Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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The real question is, does she know that he’s not a 12 year-old boy? :rolleyes:
I’m not sure that she does. She’s acting like he has detention at school or a tardy that she needs to sort. She spent time in the interviews talking about how he was aged 5-17, without addressing that 16 years have passed MOO
Mrs. Watts had this to say about contact with CW’s attorneys:

And she doesn’t understand why her son’s attorneys wanted to block her and her husband from having contact with her son – something they said was necessary, she told 9NEWS, because of fears that anything he said about the crime could be used against him.”

Apparently, she doesn’t understand what that means. She wants to talk to her son about the crime.
Chris Watts' parents question plea deal in murder of wife, daughters
Mrs. Watts had this to say about contact with CW’s attorneys:

And she doesn’t understand why her son’s attorneys wanted to block her and her husband from having contact with her son – something they said was necessary, she told 9NEWS, because of fears that anything he said about the crime could be used against him.”

Apparently, she doesn’t understand what that means. She wants to talk to her son about the crime.
Chris Watts' parents question plea deal in murder of wife, daughters

Watching this (news story) video is revelatory because Cindy Watts won’t even dare voice how the bodies were “disposed of” yet she can at the very least acknowledge it wasn’t at all normal. She claims that if she has to accept her son did the unthinkable to her grandchildren -it will kill her (in her words).

Basically she’s saying that if she accepts the truth, she will die. No wonder she’s so committed to denial. But it’s one thing to not want to believe something and another to cling to allegations made by her son against SW. She may need help-just not the kind that comes from podcast groupies IMO.
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Very well said, and I almost totally agree.

Except, for the “nothing judgmental part.”

I’m being judgmental as hell, and I make no apologies to these vicious people.

I wholeheartedly agree that they are being very vicious. Probably started long before their son committed quadruple murderous acts. :confused: Maybe I was being too nice with that part?:D
I’m not sure that she does. She’s acting like he has detention at school or a tardy that she needs to sort. She spent time in the interviews talking about how he was aged 5-17, without addressing that 16 years have passed MOO
Yes! I also thought that was incredibly bizarre. The implication seemed to be that Shanann had somehow changed him.

She must have forgotten that one does not go from 17-33 overnight.

Just plain weird.
Yes! I also thought that was incredibly bizarre. The implication seemed to be that Shanann had somehow changed him.

She must have forgotten that one does not go from 17-33 overnight.

Just plain weird.
Very! I’m sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with this but I imagine she doesn’t want to consider those other years as she likely had less control over an adult Chris. Maybe she thought she would get it back now with Shanann gone. Just like for CW things haven’t worked out for her like she thought. I also think she may have thought that her interviews would make everyone go ‘aha Chris shouldn’t be in jail’. MOO
Bahahaha! :p:D:p
Say it isn't so...... Wait- what exactly did you say? Maybe I can say something similar to get them to block me too. ;)
They have personal accounts in addition to the MurderSesh one. I basically said the same things I say on here in regards to the ignorance of his supporters.

I found that if you say it enough times, especially on posts where they are trying to plug their podcast, they don’t exactly take kindly to it.
Im sure most will not agree with me but I feel bad for his Mom too. I have a son same age as Chris. We are very close and I don’t have NPD. Im sure I would be in denial If my son did this as I would want to talk to him as well, get answers and not be shut out left in the dark. Maybe Chris doesn’t want her to visit and hasn’t been told. I’m sure she’s grieving the loss of her Son and what mom wants to believe her son wiped out an entire family? She sounds very desperate and looking for answers from her son. I think many of you who are not walking in her shoes are being quite judgmental. Of course she’s going to blame SW who wants to think the son you love could do this without reason.

Christopher Watts pleaded guilty to all 9 charges against him including murdering his wife, daughters, and unborn son. It's the truth. Those are the facts. While I appreciate your compassion for your own son, I completely disagree with your approval for his mother to blame SW because he couldn't do this without reason. I really don't believe you had an opportunity to read the statement from SW's grieving parents. Respectfully, please read their words slowly:

"Shanann Watts was a faithful wife, and the most gentle and loving mother in the world to her children Bella, Celeste, and Nico. She was also the best daughter any parent could ever hope for. Shanann was a wonderful soul.

"Everyone who knew Shanann knows this to be true. Even Chris Watts knows this to be true. Yet Chris Watts still chose to murder Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and Nico. Chris Watts still chose to dump the bodies of his own family in oil tanks. And Chris Watts still chose to lie about it until he could lie no more. He pled guilty to murdering his family because he is guilty.

"Monday evening, the parents of Chris Watts gave an interview in which they attempted to defend their son. In doing so, they felt the need to make vicious, grotesque and utterly false statements about Shanann. Their false statements, however hurtful and inaccurate, will never alter the truth about Shanann, and will never alter the truth about the crimes committed by their son, Chris Watts.

"Shanann’s memory and reputation deserves to be protected. And her family is fully prepared to do so."

