CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #8

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Me, too. Thinking maybe Shanann promised to call her as soon as she found out the gender, she didn’t, so Nicole called the doctor, but would a doctor give out that information?

I read somewhere (sorry, no source) that she was to meet SW at the Dr to watch the kids during the appointment. I imagine the playdate was planned for after the appointment. This makes sense as SW would have had to take the kids in with her. Which many moms do, but it's easier to have someone watch them.
Missing your point? Bricks and sidong and shirt relevance?
DAdvocate stated that CW was not smiling in second interview and I responded with image that it was the same video that DAdvocate posted because you can see CW standing in front of the brick and siding of his house in both the video and picture. CW is clearly smiling in image below.
I have explained my reasoning for this in previous posts. He was faced with two bad options. Call 911 and Likely be blamed for all the deaths or hide the bodies. He chose the worst of the two bad options. I believe his mind was telling him if you call the police they will blame you.

Nope. If you’re loved one is in grave condition or dead, you call 911. If you are genuinely innocent, the thought of being accused of something doesn’t cross your mind because all you care about is your loved one.

Source - I thought my husband died last weekend and called 911 immediately. I had nothing to hide.
DAdvocate stated that CW was not smiling in second interview and I responded with image that it was the same video that DAdvocate posted because you can see CW standing in front of the brick and siding of his house in both the video and picture.
Yes, there was a short version and a complete version. They were not two separate interviews.
Maybe because SW had no family close, the friend was a contact number and the receptionist rang her.

I live in a town where everyone knows each other. If a friend knew I had an appt that morning and hadn't been able to get in touch with me, I could see this:

Friend calling doc: Hey, I've been trying to reach Mtnlites all morning. She's not answering and I'm worried about her. She wasn't feelung well last night. I know she has an appt there this morning. Can you just tell her to check her messages?

Doc office: Gee sorry, but she didn't come in this morning.

A violation if HIPPA, sure, but it happens. I am FB friends with the whole staff at my PCP's office. Lines get blurred. Ultimately, though, I feel like this is a total nonissue.
I think that that has been explained threads back. In killing SW, he terminated the pregnancy.
I'm by no means an expert, but it's my understanding that this law is in place to be able to bring charges against those who murder an unborn baby by killing the mother first, thereby killing the baby as a result. It's stated completely differently in the charges, so I think this is where there's confusion because it's pretty clear to me that the way it's worded, the mother died as the result of the termination of the pregnancy. Otherwise, why not just word it the way this law was intended for.
I live in a town where everyone knows each other. If a friend knew I had an appt that morning and hadn't been able to get in touch with me, I could see this:

Friend calling doc: Hey, I've been trying to reach Mtnlites all morning. She's not answering and I'm worried about her. She wasn't feelung well last night. I know she has an appt there this morning. Can you just tell her to check her messages?

Doc office: Gee sorry, but she didn't come in this morning.

A violation if HIPPA, sure, but it happens. I am FB friends with the whole staff at my PCP's office. Lines get blurred. Ultimately, though, I feel like this is a total nonissue.

Agreed. This would totally happen in NCTeachertown in Eastern NC. Everybody knows everybody.
I believe the incident happened shortly after she came home. He then spent three hours trying to figure out what to do. He made a bad decision by not calling 911 and decided to hide the bodies to make it look like she left. He tried his best to stick with that but couldn’t. His court demeanor he looks very devastated.

Three murders = an incident? SMDH

I believe he murdered the children before she came home. I can only hope she didn't know before he killed her.

As I've mentioned before, whoever is defending him needs to rethink their strategy. The current one is going to be laughed out of court. moo
Yes, there was a short version and a complete version. They were not two separate interviews.
Hi Jennifer, that is true but he moved from being interviewed standing on his front porch to standing in front of his garage. Likely when reporters switched off for interviews.
in front of garage portion of interview

standing on his front porch portion of interview, same clothes
I can't remember where i read it, but I understood that the NA and Shanann's mom were texting back and forth. Perhaps it was SW's mom who alerted NA. Maybe the mom was trying to get up with her and then called the doctor's office and learned she hadn't shown up. Which then prompted NA into action. The mother more than likely is authorized to access medical info, I authorize my mom and my husband on those forms.
I'm so glad you said this. I thought I imagined it. Now if we could just find it, lol!
I live in a town where everyone knows each other. If a friend knew I had an appt that morning and hadn't been able to get in touch with me, I could see this:

Friend calling doc: Hey, I've been trying to reach Mtnlites all morning. She's not answering and I'm worried about her. She wasn't feelung well last night. I know she has an appt there this morning. Can you just tell her to check her messages?

Doc office: Gee sorry, but she didn't come in this morning.

A violation if HIPPA, sure, but it happens. I am FB friends with the whole staff at my PCP's office. Lines get blurred. Ultimately, though, I feel like this is a total nonissue.
I worked in a doctors surgery for years and years and we would have done that too.
We would never tell someone calling if someone had an appointment or not, but we would tell a concerned person if the patient had not turned up for an appointment, especially prenatal which people do not forget.
Hi Jennifer, that is true but he moved from being interviewed standing on his front porch to standing in front of his garage. Likely when reporters switched off for interviews.
in front of garage portion of interview

standing on his front porch portion of interview, same clothes
That top pic where he's showing off how proud he is of his shirt and how much he loves it

Shouldn't he have been showing off pics of his missing family members and talking about how much he loves them?!?

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