Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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there has to be some reason for allegedly and reportedly still being used after arrest

it makes sense if they did not hear it directly I wonder if he told (slipped on something) neighbors what happened and then went cops arrived he refused to talk ---but they had enough info to find the bodies or see tape or the neighbors sure seem credible to LE.

They sure seemed sincere during interview.

I think he may have lawyered up when much to his surprise ( which he probably felt was betrayal) when cops arrived to arrest him

this fits with the long neighborhood interview - there inability to talk about the reason they called the fbi or what made them concerned was the only part of the interview where they stated they could not talk about that


i don't think he is worried tho - he will just kill himself

all he has is a jail sentence left

how long was he working on getting his physical stuff in shape

I would think to him it would pretty well be a drag to do all that and end up in prison the rest of his life.

what exactly did he do for the oil folks

why did he still have a job if the plant was closed after explosion

maybe he got let go a while back and did not tell her and rebuilt up credit card debt?

how often was she out of town - was he supposedly paying the bills when he really was not

at some level i dont think premedation i don't know why

i think he exploded and accidently killed her and then went into the no one's gonna have my kids - possibly he had planned on killing himself after all that happened but stuff went really quick .

I don't think he expected the neighbors to call cops or did not think the cops would believe the neighbors and arrest him so quick

if ya kinda think about it obviously they were all close so maybe his expectation that they would not tell cops what he told them might not be that all that out of line? Almost saying something by accident actually fits better.

Was he drinking with them tues and slipped

In addition if one of us were really close - might I not think that the cops are gonna buy someone calling a saying he said he murdered his entire family.

He would probably know that they would need bodies and believe no one would find them so quick. or maybe he planned on going back and moving the wife -- kids in a gas tank is pretty out there so he might have thought he had more time

just making up times but if one tells friends (or just slipped up) at 4 oclock to have LE putting you in handcuffs three hours or so later is pretty quick

LE also never announced he had been arrested on murder charges till later - so they might have been afraid of flight risk so just wanted to get him locked while they tried to confirm

the notion that he confessed and told them everything kinda does not match up with the time separation between finding the mother and then kids although I suppose even if they were told exactly what tanks it still would take time to actually find them

exactly how do you that - scuba divers in petrol?

His lawyer seemed pretty sharp - how does someone in financial issues retain an attorney -- the house?? I do not know if ethically a attorney can take a house for payment>

He was pretty flat in court - his lips did not actually move !

so many bizarre questions huh

I wonder if he "confessed" without being properly Mirandized?
I’m not sure the neighbors have something jaw dropping like a confession that prompted them to call LE. I don’t remember the exact words, but they said in the interview that he was acting like himself, like nothing had happened.

I bet it was a bunch of little comments that would have seemed normal for him (if his wife and kids weren’t missing!) that made them realize something was really wrong (and that they wanted him out of their house!).
Usually when the pregnant wife is killed, you think the husband/ father has just tipped overboard, can't handle the responsibility of parenthood and wants to start fresh (I'm thinking Scott Petersen and Jeffrey MacDonald). But in this case, he was the one who wanted the third baby.... makes me think she had increased her financial independence in order to leave him, and he talked her into another baby to tie her down again. When that didn't work, he killed the family rather than face the fact that she was more than capable of raising three kids without him.
It might just be as simple as not wanting his little girls to know that he killed their mommy. "Daddy, why did you hurt mommy?" My God, can you imagine? He would no longer be a hero in their eyes, but a monster.

And they would also become witness'

Mountainguy, the girls had seperate rooms. They probably were not put into the situation you describe. I hope not any way :(
I want him to go through as much hell as possible. @Jinkasaurus Hi long time no see :)

The "hell" in this situation would not be him getting the death penalty where he would languish for 30 years isolated from the general population , the hell would be for him to get life and be housed with prisoners who despise "baby killers".....I predict that his days are numbered.....
He is in for a big reality check and I hope it hits him like a ton of bricks. I just hope they are watching him like a hawk in jail so he doesn’t commit suicide and escapes his sentence.
All the preventing in the world doesnt help a person who doesn’t want to be helped though. If Chris never saw a therapist, there’s no way to see anything coming. What kind of treatment is going to stop a killer from killing? Short of detention?
I agree. Even if he had seen a therapist, there is no guarantee he would have been diagnosed properly. Some of these folks are capable of fooling the most experienced mental health professionals.
those kids never made it to bed after that party. They "played" cover up like the plastic doll until they weren't breathing anymore. But then mom's plane was late so the timeline got messed up and he didn't have time to put her where the girls were...which is an idiotic spot...but maybe he just ran out of time and messed up. And her friend knew something was up..thank goodness!

Wow. Just wow. But so possible.
The "hell" in this situation would not be him getting the death penalty where he would languish for 30 years isolated from the general population , the hell would be for him to get life and be housed with prisoners who despise "baby killers".....I predict that his days are numbered.....

When was the last time we've heard of a baby killer killed in prison? Have we ever in the last ten years? 20?

It's a fallacy that people usually face justice at the hands of fellow prisoners. They are typically assessed and housed in units where they won't face too much danger.
Early childhood intervention. Early on services, better training for CPS workers, teachers, school admin to recognize risk factors and signs of childhood trauma exposure. Training on how to best interact with children, how important it is to show children empathy and love, how important ones role could be in a child's life who otherwise may not have the nurture and attachment at home. Tailoring parenting classes and services to provide parents with risk factors of furthering the cycle of abuse or trauma. The intervention comes much earlier than waiting for a killer to seek treatment.

Excellent post. Today there is far more of this available in preschool and later in public schools. It is soooooooo important to nip this in the bud and I do believe many children will grow up better prepared for life then in years past. Coping skills are even being taught in grammar and middle schools today. Learning to channel and control your anger alone can make a big difference in many lives. Parent's are not always able to do this and most often the cause of certain behaviors in their children. Not all, but some.
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