Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Every case I've found regarding crude oil has been death by aspiration. CW is the first ******** to submerge his children in crude oil.

I did find a case of a 64-year-old woman, who had been missing for six days, and was found dead in a collection tank for motor oil waste.

Ok now we’re talking
(Sorry if you were already talking about and I missed it lol)
Anxiously going to read this link (not really, guess I’ll have to).

ETA: OMG, can you please add “WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES”)

Think I just saw a bloody heart with black oil. Omg brain bleach.

ETA: Wait a minute I’m the one who asked and is supposedly wanted to research the effect of this lol. Yikes whT was I thinking.


ETA: so thinking more about this, this could be a good project for the Texas “body farm”
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how did le know that the girls were in the crude oil before he told them? If the tanks were pretty full, they may have been under the side of the tank not readily seen from above. He may have used a stick to push them further over. I really wonder how they knew, given that all they presumably had found was a grave. I wonder if something with oil on it was found with Shan'nan.
I had the idea that he told them the girls were in the tanks after they confronted him with her body and the sheet, but I may be wrong, because he did not give up anything until they had the goods on him.
how did le know that the girls were in the crude oil before he told them? If the tanks were pretty full, they may have been under the side of the tank not readily seen from above. He may have used a stick to push them further over. I really wonder how they knew, given that all they presumably had found was a grave. I wonder if something with oil on it was found with Shan'nan. Iirc they said they knew, or were guessing the burial place for the girls.

I thought he told them where to find them when he confessed Wednesday night.
I’m re-reading and re-reading this over and over. And “Actively strangling” just keeps popping out like, I don’t know what.

He had time to try to save them!

Key words.

“Actively strangling”.

YESSS, those words are going to come back to haunt him. I think someone, maybe a close family member, told him to make sure to say 'actively' during his confession, so he could bring the charges way down. If the child was s till alive, then he was protecting the child, and he could walk away from this.

But in actuality, it backfired, because if he tells the jury his 2nd child was still alive and could have been saved if she had medical aid, and he used those precious minutes to strangle his pregnant wife, killing her and his unorn baby, then he is a true murderer, and not a protector after all.
Ok last night I was tired and was researching the effect of crude oil on a dead body. I had gotten so far as to read about the DNA of an olive and expound upon this lol but the thread just happened to get shut down at that moment...
(ETA: Wait a minute, @sillybilly must’ve been like “really?” An olive? Go to bed, thread closes hahaha!)
(I was onto something though, I swear! Haha)

So, making a note, @MassGuy and @PommyMommy, there has GOT to be something out there somewhere re: DNA, crude oil, etc. The attorneys are going to need this, or forensic experts, even the ME may have some comments and findings on this...

There are university forensics departments which would maybe have some knowledge about this.

The attorneys might need to consult wth them.

So anyway, since there doesn’t seem to be much on the matter that we can find at the time (which I find hard to believe considering everything I see on Forensic Files (note google FF and Crude oil), I just haven’t looked hard enough maybe, anyway I’ll start my own investigation lol.

So google 101, crude oil. Everything you need to know, crude oil for dummies, I’m on it.
Crude Oil

It has been great to hear people knowledgeable comment on the tanks in previous threads, as I’ve said before I also especially love it when the spouse’s weigh in.
I think many people have done research, including myself, and there just does not to be anything on the effects of crude oil on the body and especially of DNA. I don't think even a scientist could tell us anything for sure since there is limited research. We can keep searching, but since there haven't been many cases of retrieving DNA from bodies that were soaking in crude oil, I'm not sure we will find anything! I'm not confident that they will find anything significant in terms of DNA, and I'm not sure they will need it. I think the time and manner of death will be more revealing. Jmo
well the way i am remembering it is they put it out that they suspected it before he told them.

I think LE had a drone out looking in the area the bodies were found when CW was at the station and wanted to talk to his dad before he told them what happened. Maybe LE told CW they had a drone out and they knew more than they actually did - and that's when CW decided to tell them.

“The one comment that stuck with me is that when animals die in tar pits, their remains are intact for a LONG time after and DNA can be extracted then....”

That’s true, but the DNA is from teeth and bones, not skin.
Ok now we’re talking
(Sorry if you were already talking about and I missed it lol)
Anxiously going to read this link (not really, guess I’ll have to).

ETA: OMG warning, can you please add WARNIMG GRAapHIc IMAGeS


Think I just saw a bloody heart with black crude oil. Omg brain bleach.

ETA: Wait a minute I’m the one who asked and is supposedly wanted to research the effect of this lol. Yikes whT was I thinking.


ETA: so thinking more about this, this could be a good project for the Texas “body farm”
You didn't miss it, that's the first time I've posted it. And sorry no graphic images warning, but I did go back and edit! :)
IIRC, according to the alleged GL, he and CW’s affair ended in April. Yet, SW didn't find out about it until 2-3 months later, on July 4th. She was in NC on July 4th. How the heck did she find out about it?
Apologies if this has been discussed.

