Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #48

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I really didn't either. I didn't think they'd take a plea, and even if they did, certainly not so fast. There hasn't been an arraignemt, pre-lim, nothing. I can't wrap my head around it. I've never seen the pd plea this fast in an open and shut misdemeanor, let alone a quadruple murder. I feel like we're missing something. I'm waiting for a shoe to drop. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid, but it's weird to say the least.

As always MOO

There have been many very well thought-out theories as to why he took the plea. I'm leaning toward him not wanting to sit there and hear people testifying against his character, and all of the details that that would reveal. He might have wanted his family to believe his story so much that he decided to take a plea, while telling them that this way he would be safe from the death penalty and able to fight for release from behind bars. We all know that sounds cuckoo, but hey...he's kinda cuckoo (but not in the way that he was unaware that murdering his family was horrid). Then, he is able to maintain the facade and his family can also be eternally in denial (in his mind).
Did I miss something- did CW get visitors?
To my knowledge, no public visitors. Also, I just happened upon HLN "On the Story" rerun where a podcast executive producer present in the court hearing called in to the show and answered questions about the hearing, and when asked about visitors, she alleged that CW did not have or want any visitors-- at the advice of his defense. She claimed CW only contact is with his jailers, and that his jail cell is empty except for a Bible. (No mention of photos).
Did the plea deal include keeping the autopsy results closed? There may be some really horrific information about CW, that is so over the top repugnant, that his legal team laid it all out for CW, and told him that a trial would detail every single aspect of the murders. CW can keep his disgusting secrets from general knowledge with a plea. He probably jumped for it.
Did the plea deal include keeping the autopsy results closed? There may be some really horrific information about CW, that is so over the top repugnant, that his legal team laid it all out for CW, and told him that a trial would detail every single aspect of the murders. CW can keep his disgusting secrets from general knowledge with a plea. He probably jumped for it.

It appears that it was not part of the plea deal as the DA announced, at about 9 minutes 36 seconds into this video, in his presser that if everything goes as he expects on the 19th, he will no longer ask for the autopsy reports to be sealed. He said that he will need to have a conversation with the coroner's office, the County Attorney representing the coroner's office, and Shanann's family about the timing of when they will become a public record.

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Having watched the presser again I’m curious about the motivation behind seeking the plea. Whilst the DA said the decision to take the DP off the table happened after he travelled to NC to speak to Shananns family it must have been clear to CWs attorneys that the DP is rarely sought in Colorado.
Did the plea deal include keeping the autopsy results closed? There may be some really horrific information about CW, that is so over the top repugnant, that his legal team laid it all out for CW, and told him that a trial would detail every single aspect of the murders. CW can keep his disgusting secrets from general knowledge with a plea. He probably jumped for it.

It's too late to edit my above post answer to you, ETA here

Weld District Attorney’s Office says it will release autopsy reports in Watts case after sentencing

"In an email sent Tuesday, Assistant Weld County Attorney Karin McDougal said the county would release the autopsy reports no more than 24 hours after the sentencing hearing is complete Nov. 19."

Here is the link to the plea agreement that was signed. Waiver and Guilty Plea.pdf
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I agree 'Best'.
We will probably hear many more reasons, diagnoses, ridiculous statements that poor CW is not responsible: anything to try to help CW.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
The many ridiculous suggestions are possible factors to lessen the severity of CW's actions, as these 'smoke and mirror themes' created by others, are thought to have influenced him.

