Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #45

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We have the screenshot of his happy text response to seeing the baby's first ultrasound. And also the reveal video where he does seem to express happiness at the news and says something to the effect of "well I guess if you want it to happen it will", which I took to mean that they had wanted it to happen, and it did. I think he was surprised she got pregnant so quickly because there was a good chance they would struggle to conceive due to her health.

Whether that video was his genuine reaction is up for debate, I suppose, but he doesn't seem to even know her phone was recording until the end, so I interpret it as genuine happiness, mixed with surprise that she got pregnant quickly.
That was my take on it too, it looked genuine to me. Their friends the Thayers said he talked about wanting a 3rd as much as she did. He may have been acting for everyone, idk.
That was my take on it too, it looked genuine to me. Their friends the Thayers said he talked about wanting a 3rd as much as she did. He may have been acting for everyone, idk.

And also, he helped to create that child. If he wasn't onboard with having a third, there are measures he could have taken to insure that it didn't happen.
[Right?? I don't know how those officers could keep composure, it's a hard job for sure. And extracting those little girls from oil tanks, how could you ever get that out of your head?? Just horrific all around.]

But I digress. What do my WS friends think will come out of this hearing??
What are the possibilities, probabilities? I really don't follow these things normally. I mean what "could" happen?
So 1 hour and 50 minutes til the hearing, local time is currently 12:10.

I wonder what Chris is “feeling” right now—-does he even haaaave any feelings? Being the narcissist he likely is, Im sure his thoughts are all about “me me me”.

I hope he’s feeling panic right now knowing he’s NOT going to ever win his freedom. Ever. Hearing or schmearing!
I agree with this, and your posts of last night to an extent, however I still think he may have accidentally killed one of them, hitting her too hard because of backtalk or hyperactivity, and then had to kill the other one. Sure, he was probably on pins and needles as to when Shan'nan would arrive, if he had killed them before hand. Maybe he was infuriated that there was any delay at all, and that provoked violence, purposeful or accidental, with the kids. If he had originally planned on having the whole time from 11 pm to 5:30 am to kill them all and get rid of them so it would look like she ran away.....I'd guess that he was just angry in general. And...combined with IMO some break up or ultimatum with the AP, all hell broke loose with him.

I do wonder if there was an accidental killing of a child. He was said to have no temper , but he strangled SW.

One neighbor, and I have no link, said that they were seen fighting in the driveway but stopped the minute it looked like they were being observed.

Those houses are so close. It is hard to believe that one could not hear loud arguments in another home so close. I don’t know. I have never lived in such a suituation.

Do people there open their windows or are they closed year round? That would make a difference.

Did he keep his anger bottled up all of those years?

He did allow himself to have cream pies thrown in his face and some other things. Did he resent those things?

Many ( I actually feel most ) men will not leave the wife unless they have another woman onboard.

So strange. They hate whatever in one relationship yet have to have the security of another before they jump ship.

Women leave without another man onboard , often.
But at some point he would have gotten word from Shanann or been able to look up when the new departure time was, giving him a good estimate of when she'd be home. The flight takes about 2 hours, then it would be about another hour to get out of the airport and drive to her home, so that gave him a solid three hours to possibly "take care of" the girls before she arrived.

Could. But he already saw that things could go awry.
More difficult but not impossible. A small child in rigor still maintains a bit of flexibility. They're not quite the planks of wood that are often depicted on television. And, as someone else pointed out, rigor can be "broken."

Yes. That is the thing, Breaking them. Can you even imagine!
Many ( I actually feel most ) men will not leave the wife unless they have another woman onboard.

Women leave without another man onboard , often.

No kidding. One of my dreams for my next life...having someone to ask "what's for dinner honey" for 60 years. Which I think is why men don't leave until they have someone else lined up to wait on them, and which as you say women DO leave.
How would them arriving the next morning change anything ? If the children were already deceased he would kill SW and give the same story that he didn’t know where they were. He worked independently at the oil tanks, he could have still disposed of their bodies without witnesses.

Wouldn’t SW wonder where they were as he had to work?
So 1 hour and 50 minutes til the hearing, local time is currently 12:10.

I wonder what Chris is “feeling” right now—-does he even haaaave any feelings? Being the narcissist he likely is, Im sure his thoughts are all about “me me me”.

I hope he’s feeling panic right now knowing he’s NOT going to ever win his freedom. Ever. Hearing or schmearing!
He's lucky he's in America, with American justice, and not in an embassy in Turkey.
Thank you. Are you sure he didn't say "Nothing -- It's vanished" - as I know from carefully listening he said that in 2 of the 3 interviews and it floored me. IT'S vanished.
Hmmm...wonder what he meant by that? It's - as in my family, it's vanished? I haven't listened to the full video's and only saw the snippets shown on the news and AB's show. What do you think he meant by saying that? It sounds intentional especially if he said it multiple times?
It's the rigor that is broken, not bones. I know you didn't mention bones but "them" sounds like that's what you may have been thinking.

The children. Breaking the children. Handling their bodies so they have to be forced into the tank.
No kidding. One of my dreams for my next life...having someone to ask "what's for dinner honey" for 60 years. Which I think is why men don't leave until they have someone else lined up to wait on them, and which as you say women DO leave.

O/T, but THIS IS SO TRUE~ my ex and I got divorced when he found someone else, he is married to her now. Not a single day in between.

I, on the other hand, am still single 10 years later.
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