Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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I feel really, really sad beyond words. I dont know what else to say right now :(. That was awful to see. How can one handle such grief. I wish there was something we could do for them. But there isn’t. :( I too am worried about their health.

Selfish monster. Taking away Frank’s (and family’s) daughter and his
grand babies for his own sick motives...can barely speak right now.

Heartbreaking to see the pain Shanann's father felt this morning. And I know that Mollie's father is feeling that pain this morning as well. So tragic, I just can't get over it. :(
Chris Watts waives preliminary hearing in court appearance, will be held without bond

Watts and his attorney waived his right to a preliminary hearing within 35 days and asked for a status conference to be held instead. People charged with the highest-degree felonies are allowed preliminary hearings so prosecutors can show cause that the case should proceed in court. Watts' attorney and prosecutors agreed that an evidentiary and discovery hearing could be held in the case as well.

Prosecutors will have 63 days after Watts' arraignment to decide if they will seek the death penalty in the case. If they do not, Watts would face mandatory life in prison without the possibility of parole if he is convicted on any of the murder charges.

Shanann’s father and brother, Frank Rzucek and Frank Rzucek Jr., both attended the hearing. The elder Rzucek was visibly emotional during the hearing; his son comforted him as he buried his head in his hands and wept as the charges against Chris were read.
Chris Watts waives preliminary hearing in court appearance, will be held without bond
Heartbreaking to see the pain Shanann's father felt this morning. And I know that Mollie's father is feeling that pain this morning as well. So tragic, I just can't get over it. :(
And now they are going to have to sit through horrific details and a bunch of CW’s BS victim blaming. This is too much for any human to handle. This kind of loss, etc. I wish her family could be spared this trial. It will be part of the healing process maybe, watching him be tried and convicted and sentenced. Just horrible beyond words.
I have been watching WS for many many years and have never commented but some of these things are just jumping out at me. I have had insomnia since the news of this case broke. I hope I am replying/posting correctly.

I’m observing and absorbing all of these details. This case is particularly disturbing. CW’s personality and just everything about him. I knew the second I saw his eyes, he was someone who I disliked instantly. His face, his eyes, terrify me.

I actually don’t quite know “how” to say this and hate to “say” it publicly, but your theory makes sense. When my husband gets upset and any type of arguing ensues, his anger escalates to a frightening level and if he loses control, he says, “Now look at what you made me do”. It’s a scary switch that turns on. The blame instantly goes to the woman if the man feels that he is seen in a bad light by anyone. Image is highly important to people like this. In my mind, CW blamed Shanann for anything wrong in his life. He intentionally wanted to hurt her and he used the children to do that. This is a tangled mess and there are most likely multiple motives IMHO. (Financial, ego, “the kids”, girlfriend...etc)

Your post sent chills up my spine. You have some great points and I agree that CW has a very cold and stoic demeanor that sets off alarm bells for me as well.

On a personal note, I am aware of the behavior you described having loved someone in the past who exhibited the same. It is truly a scary place to be in as a woman, who is physically weaker than the man. I sincerely hope your husband gets the anger management and counseling that he needs to address these issues because these things can quickly escalate into domestic violence. You are NOT to blame for his poor choices or bad behavior and no one “made” him do anything. Please visit the domestic abuse hotline for more information and reach out for support if you need it!
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Chris Watts waives preliminary hearing in court appearance, will be held without bond

Watts and his attorney waived his right to a preliminary hearing within 35 days and asked for a status conference to be held instead. People charged with the highest-degree felonies are allowed preliminary hearings so prosecutors can show cause that the case should proceed in court. Watts' attorney and prosecutors agreed that an evidentiary and discovery hearing could be held in the case as well.

Prosecutors will have 63 days after Watts' arraignment to decide if they will seek the death penalty in the case. If they do not, Watts would face mandatory life in prison without the possibility of parole if he is convicted on any of the murder charges.

Shanann’s father and brother, Frank Rzucek and Frank Rzucek Jr., both attended the hearing. The elder Rzucek was visibly emotional during the hearing; his son comforted him as he buried his head in his hands and wept as the charges against Chris were read.
Chris Watts waives preliminary hearing in court appearance, will be held without bond
BBM. At about 3 mins 50 seconds on the video. Absolutely heart wrenching.
As I watched him in court today, I was thinking "you're not such a big tough guy anymore." He flushed his life down the toilet. His plan to have a new life, as a big strong buff guy, unencumbered by small children, with a new partner.... poof....gone.

Now its orange scrubs and lots of carbs. No more caffeine highs, no more long-distance runs. The fat will start piling on. His strategy completely failed.

I truly wonder what is going through his mind at this point. I do wonder if he will make a suicide attempt at some point.
Is this about his work girlfriend because I am lacking info on her. Is it absolutely true that she was seeing CW? I read something yesterday, a post on here that said she might not have even known he was married but do not agree with that at all.
You would ask fellow employees about him as in just wanting to know about him. I can bet they all knew he was married with two little girls and a pregnant wife.
Really behind but you guys are master sleuthers. I can't believe how these threads are filling up and flying by.

