Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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That may be the case with some people, but she seemed to be extremely active and went to bed at that hour regularly. Regardless, she would not have left her phone downstairs. Unless she was sleeping downstairs?

That’s all speculation - I don’t believe we can say she always takes her phone to bed, some people don’t. Also how do we know she went to bed at that hour regularly?
I googled "Chris Watts cocaine" and came up with nothing. Can you please link where you saw this, because most of us have not seen or heard this before and I'm doubting it's true.

im coming up with nothing too, but he did have several things on his record in the past. it will definitely come out eventually...
In regards to him being fired it was said that he was given a drug test at work and it came up positive for cocaine. That that is the reason he was fired. It’s also said Nicole claimed he wanted nothing to do with the media at first but was talked into doing the interview.

This allegation needs to be verified. Am employer would probably have to have a probable cause...
I believe they most likely did have security; however, CW was an employee, so he had access to the oil fields. I am imagining a badge or something like that he could scan to gain entry.
As a field operator for Anadarko, his job responsibilities were to "perform operational duties in accordance with operating procedures and guidelines, including executing start up, shut down, and maintenance of field equipment, performing troubleshooting, repairs, inspections, and replacements of equipment as necessary..." (from Anadarko website, job description). Basically he checked on the oil wells, so perhaps nothing strange at all about him being out there, on the surface.
Per the affidavit, police knew which site he had been at that morning BEFORE he gave them that information. I'm guessing that is because he had to gain entry through some kind of security measures, such as an employee ID/badge.

Depending on what kind of "sites" he was going to or at some of them have no fencing or anything around them at all. And some do so until we get to know where exactly he took them we can only guess at the measure of security of the one he picked.
In regards to him being fired it was said that he was given a drug test at work and it came up positive for cocaine. That that is the reason he was fired. It’s also said Nicole claimed he wanted nothing to do with the media at first but was talked into doing the interview.

How do you know about a drug test ?
If this unmitigated disaster happened to you, why would you go to work the next day and try to behave as if nothing had happened?

Your two children have been murdered by your spouse and your first thought is to hide their bodies in oil? Wouldnt you want them to have a decent funeral?

Even if you had killed your spouse in self-defense, wouldnt you have called LE and called in to work?

I fell apart when my cat was hit by a car, and I couldn't even talk. This is leagues beyond that

Right. It's a no-brainer. I can't believe he's expecting authorities to believe that. IS he expecting them to believe that? I think he's desperately grasping for straws because his perfect plan didn't go off as planned.
This allegation needs to be verified. Am employer would probably have to have a probable cause...

Having to have many people drug tested in my field of work no it is not public information but of course court ordered you hand it right over. So I would think at this point only the investigation would have it if requested.
His arraignment starts in 38 minutes. Here is a livestream youtube link
Look at the size of his bicep in this opening video shot-
Now compare that bicep to the size of Shanann's neck and those
sweet little girls' necks. He didn't need anything to 'help' him
strangle those necks.
I will never to able to look at these photos without thinking of that.
Don't understand how DA's and LE can deal with this utter
stomach churning stuff day in and day out.
Sorry in advance for the long post. I’ve read a few hundred pages since early this morning and have some things to say.

1. I watched all 2 hours of Ashleigh Banfield last night where she covered the Watts case with her 4 guests. She’s easier to take than Nancy Grace, although I’m a big fan of hers.

2. There was a brief interview at the salon Shannan’s mother has in NC. The last day of her visit, the entire family (including Chris) came in for haircuts. One of the hairdressers interviewed said that Shannan had spoken of separating from her husband and that he was having an affair.
It would seem that “hubby’s” statement that he told her of the separation and affair came at about 4 AM on the 13th could be totally bogus. Plus, I have no doubt that Shannan told her family about her situation. I am glad the family is not speaking out. They will be very valuable witnesses to debunk that story.

3. There is no way that Shannan would kill her children in revenge.

4. Shannon had both fibromyalgia and lupus. Both cause terrible exhaustion and pain when flaring. I only have fibro and it can be hard to function for days, even weeks, when it is flaring. I’m sure other posters here are in a similar position. I can’t imagine how hard she pushed herself physically to be the perfect wife.

5. I believe her “patches” that held so much caffeine helped keep her going. However, I doubt any MD would recommend such dosages during pregnancy. I’d like to know exactly what her blood work will show.

6. The family was in horrendous financial shape. Their mortgage took up $36,000 of their estimated family income of $90,000. They were being sued by the HOA. Chris knew darn well he couldn’t afford a divorce and child support for 3 children. His motives for murder are powerful and not at all unusual.

Is her mother on the witness list?

I'll bet there is text documentation from earlier in the week with her brother and probably Nikole about them separating.

I'll bet LE can document that the 2am "emotional discussion" was NOT the first time this had been discussed = another stupid lie of his
I still wonder about any life insurance on SW the amount when it was bought, etc. With her health problems could she or he gotten any on her? If SW did have life insurance I would think since she was the main breadwinner it would be sizable.
I also think the prospect of paying child support for 3 kids would have played a big part in his decision to kill them. MOO

I would not say SW was the main breadwinner. Reading post on here from people trying to figure out her pay scale I would say CW was the main breadwinner.
Depending on what kind of "sites" he was going to or at some of them have no fencing or anything around them at all. And some do so until we get to know where exactly he took them we can only guess at the measure of security of the one he picked.
I believe there was some way investigators knew he had been at a particular work site prior to CW telling them. In fact, I think this was a huge factor in getting his confession.
Perhaps it was an ID badge CW had to scan to gain entry, perhaps there was a way to track his truck, which was provided to him through his company (Anadarko). I tend to think the ID is more likely.
Per the affidavit: "PRIOR to Chris' confession, investigators arrived at CERVI 319 (with consent) to initiate a drone search of the area. At approximately 4:15 PM investigators spotted a bed sheet in the field near the tank battery. The sheet matched the pattern of several pillow cases and a top sheet recovered from a kitchen trash can from the Watts' residence earlier that day. The drone search also revealed fresh movement of dirt consistent with a clandestine grave near the oil tanks."
So...investigators knew where he'd been that morning. They did an aerial search later that day and spotted the bed sheet and the freshly turned dirt. They (in my opinion) used this info to confront CW, and he folded.
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