Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #38

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This came up threads and threads ago, but it reminded another poster here about the Lululemon case in Bethesda where a sales associate murdered her manager over a pair of yoga pants and blamed it on two masked male robbers. I have a personal connection with that case so followed the trial closely - The police started to doubt the (now convicted) girl's story, but didn't let on that they suspected her and just kept bringing her back to the police station to casually inquire about/"clear up" parts of her story. Multiple siblings of hers came with her and were allowed in and out of the interrogation room and at one point, the investigators left her alone with her brother and let them talk. All of their conversations with each other were being recorded. In fact, the prosecutor was listening in and watching on live video feed, eating her Chipotle nachos and couldn't believe what she was hearing, and wondering if the girl had confessed enough to her brother to get a conviction off that. Then the brother told another sister, "She killed that girl" and they had that on tape as well. The consensus was that there should be no expectation of privacy in the jail/interrogation room (at least under Maryland law). (All of this is in the Dan Morse book The Yoga Store Murder.) She had not been placed under arrest or miranda-ized at this point. She still felt "free to leave" even if the investigators weren't going to let that happen.

Just using this as a specific example where a confession to a family member at a jail was taped/recorded and used to help get a conviction. Not sure what Colorado law allows.
Thank you for this post -- I recall that Lululemon case, it was mind-boggling.
I hope everything in the Watt's case was recorded by LE once CW was at the police station.
I have a family member who started doing that with her kids after her doc made the recommendation. The transformation in their behavior is remarkable.

Children Bella & CeCe’s ages typically go to bed between 7 PM and 9 PM and wake up betweeen 6 AM and 8 AM. Naps gradually become shorter as well at this age.

AAP guidelines indicate approx 12 hours of total sleep is appropriate for a 3 year old; a child who is almost 5 would need approximately 10 hrs. total.

SW states on SM that her girls both nap from 12 PM til 3 PM and go to bed at 6:30 PM and are up around 6:30 AM (she states she likes to get up around 4:30 or 5:00 AM herself to have time before the girls awake).

This would be a daily total of about 15 hours of sleep for the girls.

I haven't heard anything from him that completely convinces me that he knows anything more about CW than we do. Still, it's hard to believe he would put himself out there like that if at least some of it wasn't true. I think he said that police contacted him after seeing his profile on the meetme app on Chris' phone. I know we've seen people who have inserted themselves into cases but I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Well said. IMO I don’t think he would insert himself into the case for no reason and I believe his story. I read an article awhile back and I’m sorry because I don’t have a link but the man’s brother said it was true, his brother wouldn’t make this story up and I think he said that C.W. had been to the man’s apartment. I’ll try to find the article.
Sugar high raises questions in my mind too. I wonder, he put them to bed at what time? Hopped up on sugar and the atmosphere of being with other children at the party and the excitement of the cake etc. Ugg.
Which might have meant some acting out on the part of one of the girls, which could have been a trigger for his anger.

Does anyone know when the party was over, whether or not it was within walking distance? As well as I'm at it, did he or did he not leave the girls with a babysitter saturday night? Anyone???
Shanann Watts’ father appointed representative of her estate
snipped by me . . .

The couple’s Fredrick home is valued at more than $400,000 and is only in Christopher Watts’ name. During the telephone hearing, Watts did not object to the appointing of his father-in-law as the representative.

According to Weld County public records, Christopher Lee Watts AND Shanann Watts jointly owned the property. See attached and click on Owner(s).

Property Report

ETA clarification
I recall a 6:30p bedtime statement once in a video about a time when Cece was teething, and had a public meltdown, followed by SW coming home and putting the girls to sleep at 6:30p. Where exactly has 6:30p been established as the current bedtime in August 2018? Also, never read about any 3 hour naps seemingly presented here as fact either.

There are many posts & videos referencing this on her SM. I’ll try to link a few for you but will have to find them. There are quite a few.

Edited to add links. These are just a few. More can be found on SW’s SM:

Click on photo to read caption below

Shanann Watts
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Yes, forgot about the age. Three and four is too young to be unsupervised. What time was the picnic that day? When would they have gotten home? Does anyone remember?

I guess they were all asleep if they went to bed at 6:30 and he was grilling at 7-ish.