These people FORGET in their thinking and planning, the nature of the crimes CW committed.
CW is an evil murderer who continually has lied, throughout his life.
He suddenly hasn't become irresponsible for his actions, due to any possible flawed reasoning by others.
I guess these CW supporters will continue in their endeavors, but the murders have occurred and there are no excuses now.
They are fighting tooth and nail for their boy to have been duped into taking the plea. When pointed out that if he was not properly counseled thst the DP never happens, he learned that immediately following the hearing from the DA in the press conference. His family heard the press conference and I would think they would be asking his defense team if he was told that. They would be hiring new attorneys and we would have seen motions filed if the answer was no. As high profile as this case is, someone would take it pro bono for the exposure and publicity. They just ignore any reasonable thinking.
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To my knowledge, no public visitors. Also, I just happened upon HLN "On the Story" rerun where a podcast executive producer present in the court hearing called in to the show and answered questions about the hearing, and when asked about visitors, she alleged that CW did not have or want any visitors-- at the advice of his defense. She claimed CW only contact is with his jailers, and that his jail cell is empty except for a Bible. (No mention of photos).
And the Bible hasn't burst in to flames?? (only half kidding)
To my knowledge, no public visitors. Also, I just happened upon HLN "On the Story" rerun where a podcast executive producer present in the court hearing called in to the show and answered questions about the hearing, and when asked about visitors, she alleged that CW did not have or want any visitors-- at the advice of his defense. She claimed CW only contact is with his jailers, and that his jail cell is empty except for a Bible. (No mention of photos).
Didn't he formally request visitor logs be kept sealed?

I wondered whether he had been visited by a psych expert, but maybe that isn't subject to the same restrictions, ie recorded and timed.

I also think one of gitana's posts suggests he had two visitors of 30 minutes each, maybe I misunderstood it. I'll have a read back.
Didn't he formally request visitor logs be kept sealed?

I wondered whether he had been visited by a psych expert, but maybe that isn't subject to the same restrictions, ie recorded and timed.

I also think one of gitana's posts suggests he had two visitors of 30 minutes each, maybe I misunderstood it. I'll have a read back.
Only professionals and those related to his defense were redacted from the visitors log so he could maintain his right to attorney/client privledge.
@dixiegirl1035 thanks for posting the signed plea agreement, I hadn’t seen it yet. I noticed the decease date for the girls spans the 12th -13th, goes with the theories that he killed the girls first before Shanann returned home
I think it has to be that way to protect the allegations - it's the date of the last independently verified sighting of them alive.
I have been personally very friendly, for many years with a Doctor, who is married to a Pharmacist.
I was so surprised, when she stated, the Pharmacist, well in his 60s has just been diagnosed.
These are 2 highly intelligent people, with thriving careers for many years.
Both wonderful, in the community.
Hasn't Tom Cruise been diagnosed with Autism, and he has a great career.
So what!
So what does being diagnosed mean?
How many others out there, functioning well in society, may find in the future, they too are perhaps 'autistic'!!!!:(:(:(:(

As I stated earlier, my husband has the diagnosis and he is a college professor with a genius level IQ. It has nothing to do with intelligence. It also does not impact the ability to tell right from wrong.
That could very well be. But the DA made that statement after the hearing. Maybe following the press conference, CW’s family has now been telling him to ask the judge to disregard his plea. Just as it was kept very quiet as to what the status hearing was about, if he was to change his plea on the 19th, it would be equally quiet. Just guessing.
Can CW's family contact him at all? Or do they have to go thru the PDs? I still don't believe they didn't see or talk to him for 3 months. Whomever put that out may have wanted to make sure they didn't take any blame. Talk to Chris? Nope, not me.
I think if this was premeditated, and/or if he had killed his girls before SW came home, CW would have moved his truck into the garage earlier in the evening. He would have at least planned that part. I think something happened when SW came home, an argument/struggle. One or both of the girls came out and witnessed something...and...those poor girls, all of them,and Nico. I think that although he was probably fantasizing about this, I don’t at all think he planned on it for that night.

Also, I’m interested in hearing about Anadarko. I always thought it was curious that they fired him on Aug 15th (it was then, right?... the day he was arrested). Curious that they would actually fire him so early unless they already knew so much. I’m sure he had called into work the 14th and 15th mornings to say he wasn’t coming in. Wonder how quickly they had checked his GPS, any surveillance from the oil tank site. The drone was there the 15th, right? Saw the freshly disturbed ground, and the sheet. Was the drone searching there based on info from Anadarko? Or did LE send the drone there on a bunch just because CW was known to have worked in that area?
Maybe he never put the truck in the garage, so that in itself would have looked suspicious, afterwards.
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