Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #48

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Ha! When I heard the Crime Talk attorney question why so quick for the plea, and opine that as an attorney who would have been charged with representing Mr. Watts, that he could not believe that over a course of a month and a half, the public defender decided they could do mitigation on a potential death penalty case, and do a factual investigation..., I immediately thought he was speaking directly to CW's Mum! MOO
Absolutely. And to the sycophants with SM platforms to spread it far and wide.
So true about diagnosis years ago. I never even heard of it when my babies were babies.
Not meaning to sound insensitive, this is just the way it was back in the 50's/60's. In Catholic grade school. 1) kids couldn't speak out of turn in class 2) if so a ruler might be applied to one's hands 3) very slow kids and those who continued to act out were mocked somewhat, but accepted as friends 4) very big deal at the end of the year when the priest read, in church, the list of the kids moved up to the next class. The names he didn't read were "flunked". Some very large kids still in 8th grade, as their parents would never have thought to transfer them to "public school". I don't think the idea of mild mental impairment was diagnosed at all, seriously mentally deficient kids, universally called with a term that is unacceptable now, were sent to special schools.
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I thought they were talking all along and was surprised they weren't. To me the whole thing demonstrates that CW has refused to speak with them. He probably can't face them due to what he did and what he knows will come out.

It seems like the defense was instructed to not let his family ask him questions. I think he wanted protection from them and their questions in a way.

But also, someone brought something up that was super smart. Conversations with defense counsel in jail are confidential and can't be recorded. But once a third part that's not part of the defense team, is part of the conversation, that breaks confidentiality and it is likely the jail wouldn't allow privacy for his family meetings.

So they literally could not discuss the crime with CW!

Here I was stupidly imagining them in a private room together talking. But the jail wouldn't probably allow that to be unmonitored! So it would be like the conversations between casey anthony and her parents before trial, which were video and audio recorded.

So of course the defense would have to shut that down immediately if any family started talking about details or demanding information.
I'd think he would have to feel terrible about the position he put the father in, having to speak with him before he "told the truth". If he feels about his family at all.
Much to do about nothing: Video attorney blogger asked why did CW take a plea so quickly; opined CW had nothing to lose going to trial; and asked if CW was perhaps punked. MOO
I think he started out with being punked as a question, and repeated it at the end, as yes he was.
No to just about all of that. In my experience with my husband and with friends who are on the spectrum, it's VERY difficult for them to lie. And rather than appearing well rested and calm the next day, when a stressful event occurs, it generally takes my husband days to "come down" from it. He fixates, almost obsesses. He definitely wouldn't be able to compartmentalize and act like nothing happened. People mistakenly think that Apsies can't feel stuff the way that "normal" people do, but it's not as cut and dry as that. They just process things a little differently. Those on the spectrum definitely have a moral compass; my husband's is stronger than most people I know. They know the difference between right and wrong. They feel grief and fear and sadness and terror and all the things that everyone else feels. Killing 4 people, driving a good distance to hide the bodies, going to work like nothing happened, and then lying to the public, friends, LE, and a television viewing audience shows a deviance and deceptiveness that do NOT exist as any kind of "symptoms" that I am familiar with or have seen.

This exactly. I took custody of my niece when she was 11 (my sister died of cancer) For years I tried to get her diagnosed. I knew something was off with her. Finally at 23 we got a diagnoses of Aspergers Syndrome. But when I brought it up when she was 13-16 the drs scoffed at me. They had no clue what is was. She is now 33 and living with me again.

She NEVER lies. She is brutally honest to a fault. Which hurts peoples feelings. She just has no filter. Everything to her is black or white. there is no in between. And she loves to a fault too. She would give her friends money and they would take advantage of her. Before she moved back in with me she was giving her friends money again even though she had very little.

I do not see any signs of AS in CW. None.
I think that he is saying that the defence team punked him. Why would they?
I agree, why would they, this is too high profile of a case to cut corners and not handle things properly. He seemed to question how they could have done their due diligence in 3 1/2 months, that it is their responsibility to go to trial since the videos gave him a defense- which is hog wash. There are multitudes of video of SW gushing over Chris and her hugging and kissing on her girls. The prosecution would paint a picture of an insecure cheating husband and a very loving wife and mother. I have wondered if the girls cause of death was not strangulation but can’t imagine he would be that stupid. Maybe that was his only play though and he was hoping cause of death could not be determined due to putting them in the tanks. The motion for DNA swabs of their necks was just based off of his claims. Didn’t they say the defense approached them with the first deal a few weeks ago, that would be after they received the autopsy reports.
Well, it was reported that the only contact that they had had with him was the conference call with his lawyers.
And the plea deal was leaked here, they just did not have all the details, just that there was a deal.