Shanann Watts’ parents denounce comments from Christopher Watts’ mom
Very! I’m sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with this but I imagine she doesn’t want to consider those other years as she likely had less control over an adult Chris. Maybe she thought she would get it back now with Shanann gone. Just like for CW things haven’t worked out for her like she thought. I also think she may have thought that her interviews would make everyone go ‘aha Chris shouldn’t be in jail’. MOO
I think you’d make Freud proud with your analysis.

It makes sense, as he got older she lost control over him. She misses those years.
Exactly! This guy has admitted to all of that, and like it or not, accept it or not, it was his decision.

If his family wants to believe in some delusional, conspiratorial nonsense, then fine.

But the moment they opened their mouths to trash a murder victim, they opened themselves up to criticism.

We the public, are free to call them on that, and blast them for it.

This is inexcusable:

“But Cindy Watts told 9NEWs that the appearances were deceiving. She and her husband did not go to the couple’s 2012 wedding. “We didn’t attend because Shanann and I just couldn’t get along,” she said. “I didn’t like the way she treated him.” That friction continued throughout the marriage, she said. She said she did not believe he was excited about Shanann’s pregnancy.”

Really? Does Mrs. Watts really believe making statements like this will evoke sympathy for her poor, misunderstood son? Mrs. Watts is a vindictive and vicious woman IMO.
Chris Watts' parents question plea deal in murder of wife, daughters
I, too, feel uncomfortable with totally condemning these parents. We have not walked in their shoes, we don't know how maybe they have been treated by their own community for the actions of their son. They certainly are behaving without grace and consideration of Shannan's family, but I think this is because they are defensive and desperate, clutching at any straw that could mitigate their son's behaviour. And we know that media can be unscrupulous in editing and selecting questions to present interviewees in an unsympathetic light. They would have been better advised to issue a more considered statement that had sympathy for the victims and Shannan's family as the overriding sentiment.

Again this desperation is down to the actions of CW who cannot bear to face them.
I doubt they have probably heard or understand about the concept of victim-blaming and they seem to have limited intellectual capacity. Maybe in time with more knowledge and as the evidence emerges they will be able to see what they are doing is wrong and making the situation worse.

Up until the last two days, I was very much on board with this sentiment. My heart was truly broken for both families facing an unimaginable grief. I don't believe in blaming any parents for the actions of their grown children. People are responsible for the things that they do and say as adult human beings. CW, an adult human being, is solely responsible for killing his family, disposing of their bodies in a grotesque manner, and disparaging his wife in an attempt to get away with it. He has admitted that all of these things are true. His parents didn't do this and they don't deserve the blame.

However, the Watts family are also adults and they are responsible for the things they are doing and saying right now. I don't believe they are incapable of understanding the facts of what happened, I believe they are unwilling to understand those facts. It's certainly their right to continue to believe CW's ridiculous story that his wife was the real killer but they have gone far beyond stating that they are sticking with his original allegations. They have taken to all forms of media and entered in to some bizarre relationship with an exploitative podcast in order to destroy their murdered daughter-in-law's good name. My sympathy is pretty much gone at this point. They are adults. They know what they are doing. They do deserve to be held responsible for that.

I, too, feel uncomfortable with totally condemning these parents. We have not walked in their shoes, we don't know how maybe they have been treated by their own community for the actions of their son. They certainly are behaving without grace and consideration of Shannan's family, but I think this is because they are defensive and desperate, clutching at any straw that could mitigate their son's behaviour. And we know that media can be unscrupulous in editing and selecting questions to present interviewees in an unsympathetic light. They would have been better advised to issue a more considered statement that had sympathy for the victims and Shannan's family as the overriding sentiment.

Again this desperation is down to the actions of CW who cannot bear to face them.
I doubt they have probably heard or understand about the concept of victim-blaming and they seem to have limited intellectual capacity. Maybe in time with more knowledge and as the evidence emerges they will be able to see what they are doing is wrong and making the situation worse.

Imagine if your child or loved one was brutally slaughtered along with other people and were blamed for their own death, labeled abusive and problematic while their perpetrator was lauded as being “good” for reasons like he didn’t kill animals as a child.

Then-imagine having the perpetrator’s “people” go on to insist that the perpetrator FIGHT to not be convicted-hanging hopes upon imaginary instances that belie all evidence-dragging things out interminably and costing time, money and compounded frustration!

They should have been advised to NOT SPEAK TO THE PRESS OR IN PUBLIC. Period.
Talk about adding insult to injury! SW’s Family doesn’t want the death penalty. They have behaved with grace and decency and they do not need any more grief.
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Im sure most will not agree with me but I feel bad for his Mom too. I have a son same age as Chris. We are very close and I don’t have NPD. Im sure I would be in denial If my son did this as I would want to talk to him as well, get answers and not be shut out left in the dark. Maybe Chris doesn’t want her to visit and hasn’t been told. I’m sure she’s grieving the loss of her Son and what mom wants to believe her son wiped out an entire family? She sounds very desperate and looking for answers from her son. I think many of you who are not walking in her shoes are being quite judgmental. Of course she’s going to blame SW who wants to think the son you love could do this without reason.
Mr & Mrs Watts haven't lost their son, Mr & Mrs Rzucek have lost a daughter and in the worst way possible. I understand Mrs Watt's despair at what her son has done but lashing out at Shanann isn't helping anyone but herself. I've got adult children, 2 daughters and a son, (29 yrs old), and I find it hard to relate to her hatred of her murdered DIL, my mind can't take me there. She's angry because her son won't reach out to her and she's still blaming Shanann for it.

