Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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That court document seems to state the children's bodies were in OIL WELLS in crude oil not in nearly filled Oil or Gasoline TANKS as had originally been in what I thought was the press release.

I thought an oil well was basically a piston. There wouldnt be much free space in there for even a small child
I'm truly a newbie as far as posting not sure how to do link. But it's currently on their front page. Sorry
I think Denver7 did the interview originally. They are interviewing the couple who CW stayed with for a couple of days after the murder. The woman says she was very close to SW. The poor couple now feel extremely guilty for letting CW stay with them since he has confessed to the murders. The entire interview is broken into the parts (currently first 3 videos on this page): Facebook
I think he killed the girls to hurt show her. It’s all about him and he wanted her to feel the pain he feels. He blames SW for how he feels. It doesn’t matter if she actually did anything to hurt him, but he thinks his pain is caused by her so he hurt her in the worst way possible. He let her feel the pain of her daughters dying at his hands and probably told her it was her fault and then he killed her too.
Kind of like a reverse Medea complex. God, that's horrible.

I do not know guys. In the i am pregnant video he seemed more excited about it than she did. Her tone of voice kinda made me think she was thinking we really cant afford this right now. jmo

The song in back of the car IMO was "taught" as opposed to to just a random thing. A child that age does not do rhymes and as the song progressed she looked a bit anxious as if she might not get it right

did not get the backing the truck in part wasn't everyone already out ?

when i read this When I first met Chris I pushed him away, I gave every excuse for him to run, I gave him an out every single day... I tortured him... But he stuck around because he was the one for me, I can't tell you how wonderful he is.'

I thought of his video presentation?

what does an operator at the field do

The teachers comment was I don't know. The one thing to remember about a student is that he was on time?

In his presentation def got the sense that he felt ignored. After seeing more of the SM she seemed much more invested in showing their life line on line as opposed to possibly living it.

The neighbors comment about all of them teasing her to put her phone down while playing Uno I found interesting. Uno is not a particular long game -- and the fact that that was one thing that they mentioned imo indicated it was highly noticed .

I am certainly not saying that what happened is not hideous -- just notions

everyone smiles when a camera turns on --- it ingrained social behavior - especially these days apparently.

I think maybe media may be drawing too much about the internet performances.

i don't think folks are posting an argument.

The bday filming made sense --

their appears to be a somewhat relentless effort to let the internet know how awesome everything is - when from what little we know they apparently were having tremendous financial stressors - so just that fact in and of itself brings this abundance of joy and happiness is somewhat mislead imo

maybe some of my reactions is my ignorance about everyone posting a relentless joy in every moment of every day.

At times it almost struck me as a wish on her part

no judgements being made at all

I think the media portrayal at this point is a bit premature

I don't think he will talk again so we may never know tho

IMO the girls had to be dead already and put into the tanks before she got home, this why they were not all found together. The only way I see this being any different is if he ran out of time or couldn't lift her up that ladder to the tank. Still that is unlikely because he would have had to kill three people in a matter of a few hours, transfer them into the truck by 5:15, dispose of all three and be to work on time. Not sure what time his job started but no matter what time HE was supposed to be there, surely there would be other people on site that could witness him disposing the bodies.

If you consider the girls being killed first, SW was absolutely premeditated. I can't imagine what could have happened for him to just snap and kill his girls. In my mind that had to be part of the bigger plan of getting rid of them all. Why? I don't think he will ever tell why he did it. We will be left to speculate just like in Peterson and draw our own conclusions.

I guess it could be looked at both ways...

1. He could have disposed of them separately but that would be a greater risk that he was seen or possibly caught. What if he got a speeding ticket on the way? Would it show he gained access on a Sunday and Monday when employers would know he wasn’t supposed to be there on Sunday? Chance of someone else seeing him at the work on the weekend.

2. If he got rid of them all together, now he’s transporting 3 bodies. Someone might see him at work but if that’s the normal time he clocked in it would be less suspicious. I believe somewhere in one of the threads it said that the operators are assigned to an area which basically consists of vast areas of open fields. If that was his area, it’s possible that he didn’t have coworkers close by.

If he thought they were hidden so well, I wonder why he confessed?
Man Accused of Slaying Pregnant Wife & Kids Is 'Scott Peterson, Just Less Charismatic': Profiler

Man Accused of Slaying Pregnant Wife & Kids Is 'Scott Peterson, Just Less Charismatic': Profiler

This is what I have been saying all along. He lacks the likability factor of Peterson. I also think Peterson had a higher IQ. Either way Scott was groomed to be likable from a young age. That is what is most frightening about him. Bundy was the same way. That to me makes them more dangerous because they are NOT socially awkward and do not stand out as nutjobs. They can be anyone in your own life. Scary isn't it.