He might have given them benadryl or something like that to make them drowsy and go to sleep. Grilling and more than likely thinking about AP.
Thank you for posting this, Colorado! Its beautifully stated. I'm sorry that you have to read negative things about SW online, as she seemed like a lovely person. I'm glad she has friends like you.
Yes, what a beautiful characterization. It matches what so many have assumed here, just by her actions and words in her videos. Now we have actual confirmation. I imagine her husband must have felt very small compared to her. Jmo
Yes, but most people only knew them as rumors for a long time. And people were looked down upon if they besmirched his name. hMost of that was because there was no internet back then so it probably would have been confirmed much sooner (similar to how FDR was able to hide the extent of his polio for so long). My point being, people questioning shannans videos (okay not the crazy people calling her all sorts of names and saying they’re glad she’s dead—yes they are speaking ill of the dead) are not all speaking ill of the dead and are disrespecting her. They are just questioning their relationship and what impact it had on CW’s actions. Ultimately he is responsible for his behavior but as true in life no decision is ever made in a vacuum. IMO
Victim profiling is sometimes used to assist in finding the perpetrator of a crime, it doesn't work in domestic situations like family annihilation. Where do the children figure in this? Are they to be profiled too? Are they responsible for their own demise?

CW and SW were together for 8 years, CW had enough time before Bella's birth to decide whether to go forward with this relationship, even after Bella was born if it was too much for him to handle, he could have left.
This is always going to be about CW, imo. Family annihilators have killed quiet, unassuming partners too, it's a travesty to analyse SW and 'ultimately' means somehow she was responsible.
SW didn't know she was sleeping with the enemy, this is often the case with fa.
Interesting question! I know what you mean about some people feeling like they probably wouldn’t be friends w/Shanann. I’m not organized, my house is lived in/messy and the thought of posting a video of myself anywhere is horrifying. Nothing like Shanann at all. When I first met her I didn’t think we’d have much to say since we had nothing in common. Never expected to actually like her.

I tell you what—that girl grew on me something fierce. She didn’t care I was nothing like her— not one bit. She was just interested in getting to know me. I’ve heard the expression “didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body” before but never met anyone who personified it as much as Shanann. She was genuinely interested in everyone and a champion of their dreams big and small.

The last time I saw her I remember driving away thinking how much brighter my day was after talking to her, and impressed at how genuinely excited she was for one of our friends who just found out about a personal success.

At her Celebration of Life service, I was struck by the huge range of friends that were there. Rich, poor, polished, shlumpy, young,old, Moms, single people — she didn’t gravitate to a type. She gravitated to people, period. And kids. She loved kids.

Since she supported everyone around her it’s particularly distressing to see total strangers judge her without knowing her at all. Had they had the chance to know her for a bit, I think she might have grown on some of them too.

(apologize for the duplicate post— embedded it in a quote last time and couldn’t do it again if I tried)
Thank you for this beautiful and insightful post. I feel certain that I would have liked Shanann. I try to see the good in everyone and I believe she did that too. Life is too short to spend one's time being judgemental and negative. My heart goes out to you and although I know it's not always easy for you to be here, I hope you continue to read and post here with us because your input is invaluable.
STOP the parenting debate now, everyone. This is one of the fastest ways to get a thread shut down. Do you all remember the recent family annihilator case of the Hart family? The 2 moms who drove their entire family off a cliff, killing everyone? We no longer have an open thread for that case primarily because members made everything personal and turned the thread into a giant parenting debate and pretty much forgot about the missing and murdered children.

We're not going to do that in this case, okay? When you or I or my next door neighbor puts their children to bed or wakes them up does not matter. Whether we give our kids sugar or think it's poison does not matter.

Please stay on topic. This is about Shan'ann's murder and the murder of her beautiful children. It's not about you, me, or anyone else. Don't take posts personally.
Interesting question! I know what you mean about some people feeling like they probably wouldn’t be friends w/Shanann. I’m not organized, my house is lived in/messy and the thought of posting a video of myself anywhere is horrifying. Nothing like Shanann at all. When I first met her I didn’t think we’d have much to say since we had nothing in common. Never expected to actually like her.