In any case, I disagree a little bit with you. I can't tell you how many very married men told me they were "seperated" or "in the process of divorce", etc, whatever. I never gave them the time of day but this guy is a psychopath and would say or do anything.

And to the second point, I work at a medium sized company and there are a ton of people that I have no idea about their personal lives, married, kids, etc. And I would feel a little awkward asking about it, as a woman, about a man. It's a great way to out yourself as interested in him. Just me but, nope, I wouldn't ask.

So not trying to stir up anything, I think we just have different experiences or take on this. I'm going to defend the girlfriend here because I have no idea what horrors must be going through her mind or what she knew and what lies I have no doubt he fed her.
(Anyone else feeling totally depressed today now? Not making this about me, or us, we didn’t even know them, and our feelings are not even a milli-fragment of what her family is feeling. Just sayin, super sad right now after seeing her father like that and I just want to go bury myself under the covers for the rest of the day. Nobody should have to go through that. Ever. Shanann, her daughters, her family... I don’t even feel like researching FAs anymore.)
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Regarding the June 2015 chapter 7 bankruptcy filing* (which was discharged in September 2015):

- they could - fairly easily IMO - have kept their house
Your Home in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

- the upcoming civil court case regarding the HOA filing/debt doesn’t seem to be related to the bankruptcy as far as I can see.

*I’ve found a PDF of part of the filing. The entire filing plus discharge ruling is not available (as far as I can find) unless one has access to PACER. Which I don’t.

(Replace the ****** with radar online, no spaces).
Found a social media post by Shannan dated April 2018. Its from a link on the cached social media account of CW that was posted a ways back on this thread.

His account was on this strange site called which appears to be a site that duplicates instagram accounts, or something.

It appears to be Shannan's "thrive story" posted on Nicole's instagram. Its a big long so just going to post a link:

Health Challenges... I got them! Hi my name is Shanann Watts and I’ve been Thriving for 27 fantas - Picradical
I’m not confusing the two. The lien on the house was placed by the HOA for unpaid dues, which totaled a little over $1,000 total. The lien is (required by law) to be paid upon sale of the house by whoever sells the home, whether it’s the owner, bank, etc.
What I’m saying is that if the Watts forfeited the home as part of their 2015 bankruptcy, they very well could’ve been living there without making mortgage payments. I’m offering this as an explanation to those asking, “If they were making $3,000 monthly mortgage payments, why wouldn’t they just pay $1,000 in overdue HOA dues?” Well, if they aren’t making mortgage payments, they would not bother with dues because they’d be paid by the bank upon foreclosure through the lien. Or another possibility was their dues were in escrow as part of their monthly payment, which they weren’t paying.
I have dealt with this as a member of an HOA. And I’ve seen people stay years in homes before the bank finally foreclosures/sells at auction.

This is what I don’t understand about the Colorado “superlien” law - can the HOA force a foreclosure? And if so, does it EXTINGUISH the first mortgage?

From what I see on the Weld County docket website, the Aug 24 date was the first judicial action by the HOA. So things were just starting with the HOA, despite the Watts possibly getting notices of delinquency for a very, very long time.

Until a Colorado real estate/bankruptcy attorney explains this to me, I’m thinking the delinquency isn’t strategic, but just reckless. My Colorado HOA dues were never part of escrow, like homeowner’s insurance and property taxes. I just paid for the year, every January, out of my checking account, when I got the bill for the new year.
(Anyone else feeling totally depressed today now? Not making this about me, or us, we didn’t even know them, and our feelings are not even a milli-fragment of what her family is feeling. Just sayin, super sad right now after seeing her father like that. Just want to go bury myself under the covers for the rest of the day. Nobody should have to go through that. Shanann, her daughter’s, her family... I don’t even feel like researching FAs anymore.)
Yes @margarita25 I can't concentrate on work. Just the WHY is getting to me.
My apologies if this has already been answered but does anyone know why CWs employer Anadarko terminated him before he was arkrested? Did they perhaps see something on surveillance videos?
I wouldn't put any weight on the later announcement about the termination as having any relevance to the specifics of the case.

Corporations have large and expensive 'Communication' departments, whose job is to ensure the corporation receives no bad publicity. Having an employee dispose of his dead wife and children in your facilities is hugely bad publicity. The Communications staff are doing their best to distance the corporation from this guy, to not be seen as having protected him and therefore abetted his getting away with murder.

That's the purpose of this communication about his termination. They didn't make this announcement in order to provide factual information, the true details are not important to them, it's the appearance of distance that matters.
Pretry sure the cameraman was the same one responsible for the blair witch project. I feel jet lagged.

Just watched it. That CBS cameraperson needs re-training.
From what I did catch from the footage looks like it's sinking in for CW finally.

The lip-sucking, some tremors or just perceptible shaking in his seat, a few heavy exhalations and eye-closing at key points including when the November date came up.
I haven't been around WS in a long time but this case really caught my attention because I'm almost 21 weeks pregnant with our first baby. I just can't even imagine the pain her family is going through. And how in the world he saw it fit to kill his pregnant wife even if she was harming the other children (which I do not believe for one second that she was). :(
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