One thing the profiler stated that I totally disagree with was his statement that CW was convincing in his interviews. Oh no he wasn't. Not at all.
I am an early childhood intervention teacher. I can tell you NO ONE listens too us.....Not DSS, not the police, not the parents, not our administrators. I am so tired of it being kicked back down to us!!! Parents need to start being parents and step up their game. Enough is enough! We see children daily, as young as 3 and 4, where we look at each other and just know. But until it gets to about middle school, pass after pass is given. Listen to educators NOW! Not THEN!
You are a very special person, and more power to you and others like you -- why does it seem that our most vulnerable seem to be the last ones in line? I guess some of it boils down to money and how/where it is spent. When budgets get cut, those segments are probably some of the ones cut first. It says a lot about values, but I can't get on a rant about it, but I'm close.
Just keep doing what you're doing -- if you save one, you have saved one.
Bless you.
This is what I have been saying all along. He lacks the likability factor of Peterson. I also think Peterson had a higher IQ. Either way Scott was groomed to be likable from a young age. That is what is most frightening about him. Bundy was the same way. That to me makes them more dangerous because they are NOT socially awkward and do not stand out as nutjobs. They can be anyone in your own life. Scary isn't it.

One thing the profiler stated that I totally disagree with was his statement that CW was convincing in his interviews. Oh no he wasn't. Not at all.

Super scary - yikes!
That court document seems to state the children's bodies were in OIL WELLS in crude oil not in nearly filled Oil or Gasoline TANKS as had originally been in what I thought was the press release.

I thought an oil well was basically a piston. There wouldnt be much free space in there for even a small child

Ok, so we own a water well drilling and plumbing company. My husband runs our company. I have my own career and I try to stay out of it as much as possible. However, I’m fairly certain oil and water wells are extremely similar and a child could easily fit.
he did not seem all that bright on the front porch but there was a sexiness to him - exuded male (!) that I think woman would find interesting

ladies try to put your feelings aside from what he did - do you guys think he is attractive ??


Putting aside everything I know about him....No, I do not find him attractive at all. He looks like a wiesel. He looked better on the heavier side but even then, no, he is no one that would catch my eye. Now Jason Momoa... hell yeah!
Maybe it’s me but I don’t think it’s clear whether the girls were strangled, SW was strangled or that all 3 were strangled. Poor writing in this paragraph. Look at how they say “ the hands & nails of mother as well” and in the last sentence say “the hands of the children as well”

Direct from report:
This DNA can be retrieved with a double swab technique. DNA scientists are familiar with this technique and an experienced person should take this samples. In my opinion the presence of oil will not destroy the DNA. The hands and nails of the mother should be sampled as well. After samples are taken the nails should be cut preserved. I have a lot experience taking samples from dead bodies getting good results after strangulation. The hands of the children should be sampled as well.

I posted something about this #968 (I bolded a couple of the specific points the article made)
Chris Watts' attorneys request for DNA samples suggest daughters were strangled
Newly released court documents (motion filed by defense to compel coroner to take DNA fromnecks.throats of the chuldren) -- suggest daughters may have been strangled.

In the motion filed Friday, DNA expert Richard Eikelenboom concludes that DNA evidence “would remain on the necks of the decedent children.”
[Eikelenboom is a forensic scientist who has claimed to be a DNA expert in trials in Colorado and across the United States, but was discredited two years ago in a 2013 sex assault case in Denver District Court.]

The motion, which also indicates the children’s bodies were submerged in crude oil for four days, was dismissed by the judge.

The manner and cause of death of all three bodies are pending further laboratory results and will not be released at this time.
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Im sorry if this offends anyone. I’m having a hard time seeing CW as being a physically or emotionally abusive person. From past experiences I’m usually pretty good at spotting signs. I’m sure I’m the minority here, but I see SW as wearing the pants. If CW was abusive towards SW I highly doubt he would “allow” her to travel the way she does, especially for 6 weeks. I don’t think he would “allow” her to post as much as she did on SM and especially not pics in a bathing suit, I just don’t see it. I have a suspicion that she wanted out and he went off the deep end. I’m in no way, shape or form victim blaming - he is to blame. Is anyone else having the same thoughts as me?

The more i learn I am with you. He seems like a lot of guys (both my sisters are this way with their husbands - wildly controlling) and the guys get just get to the point it is easier to just do what they say than it is to live in the doghouse all the time

I know this first hand from having the opportunity to sit with ladies at some times ( they are usually complain about how the spouse does not pay enough attn to the kids)

while at the mes table they are complaining with one another about how they provide everything and they are always being told what to do!

