that Shanann comes across as particularly domineering.

Some people prefer a partner who's a bit more dominant in attitude than they are, it can work well as an attraction of opposites and they can complement each other. Some people prefer to be with someone who'll decide to take care of paying bills or deciding which restaurant to eat out at instead of someone who's always asking them to make the decisions. But Shanann seemed aware and respecting of his likes and dislikes, she doesn't seem to be like a bulldozer personality.
Not at all and your explanation makes a lot of sense with regard to peoples perceptions of dominance versus. domineering. Thank you!
Do people like this (friends/acquaintances etc) get paid for their media interviews?

It would depend on the media outlet, I think. For example, I know that Nancy Grace does not pay the guests on her podcast. I'm not sure about some of the "infotainment" types of shows, such as "Inside Edition". They might pay for interviews. I highly doubt that HLN is paying Ashleigh Banfield's guests, but I don't know for sure.
Yes, and from her Pinterest account, it looks like they planned to do baby Nico's room in a Pittsburgh Steeler's theme. :(

And racing car themes ... That says to me she was so looking forward to her little Nico maybe sharing his daddy's interests and passions, the football, the Nascar.

I'm so sorry she didn't get to meet Nico in this world and see all the hopes and dreams for her children come true :(
It would depend on the media outlet, I think. For example, I know that Nancy Grace does not pay the guests on her podcast. I'm not sure about some of the "infotainment" types of shows, such as "Inside Edition". They might pay for interviews. I highly doubt that HLN is paying Ashleigh Banfield's guests, but I don't know for sure.
Yes, and very highly respected news journalists from very mainstream outlets (respected papers and channels like CNN, MSNBC, etc), never pay for interviews. I do believe that both prosecution and defense attorneys strongly advise against any potential witnesses doing paid interviews, because it affects the credibility of their testimony at trial.
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That’s good having another witness, but at the same time, although I don’t know how old he is, it will be a sad memory for him. NUA will no doubt be a key witness for the prosecution being that she spent the last two days with SW and was the last one who saw her alive.

This is not directed at you or any other poster (I'm jumping off your post), but just a reminder that minor children, other than the victims in this case, should not be discussed, mentioned, or brought up in any way. I don't know if NUA's son is a minor, but if he is, he may not be mentioned or discussed here. The same rule applies for any minor children of any of CW's family or friends and any minor children of any of SW's family or friends.
I want to clarify that in no way do I mean to imply that AB/HLN or CrimeOnline would have or did pay for interviews! On the contrary, the credibility issues of some of the gossip sites is why I'm sure that some aren't allowed to be linked here.

Just that there are sites that do pay and many "ambulance chaser" types come out of the woodwork after tragedies for attention or profit. I tend to take them all with a grain of salt until anything credible in the MSM or LE connects them definitively to the case and/or sticks with some sort of documentation.

I generally only watch what is posted here and don't know where all he spoke or was interviewed outside of that, or what his true intentions are. He seemed to be way off from what has been shown in various ways otherwise so I don't find him even remotely believable at this time.

This is Nancy Grace's site. Nancy doesn't pay her podcast guests. @leighEg is a member here and a reporter/writer for Nancy Grace/Crime Online. I'm sure Leigh could confirm that Nancy didn't pay for this interview.

Thanks for the post.

SW has been criticized for supposedly not being good with money, for overspending, etc. yet now we have a man stating that CW spent a lot of money on him-money for lip injections and makeup, among other things. IF there was financial irresponsibility then IMO it wasn't one sided at all. Though SW did appear to like "nice" things (her clothing and furnishings were beautiful) she also appeared to shop at consignment shops and box stores like Target.
It would depend on the media outlet, I think. For example, I know that Nancy Grace does not pay the guests on her podcast. I'm not sure about some of the "infotainment" types of shows, such as "Inside Edition". They might pay for interviews. I highly doubt that HLN is paying Ashleigh Banfield's guests, but I don't know for sure.
Many reputable media outlets do pay some talking head experts an 'honorarium' to compensate them for their time and for expenses in travelling to the studio, etc. It is usually not a large sum of money, i.e. not designed to be seen as an incentive. Many do not pay their guests at all, particularly smaller outlets. As you say, it depends.
But that would be for TV time; reputable newspapers do not pay their interview subjects.
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