Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #39

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Ok last night I was tired and was researching the effect of crude oil on a dead body. I had gotten so far as to read about the DNA of an olive and expound upon this lol but the thread just happened to get shut down at that moment...
(ETA: Wait a minute, @sillybilly must’ve been like “really?” An olive? Go to bed, thread closed!”)
(I was onto something though, I swear! Haha)

So, making a note, @MassGuy and @PommyMommy, there has GOT to be something out there somewhere re: DNA, crude oil, etc. The attorneys are going to need this, or forensic experts, even the ME may have some comments and findings on this...

There are university forensics departments which would maybe have some knowledge about this.

The attorneys might need to consult wth them.

So anyway, since there doesn’t seem to be much on the matter that we can find at the time (which I find hard to believe considering everything I see on Forensic Files (note google FF and Crude oil), I just haven’t looked hard enough maybe, anyway I’ll start my own investigation lol.

So google 101, crude oil. Everything you need to know, crude oil for dummies, I’m on it.
Crude Oil

It has been great to hear people knowledgeable comment on the tanks in previous threads, as I’ve said before I also especially love it when the spouse’s weigh in.
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"I just want everyone to know that I just want them back" is a very weird turn of phrase. Why does he want everyone to know that, as opposed to "I just want them back." But we know this whole thing is fake, all a lie, he knew they were never coming back ever because he killed them. His lack of any sign of grief is stunning. MOO.

Maybe he really did want them back.


(Like “Oh Craaap, what have I done?”)

And now I have no choice but to Cover My Butt.

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Ok last night I was tired and was researching the effect of crude oil on a dead body. I had gotten so far as to read about the DNA of an olive and expound upon this lol but the thread just happened to get shut down at that moment...

So, making a note, @MassGuy and @PommyMommy, there has GOT to be something out there somewhere re: DNA, crude oil, etc. The attorneys are going to need this, or forensic experts, even the ME may have some comments and findings on this...

There are university forensics departments which would maybe have some knowledge about this.

The attorneys might need to consult wth them.

So anyway, since there doesn’t seem to be much on the matter that we can find at the time (which I find hard to believe considering everything I see on Forensic Files (note google FF and Crude oil), I just haven’t looked hard enough maybe, anyway I’ll start my own investigation lol.

So google 101, crude oil. Everything you need to know, crude oil for dummies, I’m on it.

—it has been great to hear people knowledgeable comment on the tanks
Every case I've found regarding crude oil has been death by aspiration. CW is the first ******** to submerge his children in crude oil.

I did find a case of a 64-year-old woman, who had been missing for six days, and was found dead in a collection tank for motor oil waste.

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It's been discussed before, there is a subtle pattern of planning, not chaos. He was thrown off first, by the plane being three hours late and later by NUA showing up and the bringing in LE. He was forced into changing his plans on the run. He lost the opportunity for a good clean up (thanks to NUA). What he had planned probably looked very good in his mind and he probably thought he was setting a believable scene. He did chose a hiding spot that might take months to be discovered, or longer. He may not have been able to get SW up or in and planned to come back (foiled by NUA). Separate tanks was probably to avoid setting off sensors. He did call and text SW after he knew she was dead. There were markers of when he began to plan, like closing his FB page and triggers that moved him along (see my post on page 1 of this thread).

I think the thing is that criminals are often not that smart about planning and mistakes are made they do not foresee, especially in the heat of the moment. This is not something he had ever done before. Also, premeditation does not mean it had to have been planned for a long period of time at all nor well thought out. I thought the tanks were a good idea as far as hiding. He likely did not think ahead of time that a burial site would be so obviously noticeable. Leaving things at the oil tank site I believe were heat of the moment mistakes. He also may have thought he could go back later that day. Medical appointment, like the day school starts, he likely was not paying attention if he was told when it was, IMO. For when school was starting, studies do show that many FA murders are committed in August. He likely thought he had at least one day to set up the scene and to hold off people being too curious. IMO.
I agree with you both and just posted a scenario CW might have envisioned. I'm wondering though, was the SW's burial site noticeable? I hope the photos taken of the site will give an idea how it looked from the standpoint of anyone attending to the oil tanks.
Imo, the prosecution won't want CW's actions to appear haphazardly, that CW was conscientiously going about covering up a crime he committed.
Those are certainly the words of LE. Those documents are always vague, and it’s frustrating as it leaves open a lot of doors as far as theories are concerned.
I think the wording makes it sound like something happened first before he strangled her. It may just have been used because of the events that happened first, the way CW described watching her strangle the kids,etc, and in the end he ended up strangling her. Most members of LE probably didn't major in English. Usually they include the important details about the crime, and if she had been beaten or there was a struggle I dont see any reason they would leave it out. Jmo
Yes, Christian Longo testified that it was his wife who murdered Sadie and Zachery, which he said prompted him to strangle Mary Jane and then kill his youngest child.
(Thanks again and sorry for the rehash. I’m doing my best to keep up and remember things but been very foggy lately. I know CL has been mentioned quite a bit. :) )
Dogs are very attuned to different energies, unlike most humans. I had a dog when I was a child and her bed was in our laundry room. When my Grandmother died, my parents brought boxes of some of her belongings and clothing to our house and put them in the laundry room.
My dog was so spooked, she refused to go to sleep in her bed.

