Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #55

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I still think TB was for real after reading this article:
Man who claims affair with accused family killer Chris Watts says Colorado dad gave him money, claimed pregnant wife Shanann Watts was ‘abusive’: EXCLUSIVE

I don't remember his exact words, but DA Rourke said that only the affair with NK was part of CW's motive. He didn't explicitly say there weren't other affairs that would have already ended months before the murders. Hope we found out soon.

I would be shocked if NK was the soul lover or actual reason for murder. It's just an excuse.
Watched a little bit of one of the porch interviews again...still unbelievable. He does look like he's cornered and freaking out inside to me now. It's exasperating how he thought he was gonna get away with this. WOW
Yesterday, after watching here all day, I was pooped, exhausted.
Fine that I woke up very early, but the stress, emotion was enormous.
I later slept 11 hours.
Imagine how Shan'ann's family, friends, co workers, neighbours, Prosecutors, LE must be feeling.
Completely drained, but pleased Justice has been served, and this Creep is locked up for life.
I am not interested at all about CW, or his parents, after hearing the 'bashing' of Shan'an in the media reports.
I don't remember his exact words, but DA Rourke said that only the affair with NK was part of CW's motive. He didn't explicitly say there weren't other affairs that would have already ended months before the murders. Hope we found out soon.

Mr Rourke did address this in the Press Conference (in response to a question): IIRC, he basically said that NK was the only substantiated affair and that the rest was just rumours (paraphrasing).
Why did he strangle SW but yet smother the girls? I wonder why he originally told that story he killed SW because he saw her strangling Bella instead of saying smothering. Why did he kill the girls differently? Wouldn’t you smother someone with a pillow? Cover their faces? I’ve never heard of smothering with hands only. DA said no fibers found in the girls mouths so that means he smothered the girls with his bare hands? Ugh

Im wondering if he blames his Mom and I agree with Tricia that he was strangling his mother when he Strangled Shanann. I believe he has a deep hatred for his Mom who I’m sure was very controlling his entire life. Notice when he was arrested he wanted to talk to his Father not his Mom.

I think he looked briefly at his dad but he refused to look at his mom despite her desperate efforts, during sentencing.
The most powerful moment was when the judge said for the bailiffs to escort the defendant to prison for the rest of his life.

Wow, what a gotcha statement! Not in quotes, some words might be a bit different with the exception of the bolder ones.
I'm so glad he didn't go on to trial. And a death penalty case could go on forever. I don't know if Shanann's family will get any closure, but at least this case wrapped up so quickly that the legal and court part was resolved quickly and not prolonged stress and grief for them.

I think they would have buried CW in court. Even if some of the evidence was largely circumstantial, the whole picture of it gives a pretty compelling account of what happened. There is no way he could have explained away anything on the stand. His lies were out of control.

Aside from what he said the day of his arrest about SW "strangling" the girls - it sounds like he said that once that day and then dropped it. It's such a shame that a stupid, slanderous lie that wasn't even the correct method of the murder HE committed (I can't even with this guy) launched hundreds of comments and speculations attacking the victim. But his story would have never held up in court.

Also, given his demeanor in court yesterday, I don't think the coward could have withstood a trial. He couldn't even handle sitting there for ONE single day. Was that proceeding even an hour? How screwed up is he that he couldn't even look at his mother or the family supporting him? He is weak and a coward.

He decided to plead very early on. I mean he really confessed to all charges without any discussions. The defense approached the prosecutor's office. Taking the death penalty off the table in Colorado where they weren't even sure if it would end up being abolished isn't much of a "deal." I think CW knew he had screwed himself with his ridiculous methods. And I think he is too weak to fight. I'd like to think he pleaded guilty to spare everyone involved further grief and pain, but I doubt that was his motivation. Still - I'm grateful for everyone's sake that he took that step to confess to all charges and enter the plea agreement quickly. (No thanks to his mother.)
To smother your 2 children, CW is one sick individual. Everything he did was stupid. Too stupid. Unenrolling them from school before anyone even knew they were missing? Stupid. Texting a co-worker the night before to say he would be going to the oilfield where he planned to dump them? Stupid. Almost too stupid. He left a trail for the police to follow by doing no more than making a couple of phone calls. There has to be something more than wanting to start a new life without being encumbered by the old. Something was off in his thought process and planning. I’ve always thought steroids were a possibility, but now, we’ll never know. I’m not sure if a steroid defense would be of any help, anyway, but it might explain. He looked to me like a broken man, yesterday.
I’ve got A LOT of catching up to do, still recovering from yesterday, but just wanted to say that despite how sad and emotional yesterday was on sooo many levels, it felt soooo good and cathartic to be able to post and transcribe from Rourke the same things that we have been saying here all along. Again, I hope all the victim bashers out there are ashamed of themselves because all of that was unacceptable on so many levels.

I feel that Justice was served as much as it could have been.
Total speculation here:
*Maybe the whole thing freaked her out and she just wanted to wipe it all away?
*Maybe there were texts from her that were innocent enough at the time (ie joking about SW taking off) but in hindsight she felt bad about?
*Maybe there were things that would be embarrassing to her?
*Maybe initially she was conflicted and still half believing him?

I kind of think the first idea is most likely, but I wasn't there so I don't know. At the end of the day though, she went to LE and that's what is important.