The doghouse is a direct quote from the men's table! Often the dialog starts with that at the guys table - so what are you in the doghouse for this week?

However the fascinating part IMO is the ladies cant seem to grasp that to the men it just does not REGISTER to them -- they truly know that the kid needs to be dressed but they really are not all that bothered if the outfit of the day matches and perfect.

And IMO it really is not the end the world !

In the ladies dept , as a result of them constantly complaining about not being involved enough with the kids they (dudes) try. So they will try to pack the backpack for going to the grocery for an hour(!) and then the ladies go through it and point out everything they did not do correctly!

The guys get to the place where I damned if I do damned if I don't .

Above only from observing my sisters and their husbands.

I have def challenged my sisters to make up their minds. If you want him to help you and he does you going back over everything he did implies that you dont think they will do it right .

And then you harass them. If one of your kids was diabetic and the insulin was not in there that is one thing,

However if the dude knows he put in some cheese -- and you are hassling him that he did not pack a four course meal for the trip to the grocery store that is pretty over the top.

In addition , if he is trying to help , you and you are going back over and reviewing everything he did how is that saving you any time. Your going back over it and redoing it. So either do it and shut up, or acknowledge and appreciate when they attempt to address your bitc#ing!!

Both can also be snarky after the poor dude tries to pack the stupid backpack. " He forgot the carrots" Big deal the kid will survive without carrots for an hour !!

During one of these with my little sister she seemed to have an ah ha moment

15 minutes later she was harassing him about not changing the water purifier under the sink !

They seem to perceive forgetting everything is indifference. The truth IMO is it just does not register for them as being vital! Carrot or apple.

To the dude it is food!! All should be fine!


Affluence is present -- it is the same dynamic with all their friends both the men and the ladies !

A true family story.........................
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I;m seeing that his charges are likely to be one charge of first degree murder with deliberation and two first degree murder charges. (Yahoo, for what it's worth). Thus the last two charges are probably related to the ages of the kids rather than premeditation. That suggests he told investigators that he lost it and killed the kids first and then lay in wait and killed his wife when she returned. It doesn't mean that's what happened though.
humm maybe with me without realizing why i keep going to something accidently happened that set off the rest of the chain of events

the very emotional conversation is also very peculiar especially imo for a male -- just speculating but maybe he was abused by her -- it does happen . Maybe she was the one that possibly got violent (he confesses that he wants a divorce and has found someone and she goes batsh$t crazy ) fatal attraction style

not really sure even i think this !!


he did not seem all that bright on the front porch but there was a sexiness to him - exuded male (!) that I think woman would find interesting

ladies try to put your feelings aside from what he did - do you guys think he is attractive ??

ha when that video of him of his presentation started I thought what the heck does this have anything to do with anything!! If he did not state his name early on I would have quit watching thinking that someone did a wrong link!! It was even hard to see that was him as he was babbling. He certainly was not engaging speaker .

BUT (!) seeing that video put (in the long neighbor interview) sure helped me understand the question did he seem more confident after he got in shape!!

Even his facial features don't match -- maybe all the money went to plastic surgery (kidding)


that is premeditated the emotional conversation is just biazire - he knew everyone was dead - why not just say she went to bed when she got in - long day

makes me think that something about the relationship (for sure ) ending --

he has no plans it seems to describe what that means so why even bring it up - might that have something to do with a slip up with neighbors?

especially from a dude that does not strike one imo as an overly emotional guy! On the porch he seemed like a pretty good liar and in court he looked apathetic to everything .


in oil and gas tanks sounds like two diff tanks no?


regarding all the sensors at the tank == i would think he would know that no


I dont know just by the interview with the neighbors i would think her firend would know if her was physically hitting her -- but the dialog about a possible affair changed between two interviews - she may just be overwhelmed

It also seemed like she would have told her husband and he struck me as the type that would def confront him with something like if I ever hear about you hitting her again I am calling LE


sorry if already posted

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Cariis, do you have a link to this video you mention? TU!
when i read this When I first met Chris I pushed him away, I gave every excuse for him to run, I gave him an out every single day... I tortured him... But he stuck around because he was the one for me, I can't tell you how wonderful he is.'

Lots of good comments in there but this one jumped out at me... The friend SW made the “has no game” comment to also made it sound like SW had said that because of this (his having no game), she had to do everything when they got together. That’s almost the opposite of what her comments above imply.

Another example of putting on a good face for SM.

In fact, all the gushing she’s done over CW in SM makes me think of that Shakespeare quote about doth protesting too much.
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