Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #38

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With all due respect, this was a roommate at NASCAR Tech from when CW was about 20 years old. SM was not big at that time, and CW later moved across the country from NC to CO. IMO the fact that these two did not stay in touch does not mean CW did not have friends.

Regarding the points you mention, maybe that's the point.

This roomy from 13 years ago is about all the media has been able to dredge up as far as friends of CW go.
Right, and then he could have invented some kind of intruder story. It probably would have been more believable than the one he came up with. Jmo

Knowing him, he'd probably come up with something unbelievable, like SW and NUA were lovers and this was a murder/suicide situation, and they took the kids with them...
Typical description of a family annihilator.

The Last Psychiatrist: Family Annihilators Don't Do It Because They Love You
"This seems to come out of nowhere. It's shocking and you can't predict it--there really aren't any red flags. They don't have a character or personality disorder."

When I saw him in Shanann's videos, he looked completely normal. Many times I noticed love in his eyes when he looked at his little girls. He didn't seem cold, distant, or detached from his family. That's what shocked me the most.

Of course I now realize CW fits the typical description of a family annihilator, thanks to you and other posters, so I accept it is what it is but still is frightening that there is no red flags until the unthinkable takes place.
Whoever posted that blog, thank you! It was interesting to read and showed how much she was wanted and loved by their whole family. But man was it really heartbreaking at the same time. SW made it for Bella to see when she was older and now she will never grow up because of her own father :(
He wasn’t so shy that he did not have multiple affairs according to some things I have read on here. That does not seem shy to me or introverted.
I’m thinking it was his connection to Shanann that brought about the changes in CW. After they met,he started taking care of himself, lost weight, became more social, started believing in himself all as a result of the positive influence she had on him. All it takes is one person to believe in you, and SW believed in C.W. He’d be nothing without her. And then he started thinking he was better than her and he could do better than her.
I tend to agree with this opinion. In most cases that are this serious, friends, family members, and even casual acquaintances of either the victim or the alleged perpetrator are often asked not to comment publicly on the person or the case. This happened recently in the Adea Shabani murder case. Her friends spoke up when she disappeared, then went radio silent, and we learned after Adea's body was found, that they had been asked by LE not to comment further. Most of them knew many details that were not leaked to the public. But we, the public, didn't know they had this information until the body was found.

His friends have been advised not to stick up for him or be supportive of him at this time? WHY? Who would tell them that?

The person you quoted said they "believe"that to be the case.

Bumping liltexans' post on the subject.
Whoever posted that blog, thank you! It was interesting to read and showed how much she was wanted and loved by their whole family. But man was it really heartbreaking at the same time. SW made it for Bella to see when she was older and now she will never grow up because of her own father :(

It was posted in the last thread by Gardenista (quoted below). And yes, it is truly sad.
I put this in the search box and nothing came up. Not sure if it's been posted before:

Journey of Bella Marie
I think you may have missed the last part of the bold, which is the "witch" part. Not just dominating, but that others may have insinuated "dominating witch," is how I read it. BBM Jmo
Yes, thats why I was confused as to whether the point was that she was dominating or that others were assuming that because she was, that she was abusive and might have the potential to kill her children. If that makes any sense. My opinion is that although she was the dominant one in the relationship, there is no correlation between that and potential to murder your children. Jmo
Very true. I think CW's friends and family believe in the possibility he's telling the truth about SW murdering their children. I don't know him and will hold open that possibility until we receive more evidence. JMO
Trouble if that even if they believe everything he said is true he still comes off as a monster.No attempting to get any medical help for the girls,murdering his wife and unborn son,throwing the girls bodies away like they were garbage....
LOL as to football..... I am a die hard Eagles/Phillies fan, M is a die hard Seattle/Mariners fan... our kids from separate marriages have thier own teams.. our pups share in the spirit of all teams! Shanann seemed to embrace CW Steelers/Yankees... I don’t see any dominate attitude there from her (and good for her!)
Yes, and from her Pinterest account, it looks like they planned to do baby Nico's room in a Pittsburgh Steeler's theme. :(
Well, there was TB, but I can't remember now though, if his interview on AB was before or after he was questioned by the FBI.
Man who claims affair with accused family killer Chris Watts says Colorado dad gave him money, claimed pregnant wife Shanann Watts was ‘abusive’: EXCLUSIVE

Just asking, but whatever happened with this guy? Is he truthful or just one that wanted to add himself to the terrible happenings? It is very hard to wait until the trial (if there will be a trial).
His friends have been advised not to stick up for him or be supportive of him at this time? WHY? Who would tell them that?
I have not heard that anyone told them not to be supportive. It's natural that his family would be supportive of him, especially his parents. It does not have to mean they believe them. Jmo
When I saw him in Shanann's videos, he looked completely normal. Many times I noticed love in his eyes when he looked at his little girls. He didn't seem cold, distant, or detached from his family. That's what shocked me the most.

Of course I now realize CW fits the typical description of a family annihilator, thanks to you and other posters, so I accept it is what it is but still is frightening that there is no red flags until the unthinkable takes place.
Oh yes, it is very frightening and the reason so many people have trouble accepting that CW could do such a thing. It is that way in many cases of family annihilation and other types of murder cases as well. You hear things like, "they seemed so happy," "I never saw him angry," and "he wouldn't hurt a fly..." It takes time for some people to process and it's hard to understand.

Several threads back I pointed out that Ted Bundy's mother refused to believe he was guilty after being convicted of two of his murders. She said, "Ted Bundy does not go around killing women and little children!" She didn't believe it until after he made several death-row confessions.
Mother of serial killer Ted Bundy dies in Washington

I have a question for our attorneys here, again thanks all for being here and answering questions.

Just wondering, has it ever been advised that a suspect DO talk to the media, say in a case where public opinion is low of the defendant and they know they’re going to lose so maybe they’re like “wth let’s have him talk and see if he can maybe try to redeem himself in the public’s eye with his charm and good looks?”. Hope I can explain this clearly, what I mean is CW has already been confirmed as being a liar. But if the defense was so desperate and saw his client as maybe being able to sway public opinion before the trial, especially if he already had some defenders...gah this is not making sense sorry. I guess what I’m asking is in a case like this, has an attorney ever advised a client to comment publicly or do media interviews before a trial? Tia.

(ETA: Sorry I’m not explaining myself well. This post makes little sense as I read it back.)
Just remembering SP and Diane Sawyer interview. I'd say defense attorney would rather rally family/friends to do the "talking up" for redemption, but never the defendant as his interview can be used as evidence against him. MOO
Just asking, but whatever happened with this guy? Is he truthful or just one that wanted to add himself to the terrible happenings? It is very hard to wait until the trial (if there will be a trial).

JMO, this guy seemed like an opportunist who came up with a story for fame and a few bucks on the back of a tragedy. I don’t think he ever knew him.

The only way I’d believe even 1% of it is with court docs or a LE affidavit. Again JMO.
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