I didn't see a plea deal leak on the thread. Can you point me to it please? TIA

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I find Scott Reisch’s insight very helpful. He also has a good reputation. Looking at it from a defense standpoint, your job is to defend your client, and that client enters a guilty plea to avoid a death sentence that won’t happen regardless, that client maybe did get punked.

Top Rated Denver, CO Criminal Defense Attorney | Scott Reisch | Super Lawyers
As @gitana1 has said, and I agree, CW's defense team is very experienced and competent, as they've shown from the beginning. CW did not get "punked"! I believe he was advised of the entire situation and all aspects, he was advised, probably in great detail, of the facts and evidence supporting the prosecutions case, and he was advised of all the possible scenarios. Everything was against him, proved his guilt, and led to very bad endings. CW chose what he believed was the easiest or at least the least onerous FOR HIM. I don't believe for a minute he thought of anyone else. CW was not "punked"! He received justice.
I hate seeing home recorded happy videos of murder victims.

Its just too sad to watch. And I don't even know them.

But still. Thanks for the share.

@DexterMorgan. Me too. Way too sad. I just hope in the future the videos comfort them. Once it all dies down. Which it will. When the killer is sentenced. No winners here.
I won't be surprised if the plea agreement is challenged, but if it is I believe the challenge will fail. Jared Vogel (Subway) has been trying desperately for years to have his plea rescinded, with no success. It's a very difficult path. Since I believe there are some things (witness testimony) that would only come out at trial, things that CW wants to remain buried, the plea agreement will stand.

I believe the release of the autopsy and evidence will answer many questions, but there will always remain a dark, scary corner of CW's self and behavior, that can only be speculated about, and he doesn't want any light shown on that corner.
From previous thread:
Tortoise: Thank you. Interesting, as I myself had wondered the same thing. [did CW get punked?] They didn't have actual leverage once you know that the death penalty was unlikely to be carried out and the family didn't want it anyway

maeleemae: And it states that all evidence can be destroyed. Maybe come the 19th, CW will have changed his mind. Maybe not

Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #47

Can this be true? Can they destroy evidence because of a plea deal?

I am still catching up on previous threads here. The video these comments are coning from, is it an allowable WS source? I know he is a lawyer, but are there any other links that say similar about destroying evidence that can back this up?
Is this from one of the murder rap sesh podcasts? Or some other podcast? Tricia has not approved linking the murder rap sesh podcast here. We did discuss some of their recent podcasts on Tricia's show on Friday night, but we're not linking directly to their site.
Yes, that sort of confused me. I wondered why you would openly discuss the content of the podcast, yet not link it here?
As @gitana1 has said, and I agree, CW's defense team is very experienced and competent, as they've shown from the beginning. CW did not get "punked"! I believe he was advised of the entire situation and all aspects, he was advised, probably in great detail, of the facts and evidence supporting the prosecutions case, and he was advised of all the possible scenarios. Everything was against him, proved his guilt, and led to very bad endings. CW chose what he believed was the easiest or at least the least onerous FOR HIM. I don't believe for a minute he thought of anyone else. CW was not "punked"! He received justice.
I agree. CW did not get punked. He had excellent representation.

It was reported on October 2 that the prosecution and defense had received the autopsy reports. It was also reported that there was extensive evidence against him including his own damning behavior during the investigation. The recovery of the family he annihilated would have been documented - with photos. Imagine being presented with those horrific photos and being told that is what the jury is going to see, what your family is going to see. Toddlers covered in crude oil, which YOU ADMITTED to doing.

It doesn’t surprise me that he caved. He is a coward. I did think that he’d at least make it to arraignment. I can only conclude that the autopsy reports and evidence known at the point he went begging for a plea agreement was more than enough for CW to give in to his attorneys’ sound advice, probably overwhelmingly so. MOO
Was evidence with held from the defense team or this early in the process was the evidence disclosed to them? Thanks.
Discovery (a variety of documents) needs to be handed over within certain time limits.
'(1) The prosecuting attorney shall perform his or her obligations under subsections (a)(1)(I), (IV), (VII), and with regard to written or recorded statements of the accused or a codefendant under (VIII) as soon as practicable but not later than 21 calendar days after the defendant’s first appearance at the time of or following the filing of charges, except that portions of such reports claimed to be nondiscoverable may be withheld pending a determination and ruling of the court under Part III but the defense must be notified in writing that information has not been disclosed.'
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