Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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I just saw on another thread that someone noticed an Amazon Echo in the Watts house in one of the videos. They say that it’s possible that everything that went on that night is recoeded. Wouldn’t that be something?
Yes I mentioned it here a while ago. Someone said amazon has a policy not to release any recordings captured by Alexa for criminal acts.
BUT someone else posted that Alexa recording was used in another case so....
Has anyone read anything about what SW's family thought of CW before the murders? Surely, someone who knew him had gotten some clues that all was not ok with him? On FB SW always spoke in loving terms about CW .....Was this all a facade on SW's part to promote her Thrive business? I cannot believe that he was the "perfect husband and father" all of the time.......The only negative comment that I am aware of is that she thought that he might be having an affair but "had no game". I want to believe that there were signs that CW had deep psychological problems, otherwise , any of us could be living with a person capable of such a heinous crime.....

CW reminds me of Scott Peterson in a lot of ways ...Laci's family loved Scott and did not see him in a bad light until it was too late....
For sure but did you notice whether the earlier posters had stated the origin. ( It's impossible to keep up with every post as it's moving so fast so I've missed those.)

I can no longer locate any of the posts, and I do not have the time to go back and re-read this thread, but it was after it came back online this morning at 10:30 ish. I do want to say that I did go online and cannot find a single MSM article that references why he was fired (apart for the obvious). As I said to the original person who cautioned me about making speculative claims; if we can begin speculating immediately about affairs, money issues, parenting skills, etc, why is substance abuse sacred?
If he only just deleted it, (and it's actually deleted not deactivated in which case it still exists it's just hidden from view in a way) law enforcement would be able to get the stuff directly from Facebook or wherever still. However they'll need to get on it soon. Facebook don't keep deleted profiles forever (they're no longer making money from you because they can't serve ads to you, so there's no incentive to keep it forever. I think they say it takes 90 days)

You know how people say when something's on the internet it's there forever? It's so not. I wish!!! It's actually really easy to get rid of stuff if you want it gone. There are forums I used to visit in the early 00s that I would love to read but they're so totally gone. Even the Wayback Machine only has a few pages here or there. Sure there might be some screenshots on some people's private drives but the entirety is gone. Storage isn't free or infinite. Nor is it failsafe unless made redundant at least twice over.
I don’t think anything is totally gone... I think FBI and other government entities have full access ... and others can gain access by purchasing it. More and more “information” is being placed in new website “businesses” and if you’re willing to pay for it - you can read it. Articles I had read for free now have to be purchased and it’s only going to get worse, I fear.
He will go to trial because he doesn't want people to think he murdered his own children. He knows everyone sane would be disgusted by him.

Exactly, and it's not like he has anything better to do with the rest of his life, than waste the courts time with a long drawn out trial, extra bonus for CW, watching his FIL and IL's so upset, while he ruins the reputation of the woman he hated so much he (allegedly) killed her and her children.

Also, with a long drawn out trial, not taking a plea, it gives him something to do to fill his empty long days. In his mind, trial might give him some prison cred, as man I didn't do it y'all, my wife killed those kids and look what I did to her, I am a HERO you guys, don't kill me behind bars, I am not the baby killer SHE WAS...

Hopefully his fellow inmates see right thru his lies..and justice will be served one way or the other..
I think it’s funny how so many here are speculating on why C.W. was fired. CO has
“Employment at will” - which means that he can be fired at any time for any reason, as long as the reason isn’t illegal (like fired for sex or race.)

Now of course they may have had awareness that he was trespassing after hours or even had him on video transporting a body - but certainly just being under suspicion of murdering your pregnant wife and children could have been the reason he was let go.
Not to mention (AGAIN) that he would have called the police to REPORT what happened

AND while on the phone with 911.....he could have snapped a pic of the monitor screen.

(I do it all the time when I am watching my baby granddaughter so when the kiddos text "is she asleep" ... I snap a pic, text them back and you can clearly see her sleeping.)

THERE would be your evidence that SW was strangling the babies. Hmmm. But we don't have a pic of that do we......

This is disgusting and beyond heartbreaking.

Shanann, Celeste and Bella are in all my prayers. God Bless them.
<modsnipped quoted post>

I stand corrected, I am unable to locate a msm published report, stating why CW was fired, however, I stand by my premise that if we can speculate on affairs, money issues, mental health and other possibilities, <modsnipped rumor> IMO

Thanks for clearing this up, HAshley. Just a friendly FYI: We can't repeat FB quotes or pics unless they are from MSM (Main Stream Media). A link is acceptable (but not for private groups or individuals unless they are the suspect or victim).

I know the rules get confusing at times, even for us old-timers. For future reference, just be sure to say it is your opinion/speculation or it has been documented by MSM and include a link. And don't post rumors.