First, I think TB is probably fake (but not because CW wouldn’t have had an affair with a man. In fact, I think there is a possibility that TB may have known a man involved with CW yet to step forward. That may have put the idea in his head to impersonate him or indicate he had proof. That’s also pure speculation, but CW having a gay affair would not surprise me).

However, I am going with the theory that she found out about the co-worker and ongoing affair at or around the 4th of July.

I think if CW was with SW and girls on the first leg of their trip in N.C. that SW might have discovered something fishy going on right around then. Possibly even before he went home, on or around the 4th of July (June 27-July 3) . She may have waited to talk about it until he returned or she may have confronted him before he left, letting things simmer while he was back at home in a very uncomfortable manner.

Her own Facebook post detailed her good feelings for the end of her NC trip, return to CO and upcoming AZ weekend, without mentioning that he was going to be with them at all that last week. I think the omission of his rejoining them all to be somewhat significant. She normally seemed excited to include him or looked forward to reunions with him as she did on her final night when she “couldn’t wait to get home with Chris and the girls.” (I understand we can discuss her individual FB posts here).

Had she had access to any of his electronic devices before the 4th when he left N.C. (at that time, his Facebook account was purportedly still active), she might have learned about it that way and waited to confront him until he left, or did so directly before their goodbyes. Or maybe he slipped up soon after he got home.

The fact he apparently deleted the FB account the very week before their demise is telling in that she may have very well stayed silent about anything she suspected or had discovered until she saw him again when he returned that last week (when they went to Myrtle Beach) and referenced it in an unexpected confrontation at some juncture in their reunion. We can see from his porch tapes that he wasn’t nearly as well thought out with cover ups as he fancied himself to be. He may very well have got busted-and deleted the account shortly after that.

He finally concluded that at least FB was a liability (his Twitter acct remained active) and he knew SW could catch him through it. This held true for the AP as well, (not to mention the public in the future if he thought ahead enough, although IMO I don’t think he actually thought in such a broad context).

The fact that there was recently a People article that claimed he was shocked that the world had knowledge of this case and viewed him as a monster, which plagued him might be accurate. He didn’t think that anything he was going to do might be capable of capturing the attention of a national audience. This man has failed at every step to grasp the brevity of the potential consequences for his actions...

In any event, they both seemed technologically savvy and there’s a possibility SW could have even seen the baby monitors when she was away and he was at home if they were set to the right channels. If so, she may also have been able to glean when he was not home or sleeping in their bed (I personally can’t wrap my head around being so thorough but I would not put it past others).

Possibly in the end he may have just told her bluntly, uncomfortably or possibly tip toed around the truth that he was having an affair. This night have happened once he left after their first week in N.C. (before the 4th when he was purportedly with her)-which is why the fact she found out on the 4th of July has been bandied about.

It’s also possible that in doing this he was trying to convey that this meant that he wanted a separation, yet she was not ready to take that in. Or he may have just wanted her to deal with it, while vulnerable, pregnant with number #3 and stuck in a crappy ménage a trois. I don’t know at all what was going through his head, but he was extremely passive aggressive IMO and he clearly was capable of exacting revenge on every level.

After he went back to CO, and the AP on or around the 4th of July, this may have been easier for him to do.

I have heard from other sources that the 4th of July is when she first found out about an affair. I am not sure how this has been verified or if it’s a known fact. If not, all apologies as these are only theories I’ve tried to examine on the basis that she discovered around the 4th of July that there was trouble brewing on the horizon.
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how did le know that the girls were in the crude oil before he told them? If the tanks were pretty full, they may have been under the side of the tank not readily seen from above. He may have used a stick to push them further over. I really wonder how they knew, given that all they presumably had found was a grave. I wonder if something with oil on it was found with Shan'nan. Iirc they said they knew, or were guessing the burial place for the girls.
I can just picture them looking around after finding Shananns body, not finding anything, then looking up at the tanks and having the possibility of the girls being in there slowly dawn on them. It must have been horrible. Didn't they say the drones detected them in the tanks somehow?
I think many people have done research, including myself, and there just does not to be anything on the effects of crude oil on the body and especially of DNA. I don't think even a scientist could tell us anything for sure since there is limited research. We can keep searching, but since there haven't been many cases of retrieving DNA from bodies that were soaking in crude oil, I'm not sure we will find anything! I'm not confident that they will find anything significant in terms of DNA, and I'm not sure they will need it. I think the time and manner of death will be more revealing. Jmo
maybe it depends on the type of crude ie alaska vs weld crude, how much it has already evaporated ie how thick and whether the body was stationary and protected like scrunched up , etc. Seems unlikely to find much research on it, though. Mostly we'd have the dna of the individual, and not be looking for someone else's dna on the surface of the person. ????
I think LE had a drone out looking in the area the bodies were found when CW was at the station and wanted to talk to his dad before he told them what happened. Maybe LE told CW they had a drone out and they knew more than they actually did - and that's when CW decided to tell them.
Yes, thats what I read, that he was confronted with the information and pictures, and he pointed them out on the map. Not sure what the source was.
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