Dog spelled backwards is God. :)

CW doesn't seem to show empathy, grief for his actions, unlike Pets.
Deiter would be grieving, poor thing.
Thank goodness he has a doggie mate, and a loving family.

I bought a baby bird, a long billed Corella, great mimics.
As I had to work, my parents fed this tiny thing.
The bird wearing a bib, several times a day, as Benji made a mess with the baby food, when having to open his beak.
Benji, the bird, became very attached to my parents.
Towards the last days of my Dad's life, Benji sat on my Dad's shoulder.
Benji, from a reputable Bird Place, was identified to be male.
The day my Dad died, Benji laid an egg, first one ever!!!!!
Was this emotion, shock or did Benji keep her secret, as her best friend, my Dad, kept talking to her, thinking she was a boy.
I bet my Dad is laughing from heaven as Benji kept this secret.
Benji continued to lay eggs, after this.
I have kept them, blowing out their 'insides', as will paint them beautifully one day (when learn how).

Thank you :)

“The dog reportedly got the attention of neighbors frequently, with Hollowell telling reporters that he “made more noise than the family did..”

On the day the family disappeared, however, the barking was different.

“It was like he was being punished or hurt or something,” the neighbor said. He was just howling. Because we had a dog, I said, ‘What the hell is that all about? So we called the police and asked them to check on the dog. And it turned out that he was OK. They did a wellness check on the dog.”“
CW doesn't seem to show empathy, grief for his actions, unlike Pets.
Deiter would be grieving, poor thing.
Thank goodness he has a doggie mate, and a loving family.

I bought a baby bird, a long billed Corella, great mimics.
As I had to work, my parents fed this tiny thing.
The bird wearing a bib, several times a day, as Benji made a mess with the baby food, when having to open his beak.
Benji, the bird, became very attached to my parents.
Towards the last days of my Dad's life, Benji sat on my Dad's shoulder.
Benji, from a reputable Bird Place, was identified to be male.
The day my Dad died, Benji laid an egg, first one ever!!!!!
Was this emotion, shock or did Benji keep her secret, as her best friend, my Dad, kept talking to her, thinking she was a boy.
I bet my Dad is laughing from heaven as Benji kept this secret.
Benji continued to lay eggs, after this.
I have kept them, blowing out their 'insides', as will paint them beautifully one day (when learn how).
Wow just wow this suuuuuch a really cool story. Thanks so much for sharing!
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Imo, if CW had 24 hours more to complete his devilish plans, everything would be different. Leaving the sheet and bag at the disposal site was a big mistake but it's discovery was due to NUA reporting SW and girls missing.
My theory is, CW planned to retrieve SW's body from the shallow grave. I've said before, if gopher/squirrel/prairie dog mounds are common in the vicinity of the tanks, no one would notice another mound. In his plan, the sheet and bag wouldn't have been left behind. SW was hastily buried there because he ran out of time.

CW in those extra hours would find another spot to bury SW along with her purse. It'd be in the opposite direction of the oil tanks so as not to link them together. CW didn't foresee that NUA could open the front door, (he did have it latched though) and see SW's suitcase, handbag sitting nearby which alarmed her. He'd have time to destroy the sheets in the trash bin and remake the beds with clean sheets.

CW probably hoped SW's badly decomposed remains would be found in due course and the girls never to be discovered. In his scenario, the girls were the motive for the abduction.
CW's internet searches will be very revealing, and were these searches made before SW returned home or after? CW had only 2 or 3 hours at most, to come up with a plan, he just didn't count on NUA arriving on the scene and spoiling everything.
I don't know why but for some reason, I want to give CW more credit with coming up with better plan than what we're left with. CW isn't a people person, he didn't realize someone like NUA would be so concerned she'd involve the police. TG she did!
Yes, I believe he never intended to bury her there either. The discovery of her body would surely lead to the discovery of the children. I think he planned to leave her somewhere else, much further away, so that when they found her LE would assume the kids were long gone and would have no idea where to look. Jmo
I agree with you both and just posted a scenario CW might have envisioned. I'm wondering though, was the SW's burial site noticeable? I hope the photos taken of the site will give an idea how it looked from the standpoint of anyone attending to the oil tanks.
Imo, the prosecution won't want CW's actions to appear haphazardly, that CW was conscientiously going about covering up a crime he committed.
how did le know that the girls were in the crude oil before he told them? If the tanks were pretty full, they may have been under the side of the tank not readily seen from above. He may have used a stick to push them further over. I really wonder how they knew, given that all they presumably had found was a grave. I wonder if something with oil on it was found with Shan'nan. Iirc they said they knew, or were guessing the burial place for the girls.
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