Especially with a fast-moving thread like this one, being as cautious as we can is important. You can't post too many links, and it covers your buns if someone has questions. ;)
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I can no longer locate any of the posts, and I do not have the time to go back and re-read this thread, but it was after it came back online this morning at 10:30 ish. I do want to say that I did go online and cannot find a single MSM article that references why he was fired (apart for the obvious). As I said to the original person who cautioned me about making speculative claims; if we can begin speculating immediately about affairs, money issues, parenting skills, etc, why is substance abuse sacred?

- The affair is documented in the arrest affidavit (available online)

- The “money issues” are documented online in publicly available records (previous bankruptcy)

<modsnipped rumor>

We can speculate about many things on WS, we can’t state “I heard that....” without MSM/LE back-up sources.

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I don't think there's anything wrong about speculating that there might have been a substance abuse problem but there is an issue with saying he was definitely fired due to cocaine use without something concrete to back it up. That just brings confusion.

Absolutely right, Nali. Thanks for this.
I don't think there's anything wrong about speculating that there might have been a substance abuse problem but there is an issue with saying he was definitely fired due to cocaine use without something concrete to back it up. That just brings confusion.

Exactly. Thread moves so fast and had missed some news reports so started to think this was the news on CW.
Yes. They bought that home in 2013 and declared Bankruptcy in 2015. Based on what was made public regarding their income at the time of filing, the house payment was way beyond what they could reasonably afford.
deleted by ldbd ~ info clarified up thread
I missed something. Date if CW being fired from latest job. Was it while SW was gone for short trip? Who watched the little ones while he worked and she had to leave. Is Thrive a party type thing like Tupperware?
what does that phrase indicate? that there was on going domestic violence prior to the murder or during the murder?
I think this is more of the process called 'throwing the book' at the suspect, ie charging him with as much of the book of statutes as they can. Similiar to how they filed two first degree murder charges each for his killing of his children, firstly premeditated murder and then also murder of a dependent. Colorado has laws that make any form of domestic violence a more serious offence, because of the violation of trust/intimacy. So these charges are all being registered as domestic violence, it may make a difference in terms of death penalty, getting the convictions, how he is treated in prison, future parole, and so on.
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I'm very glad that WS is a sanctuary from victim blaming. Reading comments on news articles and SM is infuriating sometimes. You would think that Shanann was solely responsible for every financial problem they ever had and poor clueless CW was probably just tired of it. Marriage is a 2 way street including career choices, children, marital finances and filing bankruptcy. And after all, he was strong enough to murder 4 people.

I truly hope every single juror sees through his BS, that is, IF he makes it to trial and doesn't harm himself.
For anyone fearing this guy could end up with a hung jury. I personally don't think that will happen but I've been wrong before too.

So, let's look at the facts here. CW has totally painted himself into the corner here by not only confessing but worse, ACCUSING his wife of killing the children. I don't know many people after learning this would be OK with him not testifying to eloborate on this. Seriously, his claim is SOOO outrageous that most people would not simply take his word for it and be OK with him not testifying. Most attorney's would advise their clients not to but this is just that one in a million case where he really doesn't have a choice BUT to if he wishes to convinve a jury that his confession is true. No doubt the prosecution has numerous people available to them to testify about her good character and how wonderful she was with her children.

I understand a jury is expected to give the benefit of the doubt TO a defendent if two scenarios are possible. Still, in this case that simply won't fly. Jurors WANTING to give him the benefit of the doubt are going to want answers to some very obvious questions. If he did in fact see what she was doing on the baby cam why didn't he scream up at her and hope to interrupt her from what she was doing. Why didn't he run up to stop her from strangling the 2cnd child, surely he could overpower her. Why didn't he call 911 and forceably restrain her until they arrived. Why would his first reaction be to strangle and kill her and not attempt to revive a child or call 911 in hopes at least one of the girls could be saved. Why did he not call 911 after he killed her? Why move the bodies and especially why would he dump the children he loved so much in an oil tank to rot. There are many more answers a jury would want I am just picking these off the top of my head.

Nope, he has to testify and hope he is a good enough actor to pull it off. We already saw he is not through his own interviews after the fact. Even more damning to him is that he flat out lied during them therefore who would honestly believe a word the guy said.

Again he surely painted himself into the corner here BY accusing her. He can't even attempt to pawn this one off on his girlfriend now because yet another change in story at this point will convict him. He's going down. Absolutely sure of it. His best chance is a plea deal and spare everyone the angst of a trial.

I was thinking this also, that he’d have to testify. But then I realized that “his story” could be conveyed to the jury via his videoed “confession.” Unless there’s some legal reason the defense couldn’t admit this as evidence, it would prevent him from being cross examined, but still let his “story” get out to the jurors.
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