I tell you what—that girl grew on me something fierce. She didn’t care I was nothing like her— not one bit. She was just interested in getting to know me. I’ve heard the expression “didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body” before but never met anyone who personified it as much as Shanann. She was genuinely interested in everyone and a champion of their dreams big and small.

The last time I saw her I remember driving away thinking how much brighter my day was after talking to her, and impressed at how genuinely excited she was for one of our friends who just found out about a personal success.

At her Celebration of Life service, I was struck by the huge range of friends that were there. Rich, poor, polished, shlumpy, young,old, Moms, single people — she didn’t gravitate to a type. She gravitated to people, period. And kids. She loved kids.

Since she supported everyone around her it’s particularly distressing to see total strangers judge her without knowing her at all. Had they had the chance to know her for a bit, I think she might have grown on some of them too.

What a lovely summation of her character. Thanks for sharing it. I hope someone says similar things about me when I’m gone.
Perhaps they are going to bed earlier but not taking those long naps as well. IMO 15 hours of sleep is excessive for children Bella & CeCe’s ages.
My 4 year old slept that much many nights.I don't see anything wrong and am confused what you are trying to imply.Sorry just saw the moderater's post about not talking about this.
Yes, she did say that and I have no reason not to believe her. I thought everybody was aware that toddlers need a routine. Daycare and pre-schools would be chaotic without a fixed schedule. JMO

How long ago was the video where she said the girls had a 6:30 bedtime. I don't think CeCe was a toddler anymore, was she?

I looked up toddler definition and it is a 'young child just beginning to walk.'

The next age described is 'pre-schooler.' I think they are out of the toddler stage and more into the pre-schooler age. And their bedtime may have pushed a bit later as well. JMO
Yes, forgot about the age. Three and four is too young to be unsupervised. What time was the picnic that day? When would they have gotten home? Does anyone remember?

I question what CW would consider to be "unsupervised"...he seems quite attached to the baby monitor. The kids could have been in bed or otherwise preoccupied in the house (e.g. playing, watching TV, etc. - I don't know the specs of their monitor set up), with the baby monitor grill-side.
Interesting question! I know what you mean about some people feeling like they probably wouldn’t be friends w/Shanann. I’m not organized, my house is lived in/messy and the thought of posting a video of myself anywhere is horrifying. Nothing like Shanann at all. When I first met her I didn’t think we’d have much to say since we had nothing in common. Never expected to actually like her.

I tell you what—that girl grew on me something fierce. She didn’t care I was nothing like her— not one bit. She was just interested in getting to know me. I’ve heard the expression “didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body” before but never met anyone who personified it as much as Shanann. She was genuinely interested in everyone and a champion of their dreams big and small.

The last time I saw her I remember driving away thinking how much brighter my day was after talking to her, and impressed at how genuinely excited she was for one of our friends who just found out about a personal success.

At her Celebration of Life service, I was struck by the huge range of friends that were there. Rich, poor, polished, shlumpy, young,old, Moms, single people — she didn’t gravitate to a type. She gravitated to people, period. And kids. She loved kids.

Since she supported everyone around her it’s particularly distressing to see total strangers judge her without knowing her at all. Had they had the chance to know her for a bit, I think she might have grown on some of them too.
I am catching up on the thread so I have a strong feeling I will not be the first one to state this, but this is just a beautiful testament. Thank you so very much for taking the time to give us all an inside and so thoughtful look at SW. It is much appreciated.
I recall a 6:30p bedtime statement once in a video about a time when Cece was teething, and had a public meltdown, followed by SW coming home and putting the girls to sleep at 6:30p. Where exactly has 6:30p been established as the current bedtime in August 2018? Also, never read about any 3 hour naps seemingly presented here as fact either.
Shanann Watts


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Thinking about it more, why indeed did she have her son, that she said herself and it was in an article, come with her at the time she want to do the wellness check. Why did she think it was necessary to bring her son? Interesting as I never thought about that before. I'm sure sons have more to do in their lives then to go over to their mother's friend's house to do a wellness check. Perhaps she was taking him to a job and it was on the way?
Do we know how old her son is? If he was a youngster, perhaps she couldn’t get a sitter, but if he was a teenager, perhaps she brought him for her safety. JMO.
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