Weird to quote my own text....but I reread and realized one of my "maybe"s might be misunderstood. Especially considering the admonitions from our esteemed mods, I want to clarify. When I said maybe she was still half-believing him, I didn't mean that she deleted texts to cover for him. What I meant was more in line with the "embarrassed maybe". In other words, maybe at the start of the "missing" period, while conversing with him via text, if she believed or half believed him and was still affectionate with him, perhaps looking back on those still warm texts bothered her and she deleted them. I just didn't want anyone to think I was suggesting she was covering for him. As I said before, she went to LE. Bottom line. That was the right thing to do.

Edited because I forgot an entire word, which rendered a sentence ridiculous! Oops!
I was wearing headphones and heard the moaning sound when the Watts were at the podium yesterday during sentencing. I thought it was coming from RW, but I’m not sure.

I heard the “moaning” sounds you speak of. I didn’t know what to call them. Honestly, I thought Mr. Watts was having trouble breathing and was afraid he would pass out.
His goose was cooked and he knew it.

I’m glad he spared Shanann’s family the agony of a public dissection of the crimes — and the character assassination that would have happened in his defense.

I’m glad he spared the taxpayers the expense of a trial that would have inevitably ended the same way his plea did.

Justice was served, IMO. Now maybe the families can begin to heal.

It would've been years and years. Years and years more of people speculating about their poor daughter, ignoring all logic and latching onto malicious gossip instead. Years and years before trial even began. And before that, arriagnment. Preliminary hearing. Then trial itself.

All the while, continued speculation by those who somehow found that none of the mountains of circumstantial evidence, the incredible, illogical, improbable, self-serving story he gave, the amazing similarities with family annihilators who survive, and CW, was persuasive evidence of his guilt, while the nonsense spewed about her being abusive, based on no evidence at all, was worth consideration.

And after all that, decades of appeal.

This was the best outcome. Justice as it were, has been served.
Not in Scott Peterson's case. His mom was just very cold. She gave up two children when she divorced the fathers. Her daughter relocated her years later when she was an adult. In a book she describes how upon meeting her, Jackie showed her her antique shop and saw her daughter admiring an antique. She asked if she liked that and told her she if she wanted it, she would give it to her for a nice discount.

I think her first three were out of wedlock. She decided to keep the third because she felt it was embarrassing to give up so many kids.
Do you remember when some, who were either 'on the fence' or straight up believed Chris didn't murder the girls, kept asking "Why would he admit to murdering Shanann but not the girls if it wasn't true?" That thought process seems to have been the main one behind everyone who took his side, along with the fact Shanann's videos were 'annoying' to some, which somehow made her more capable of murder than him.

At the time many said "to avoid the death penalty" and from what we know now, it seems to be how it all played out.

I was wondering now though, if Chris has a real fear of death? His family is religious right? Maybe he is scared of hell? When presented with evidence, his defense very quickly sought a plea deal and apparently told his mother "we are just trying to save his life". Perhaps Chris' primary engagement with his legal team was "please, I just don't want to die".

Anyway, I thought for ages that he would kill himself in prison, but now I think he won't. I think he is so afraid of death that he wouldn't have the guts. Ironic and horrific that that was what he chose for his victims regardless. MOO
Now we know he probably WAS telling Shanann he wanted to separate in the weeks leading up to the murders. The books on trying to save the marriage and her telling her family they might separate(according to her mom's co-worker at the salon) plus her telling her friend she would need her support when she returned home. These things indicate they had been discussing it. I think CW was tired of discussing it, perhaps upset and even enraged that she didn't just acquiesce. Perhaps upset at emotion and sadness she probably expressed, I can understand if she was begging him to change his mind. I think she went to NC also to give him some time to miss them and change his mind. And he had had enough. He wanted out And that was that. Shanann wasn't listening and NK would find out soon he was a big fat liar.
I havent been so moved by a case in many years. Yesterday was a long day, and when I finally came home from work and watched the sentencing I couldn't stop crying. I feel like we've all waited so long to hear the truth and now that we have its worse than we imagined.
I feel so very bad for her family and friends. Like her dad said at the end of his statement: "Shanann was excited for justice to be served today". I believe she really told him that, I believe in those things. I hope she also knew about all the people here on WS and around the world who were excited for the same.

If Shannan was telling her family they might separate and was very suspicious of his activities then perhaps she was beginning to accept he wanted out. But he never knew that and if he had given her a little more time he could have had what he wanted. But in his mind it was too late and he needed them gone so as not to lose NK
It was a sad day indeed. Someone has probably already mentioned that it's not like he needed her permission to get a divorce and everyone knows that, including murderous Chris Watts. He had weeks without her around to seek counsel and get a divorce started. So while he didn't want NK to know what a lying liar he is, more than that he didn't want to have to pay for the divorce, pay for the children, and still participate as a parent. He wanted the "fresh start" Rourke spoke about, and in his sick, warped mind the only way to really have that was to kill all of them. He was entitled to it in his twisted estimation. JMO
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I’ve missed some posts too. Honestly, not like I’ve thought about this much, but the difference between smothered and strangled is (IMO) is pretty technical, I think. My guess is some would use those terms interchangeably. Is that how they got chris to confess you think, because he initially said SW strangled them but yet the autopsy found they were smothered?

Yes. He demonstrated how she was strangling them. It would show intense bruising on the neck.

Smothering is different.
I think her first three were out of wedlock. She decided to keep the third because she felt it was embarrassing to give up so many kids.
And apparently because they stayed together. Once her other relationships were over, she did not want the kids anymore. Scott was the product of the man she truly loved and who stayed with her. Her Golden Child. Jmo
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