Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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Good sleuthing! Probably an escrow account, though those taxes can usually be paid with a credit card, addding to the debt.

Just saw above the payor is Chase. Escrow account for sure. Like I said earlier, with a loan that size and their money problems, it was probably required.
Lenders will often pay the taxes even is borrower is in default and
has stopped paying the mortgage payment. So we really don't know if they were in default.
I feel like society spends way too much time trying to pry into the minds of killers. It’s not like knowing WHY they killed is going to change the mind of the next killer. Some people kill. They are evil. Some people yell. Some people hide. Etc. there’s good and evil. It should be all about the victims.

I disagree. The only way we can begin to try to prevent or minimize the likelihood that someone will kill is by understanding the root. It'll never go away but we can create new mental health assessments to identify risk factors earlier, provide appropriate treatment, and hopefully reduce the prevalence over time.

I don't agree with blaming mental illness on violent behavior but the research does tell us that trauma is highly correlated with psychopathy and other offending behavior over time.

That is not to say we should not honor victims. We absolutely should. I think a part of doing that, though, involves analyzing and doing our best to understand how to prevent it from happening in the future. MOO.
I read through a lot of posts and didn’t see this raised yet...I apologize if I missed it.

In the Court room video they were discussing tests being requested and the Prosecution stated something like...”on body parts we may not have”. Anyone know what that may mean? It sounded like the bodies were recovered from oil /gas tanks. Did he do something before disposing them there causing parts to be missing? Or am I thinking more into that comment than I should be?
It might just be as simple as not wanting his little girls to know that he killed their mommy. "Daddy, why did you hurt mommy?" My God, can you imagine? He would no longer be a hero in their eyes, but a monster.
I disagree. The only way we can begin to try to prevent or minimize the likelihood that someone will kill is by understanding the root. It'll never go away but we can create new mental health assessments to identify risk factors earlier, provide appropriate treatment, and hopefully reduce the prevalence over time.

I don't agree with blaming mental illness on violent behavior but the research does tell us that trauma is highly correlated with psychopathy and other offending behavior over time.

That is not to say we should not honor victims. We absolutely should. I think a part of doing that, though, involves analyzing and doing our best to understand how to prevent it from happening in the future. MOO.

All the preventing in the world doesnt help a person who doesn’t want to be helped though. If Chris never saw a therapist, there’s no way to see anything coming. What kind of treatment is going to stop a killer from killing? Short of detention?
those kids never made it to bed after that party. They "played" cover up like the plastic doll until they weren't breathing anymore. But then mom's plane was late so the timeline got messed up and he didn't have time to put her where the girls were...which is an idiotic spot...but maybe he just ran out of time and messed up. And her friend knew something was up..thank goodness!
I want the death penalty for CW for sure! The reality though, is after years of appeals, etc...its just better to give life in prison with no parole right away.
Plus he might have more "fun" being in general pop. o_O
But, IMO, the penalty should be the DP. Commensurate with the crime. He killed three human beings, and he was in a position of trust with them. Two little girls who loved and trusted him. His pregnant wife. /// Let me stop before I go on a rant..

What does that mean, "he has no game"? That he's drippy and unconfident? I wanted her to explain that comment.

I would think she would be pretty aware of physical transformation - or was he already tidied up and then she met him


QUOTE="cvaldez1975, post: 14298089, member: 123847"]we can speculate.[/QUOTE]

It was pretty expansive area ( plant) I don't know if CCTV is viable. I got the sense that the wife was kinda just out in the open -- is that accurate

They have a job to do. It truly is a big jigsaw puzzle that both the prosecution and defense are working on. Each best works their case by predicting and understanding the other's case. Then, focusing on the holes in the prosecution. A good defense attorney reviews the evidence and if they determine their client is lying to them, either refuses to accept the case (not an option for public defenders) or tells them honestly they are "f'ed" and starts working a plea deal.

The strategies are all nearly the same based on the type of case and prosecutors and judges know that. As a witness ( expert and otherwise), I also can generally predict what I'll be asked by the defense. It is always the same- discredit my credentials, diagnosis, training, the modality, experience, etc. I have felt so angry and tearful after testifying and had defense attorneys later tell me how good my testimony was (not for their case). I could never do the job but do understand it is the way our judicial system works.

defense is really just making stuff up going for one juror to not get past reasonable doubt

Lenders will often pay the taxes even is borrower is in default and
has stopped paying the mortgage payment. So we really don't know if they were in default.

Good to know. Yes, I have been curious to know if they were up to date on their mortgage.

This is going to be a huge issue going forward. The defense is clearly going to request a change of venue and it needs to be allowed. Seriously, does the guy have a chance of finding impartial jurors. This is where you get into OJ trial jury. Some people actually want on a jury and will be deceptive in their questionairres. I hope the prosecutors play this where they give the defense a bit of leeway with their requests just in order for nothing to be reversible on appeal.
All the preventing in the world doesnt help a person who doesn’t want to be helped though. If Chris never saw a therapist, there’s no way to see anything coming. What kind of treatment is going to stop a killer from killing? Short of detention?

Early childhood intervention. Early on services, better training for CPS workers, teachers, school admin to recognize risk factors and signs of childhood trauma exposure. Training on how to best interact with children, how important it is to show children empathy and love, how important ones role could be in a child's life who otherwise may not have the nurture and attachment at home. Tailoring parenting classes and services to provide parents with risk factors of furthering the cycle of abuse or trauma. The intervention comes much earlier than waiting for a killer to seek treatment.
those kids never made it to bed after that party. They "played" cover up like the plastic doll until they weren't breathing anymore. But then mom's plane was late so the timeline got messed up and he didn't have time to put her where the girls were...which is an idiotic spot...but maybe he just ran out of time and messed up. And her friend knew something was up..thank goodness!

wasn't the doll photo posted to SW facebook on August 8th?
I would think she would be pretty aware of physical transformation - or was he already tidied up and then she met him


QUOTE="cvaldez1975, post: 14298089, member: 123847"]we can speculate.

It was pretty expansive area ( plant) I don't know if CCTV is viable. I got the sense that the wife was kinda just out in the open -- is that accurate


defense is really just making stuff up going for one juror to not get past reasonable doubt

I took "no game" to mean that he wasn't working late or going out of town ....Getting calls on his smart phone from other women etc...Probably wrong....
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