She should get legal advice and keep her opinions of Shanann behind closed doors but it's too late now. I am being judgmental, I won't deny it but I'd hate to be in the Rzucek's shoes having to listen to this woman after what they've gone through. Her anger at the justice system and DIL isn't rational, she's a judgmental person herself, so I'm sure she wouldn't give me sympathy if I were in her shoes, she's certainly not thinking about the Rzuceks and how they're grieving.
She should ask her son why he did it and accept his answer. Prison isn't death, as she so described it, maybe, it's the death of the son she thought she knew and that's what's difficult for her.
Im sure most will not agree with me but I feel bad for his Mom too. I have a son same age as Chris. We are very close and I don’t have NPD. Im sure I would be in denial If my son did this as I would want to talk to him as well, get answers and not be shut out left in the dark. Maybe Chris doesn’t want her to visit and hasn’t been told. I’m sure she’s grieving the loss of her Son and what mom wants to believe her son wiped out an entire family? She sounds very desperate and looking for answers from her son. I think many of you who are not walking in her shoes are being quite judgmental. Of course she’s going to blame SW who wants to think the son you love could do this without reason.

I am not sure that you can compare your close relationship with your son, to that of Cw and his toxic Mom.

She didn't attend his wedding. That is not something a Mom who was close to her son, would do. That is so disrespectful and cold hearted, in my opinion.

You probably really do have a close relationship with your son. So I am certain he would reach out to you if he was in a bad situation and needed help. Apparently CW didn't feel that same way about his Mom.
They have personal accounts in addition to the MurderSesh one. I basically said the same things I say on here in regards to the ignorance of his supporters.

I found that if you say it enough times, especially on posts where they are trying to plug their podcast, they don’t exactly take kindly to it.

Now they are doxxing people on FB. They are bad news all around and IMO need to have their press pass pulled.
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I very much understand not wanting to believe that your child has done this. However, it appears that he has done exactly what Cindy Watts wants to think he has not. There is no shadow of doubt on his guilt no matter how much she prefers to point her finger at her daughter in law who is now deceased. She is dead because of her son. HE HAS CONFESSED TO THIS. The last thing her family needs to listen to is that this was not his (Chris Watts) fault.

If he doesn’t want to talk to her, that is between them. It is not the fault of Law Enforcement, or him being coerced into a false confession.

The fact that she continues to cast aspersions on her daughter in law in order to bolster her son’s position is the big problem here. She not only appears to be insensitive, she also appears delusional (this goes for her husband as well).

It is understandable to want to protect your children. However, when you’re throwing their victims under the bus to do it, all bets are off. There is something to be said for knowing when to say one’s piece, and when to hold one’s own council.

A pregnant woman was senselessly murdered and her 2 children were also taken down in an act of selfish betrayal that involved 2 families and several loved ones. It may be terribly painful for any parent to accept that their child was the perpetrator of such an atrocious act, but basking in denial doesn’t afford compassion, much less justice to ANYONE.
Very well said, you've got a great way with words.
They have personal accounts in addition to the MurderSesh one. I basically said the same things I say on here in regards to the ignorance of his supporters.

I found that if you say it enough times, especially on posts where they are trying to plug their podcast, they don’t exactly take kindly to it.

You go, Guy! (Insert cheerleader here)
They may be blocking a lot of us if they continue to be ignorant after the DA releases evidence. Especially me- although I'm surprised they haven't already!:)
Mr & Mrs Watts haven't lost their son, Mr & Mrs Rzucek have lost a daughter and in the worst way possible. I understand Mrs Watt's despair at what her son has done but lashing out at Shanann isn't helping anyone but herself. I've got adult children, 2 daughters and a son, (29 yrs old), and I find it hard to relate to her hatred of her murdered DIL, my mind can't take me there. She's angry because her son won't reach out to her and she's still blaming Shanann for it.

She should get legal advice and keep her opinions of Shanann behind closed doors but it's too late now. I am being judgmental, I won't deny it but I'd hate to be in the Rzucek's shoes having to listen to this woman after what they've gone through. Her anger at the justice system and DIL isn't rational, she's a judgmental person herself, so I'm sure she wouldn't give me sympathy if I were in her shoes, she's certainly not thinking about the Rzuceks and how they're grieving.
She should ask her son why he did it and accept his answer. Prison isn't death, as she so described it, maybe, it's the death of the son she thought she knew and that's what's difficult for her.

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